Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
Featured researches published by Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi.
Ciencia Rural | 2013
Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; J.A.G. Bergmann; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Dalinne Christian Carvalho dos Escola de Veterinária Santos; Ana Luísa Soares de Miranda; Fernando de Oliveira Escola de Veterinária Vasconcelos; José Evandro Gervásio de Oliveira; Rodrigo Ramos Kaipper; Agnaldo Machado de Andrade
This research aimed to evaluate the morphology of Brasileiro de Hipismo foals using digital image analysis and girth measurements to estimate body indexes of animals. The linear and angular measurements were obtained by digital images of the foals with camera triggered by Simi Reality Motion Systems®. The measures were based on anatomical landmarks highlighted with 19 reflective markers. A descriptive statistical analysis of the results was performed using the SAS program. The foals were growing, with increased linear measurements of height at withers and croup, body length, distance from shoulder-fetlock and neck length, leg length and forearm length. The angles humerus-radial, metacarpal-falangeano, femoro-tibial, tibio-metatarsal increased with age, whiles the angles of the head, neck, coxofemoral, metatarsal-falangeano, shoulder-floor and coxae-floor were variable among the periods. The foals were classified as medium shape and hypermetric by Corporal Index, Dactilo-thoracic Index, respectively. Assessment of growth of the foals was possible through a digital image.
Ciencia Rural | 2009
Tiago Marques dos Santos; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; Vinícius Pimentel Silva; Almira Biazon França; Juliano Martins Santiago; Caroline Spitz dos Santos
This study aimed to evaluate buffer capacity (BC), pH and faeces consistency of horses submitted to dietetic starch overload. Six crossbreed mature horses were submitted to starch overload with gastric infusion of 17.6g starch kg-1 body weight through nasogastric tube. Faecal samples were collected, before and at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 hours post-overload, and immediately submitted to evaluation of pH, BC and consistency. The pH data were compared by t student test (P 0.05), with means values varying from 6.09 to 4.46. Based on the model pH = 6.083 - 0.003t - 0.001t2 (R2 = 0.634), faecal pH decreased 0.004 per hour, 0.028 to each four hours and 1.404 at 36 hours after overload, respectively. As pH, faeces BC decreased (P<0.05) in function of the time after overload. Positive relationship was observed (r = 0.65; P<0.0001) between pH and BC of faeces. All horses presented normal consistency faeces (score 3) until eight hours after overload, following by reduction (P<0.05) up to 36 hours. Results demonstrated that starch overload reduce faecal consistency, buffer capacity and pH in horses faeces.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2010
Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Eduardo Xavier Ferreira Migon; Hélio Fernando Moura de Almeida; Ana Beatriz Fonseca Monteiro; Tiago Marques dos Santos
Objetivou-se avaliar os parâmetros fisiologicos, hematologicos e bioquimicos de equinos de concurso completo de equitacao consumindo dieta contendo oleo de soja e submetidos a testes de esforco fisico. Foram utilizados 12 equinos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com duas dietas e seis repeticoes. As dietas utilizadas foram: dieta sem inclusao de oleo de soja (controle); dieta com inclusao de 10% de oleo de soja. O ensaio teve duracao de 82 dias e incluiu tres testes de esforco fisico: ao inicio, no 60o e no 82o dia. Em cada teste, foram realizadas cinco coletas de dados: antes do teste com os animais em repouso; imediatamente apos o teste; e 10, 20 e 120 minutos apos os testes. Foram avaliadas a temperatura corporal e a frequencia cardiaca e realizadas coletas de amostras de sangue para analises hematologicas e bioquimicas. Os valores medios dos parâmetros fisiologicos, hematologicos e bioquimicos foram submetidos a analise nao-parametrica. Somente ao longo do tempo de consumo das dietas, a inclusao do oleo de soja somente alterou a concentracao de γ-glutamil transferase (GGT) e creatinina. O tempo de treinamento fisico tem efeito no condicionamento dos equinos, que melhora com a reducao da concentracao de lactato, e na concentracao de glicose, que aumentou no teste de esforco fisico.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2014
Vinícius Pimentel Silva; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Róbson Ricardo Moreira Pimentel; Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; Tiago Marques dos Santos; Marcus Sandes Pires
This study was conducted to evaluate the kinetics, physicochemical characteristics and particle size of digesta in the right ventral colon (RVC) of horses fed coastcross hay ground to different degrees. Four horses fitted with cannulae in the RVC were used and were fed the following forms of hay: long, chopped, ground to 5 mm and ground to 3 mm. A Latin Square 4x4 study design was used. Each experimental period included 10 days for diet adaptation, four days for feces collection and one day for digesta collection. The kinetics of the particulate and solute phases of digesta were evaluated based on the mean retention time (MRT), passage rate (k) and transit time (TT) using two external markers: Cr-NDF and Co-EDTA. The TT of solid phase digesta was 3 hours longer (P 0.05) in k or MRT in either the liquid or solid phase of digesta as a function of the different degrees of hay grinding. However, the liquid phase of digesta presented a higher k than the solid phase, with values of 3.28 and 2.73 h-1 being obtained, respectively. The smallest particle size and the lowest neutral detergent fiber contents in colon digesta were observed when hay ground to 3 mm was offered, leading to values of 0.51 mm and 53.46%, respectively. Grinding the hay increased the transit time of the liquid phase in the digestive tract of the horses, whereas no change in the kinetics of the solid phase digesta was observed. The grinding of hay reduced the NDF and the average particle size in the right ventral colon.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2009
Eliane da Silva Morgado; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; A.V.C. Gomes; L. Galzerano; A.B. França; L.S. Brasileiro
Determinaram-se as fracoes dos carboidratos nao fibrosos, hidrolisaveis e rapidamente fermentaveis em diferentes dietas e estimou-se a digestibilidade aparente desses nutrientes em dois ensaios com equinos. No ensaio I, utilizaram-se quatro equinos em delineamento quadrado latino 4x4, que consumiram dietas compostas por: feno de tifton-85; feno de tifton-85 e feno de alfafa; feno de tifton-85, feno de alfafa e concentrado; feno de tifton-85 e concentrado. No ensaio II, utilizaram-se 15 equinos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, que consumiram dietas com 5, 13 e 21% de extrato etereo, obtidos com a inclusao de diferentes proporcoes de oleo de soja. A inclusao de concentrado nas dietas aumentou a digestibilidade dos carboidratos nao fibrosos e de suas fracoes, sem afetar a digestibilidade da fibra, enquanto, em dietas com 13% de extrato etereo, a digestibilidade das fracoes dos carboidratos fibrosos e a dos nao fibrosos nao foram afetadas. Nas dietas com 21% de extrato etereo, houve reducao na digestibilidade da celulose e dos carboidratos nao fibrosos e suas fracoes hidrolisaveis e rapidamente fermentaveis. A analise dos carboidratos nao fibrosos e uma boa estimativa do valor nutricional dos alimentos, podendo ser incluida na avaliacao da qualidade dos alimentos e dietas dos equinos.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2014
E. Schlup; Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; Agnaldo Machado de Andrade; J.A.G. Bergmann; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida
This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of training on the kinematic traits of young Brazilian Sport Horse in free jumping. 14 Brazilian Sport Horse were used, aged between 40 and 42 months, with body weight of 436.3±11.6kg and 448.2±12.7kg and height withers of 1.58±0.03m and 1.58±0.03m at the beginning and end of training, respectively. Two jumping evaluation protocols were used: before and after training. The training had the duration of five months and consisted of 50 minutes of exercise activities by day with a rider; two days of flexing, two days of physical conditioning and two days of specific jumping exercises. The evaluations were carried out, and five free jumps in each evaluation were record in an oxer, with the front fence of 0.90m and the back fence of 1.00m height and 0.90m of width. The horses anatomical points were highlighted by reflective markers. The recordings were performed with 100Hz camera and the images processed in Simi Reality Motion Systems(r). The results were analyzed as paired data (P<0.05). The training increased the traits kinematics (P<0.05): last stride velocity speed prior to jumping, jumping velocity, horizontal withers displacement at jumping, scapulohumeral angle, vertical distance between scapulohumeral and metacarpophalangeal joint, coxofemoral angle and femorotibial angle. However, the kinematic traits reduced with training: humeroradial angle and tibiometatarsal angle (P<0.05). In conclusion, the jumping training with a five month duration changed some kinematic traits of free jumping in horses, especially the jumping trajectory.
Archive | 2011
Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi
There is interest in the use of oils and fat in horses’ diets aiming to increase energy consumption by animals with high energy requirements, provide essential fatty acids, increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, reduction of the caloric increment, increase energy efficiency and reduce dust from ration avoiding upper respiratory tract diseases (Palmiquist, 1988). High-performance athletic horses are usually fed diets with high inclusion levels of grain to reach energy requirements, which can cause intestinal acidosis, gastrointestinal mucosal injury and disorders in the microbial ecosystem, causing colic and laminitis. According to Holland et al. (1996), horses fed diets with oil reduced the activity and excitability. Horses use non-structural carbohydrates such starch, maltose and sucrose as a primary source of energy, being hydrolyzed and absorbed as glucose in the small intestine. However, intestinal amylase activity is limited in the equine species and, because of the low stomach capacity, providing large amounts of starch in the diet compromises digestion in the small intestine, increasing intake of rapidly fermentable carbohydrate in the coloncecum, which may contribute to metabolic complications such as endotoxemy, colic and laminitis (NRC, 2007). Critical capacity for overload of hydrolysable carbohydrate digestion is approximately 0.4% of horse body weight (Potter et al., 1992). It is known that the intake of concentrate containing high levels of fats presents some advantages in metabolic point of view and this kind of diet can reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disturbances, because the intake of fat stimulates the flow of digesta in the jejunum and ileum (Meyer et al., 1997). Oils and fats are used in horse diets to replace the hydrolysable and rapidly fermentable carbohydrates that are present in grains and cereals (Frape, 2004). Oils and fats addition in the diets of high activities sport horses aim to reach the high energy requirements and, according to NRC (2007), the increase on performance of athletic horses fed diets containing oils is due to better the energy / weight relation, with a reduction in dry matter intake and gastrointestinal tract weight; lower metabolic heat production associated to digestion and exercise; greater physical performance resulting from a lower muscle glycogen use, best performance in short distance running energy from anaerobic glycolysis and acidemia reduction during high intensity exercise. High fat level diets reduce the activity of lipase in adipose tissue and increase their activity in muscle, increase muscle glycogen stores, increasing the energy of the glycolytic pathway,
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2011
Alexandre Soares Fagundes; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; Eduardo Xavier Ferreira Migon; Tiago Marques dos Santos; Paula Vieira Evans Hossell Laranjeira
This study was carried out to evaluate the creatine and maltodextrine dietetic supplementation of eventing horses. The experimental period consisted of 56 days, with 20 horses, which were randomly divided into four groups with different diets. Diets were: diet without supplement (Control); diet supplemented with creatine, 44.4 mg/kg body weight/day (20 g creatine/horse/day); diet supplemented with creatine, 88.8 mg/kg body weight/day (40 g creatine/horse/day); diet supplemented with maltodextrine, 222.2 mg/kg body weight/day (100 g/horse/day), during three days before each test. Every horse was submitted to three tests. Blood samples and heart rate were collected at rest, immediately after the tests and 10 and 20 minutes after the test. Supplementation with creatine (44.4 mg/kg body weight/day) and maltodextrine reduced plasma concentration of lactate in horses during tests. Supplementation of creatine and maltodextrine did not alter serum concentration of aspartate aminotransferase, γ-glutamyltransferase, urea or creatinine, but training affected blood biochemical variables in eventing horses.
Livestock Science | 2014
Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida; Fábio Luiz Buranelo Toral; Ana Luísa Soares de Miranda; Rodrigo Ramos Kaipper; J.A.G. Bergmann
Equine Veterinary Journal | 2014
Tn Rodrigues; Fernanda Nascimento de Godoi; Márcia T. Ramos; Am Andrede; Fernando Queiroz de Almeida