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Featured researches published by Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda.

Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology | 2005

The influence of water management and environmental conditions on the chemical composition and beverage quality of coffee beans

Emerson Alves da Silva; Paulo Mazzafera; Orivaldo Brunini; Emílio Sakai; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Luiz H. C. Mattoso; Cássia R. L. Carvalho; Regina Célia de Matos Pires

The influence of environmental conditions and irrigation on the chemical composition of green coffee beans and the relationship of these parameters to the quality of the beverage were investigated in coffee plantations in the regions of Adamantina, Mococa and Campinas, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The chemical composition and physical aspects of green coffee beans produced in the three regions were related through Principal Component Analyses (PCA) to the quality of beverage, as determined by sensorial and electronic analyses. The chemical composition was affected by the environmental conditions. Some differences in cup quality were detected by the electronic method but not by cup tasting. Irrigation was not a major factor affecting chemical composition, since there were few differences in relation to non-irrigated coffee plants. The production site appeared to be the main influencing factor on biochemical composition. A pronounced difference was observed in Adamantina, where annual average air temperature was 1.6-2.4oC warmer than in the other two areas and about 3.5oC above to the optimal limit for coffee cultivation.

Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo | 2000


E. B. Wutke; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Antonio Luiz Fancelli; J. C. V. N. A. Pereira; E. Sakai; M. Fujiwara; Gláucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano

Root system growth of the common bean, variety IAC-Carioca, under center pivot irrigation in rotation with fallow; corn; black oat; sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.); pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] and velvet bean (Mucuna aterrima) was evaluated during a non-conventional (Autumn - Winter) cultivation period, from 1993 to 1995, on a typic Haplorthox soil, at an experimental area of the Instituto Agronomico, in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The crop sequences of common bean with corn and green manure reduced the soil resistance to penetration into the ploughed layer; maintained the normal contents of the soil organic matter; reduced acidity and increased the base saturation index in depth, in relation to the initial content. The basic infiltration rate was increased with the inclusion of velvet bean, sunn hemp and corn in the crop sequence. Effective root depth (80% of the total) was around 0.35 to 0.40 m.

Bragantia | 2003

Fator de resposta da produção do cafeeiro ao deficit hídrico em Campinas

Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Marcos Alexandre Grande

COFFEE YIELD RESPONSE FACTOR AS RELATED TO THE WATER DEFICIT Coffee yield response to available water is a major factor on yield prediction and irrigation feasibility. In this way, results of irrigated (Yi) and non irrigated (Yni) yields of a 16-year field experiment with coffee plants carried out in Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were analyzed as relative differences of (Yi-Yni)/Yi and correlated to the relative difference of actual evapotranspiration, (ETRi-ETRni)/ETRi. By suppressing each month of the year in that correlation, it was observed that water deficit occurred in April, May, June and July were important to yield analysis. It was possible to adjust the sensitivity coefficient (Ky) or the yield response factor to water deficit, as recommended by FAO. The annual yield response factor (Ky) showed a linear relation to plant age indicating an increase of plant sensitivity to water stress along the years.

Bragantia | 1991

Root-system depth of field beans and wheat under center pivot

Regina Célia de Matos Pires; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Mamor Fujiwara; Emílio Sakal; Nelson Bortoletto

O estudo foi realizado na Estacao Experimental de Votuporanga, do Instituto Agronomico, em solo podzolizado com as culturas de feijao e trigo irrigadas por pivo central no inverno de 1989. O objetivo for a determinacao da profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular, como um dos parâmetros fundamentais no manejo das irrigacoes. Estas eram realizadas quando a tensao da agua no solo atingia 0,05 a 0,06 MPa, controlada por tensiometro a 15cm de profundidade. Foram feitas tres medicoes quinzenais de raizes em cada cultura, utilizando-se trado tipo caneca de 7cm de diâmetro. As amostragens foram tomadas na linha de plantio, de 10 em 10cm ate a profundidade de 60cm. Os resultados indicam que, para o manejo adequado da irrigacao, a profundidade do sistema radicular a ser considerada deve ser de 30 e de 40cm, respectivamente, nas culturais de feijao e de trigo no solo em questao.

Bragantia | 2009

Influência de déficits hídricos controlados na uniformização do florescimento e produção do cafeeiro em três diferentes condições edafoclimáticas do Estado de São Paulo

Emerson Alves da Silva; Orivaldo Brunini; Emílio Sakai; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Regina Célia de Mattos Pires

This work aimed to investigate the influence of controlled water deficits on flowering and yield of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv. Obata grafted on C. canephora cv. Apoata) in three different local conditions of Sao Paulo State, in the counties of Adamantina, Mococa and Campinas. Plants, with 2.5 years old, were cultivated at full sun, on spacing 2.5 m x 1.0 m, from July of 2001 to May of 2002, under the following water management: non irrigated (NI), irrigated continually (IC) and withholding irrigation by 30 days in the month of July (I30) and 60 days the months of July and August (I60). Irrespective of local cultivation, the irrigation provided larger yield of coffee per plant, with the largest significant differences observed in Mococa. The treatment I60 was able to impose a predawn leaf water potential (Ψwa) of -1.1 in Adamantina, -1.6 in Mococa and -1.2 in Campinas, which was more effective for flowering synchronization of coffee plants, allying yield uniformity with good production. A greater number of flowers and a low yield uniformity of continually irrigated plants (IC) to ratify the importance of a controlled drought period for flowering synchronization. The low Ywa values (-2.5 to -2.8 MPa) of the non irrigated plants (NI), reduced the number of flowers per plant when compared to the irrigated plants with reflexes in the final production indicating the need of irrigation in order to assure good floral initiation.

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2012

Cana-de-açúcar fertirrigada com vinhaça e adubos minerais via irrigação por gotejamento subsuperficial: ciclo da cana-planta

Eduardo Augusto Agnellos Barbosa; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Regina Célia de Matos Pires; Tonny José Araújo da Silva; Emílio Sakai

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of subsurface drip irrigation and the application of stillage and nutrients in some agronomic parameters, stem yield, technological characteristics of sugarcane and yield of theoretical recoverable sugar. The experiment was carried out in completely randomized block design with four treatments and five replications. The treatments were: mineral fertilizers without irrigation; irrigation and fertigation with NPK using mineral fertilizers; irrigation and fertigation with stillage supplying the K and complementation of N and P with mineral fertilizers; and irrigation and fertigation with stillage supplying the NK and complementation of P with mineral fertilizer. The system of irrigation adopted was the subsurface drip irrigation. The irrigated treatments showed higher number of tillers and leaf area index, when compared to rainfed cultivation. The fertigation with stillage supplying the K promoted higher Brix and stem yield when compared to non-irrigated cultivation. The irrigation and fertigation with stillage supplying the NK promoted higher yield of theoretical recoverable sugar, when compared the cultivation without irrigation.

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2013

Cana-de-açúcar fertirrigada com vinhaça via irrigação por gotejamento subsuperficial em três ciclos de cana-soca

Eduardo Augusto Agnellos Barbosa; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Regina Célia de Matos Pires; Tonny José Araújo da Silva; Emílio Sakai

The objective of this study was evaluate the effect of irrigation and fertigation with mineral fertilizer and vinasse applied by subsurface drip irrigation, in the number of tiller, stem yield, technological quality of sugarcane and yield of recoverable sugar in first three cycles of ratoon cane. The treatments were: T1NI - cultivation without irrigation with mineral fertilization; T2I - cultivation fertigated with mineral fertilizers; T3Iv - cultivation fertigated with the vinasse supplying K and complementation of NP with mineral fertilizer; T4IV - cultivation fertigated with the vinasse supplying NPK. In the cycle of the first ratoon cane, there was no effect of treatments on the variables, already in the subsequent cycles, the T2I and T3Iv showed higher numbers of tillers, 17.4 and 17.2 tiller m-1, in the second ratoon cane and 16.6 and 16.0 tiller m-1 in the third ratoon cane, respectively. The stem yield was amended with the T4IV obtaining the higher yield, 179.6 Mg ha-1, in the second ratoon cane, and the T2I and T3Iv in the third ratoon cane, 151.5 and 151.0 Mg ha-1, respectively. There was no treatment effect on the technological quality and in the second ratoon cane the T3Iv and T4IV showed higher yield of sugar, 25 and 25.9 Mg ha-1, respectively.

Bragantia | 2006

Distribuição espacial do sistema radicular do cafeeiro fertirrigado por gotejamento em Campinas

Carlos Vinícius Garcia Barreto; Emílio Sakai; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Emerson Alves da Silva; Regina Célia de Matos Pires

Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da fertirrigacao por gotejamento, utilizando-se emissores com diferentes espacamentos (0,50 ou 0,80 m) e profundidades de instalacao (superficial, 0,10 e 0,20 m), na distribuicao espacial do sistema radicular do cafeeiro. Observaram-se no cafeeiro irrigado e adubado de forma convencional diferentes condicoes de desenvolvimento radicular, variando conforme os tratamentos impostos. Para as plantas irrigadas por tubogotejadores com emissores espacados a cada 0,50 m, a profundidade radicular efetiva foi menor (media de 0,63 m) do que a observada para as plantas irrigadas por emissores posicionados a cada 0,80 m (media de 0,70 m). No manejo nutricional por fertirrigacao observou-se menor desigualdade na profundidade radicular efetiva entre os tratamentos, bem como, em um aumento medio de 51,1% de densidade de raizes. Houve tendencia de manutencao do volume radicular na regiao proxima aos emissores, enquanto nos pontos mais distantes do desenvolvimento do bulbo umido, o crescimento radicular foi de 77%. A irrigacao das plantas por tubogotejadores enterrados a 0,10 m de profundidade proporcionou maior desenvolvimento radicular em resposta a fertirrigacao.

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2000

Effect of the water table management in the morpho-physiological adaptation of two wheat species to waterlogging

Rinaldo de Oliveira Calheiros; Décio Eugênio Cruciani; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Rachel B. Queiroz Voltan; Emílio Sakai; Regina Célia de Matos Pires

The effect of three different water table managements in the morpho-physiological adaptation to waterlogging of Triticum aestivum, L. and Triticum durum, L., and the relative influence of the main physical and biological interferance factors were studied. The trial was conducted at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP, under simulated conditions of a natural low land. After introduction of stress adaptation during the vegetative growth stage, while applying progressive times of hipoxics periods, there were observed different requirements and/or extraction capacities of nutrients between the two species; the fertilization on leaves was not enough to avoid nutritional deficiencies in wheat under hipoxia. The water table management used resulted in morpho-physiological adaptations, but not enough to reach adequate biometric parameters of productivity. The water table at a 15 cm depth throughout the crop cycle resulted in better performance.

Engenharia Agricola | 2004

Efeito de níveis de água, coberturas do solo e condições ambientais na temperatura do solo e no cultivo de morangueiro em ambiente protegido e a céu aberto

Regina Célia de Matos Pires; Marcos V. Folegatti; Mário José Pedro Júnior; Emílio Sakai; Francisco Antonio Passos; Flávio Bussmeyer Arruda; Rinaldo de Oliveira Calheiros

A temperatura do solo e um importante parâmetro no cultivo do morangueiro, pois interfere no desenvolvimento vegetativo, na sanidade e na producao. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes niveis de agua, coberturas de canteiro em campo aberto e em ambiente protegido, na temperatura maxima do solo no cultivo do morangueiro. Foram realizados dois experimentos: um em cultivo protegido e outro a campo aberto, em Atibaia - SP, em esquema fatorial 2 x 3 (coberturas do solo e niveis de irrigacao), em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repeticoes. As coberturas de solo utilizadas foram filmes de polietileno preto e transparente. A irrigacao localizada foi aplicada por gotejo sempre que o potencial de agua no solo atingisse -0,010 (N1), -0,035 (N2) e -0,070 (N3) MPa, em tensiometros instalados a 10 cm de profundidade. A temperatura do solo foi avaliada por termografos, sendo os sensores instalados a 5 cm de profundidade. Houve influencia do ambiente de cultivo, da cobertura do solo e dos niveis de irrigacao na temperatura maxima do solo. A temperatura do solo sob diferentes coberturas dependeu nao somente das caracteristicas fisicas do plastico, como tambem da forma de instalacao no canteiro. A temperatura maxima do solo aumentou com a diminuicao do potencial da agua no solo, no momento da irrigacao.


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Emílio Sakai

University of São Paulo

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