Federico Fernández-González
Complutense University of Madrid
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Featured researches published by Federico Fernández-González.
Plant Ecology | 1998
Rosario G. Gavilán; Federico Fernández-González; C. Blasi
Monthly precipitation and monthly mean temperature records from 255 meteorological stations in Central Spain (Spanish Sistema Central) were analyzed by cluster and principal component analyses. Classification separated 14 groups according to altitude, geographical distribution, as well as the combination of rainfall and temperature. The first cluster emerged as significantly higher and colder than the second. Then, two ordinations were carried out: one for the 14 groups extracted from the classification and a second for the total station pool. The second ordination was compared with potential natural vegetation data taken around each station. The first ordination summarized the principal climatic characteristics of the Spanish Sistema Central: its behaviour is that of a typical Mediterranean mountainous territory combining summer aridity and variation of temperature with altitude and the influence of winter winds. The ordination of all stations reflected a thermal, rainfall and summer aridity gradient. Meteorological stations situated at the highest altitude or with highest precipitation records characterized by scrub communities or pine woods and Quercus pyrenaica forests, appeared well-separated along the first two axes. Only the most thermophilous Q. rotundifolia associations could be clearly separated. The fourth axis was useful in clarifying some vegetation overlap of deciduous and sclerophyllous forests, along an east-west summer aridity gradient.Nomenclature: Tutin et al. (1964-1980) for plants; Rivas-Martínez (1987) and Rivas-Martínez et al. (1987) for syntaxa.
Botanica Complutensis | 1993
Federico Fernández-González; Javier Loidi; Andrés Molina Maruenda
MOLINA, A., Loioi, 1. & FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, F. 1993. On the scrub-cornmuiiities of 11w Ebro basin (Spain). Bat. Complutensis, 18: 11-50. A phytosociological revision of the basophilous scrub-communities belonging lo Ihe class Rosmarinetea in rhe Ebro basin is made. The new syntaxonomical approach which we proposed is based on 77 new releves and more Iban 350 releves compiled from bibliographical references. The thermophilous scrubs of te Ebro basin (Rosniurino-Ericion) are included in rwo associalions: Cytiso j»ntanesii-Cistetum c/usii, mainly restricled lo lowcr and warmer basin, and Rosnun-ino-Li,ietun, suffruticosi, that extends along ihe resi of tbe basin, with two new subassociations: sa/vietosurn /avandu/ifo/iae and h,ometosun, eretIi. The supe scrubs of the Rioja—Estellan sector belong to the association So/vio lt,vanduhj?/iae—Ononit/etum jruticosae. Wc proposed a new associaiion for Ihe southern border of Ihe basin: Sideritido .spinu/osaeLavont/u/taum taufr/iue. whh a new subassociation of subgypsophilous character (ononiderosura tridentatae). Finally, Ihe new associalion Side,-itido tincari/»tiae-Gvpsophi/etutn hispanicae is recognised for te gypsaceous soils of Ihe upper Ebro valley. The last Ibree associations are included in the alliance Sideritido incantie-Solvion /a,.andu/?foliae. The gypsophilous scrubs of the basin correspond to the general association He/ia~ithenw-Gypsophitetuni /iispanicae, for whicb we proposed iwo new subassociations: sa/vietosum lovandu/,fo/ioe and ho/ceJoSun, aspen, lIs geovicariant in the colder territory of the Maestrazgo is Ihe association So/vio lavanduhfo/iae-Gypsophi/etum hispa;iicae, splitted up in three geographical subassociations (tvpicum. hetianthemelosum squaniati and side-itetosum spinu/osae). These two associations are included in Ihe suballiance Gypsophi/enion hispanicae (Lepidion suhulati), new status thaI Wc propose. Distribution maps of the accepted associations and subassociations, nomenclatural remarks and discussions, as well as pertineni leclotypifications of Ihe revised syntaxa are also apported.
Lazaroa | 1982
Jesús Izco; Andrés Molina Maruenda; Federico Fernández-González
Se describe una nueva asociacion ( Veronico jabalambrensis-Thymetum mastigophori ) de la alianza Aphyllanthion s.a., con cuatro subasociaciones ( typicum , halimietosum viscosi, plantaginetosum monospermae y arenarietosum incrassatae ), distribuida en la mitad septentrional del sector Castellano-Duriense (provincia corologica Castellano-Maestrazgo-Manchega).
Lazaroa | 1983
Jesús Izco; Andrés Molina Maruenda; Federico Fernández-González
Se argumenta la independencia de Veronica tenuifolia Asso y V. jabalambrensis Pau sobre datos taxonomicos, corologicos y ecologicos, incluyendose una clave de determinacion para ambos taxones, mapas de distribucion y discusion de cuestiones nomenclaturales. Asimismo, se procede a lectotipificar V. jabalambrensis Pau.
Folia Geobotanica Et Phytotaxonomica | 1995
Federico Fernández-González; Jesús Izco
We draw attention to a number of syntaxon names which are invalidly published according to Article 3f of the Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature, and give the valid names for the corresponding syntaxa, ranging in rank from subassociation to alliance. A modification of the wording of Art. 3f is proposed, with the aim of clarifying its interpretation and application, as well as the deletion of the reference to Art. 3f in the second sentence of Art. 6.
Lazaroa | 2014
Jesús Izco; Federico Fernández-González
The syntaxonomical separation of two associations of evergreen-oak forests in the Cantabrian mountain range (Orocantabrian and Cantabrian-Atlantic biogeographical Provinces) has recently been contemplated.
Lazaroa | 1998
Jesús Izco; Santiago Sardinero; Federico Fernández-González
Se presenta un indice nomenclatural xa0de los articulos publicados en la Seccion de Nomenclatura Fitosociologica desde 1989 hasta 1997. Se adjunta una relacion completa de los sintaxones citados en la misma, con la referencia de la pagina de la revista en que se han tratado; la relacion incluye autoria de los nombres, situacion nomenclatural, articulos del CPN aplicados e indicacion de las referencias bibliograficas de la diagnosis original o de las informaciones sobre tipoficacion aportadas.
Lazaroa | 1996
Adrián Escudero; Federico Fernández-González; Rosario G. Gavilán; Agustín Rubio
La alianza Cistion laurifolii (Lavanduletalia stoechadis Br.-Bl. 1940 em. Rivas-Martinez 1968, Cisto-Lavanduletea Br.-Bl. 1940) reune los jarales dominados por diversas especies de Cistus —principalmente Cistus laurifolius— y Lavandula pedunculata —cantueso endemico del interior de la peninsula Iberica—, a los que acompanan en algunas asociaciones gayubas (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. crassifolia) y ciertos brezos (Erica scoparia, Calluna vulgaris); como rasgo diferencial frente a otras alianzas de la clase destaca la ausencia de diversos camefitos termofilos.
Lazaroa | 2014
Federico Fernández-González; Jesús Izco; Jean-Paul Theurillat
LAZAROA | 2013
María del Pilar Rodríguez Rojo; Santiago Sardinero; Federico Fernández-González