
Journal of Bacteriology | 2008

Catalytic Mechanism of Cyclic Di-GMP-Specific Phosphodiesterase: a Study of the EAL Domain-Containing RocR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Feng Rao; Ye Yang; Yaning Qi; Zhao-Xun Liang

EAL domain proteins are the major phosphodiesterases for maintaining the cellular concentration of second-messenger cyclic di-GMP in bacteria. Given the pivotal roles of EAL domains in the regulation of many bacterial behaviors, the elucidation of their catalytic and regulatory mechanisms would contribute to the effort of deciphering the cyclic di-GMP signaling network. Here, we present data to show that RocR, an EAL domain protein that regulates the expression of virulence genes and biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO-1, catalyzes the hydrolysis of cyclic di-GMP by using a general base-catalyzed mechanism with the assistance of Mg(2+) ion. In addition to the five essential residues involved in Mg(2+) binding, we propose that the essential residue E(352) functions as a general base catalyst assisting the deprotonation of Mg(2+)-coordinated water to generate the nucleophilic hydroxide ion. The mutation of other conserved residues caused various degree of changes in the k(cat) or K(m), leading us to propose their roles in residue positioning and substrate binding. With functions assigned to the conserved groups in the active site, we discuss the molecular basis for the lack of activity of some characterized EAL domain proteins and the possibility of predicting the phosphodiesterase activities for the vast number of EAL domains in bacterial genomes in light of the catalytic mechanism.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010

YybT Is a Signaling Protein That Contains a Cyclic Dinucleotide Phosphodiesterase Domain and a GGDEF Domain with ATPase Activity

Feng Rao; Rui Yin See; Dongwei Zhang; Delon Chengxu Toh; Qiang Ji; Zhao-Xun Liang

The cyclic dinucleotide c-di-GMP synthesized by the diadenylate cyclase domain was recently discovered as a messenger molecule for signaling DNA breaks in Bacillus subtilis. By searching bacterial genomes, we identified a family of DHH/DHHA1 domain proteins (COG3387) that co-occur with a subset of the diadenylate cyclase domain proteins. Here we report that the B. subtilis protein YybT, a member of the COG3387 family proteins, exhibits phosphodiesterase activity toward cyclic dinucleotides. The DHH/DHHA1 domain hydrolyzes c-di-AMP and c-di-GMP to generate the linear dinucleotides 5′-pApA and 5′-pGpG. The data suggest that c-di-AMP could be the physiological substrate for YybT given the physiologically relevant Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) and the presence of YybT family proteins in the bacteria lacking c-di-GMP signaling network. The bacterial regulator ppGpp was found to be a strong competitive inhibitor of the DHH/DHHA1 domain, suggesting that YybT is under tight control during stringent response. In addition, the atypical GGDEF domain of YybT exhibits unexpected ATPase activity, distinct from the common diguanylate cyclase activity for GGDEF domains. We further demonstrate the participation of YybT in DNA damage and acid resistance by characterizing the phenotypes of the ΔyybT mutant. The novel enzymatic activity and stress resistance together point toward a role for YybT in stress signaling and response.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2009

The Functional Role of a Conserved Loop in EAL Domain-Based Cyclic di-GMP-Specific Phosphodiesterase

Feng Rao; Yaning Qi; Hui Shan Chong; Masayo Kotaka; Bin Li; Jinming Li; Julien Lescar; Kai Tang; Zhao-Xun Liang

EAL domain-based cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP)-specific phosphodiesterases play important roles in bacteria by regulating the cellular concentration of the dinucleotide messenger c-di-GMP. EAL domains belong to a family of (beta/alpha)(8) barrel fold enzymes that contain a functional active site loop (loop 6) for substrate binding and catalysis. By examining the two EAL domain-containing proteins RocR and PA2567 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we found that the catalytic activity of the EAL domains was significantly altered by mutations in the loop 6 region. The impact of the mutations ranges from apparent substrate inhibition to alteration of oligomeric structure. Moreover, we found that the catalytic activity of RocR was affected by mutating the putative phosphorylation site (D56N) in the phosphoreceiver domain, with the mutant exhibiting a significantly smaller Michealis constant (K(m)) than that of the wild-type RocR. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange by mass spectrometry revealed that the decrease in K(m) correlates with a change of solvent accessibility in the loop 6 region. We further examined Acetobacter xylinus diguanylate cyclase 2, which is one of the proteins that contains a catalytically incompetent EAL domain with a highly degenerate loop 6. We demonstrated that the catalytic activity of the stand-alone EAL domain toward c-di-GMP could be recovered by restoring loop 6. On the basis of these observations and in conjunction with the structural data of two EAL domains, we proposed that loop 6 not only mediates the dimerization of EAL domain but also controls c-di-GMP and Mg(2+) ion binding. Importantly, sequence analysis of the 5,862 EAL domains in the bacterial genomes revealed that about half of the EAL domains harbor a degenerate loop 6, indicating that the mutations in loop 6 may represent a divergence of function for EAL domains during evolution.

Analytical Biochemistry | 2009

Enzymatic synthesis of c-di-GMP using a thermophilic diguanylate cyclase

Feng Rao; Swathi Pasunooti; Yinglu Ng; Weichao Zhuo; Lishi Lim; Angeline Weixian Liu; Zhao-Xun Liang

The cyclic dinucleotide c-di-GMP is a widespread bacterial messenger molecule with potential application as a therapeutic agent for treating bacterial infection. Current enzymatic synthesis of c-di-GMP using mesophilic diguanylate cyclase (DGC) proteins suffers from low production yield due to protein instability and strong product inhibition. Here we report the overexpression and characterization of a stand-alone thermophilic diguanylate cyclase domain (tDGC) protein with enhanced thermostability. The product inhibition that severely limited production yield was significantly alleviated by mutation of a conserved residue in the putative regulatory I-site. With the mutant tDGC, we demonstrated that hundreds of milligrams of c-di-GMP can be readily prepared by using the optimized procedures for enzymatic reaction and product purification. The thermophilic enzyme will be a valuable tool for other research laboratories for c-di-GMP synthesis as well as the preparation of c-di-GMP derivatives.

Biochemistry | 2009

A Flavin Cofactor-Binding PAS Domain Regulates c-di-GMP Synthesis in AxDGC2 from Acetobacter xylinum

Yaning Qi; Feng Rao; Zhen Luo; Zhao-Xun Liang

The cytoplasmic protein AxDGC2 regulates cellulose synthesis in the obligate aerobe Acetobacter xylinum by controlling the cellular concentration of the cyclic dinucleotide messenger c-di-GMP. AxDGC2 contains a Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain and two putative catalytic domains (GGDEF and EAL) for c-di-GMP metabolism. We found that the PAS domain of AxDGC2 binds a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor noncovalently. The redox status of the FAD cofactor modulates the catalytic activity of the GGDEF domain for c-di-GMP synthesis, with the oxidized form exhibiting higher catalytic activity and stronger substrate inhibition. The results suggest that AxDGC2 is a signaling protein that regulates the cellular c-di-GMP level in response to the change in cellular redox status or oxygen concentration. Moreover, several residues predicated to be involved in FAD binding and signal transduction were mutated to examine the impact on redox potential and catalytic activity. Despite the minor perturbation of redox potential and unexpected modification of FAD in one of the mutants, none of the single mutations was able to completely disrupt the transmission of the signal to the GGDEF domain, indicating that the change in the FAD redox state can still trigger structural changes in the PAS domain probably by using substituted hydrogen-bonded water networks. Meanwhile, although the EAL domain of AxDGC2 was found to be catalytically inactive toward c-di-GMP, it was capable of hydrolyzing some phosphodiester bond-containing nonphysiological substrates. Together with the previously reported oxygen-dependent activity of the homologous AxPDEA1, the results provided new insight into relationships among oxygen level, c-di-GMP concentration, and cellulose synthesis in A. xylinum.

Molecular Cell | 2014

Inositol pyrophosphates mediate the DNA-PK/ATM-p53 cell death pathway by regulating CK2 phosphorylation of Tti1/Tel2.

Feng Rao; Ji-Young Cha; Jing Xu; Risheng Xu; M. Scott Vandiver; Richa Tyagi; Robert Tokhunts; Michael A. Koldobskiy; Chenglai Fu; Roxanne K. Barrow; Mingxuan Wu; Dorothea Fiedler; James C. Barrow; Solomon H. Snyder

The apoptotic actions of p53 require its phosphorylation by a family of phosphoinositide-3-kinase-related-kinases (PIKKs), which include DNA-PKcs and ATM. These kinases are stabilized by the TTT (Tel2, Tti1, Tti2) cochaperone family, whose actions are mediated by CK2 phosphorylation. The inositol pyrophosphates, such as 5-diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate (IP7), are generated by a family of inositol hexakisphosphate kinases (IP6Ks), of which IP6K2 has been implicated in p53-associated cell death. In the present study we report an apoptotic signaling cascade linking CK2, TTT, the PIKKs, and p53. We demonstrate that IP7, formed by IP6K2, binds CK2 to enhance its phosphorylation of the TTT complex, thereby stabilizing DNA-PKcs and ATM. This process stimulates p53 phosphorylation at serine 15 to activate the cell death program in human cancer cells and in murine B cells.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2011

Unusual Heme-Binding PAS Domain from YybT Family Proteins

Feng Rao; Qiang Ji; Ishin Soehano; Zhao-Xun Liang

YybT family proteins (COG3887) are functionally unknown proteins that are widely distributed among the firmicutes, including the human pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes. Recent studies suggested that YybT family proteins are crucial for the in vivo survival of bacterial pathogens during host infection. YybT family proteins contain an N-terminal domain that shares minimum sequence homology with Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS) domains. Despite the lack of an apparent residue for heme coordination, the putative PAS domains of BsYybT and GtYybT, two representative members of the YybT family proteins from Bacillus subtilis and Geobacillus thermodenitrificans, respectively, are found to bind b-type heme with 1:1 stoichiometry. Heme binding suppresses the catalytic activity of the DHH/DHHA1 phosphodiesterase domain and the degenerate GGDEF domain. Absorption spectroscopic studies indicate that YybT proteins do not form stable oxyferrous complexes due to the rapid oxidation of the ferrous iron upon O(2) binding. The ferrous heme, however, forms a hexacoordinated complex with carbon monoxide (CO) and a pentacoordinated complex with nitric oxide (NO). The coordination of NO, but not CO, to the heme stimulates the phosphodiesterase activity. These results suggest that YybT family proteins function as stress-signaling proteins for monitoring cellular heme or the NO level by using a heme-binding PAS domain that features an unconventional heme coordination environment.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2015

Inositol pyrophosphates promote tumor growth and metastasis by antagonizing liver kinase B1

Feng Rao; Jing Xu; Chenglai Fu; Ji-Young Cha; Moataz M. Gadalla; Risheng Xu; James C. Barrow; Solomon H. Snyder

Significance Inositol pyrophosphates are messenger molecules incorporating the energetic pyrophosphate bond. Although they have been implicated in diverse biologic processes, their physiologic functions remain enigmatic. We show that the catalytic activity of inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 2 (IP6K2), one of the principal enzymes generating the inositol pyrophosphate IP7 (5-diphosphoinositolpentakisphosphate), mediates cancer cell migration and tumor metastasis both in cell culture and intact mice. In this process, IP6K2 diminishes cell–cell adhesion, enabling cells to invade the intercellular matrix. Drugs that inhibit IP6K2 may be beneficial in cancer therapy. The inositol pyrophosphates, molecular messengers containing an energetic pyrophosphate bond, impact a wide range of biologic processes. They are generated primarily by a family of three inositol hexakisphosphate kinases (IP6Ks), the principal product of which is diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate (IP7). We report that IP6K2, via IP7 synthesis, is a major mediator of cancer cell migration and tumor metastasis in cell culture and in intact mice. IP6K2 acts by enhancing cell-matrix adhesion and decreasing cell–cell adhesion. This action is mediated by IP7-elicited nuclear sequestration and inactivation of the tumor suppressor liver kinase B1 (LKB1). Accordingly, inhibitors of IP6K2 offer promise in cancer therapy.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2012

Structural Insights into the Regulatory Mechanism of the Response Regulator RocR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cyclic Di-GMP Signaling

Ming Wei Chen; Masayo Kotaka; Clemens Vonrhein; Gérard Bricogne; Feng Rao; Mary Lay Cheng Chuah; Dmitri I. Svergun; Gunter Schneider; Zhao-Xun Liang; Julien Lescar

The nucleotide messenger cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) plays a central role in the regulation of motility, virulence, and biofilm formation in many pathogenic bacteria. EAL domain-containing phosphodiesterases are the major signaling proteins responsible for the degradation of c-di-GMP and maintenance of its cellular level. We determined the crystal structure of a single mutant (R286W) of the response regulator RocR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa to show that RocR exhibits a highly unusual tetrameric structure arranged around a single dyad, with the four subunits adopting two distinctly different conformations. Subunits A and B adopt a conformation with the REC domain located above the c-di-GMP binding pocket, whereas subunits C and D adopt an open conformation with the REC domain swung to the side of the EAL domain. Remarkably, the access to the substrate-binding pockets of the EAL domains of the open subunits C and D are blocked in trans by the REC domains of subunits A and B, indicating that only two of the four active sites are engaged in the degradation of c-di-GMP. In conjunction with biochemical and biophysical data, we propose that the structural changes within the REC domains triggered by the phosphorylation are transmitted to the EAL domain active sites through a pathway that traverses the dimerization interfaces composed of a conserved regulatory loop and the neighboring motifs. This exquisite mechanism reinforces the crucial role of the regulatory loop and suggests that similar regulatory mechanisms may be operational in many EAL domain proteins, considering the preservation of the dimerization interface and the spatial arrangement of the regulatory domains.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2013

Inositol polyphosphate multikinase is a transcriptional coactivator required for immediate early gene induction

Risheng Xu; Bindu D. Paul; Dani R. Smith; Richa Tyagi; Feng Rao; A. Basit Khan; Daniel J. Blech; M. Scott Vandiver; Maged M. Harraz; Prasun Guha; Ishrat Ahmed; Nilkantha Sen; Michela Gallagher; Solomon H. Snyder

Significance The induction of immediate early genes (IEGs) by neural stimuli underlies much of the plasticity of brain function, but regulatory mechanisms have been obscure. Inositol polyphosphate multikinase (IPMK) is a notably pleiotropic enzyme that displays inositol phosphate kinase activity and phosphatidylinositol kinase activity and exhibits physiologically noncatalytic actions such as stabilizing the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 complex. We report that IPMK is required for IEG induction by neural activation and neurotrophic stimuli. We have elucidated the molecular mechanisms responsible for IPMK influences; namely, that it enhances the transcriptional coactivation ability of Creb-binding protein (CBP). This epigenetic regulation of IEGs may have both neural and nonneural implications, as IPMK and CBP are broadly expressed in a variety of tissues. Profound induction of immediate early genes (IEGs) by neural activation is a critical determinant for plasticity in the brain, but intervening molecular signals are not well characterized. We demonstrate that inositol polyphosphate multikinase (IPMK) acts noncatalytically as a transcriptional coactivator to mediate induction of numerous IEGs. IEG induction by electroconvulsive stimulation is virtually abolished in the brains of IPMK-deleted mice, which also display deficits in spatial memory. Neural activity stimulates binding of IPMK to the histone acetyltransferase CBP and enhances its recruitment to IEG promoters. Interestingly, IPMK regulation of CBP recruitment and IEG induction does not require its catalytic activities. Dominant-negative constructs, which prevent IPMK-CBP binding, substantially decrease IEG induction. As IPMK is ubiquitously expressed, its epigenetic regulation of IEGs may influence diverse nonneural and neural biologic processes.

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