
Mechatronics | 2001

Experimental evaluation of model-based controllers on a direct-drive robot arm

Fernando Reyes; Rafael Kelly

This paper describes the experimental comparison among four model-based control algorithms on a direct-drive robotic arm. We present experimental results of the following controllers: Computed-Torque control, PD+ control, PD control with computed feedforward and PD control. All controllers include Coulomb and viscous friction compensation as well as cancellation of gravitational torques. They are tested under common trajectory specification and performance index.

Robotica | 1997

Experimental Evaluation of Identification Schemes on a Direct Drive Robot

Fernando Reyes; Rafael Kelly

This paper describes the experimental evaluation of three identification schemes to determine the dynamic parameters of a two degrees of freedom direct-drive robot. These schemes involve a recursive estimator while the regression models are formulated in continuous time. The fact that the total energy of robot manipulators can be represented as a linear relation in the inertial parameters, has motivated the suggestion in the literature of several regression models which are linear in a common dynamic parameter vector. Among them, in this paper we consider the schemes based on the filtered dynamic regression model, the supplied energy regression model and a new one proposed in this paper: the filtered power regression model. The underling recursive parameter estimator used in the experimental evaluation is the standard least-squares.

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems and Technology | 2009

Global Trajectory Tracking Through Static Feedback for Robot Manipulators With Bounded Inputs

Emeterio Aguinaga-Ruiz; Arturo Zavala-Río; Víctor Santibáñez; Fernando Reyes

In this work, two globally stabilizing bounded control schemes for the tracking control of robot manipulators with saturating inputs are proposed. They may be seen as extensions of the so-called PD+ algorithm to the bounded input case. With respect to previous works on the topic, the proposed approaches give a global solution to the problem through static feedback. Moreover, they are not defined using a specific sigmoidal function, but any one on a set of saturation functions. Consequently, each of the proposed schemes actually constitutes a family of globally stabilizing bounded controllers. Furthermore, the bound of such saturation functions is explicitly considered in their definition. Hence, the control gains are not tied to satisfy any saturation-avoidance inequality and may consequently take any positive value, which may be considered beneficial for performance-adjustment/improvement purposes. Further, a class of desired trajectories that may be globally tracked avoiding input saturation is completely characterized. For both proposed control laws, global uniform asymptotic stabilization of the closed-loop system solutions towards the prespecified desired trajectory is proved through a strict Lyapunov function. The efficiency of the proposed schemes is corroborated through experimental results.

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | 1998

A new set-point controller with bounded torques for robot manipulators

Víctor Santibáñez; Rafael Kelly; Fernando Reyes

In this paper, we propose a simple controller for set-point control of robot manipulators. The structure of this controller is composed by a saturated proportional-saturated derivative feedback plus gravity compensation. Such a control scheme has two practical features. First, for all desired joint positions, this controller delivers torques inside prescribed limits according to the actuator capability and second, the steady-state position errors owing to static friction can be arbitrarily reduced. In the case of absence of friction, we show global asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. The performance of the proposed controller is illustrated via experiments on a two-degrees-of-freedom (2-DOF) direct-drive robot system.

international conference on robotics and automation | 1999

A two loops direct visual control of direct-drive planar robots with moving target

Rafael Kelly; Fernando Reyes; Javier Moreno; Seth Hutchinson

This paper addresses the visual servoing of robot manipulators in fixed-camera configuration for considering a moving target. We propose a control scheme consisting of two loops: an inner loop which is a joint velocity controller; and an outer loop which is an image-based feedback loop. We present the stability analysis and the experimental evaluation on a two degrees of freedom direct-drive planar robot arm.

international conference on robotics and automation | 1997

On parameter identification of robot manipulators

Fernando Reyes; R. Kelly

This paper is focused on estimating the dynamic parameters of robot manipulators. A new hybrid identification scheme based on the supplied energy regression model is proposed. Experimental results on a two degrees of freedom direct-drive robot are presented.

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing | 1998

A class of adaptive regulators for robot manipulators

Rafael Kelly; Víctor Santibáñez; Fernando Reyes

In this paper we propose a framework to adaptive regulator design of robot manipulators. A class of global regulators for robot is characterized for which we provide guidelines to derive adaptive versions. The class of regulators is described by control laws comprising the gradient of an artificial potential energy depending in a linear manner on the robot and payload unknown parameters plus a linear velocity feedback. We provide explicit sufficient conditions on the artificial potential energy which allow to obtain an adaptive regulator which yields a stable closed-loop system and global positioning. Using this framework we revise two previously proposed adaptive regulators and we suggest two new ones.

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing | 1996

On saturated-proportional derivative feedback with adaptive gravity compensation of robot manipulators

Rafael Kelly; Víctor Santibáñez; Fernando Reyes

In this paper we propose a new adaptive controller for the global regulation of robot manipulators. This controller incorporates adaptation of the gravitational torque vector to overcome parametric uncertainties in the robot and payload such as masses and inertia. Also, instead of a linear proportional feedback, the controller has a saturated-proportional-type feedback. It has been recognized that this kind of non-linear position error feedback presents practical features such as attenuation of friction effects and avoids unacceptably high torque for large position errors. By using Lyapunovs direct method, we conclude closed loop stability and global regulation. The proposed controller has been tested on a direct drive single-link arm.

Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems | 2011

A Dynamic-compensation Approach to Impedance Control of Robot Manipulators

Isela Bonilla; Fernando Reyes; Marco Mendoza; Emilio J. González-Galván

This paper presents an impedance–control strategy with dynamic compensation for interaction control of robot manipulators. The proposed impedance controller has been developed considering that the equilibrium point of the closed-loop system, composed by the combination of the controller and the full nonlinear robot dynamics is, locally, asymptotically stable in agreement with Lyapunov’s direct method. The performance of the proposed controller is verified through simulation and experimental results obtained from the implementation of an interaction task involving a two degree-of-freedom, direct-drive robot.

International Journal of Control | 2015

A generalised PID-type control scheme with simple tuning for the global regulation of robot manipulators with constrained inputs

Marco Mendoza; Arturo Zavala-Río; Víctor Santibáñez; Fernando Reyes

In this paper, a globally stabilising PID-type control scheme with a generalised saturating structure for robot manipulators under input constraints is proposed. It gives rise to various families of bounded PID-type controllers whose implementation is released from the exact knowledge of the system parameters and model structure. Compared to previous approaches of the kind, the proposed scheme is not only characterised by its generalised structure but also by its very simple tuning criterion, the simplest hitherto obtained in the considered analytical framework. Experimental results on a 3-degree-of-freedom direct-drive manipulator corroborate the efficiency of the proposed approach.

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