
Featured researches published by Fernando Batigália.

Angiology | 2001

Superficial thrombophlebitis and anticardiolipin antibodies--report of association.

José Maria Pereira de Godoy; Fernando Batigália; Domingo Marcolino Braile

The aim of this study was to determine a possible association between recidivist superficial thrombophlebitis and anticardiolipin antibodies. Forty-five patients with two or more episodes of superficial thrombophlebitis in lower limbs (33 women and 12 men with ages ranging from 17 to 60 years, average: 39.8) were studied. The control group was formed by 100 voluntary donors from the blood bank (83 men and 17 women, age range: 21 to 59 years, average: 35.4). Anticardiolipin antibody concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For semiquantitative detection in human sera with use of QUANTA Lite™ ACA IgG/IgM-INOVA Diagnostic, Inc., and positive values were considered as 15 GPL units/mL and 12.5 MPL units/mL for immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM, respectively, as recommended by the test. The Odds Ratio method was chosen for statistical analysis with a confidence interval (CI) of 95%. In 15 patients (33.3%) anticardiolipin antibody positivity was detected, whereas in 12 patients (26.7%) it occurred as immunoglobulin M (IgM) anticardiolipin and in 3 (6.7%) as immunoglobulin G anticardiolipin. In the control group, positivity was found in 7 patients (7%) for those antibodies. Furthermore, the Odds Ratio = 6.64 with CI = 95% and values ranging from 2.48 to 17.82 (p<0.05) were significant, as well as for IgM/IgG anticardiolipin proportion with Odds Ratio = 5.09, CI=95% and values varying from 1.33 to 19.54 (p<0.05). The authors conclude that there is a correlation between the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies and recurrent superficial thrombophlebitis.

Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis | 2002

The Association of Mondor's Disease with Protein S Deficiency: Case Report and Review of Literature

José Maria Pereira de Godoy; Moacir Fernandes de Godoy; Fernando Batigália; Domingo Marcolino Braile

The authors present a case of superficial thrombophlebitis of the left anterolateral chest wall in a man whose diagnostic investigation culminated in the characterization of the vasculopathy denominated as Mondors disease associated with protein S deficiency. We performed an analysis of the diseases main etiologic components and preponderant clinical aspects and determined all appropriate therapeutic measures for the pathology at issue.

International Journal of Morphology | 2007

Effects of aspartame on maternal-fetal and placental weights, length of umbilical cord and fetal liver: a kariometric experimental study

Gabriela Soares Portela; Reinaldo Azoubel; Fernando Batigália

El aspartame es un endulzante sintetico consumido por mas de la mitad de la poblacion adulta, en 75 paises. Sus metabolitos pueden ser toxicos, principalmente en el higado y retina y hay algunos estudios sobre el aspartame en el embarazo. Veinte ratas prenadas fueron pesadas y distribuidas aleatoriamente (n=5 por grupo) y recibieron 14 mg/Kg de aspartame o agua por via oral- gastrica. Tratamiento 1: aspartame diluido en agua a temperatura ambiente; Tratamiento T2: aspartame diluido en agua tibia a 40 oC; control C1: agua a temperatura ambiente, y control C2: agua tibia a 40o C. Las placentas fueron pesadas, el cordon umbilical medido y 1000 nucleos de hepatocitos fetales (250 de cada grupo) se analizaron morfometricamente utilizando la tecnica de cariometria con aplicacion del Test U de Mann-Whitney U-Test. En el grupo tratado con aspartame diluido en agua a temperatura ambiente, hubo reduccion en los pesos promedios de la placenta y materno-fetal, largo del cordon umbilical y en la mayoria de los parametros cariometricos de los hepatocitos. Lo mismo ocurrio en el grupo tratado con aspartame diluido en agua a 40 oC. El uso del aspartame durante las gestacion puede ser perjudicial para el feto

Journal of orthopaedic surgery | 2005

Lower-extremity amputation: a 6-year follow-up study in Brazil.

Jmp de Godoy; Mf de Godoy; Fernando Batigália; Arf Trávolo; Ehf Monteiro

Purpose. To evaluate the 6-year mortality in 50 patients following lower-limb amputation. Methods. The cumulative survival rate of 50 (28 men, 22 women) amputees aged 54 to 94 years (mean, 67.3; median, 73.5) was retrospectively studied from 1993 to 1998. Indications for above- or below-knee amputation were trauma (n=2), vasculitis (n=2), and critical ischaemia of the lower limbs (n=46). Leg amputation was performed after anamnesis, physical examination, and angiography. All patients were followed up for 6 years by phone or domiciliary visit. A death certificate was verified when a patient was lost to follow-up. Statistical analysis was expressed by the actuarial survival curve. Results. Of 50 amputees, 36 died in the 6 years following leg amputation: 22 in the first year, 3 in the second year, 5 in the third year, 2 in the fourth year, 2 in the fifth year, 2 in the sixth year; 14 remained alive after 6 years. Conclusion. Patients who underwent lower-limb amputation had a high 6-year mortality. Most deaths occurred in the first year.

Revista Acta Fisiátrica | 2005

Comparação do ganho de flexibilidade isquiotibial com diferentes técnicas de alongamento passivo

Cristiane Bonvicine; Claus Gonçalves; Fernando Batigália

Although several studies have investigated the effects of exercise in range of motion and joint rigidity, the right amount of stretching has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects on the hamstring muscles after two different techniques of repetitive static stretching during four weeks in order to compare the gain of range of motion. Thirty women of similar age were divided into two groups of 15 for the study. Measurement of range of motion for hip flexion in both legs was performed in all women. The studied group (n=15) received a session of sustained stretching during 60 seconds in the right limb and two sessions of stretching during 20 seconds with interval of 10 seconds in the left limb. The control group did not receive any intervention. Student’s t test was used to compare the gain of stretching between both groups; paired t test was used to compare abnormal distribution, and the comparison between two sessions of stretching was performed by the matched t test. The gain of stretching in the right leg of the treated group was significant (p<0.001). The gain of stretching in the left leg of the treated group was also significant (p<0.001). The variation of range of motion in the control group was not significant. The gain of range of motion was greater in the right leg (p<0.001). The gain of range of motion in relation to hamstring muscles showed to be greater in the static stretching sessions of 60 seconds each.

Thrombosis Journal | 2009

Aminaphtone in the control of Schamberg's disease

José Maria Pereira de Godoy; Fernando Batigália

The aim of this case report is to describe control of Schambergs disease using aminaphtone. We report on the case of a 28-year-old patient who presented with multiple purpuric lesions of the lower extremities which had appeared spontaneously. A biopsy of the skin was performed that showed a perivascular T-cell lymphocytic infiltrate centered on the small superficial blood vessels of the skin and so a diagnosis of Schambergs disease was reached. The patient was prescribed corticoids and the lesions disappeared however on suspension of the medication the lesions re-emerged within three to seven days. This treatment was unsuccessfully continued for more than one year. Thus another therapeutic option was attempted: 75 mg of aminaphtone was prescribed twice daily for one month and the purpuric lesions disappeared within about one week. One year after suspending the medication no relapse of the purpura was observed.

Angiology | 2004

Anticardiolipin Antibodies as a Risk Factor of Atherosclerosis in Intermittent Claudication

José Maria Pereira de Godoy; Fernando Batigália; Maria Regina Pereira de Godoy; Antônio Carlos Brandão; Dorotéia Rossi Silva Souza

Anticardiolipin antibodies have been associated as a risk factor of atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between anticardiolipin antibodies and intermittent claudication. Forty consecutive patients (33 men, 7 women; age range: 45-84 years, mean 65.5) who were seen in the angiology and vascular surgery department with intermittent claudication were evaluated. Exclusion criteria included prior revascularization, angioplasty, or a history of thrombosis of a lower limb. Forty individuals (23 men, 17 women; age range: 58-82 years, mean 67.1) who attended a support group for senior citizens and who were apparently healthy formed the control group. Anticardiolipin antibodies were evaluated by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for quantitative measurement of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies against cardiolipins in serum. IgG levels were considered normal when <7, borderline from 7 to 10, and elevated at >10 GPL units/mL; IgM levels were normal when <4, borderline from 4 to 7, and elevated at >7 MPL, as recommended by the test manufacturers. Statistical analysis used the relative risk test with a confidence interval of 95%. Twenty-three patients from the study group and 6 individuals from the control group were found to have elevated levels of anticardiolipin antibodies giving a relative risk of 3.833 (ranging from 1.749 to 8.4; p value <0.0001). In conclusion, patients who have elevated levels of anticardiolipin antibodies present a 3.8 times greater risk of developing intermittent claudication.

International Journal of Morphology | 2004


T. R. N. Roman; E. G. de Lima; Reinaldo Azoubel; Fernando Batigália

El cadmio es un metal pesado que se encuentra en la tierra, aire y alimentos. Esta presente en forma coditiana todos los dias de la vida y actualmente es catalogado como un toxico, teratogenico y agente carcinogenico. El cadamio causa numerosas lesiones a los organos humanos y animales. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar los efectos toxicos en fetos de ratas expuestas a tratamiento con cloruro de cadmio. 10 ratas prenadas fueron divididas en dos grupos. Cinco ratas recibieron por administracion intraperitoneal 5 mg/Kg de cloruro de cadmio por peso corporal, durante 10 dias de prenez y otras cinco ratas recibieron bajo las mismas condiciones del otro grupo, una solucion de cloruro de sodio al 0.85% . Los fetos fueron extraidos junto con las placentas y funiculos umbilicales a los 20 dias de prenez. La administracion del cloruro de cadmio causo una reduccion significativa en los pesos de los fetos y placentas. La longitud del funiculo umbilical fue mas corta en el grupo experimental que en el grupo control. El estudio evaluo las alteraciones morfologicas causadas en los tubulos proximal, distal, contorneados y colectores renales como tambien en las celulas del glomerulo renal. La morfometria evidencio alteraciones significativas en los tubulos proximales y en las celulas glomerulares y, en menor grado, en los tubulos distales. El borde en cepillo de la membrana celular se observo muy sensible y se visualizaron algunas alteraciones. Los glomerulos se presentaron con edema y la capsula del glomerulo fue tambien afectada

Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2003

Aminaftona no tratamento da epistaxe

José Maria Pereira de Godoy; Fernando Batigália; João V. de Paiva; Ronaldo Nardão Mendes; Juliana D. de Oliveira

Nasal haemorrhage or nosebleed, is the most common of haemorrhages due to the intense vasculization of the nose, the fragility of the nasal mucous membrane and its vulnerability to traumas and irritant agents. The aim of this study is to report on a reduction of episodes of nosebleed in two patients with the use of amnophtone. A 34-year-old male patient and a 44- year-old female patient presented with histories of two or more nosebleeds per week, despite treatment during the acute phase. They both sought medical assistance for other vascular complaints, which were suggestive of vascular insufficiency as, during the physical examination petechia lesions in the lower limbs were detected. They were treated with 75 mg of amnaphtone three times daily. One week after, at the follow-up, they reported an improvement of the vascular symptoms, however, more markedly was the significant improvement in relation to the nosebleeds which were frequent but had not been reported in the first consultation. In conclusion, amnaphtone demonstrated to be efficient in the prevention of recurrence of nosebleed in these patients.

Revista Brasileira De Cirurgia Cardiovascular | 2009

Common usage of cardiologic anatomical terminology: critical analysis and a trilingual discussion proposal

Alexandre Lins Werneck; Fernando Batigália

BACKGROUND Terminology and Lexicography have been especially addressed to the Allied Health Sciences regarding discussion of case reports or concerning publication of scientific articles. The knowledge of Human Anatomy enables the understanding of medical terms and the refinement of Medical Terminology makes possible a better anatomicomedical communication in a highly technical level. Most of the scientific publications in both Anatomy and Medicine are found only in English and most of dictionaries or search resources available do not have specificity enough to explain anatomicomedical, terminological, or lexicographical occurrences. OBJECTIVE To design and produce a multilingual terminological dictionary (Latin-English-Portuguese-Spanish) containing a list of English anatomicomedical terms in common usage in cardiology subspecialties addressed to medical students and professionals, to other allied health sciences professionals, and to translators working in this specific field. METHODS Terms, semantical and grammatical components were selected to compose an anatomicocardiological corpus. The adequacy to the thematic terminological research requests and the translation reliability level will be settled from the terminology specificity in contrast to the semantics, as well as from a peer survey of the main terms used by national and international experts in specialized journals, Internet sites, and from text-books on Anatomy and Cardiology. The inclusion criteria will be the terms included in the English, Portuguese, and Spanish Terminologia Anatomica - the official terminology of the anatomical sciences; nonofficial technical commonly used terms which lead to terminology or translation misunderstanding often being a source of confusion. RESULTS A table with a sample of the 508 most used anatomical cardiologic terms in English language peer-reviewed journals of cardiology and (pediatric and adult) thoracic surgery is shown. CONCLUSIONS The working up of a multilingual terminological dictionary reduces the risk of ambiguities, inconsistencies, inutilities, and repetitions concerning the Nomenclature addressed to the Allied Health Sciences by prioritizing the inclusion of official technical terms and a judicious selection of commonly used terms. Efforts to standardize lists of structures in Humana Anatomy lead to both opportunities of scientific update and conceptual enlightenment.

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