Journal of Contaminant Hydrology | 2008
David Arcos; Fidel Grandia; Cristina Domènech; Ana María Fernández; M.V. Villar; Arto Muurinen; Torbjörn Carlsson; Patrik Sellin; Pedro Hernán
The KBS-3 underground nuclear waste repository concept designed by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB) includes a bentonite buffer barrier surrounding the copper canisters and the iron insert where spent nuclear fuel will be placed. Bentonite is also part of the backfill material used to seal the access and deposition tunnels of the repository. The bentonite barrier has three main safety functions: to ensure the physical stability of the canister, to retard the intrusion of groundwater to the canisters, and in case of canister failure, to retard the migration of radionuclides to the geosphere. Laboratory experiments (< 10 years long) have provided evidence of the control exerted by accessory minerals and clay surfaces on the pore water chemistry. The evolution of the pore water chemistry will be a primordial factor on the long-term stability of the bentonite barrier, which is a key issue in the safety assessments of the KBS-3 concept. In this work we aim to study the long-term geochemical evolution of bentonite and its pore water in the evolving geochemical environment due to climate change. In order to do this, reactive transport simulations are used to predict the interaction between groundwater and bentonite which is simulated following two different pathways: (1) groundwater flow through the backfill in the deposition tunnels, eventually reaching the top of the deposition hole, and (2) direct connection between groundwater and bentonite rings through fractures in the granite crosscutting the deposition hole. The influence of changes in climate has been tested using three different waters interacting with the bentonite: present-day groundwater, water derived from ice melting, and deep-seated brine. Two commercial bentonites have been considered as buffer material, MX-80 and Deponit CA-N, and one natural clay (Friedland type) for the backfill. They show differences in the composition of the exchangeable cations and in the accessory mineral content. Results from the simulations indicate that pore water chemistry is controlled by the equilibrium with the accessory minerals, especially carbonates. pH is buffered by precipitation/dissolution of calcite and dolomite, when present. The equilibrium of these minerals is deeply influenced by gypsum dissolution and cation exchange reactions in the smectite interlayer. If carbonate minerals are initially absent in bentonite, pH is then controlled by surface acidity reactions in the hydroxyl groups at the edge sites of the clay fraction, although its buffering capacity is not as strong as the equilibrium with carbonate minerals. The redox capacity of the bentonite pore water system is mainly controlled by Fe(II)-bearing minerals (pyrite and siderite). Changes in the groundwater composition lead to variations in the cation exchange occupancy, and dissolution-precipitation of carbonate minerals and gypsum. The most significant changes in the evolution of the system are predicted when ice-melting water, which is highly diluted and alkaline, enters into the system. In this case, the dissolution of carbonate minerals is enhanced, increasing pH in the bentonite pore water. Moreover, a rapid change in the population of exchange sites in the smectite is expected due to the replacement of Na for Ca.
ChemInform | 2011
Fidel Grandia; Joan Merino; Jordi Bruno
Applied Geochemistry | 2011
Fidel Grandia; Clara Sena; David Arcos; Jorge Molinero; Lara Duro; Jordi Bruno
Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology | 2015
Andrea Gasparini; Anthony Credoz; Fidel Grandia; David Angel Garcia; Jordi Bruno
Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology | 2014
Marco Agnelli; Fidel Grandia; Anthony Credoz; Andrea Gasparini; Jordi Bruno
Goldschmidt2013 Conference Abstracts | Goldschmidt 2013 | 25-30 de agosto | Florencia | 2013
Orlando Vaselli; Barbara Nisi; T. Franco; Tom Darrah; Jordi Bruno; Javier de Elio Medina; Fidel Grandia; Luis Pérez del Villar
Radioprotection | 2009
Fidel Grandia; Clara Sena; David Arcos; Jorge Molinero; Lara Duro; Jordi Bruno
Energy Procedia | 2018
Marco Agnelli; Fidel Grandia; David Soler; Alvaro Sáinz-García; David Brusi; Manel Zamorano; Anna Menció
Applied Geochemistry | 2017
Tiziana Missana; Elisenda Colàs; Fidel Grandia; Javier Olmeda; M. Mingarro; Miguel García-Gutiérrez; Isabelle Munier; Jean-Charles Robinet; Mireia Grivé
Annals of Geophysics | 2017
Andrea Gasparini; Fidel Grandia; Luca Tarchini