Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini
University of São Paulo
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2012
Káren Mendes Jorge de Souza; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Aline Ale Beraldo; Uthania de Melo França; Simone Terezinha Protti; Pedro Fredemir Palha
This study analyzed the causes of delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the prison system, according to the experience of incarcerated patients. The theoretical and methodological framework of the French school of discourse analysis was used, which seeks to comprehend the processes of meaning production, in the relationship of language with ideology and the development of subjects in their positions. Semi-directed interviews were conducted with seven incarcerated tuberculosis patients in a hospital of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, between August and October 2009. The delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis was related to the naturalization of the lack of care for the prisoner, to the interpretation of the prison as a place of death and suffering and to the deprivation of the right to health for the detainees as a result of their position in the asymmetric power relationships and ideological effects.This study analyzed the causes of delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the prison system, according to the experience of incarcerated patients. The theoretical and methodological framework of the French school of discourse analysis was used, which seeks to comprehend the processes of meaning production, in the relationship of language with ideology and the development of subjects in their positions. Semi-directed interviews were conducted with seven incarcerated tuberculosis patients in a hospital of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, between August and October 2009. The delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis was related to the naturalization of the lack of care for the prisoner, to the interpretation of the prison as a place of death and suffering and to the deprivation of the right to health for the detainees as a result of their position in the asymmetric power relationships and ideological effects. DESCRIPTORS: Tuberculosis. Prisons. Diagnosis.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2014
Malueska Luacche Xavier Ferreira de Sousa; Altamira Pereira da Silva Reichert; Lenilde Duarte de Sá; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Neusa Collet
This is a qualitative study with the aim to understand the meaning of experiencing illness for a child with cancer. The thematic drawing-story was used, with eight children aged between 6 and 12 years old, from February to May of 2012. The material was analyzed according to the theoretical and analytical framework of the French Discourse Analysis line, which seeks to understand the socio-historical processes of meaning production. The study revealed that, for the child with cancer, the disease is found out in an unexpected manner and he/she is soon inserted into a new context. In addition, the child faces barriers that may delay diagnosis, having his/her routine changed. The child presents signals and symptoms that cause discomfort and anxiety. At the same time, the child hopes to be healed with the treatment accomplishment. The results may contribute to changes in nursing care for this population.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2012
Káren Mendes Jorge de Souza; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Aline Ale Beraldo; Uthania de Melo França; Simone Terezinha Protti; Pedro Fredemir Palha
This study analyzed the causes of delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the prison system, according to the experience of incarcerated patients. The theoretical and methodological framework of the French school of discourse analysis was used, which seeks to comprehend the processes of meaning production, in the relationship of language with ideology and the development of subjects in their positions. Semi-directed interviews were conducted with seven incarcerated tuberculosis patients in a hospital of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, between August and October 2009. The delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis was related to the naturalization of the lack of care for the prisoner, to the interpretation of the prison as a place of death and suffering and to the deprivation of the right to health for the detainees as a result of their position in the asymmetric power relationships and ideological effects.This study analyzed the causes of delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the prison system, according to the experience of incarcerated patients. The theoretical and methodological framework of the French school of discourse analysis was used, which seeks to comprehend the processes of meaning production, in the relationship of language with ideology and the development of subjects in their positions. Semi-directed interviews were conducted with seven incarcerated tuberculosis patients in a hospital of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, between August and October 2009. The delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis was related to the naturalization of the lack of care for the prisoner, to the interpretation of the prison as a place of death and suffering and to the deprivation of the right to health for the detainees as a result of their position in the asymmetric power relationships and ideological effects. DESCRIPTORS: Tuberculosis. Prisons. Diagnosis.
Paidèia : Graduate Program in Psychology | 2008
Leda Verdiani Tfouni; Anderson de Carvalho Pereira; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Milena Sarti; Alessandra Adorni
Procurou-se investigar praticas de escrita em um trabalho de alfabetizacao em um hospital psiquiatrico, atraves do metodo de analise do discurso. Levou-se em conta o carater terapeutico da escrita e tambem a situacao de asilamento psiquiatrico. Relata-se o trabalho com letramento desenvolvido durante tres meses junto aos internos do hospital. Durante o trabalho, foram privilegiados os eventos que mostravam o envolvimento entre escrita e subjetividade. Atraves das possibilidades de reconstrucao das historias desses moradores, pode-se contribuir para resgatar lugares da memoria apagados pela patologia, e proporcionar, na materialidade discursiva, a reconstrucao de suas verdades.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2014
Malueska Luacche Xavier Ferreira de Sousa; Altamira Pereira da Silva Reichert; Lenilde Duarte de Sá; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Neusa Collet
This is a qualitative study with the aim to understand the meaning of experiencing illness for a child with cancer. The thematic drawing-story was used, with eight children aged between 6 and 12 years old, from February to May of 2012. The material was analyzed according to the theoretical and analytical framework of the French Discourse Analysis line, which seeks to understand the socio-historical processes of meaning production. The study revealed that, for the child with cancer, the disease is found out in an unexpected manner and he/she is soon inserted into a new context. In addition, the child faces barriers that may delay diagnosis, having his/her routine changed. The child presents signals and symptoms that cause discomfort and anxiety. At the same time, the child hopes to be healed with the treatment accomplishment. The results may contribute to changes in nursing care for this population.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2016
Cassiara Boeno Borges de Oliveira; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Simone Teresinha Protti; Káren Mendes Jorge de Souza; Aline Aparecida Monroe; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa; Pedro Fredemir Palha
Objetivou-se analisar discursos de gerentes da Atencao Primaria a Saude sobre a busca de sintomaticos respiratorios como acao de vigilância epidemiologica da tuberculose. Estudo qualitativo, norteado pelo referencial teorico-analitico da Analise de Discurso de matriz francesa. Os dados foram produzidos em maio de 2012, por meio de entrevistas semidirigidas com 14 sujeitos. Produziram-se dois blocos discursivos: vestigios de poder na efetivacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios; estrategias de resistencia na busca de sintomaticos respiratorios. Posicoes discursivas pautadas no modelo de gestao tradicional, dificultam a incorporacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios como acao participativa que integre equipe de saude, gestores e comunidade. Insuficiencia de recursos humanos, sobrecarga de trabalho e rigorosidade no alcance de metas favorecem posturas de imobilismo dos profissionais. Conclui-se que o trabalho gerencial pautado no modelo de vigilância em saude estimule praticas de mobilizacao que contribuam na qualificacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios na Atencao Primaria a Saude.The study aimed to analyze the discourse of Primary Health Care managers about the search for respiratory symptomatics as an epidemiological surveillance action of tuberculosis. A qualitative study was undertaken, guided by the theoretical and analytical framework of French Discourse Analysis. Data were produced in May 2012 through semi-structured interviews with 14 subjects. Two discursive blocks were produced: marks of power in the execution of the search for respiratory symptomatics; resistance strategies in the search for respiratory symptomatics. Discursive positions were grounded in the traditional management model, making it difficult to incorporate the search for respiratory symptomatics as a participatory action that integrates health staff, managers and the community. Insufficient human resources, workload and rigor in achieving goals favor postures of immobility among the professionals. It is concluded that the managerial work outlined in the health surveillance model encourages the mobilization of practices that contribute to qualify the search for respiratory symptomatics in Primary Health Care.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2016
Cassiara Boeno Borges de Oliveira; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Simone Teresinha Protti; Káren Mendes Jorge de Souza; Aline Aparecida Monroe; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa; Pedro Fredemir Palha
Objetivou-se analisar discursos de gerentes da Atencao Primaria a Saude sobre a busca de sintomaticos respiratorios como acao de vigilância epidemiologica da tuberculose. Estudo qualitativo, norteado pelo referencial teorico-analitico da Analise de Discurso de matriz francesa. Os dados foram produzidos em maio de 2012, por meio de entrevistas semidirigidas com 14 sujeitos. Produziram-se dois blocos discursivos: vestigios de poder na efetivacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios; estrategias de resistencia na busca de sintomaticos respiratorios. Posicoes discursivas pautadas no modelo de gestao tradicional, dificultam a incorporacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios como acao participativa que integre equipe de saude, gestores e comunidade. Insuficiencia de recursos humanos, sobrecarga de trabalho e rigorosidade no alcance de metas favorecem posturas de imobilismo dos profissionais. Conclui-se que o trabalho gerencial pautado no modelo de vigilância em saude estimule praticas de mobilizacao que contribuam na qualificacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios na Atencao Primaria a Saude.The study aimed to analyze the discourse of Primary Health Care managers about the search for respiratory symptomatics as an epidemiological surveillance action of tuberculosis. A qualitative study was undertaken, guided by the theoretical and analytical framework of French Discourse Analysis. Data were produced in May 2012 through semi-structured interviews with 14 subjects. Two discursive blocks were produced: marks of power in the execution of the search for respiratory symptomatics; resistance strategies in the search for respiratory symptomatics. Discursive positions were grounded in the traditional management model, making it difficult to incorporate the search for respiratory symptomatics as a participatory action that integrates health staff, managers and the community. Insufficient human resources, workload and rigor in achieving goals favor postures of immobility among the professionals. It is concluded that the managerial work outlined in the health surveillance model encourages the mobilization of practices that contribute to qualify the search for respiratory symptomatics in Primary Health Care.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2016
Cassiara Boeno Borges de Oliveira; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Simone Teresinha Protti; Káren Mendes Jorge de Souza; Aline Aparecida Monroe; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa; Pedro Fredemir Palha
Objetivou-se analisar discursos de gerentes da Atencao Primaria a Saude sobre a busca de sintomaticos respiratorios como acao de vigilância epidemiologica da tuberculose. Estudo qualitativo, norteado pelo referencial teorico-analitico da Analise de Discurso de matriz francesa. Os dados foram produzidos em maio de 2012, por meio de entrevistas semidirigidas com 14 sujeitos. Produziram-se dois blocos discursivos: vestigios de poder na efetivacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios; estrategias de resistencia na busca de sintomaticos respiratorios. Posicoes discursivas pautadas no modelo de gestao tradicional, dificultam a incorporacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios como acao participativa que integre equipe de saude, gestores e comunidade. Insuficiencia de recursos humanos, sobrecarga de trabalho e rigorosidade no alcance de metas favorecem posturas de imobilismo dos profissionais. Conclui-se que o trabalho gerencial pautado no modelo de vigilância em saude estimule praticas de mobilizacao que contribuam na qualificacao da busca de sintomaticos respiratorios na Atencao Primaria a Saude.The study aimed to analyze the discourse of Primary Health Care managers about the search for respiratory symptomatics as an epidemiological surveillance action of tuberculosis. A qualitative study was undertaken, guided by the theoretical and analytical framework of French Discourse Analysis. Data were produced in May 2012 through semi-structured interviews with 14 subjects. Two discursive blocks were produced: marks of power in the execution of the search for respiratory symptomatics; resistance strategies in the search for respiratory symptomatics. Discursive positions were grounded in the traditional management model, making it difficult to incorporate the search for respiratory symptomatics as a participatory action that integrates health staff, managers and the community. Insufficient human resources, workload and rigor in achieving goals favor postures of immobility among the professionals. It is concluded that the managerial work outlined in the health surveillance model encourages the mobilization of practices that contribute to qualify the search for respiratory symptomatics in Primary Health Care.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2014
Malueska Luacche Xavier Ferreira de Sousa; Altamira Pereira da Silva Reichert; Lenilde Duarte de Sá; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Neusa Collet
This is a qualitative study with the aim to understand the meaning of experiencing illness for a child with cancer. The thematic drawing-story was used, with eight children aged between 6 and 12 years old, from February to May of 2012. The material was analyzed according to the theoretical and analytical framework of the French Discourse Analysis line, which seeks to understand the socio-historical processes of meaning production. The study revealed that, for the child with cancer, the disease is found out in an unexpected manner and he/she is soon inserted into a new context. In addition, the child faces barriers that may delay diagnosis, having his/her routine changed. The child presents signals and symptoms that cause discomfort and anxiety. At the same time, the child hopes to be healed with the treatment accomplishment. The results may contribute to changes in nursing care for this population.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2012
Káren Mendes Jorge de Souza; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa; Filomena Elaine Paiva Assolini; Aline Ale Beraldo; Uthania de Melo França; Simone Terezinha Protti; Pedro Fredemir Palha
This study analyzed the causes of delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the prison system, according to the experience of incarcerated patients. The theoretical and methodological framework of the French school of discourse analysis was used, which seeks to comprehend the processes of meaning production, in the relationship of language with ideology and the development of subjects in their positions. Semi-directed interviews were conducted with seven incarcerated tuberculosis patients in a hospital of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, between August and October 2009. The delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis was related to the naturalization of the lack of care for the prisoner, to the interpretation of the prison as a place of death and suffering and to the deprivation of the right to health for the detainees as a result of their position in the asymmetric power relationships and ideological effects.This study analyzed the causes of delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the prison system, according to the experience of incarcerated patients. The theoretical and methodological framework of the French school of discourse analysis was used, which seeks to comprehend the processes of meaning production, in the relationship of language with ideology and the development of subjects in their positions. Semi-directed interviews were conducted with seven incarcerated tuberculosis patients in a hospital of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, between August and October 2009. The delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis was related to the naturalization of the lack of care for the prisoner, to the interpretation of the prison as a place of death and suffering and to the deprivation of the right to health for the detainees as a result of their position in the asymmetric power relationships and ideological effects. DESCRIPTORS: Tuberculosis. Prisons. Diagnosis.