Filippo Sala
Université Paris-Saclay
Featured researches published by Filippo Sala.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2011
Marco Cirelli; Gennaro Corcella; A. Hektor; Gert Hütsi; M. Kadastik; Paolo Panci; M. Raidal; Filippo Sala; Alessandro Strumia
We correct a few mistakes of the original version of this work (notably related to the computations of extragalactic gamma rays), while at the same time improving and upgrading other aspects (notably as a consequence of the discovery of the higgs boson at the LHC). A brief list of the main changes is: - We include a higgs boson channel hh with mass mh = 125 GeV. All previous channels hmhm are removed. - We correct the formulae for the computation of extragalactic gamma rays (fixing in particular the redshift dependence) as well as the numerical computations (also including a corrected impact of absorption). - We provide a new version of the Optical Depth function, employing updated models of Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) and fixing the redshift dependence. All these corrections and updates are reflected on the numerical ingredients provided on the website; they correspond to Release 2.0.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2012
Riccardo Barbieri; Dario Buttazzo; Filippo Sala; David M. Straub
A bstractThe quark sector of the Standard Model exhibits an approximate U(2)3 flavour symmetry. This symmetry, broken in specific directions dictated by minimality, can explain the success of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa picture of flavour mixing and CP violation, confirmed by the data so far, while allowing for observable deviations from it, as expected in most models of ElectroWeak Symmetry Breaking. Building on previous work in the specific context of supersymmetry, we analyze the expected effects and we quantify the current bounds in a general Effective Field Theory framework. As a further relevant example we then show how the U(2)3 symmetry and its breaking can be implemented in a generic composite Higgs model and we make a first analysis of its peculiar consequences. We also discuss how some partial extension of U(2)3 to the lepton sector can arise, both in general and in composite Higgs models. An optimistic though conceivable interpretation of the considerations developed in this paper gives reasons to think that new physics searches in the flavour sector may be about to explore an interesting realm of phenomena.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2013
Riccardo Barbieri; Dario Buttazzo; Filippo Sala; David M. Straub; Andrea Tesi
A bstractA composite Higgs boson of 125 GeV mass, only mildly fine-tuned, requires top partners with a semi-perturbative coupling and a mass not greater than about a TeV. We analyze the strong constraints on such picture arising from flavour and electroweak precision tests in models of partial compositeness. We consider different representations for the composite fermions and compare the case of an anarchic flavour structure to models with a U(3)3 and U(2)3 flavour symmetry. Although non trivially, some models emerge that look capable of accommodating a 125GeV Higgs boson with top partners in an interesting mass range for discovery at the LHC as well as associated flavour signals.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2014
Marco Cirelli; Filippo Sala; Marco Taoso
We extend the Standard Model with an EW fermion triplet, stable thanks to one of the accidental symmetries already present in the theory. On top of being a potential Dark Matter candidate, additional motivations for this new state are the stability of the vacuum, the fact it does not introduce a largene-tuning in the Higgs mass, and that it helps with gauge coupling unication. We perform an analysis of the reach for such a particle at the high-luminosity Lhc, and at a futuristic 100 TeV pp collider. We do so for the monojet, monophoton, vector boson fusion and disappearing tracks channels. At 100 TeV, disappearing tracks will likely probe the mass region of 3 TeV, relevant for thermally produced Dark Matter. The reach of the other channels is found to extend up to� 1.3 (1.7) TeV for 3 (30) ab 1 of integrated luminosity, provided systematics are well under control. This model also constitutes a benchmark of a typical WIMP Dark Matter candidate, and its phenomenology reproduces that of various models of Supersymmetry featuring a pure Wino as the lightest sparticle.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2015
Marco Cirelli; Thomas Hambye; Paolo Panci; Filippo Sala; Marco Taoso
We reconsider the model of Minimal Dark Matter (a fermionic, hypercharge-less quintuplet of the EW interactions) and compute its gamma ray signatures. We compare them with a number of gamma ray probes: the galactic halo diffuse measurements, the galactic center line searches and recent dwarf galaxies observations. We find that the original minimal model, whose mass is fixed at 9.4 TeV by the relic abundance requirement, is constrained by the line searches from the Galactic Center: it is ruled out if the Milky Way possesses a cuspy profile such as NFW but it is still allowed if it has a cored one. Observations of dwarf spheroidal galaxies are also relevant (in particular searches for lines), and ongoing astrophysical progresses on these systems have the potential to eventually rule out the model. We also explore a wider mass range, which applies to the case in which the relic abundance requirement is relaxed. Most of our results can be safely extended to the larger class of multi-TeV WIMP DM annihilating into massive gauge bosons.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2015
Dario Buttazzo; Filippo Sala; Andrea Tesi
A bstractThe presence of extra scalar singlets is a feature of several motivated extensions of the Standard Model, and the mixing of such a singlet with the Higgs boson is allowed to be quite large by current experiments. In this paper we perform a thorough phenomeno-logical study of this possibility. We consider both direct and indirect searches, and we quantify the current constraints as well as the prospects for future hadron and lepton machines — from the forthcoming LHC run up to a futuristic 100 TeV proton-proton collider. The direct reaches are obtained extrapolating the current limits with a technique that we discuss and check with various tests. We find a strong complementarity between direct and indirect searches, with the former dominating for lower values of the singlet mass. We also find that the trilinear Higgs coupling can have sizeable deviations from its Standard Model value, a fact for which we provide an analytical understanding. The results are first presented in a general scalar singlet extension of the Standard Model, taking advantage of the very small number of parameters relevant for the phenomenology. Finally, we specify the same analysis to a few most natural models, i.e. the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, Twin Higgs and Composite Higgs.
Physical Review D | 2013
Riccardo Barbieri; Dario Buttazzo; K. Kannike; Filippo Sala; Andrea Tesi
Now that one has been found, the search for signs of more scalars is a primary task of current and future experiments. In the motivated hypothesis that the extra Higgs bosons of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) be the lightest new particles around, we outline a possible overall strategy to search for signs of the CP-even states. This work complements Ref. arXiv:1304.3670.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2012
Riccardo Barbieri; Dario Buttazzo; Filippo Sala; David M. Straub
A bstractWe consider the approximate U(2)3 flavour symmetry exhibited by the quark sector of the Standard Model and all its possible breaking terms appearing in the quark Yukawa couplings. Taking an Effective Field Theory point of view, we determine the current bounds on these parameters, assumed to control the breaking of flavour in a generic extension of the Standard Model at a reference scale Λ. In particular, a significant bound from ϵ′/ϵ is derived, which is relevant to Minimal Flavour Violation as well. In the up- quark sector, the recently observed CP violation in D → π+π−, K+K− decays might be accounted for in this generic framework, consistently with any other constraint.
arXiv: High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena | 2017
Louise Oakes; Aion Viana; E. Moulin; Lucia Rinchiuso; Ullrich Schwanke; Marco Cirelli; Paolo Panci; Filippo Sala; Joseph Silk; Marco Taoso
High energy
European Physical Journal Plus | 2016
Filippo Sala