
Circulation | 2004

Technique and Results of Linear Ablation at the Mitral Isthmus

Pierre Jaïs; Mélèze Hocini; Li-Fern Hsu; Prashanthan Sanders; Christophe Scavée; Rukshen Weerasooriya; Laurent Macle; Florence Raybaud; Stéphane Garrigue; Dipen Shah; Philippe Le Métayer; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

Background—This prospective clinical study evaluates the feasibility and efficacy of combined linear mitral isthmus ablation and pulmonary vein (PV) isolation in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). Methods and Results—One hundred consecutive patients (13 women; age 55±10 years) with drug-refractory, symptomatic paroxysmal AF underwent PV isolation and linear ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus and the mitral isthmus (lateral mitral annulus to the left inferior PV). They were compared with 100 consecutive patients (14 women; age, 52±10 years) undergoing PV isolation and cavotricuspid ablation without mitral isthmus ablation. Bidirectional mitral isthmus block was confirmed by demonstrating (1) a parallel corridor of double potentials during coronary sinus (CS) pacing, (2) an activation detour by pacing either side of the line, and (3) differential pacing techniques. Isolation of all PVs and cavotricuspid isthmus ablation were performed successfully in all. Mitral isthmus block was achieved in 92 patients after 20±10 minutes of endocardial radiofrequency application and an additional 5±4 minutes of epicardial radiofrequency application from within the CS in 68, resulting in a conduction delay of 151±26 ms during CS pacing. Thirty-two patients with mitral isthmus ablation compared with 49 without had recurrent atrial arrhythmia (P=0.02) requiring further ablation. At 1 year after the last procedure, 87 patients with mitral isthmus ablation and 69 without (P=0.002) were arrhythmia free without antiarrhythmic drugs, mitral isthmus ablation being the only factor associated with long-term success (RR for AF recurrence, 0.2; CI, 0.1 to 0.4; P<0.001). Conclusions—Catheter ablation of the mitral isthmus results consistently in demonstrable conduction block and is associated with a high cure rate for paroxysmal AF.

Circulation | 2003

Reverse Remodeling of Sinus Node Function After Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Prolonged Sinus Pauses

Mélèze Hocini; Prashanthan Sanders; Isabel Deisenhofer; Pierre Jaïs; Li-Fern Hsu; Christophe Scavée; Rukshen Weerasoriya; Florence Raybaud; Laurent Macle; Dipen Shah; Stéphane Garrigue; Philippe Le Métayer; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

Background—Symptomatic prolonged sinus pauses on termination of atrial fibrillation (AF) are an indication for pacemaker implantation. We evaluated sinus node function and clinical outcome in patients with prolonged sinus pauses on termination of arrhythmia who underwent ablation of paroxysmal AF. Methods and Results—Twenty patients with paroxysmal AF and prolonged sinus pauses (≥3 seconds) on termination of AF underwent ablation between May 1995 and November 2002. Patients with sinus pauses independent of episodes of AF were excluded from the analysis. The procedure included pulmonary vein and linear atrial ablation. After ablation, sinus node function was assessed during the first week and at 1, 3, and 6 months, by 24-hour ambulatory monitoring to determine the mean heart rate and heart rate range, and by exercise testing to determine the maximal heart rate. Corrected sinus node recovery time was determined at the completion of ablation and at 24.0±11.3 months at 600 and 400 ms. After AF ablation, there was a significant improvement of sinus node function, with an increase in the mean heart rate (P =0.001), maximal heart rate (P <0.0001), and heart rate range (P <0.0001). The corrected sinus node recovery time decreased in all patients evaluated at 600 ms (P =0.016) and 400 ms (P =0.019). At 26.0±17.6 months, 18 patients (85%) had no recurrence of AF (in the absence of medication), with no symptoms attributable to bradycardia or sinus pauses on ambulatory monitoring. Two patients had infrequent episodes of AF, 1 requiring pacemaker implantation. Conclusion—Prolonged sinus pauses after paroxysms of AF may result from depression of sinus node function that can be eliminated by curative ablation of AF. This is accompanied by improvement in parameters of sinus node function, suggesting reverse remodeling of the sinus node.

Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology | 2002

Irrigated‐Tip Catheter Ablation of Pulmonary Veins for Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

Laurent Macle; Pierre Jaïs; Rukshen Weerasooriya; Mélèze Hocini; Dipen Shah; Kee-Joon Choi; Christophe Scavée; Florence Raybaud; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

Irrigated‐Tip Catheter Ablation of PVs. Introduction: Catheter ablation of pulmonary veins (PV) for treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) is limited by the disparate requirements of sufficient energy delivery to achieve PV isolation while avoiding PV stenosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of using an irrigated‐tip catheter for systematic isolation of PV.

Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology | 2003

Dissociated Pulmonary Vein Arrhythmia

Rukshen Weerasooriya; Pierre Jaïs; Christophe Scavée; Laurent Macle; Dipen Shah; Thomas Arentz; Jorge A. Salerno; Florence Raybaud; Kee-Joon Choi; Mélèze Hocini; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

Introduction: The incidence and characteristics of dissociated arrhythmia confined to the pulmonary vein (PV) following disconnection have not been described in a large number of patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology | 2003

Radiation exposure during radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation.

Laurent Macle; Rukshen Weerasooriya; Pierre Jaïs; Christophe Scavée; Florence Raybaud; Kee-Joon Choi; Mélèze Hocini; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

MACLE, L., et al.: Radiation Exposure During Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation. RF catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) is associated with prolonged fluoroscopy. The procedural duration and fluoroscopic exposure to patients and medical staff were recorded and compared among 43 ablation procedures for PAF, 20 for common atrial flutter, and 16 for accessory pathways. Patient radiation exposure was measured by dosimeters placed over the xyphoid, while that of physicians and nurses was measured by dosimeters placed outside and inside the lead apron. The mean fluoroscopy time was 57 ± 30 minutes for PAF, 20 ± 10 minutes for common flutter, and 22 ± 21 minutes for accessory pathway ablation. The patient median radiation exposure was 1110μSv for PAF, compared with 500 μSv for common flutter and 560 μSv for accessory pathway ablation (P < 0.01). The median radiation exposure to physician and nurse inside the lead apron were, respectively, 2 μSv and 3 μSv for PAF, 1 μSv and 2 μSv for common flutter, and <0.5 μSv and 3 μSv for accessory pathway ablations. RF catheter ablation for PAF was associated with prolonged fluoroscopy times and a twofold higher radiation exposure to the patient and physician compared with other ablation procedures. Assuming 300 procedures/year, radiation exposure to the medical staff was below the upper recommended annual dose limit. (PACE 2003; 26[Pt. II]:288–291)

Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology | 2003

Cost Analysis of Catheter Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation

Rukshen Weerasooriya; Pierre Jaïs; Jean-Yves Le Heuzey; Christophe Scavée; Kee-Joon Choi; Laurent Macle; Florence Raybaud; Mélèze Hocini; Dipen Shah; Thomas Lavergne; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

WEERASOORIYA, R., et al.: Cost Analysis of Catheter Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. RF ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) is a curative treatment, which when successful, eliminates the need to take antiarrhythmic drugs, be anticoagulated, and have recurrent physician visits or hospital admissions. The authors performed a retrospective cost comparison of RF ablation versus drug therapy for PAF. The study population consisted of 118 consecutive patients with symptomatic, drug refractory PAF who underwent1.52 ± 0.71RF ablation procedures (range 1–4) for PAF. During a follow‐up of 32 ± 15 weeks, 85 (72%) patients remained free of clinical recurrence in absence of antiarrhythmic drugs. The cost of RF ablation was calculated in the year 2001 euros on the basis of resource use. The mean cost of pharmacologic treatment prior to ablation was 1,590 euros/patient per year. The initial cost of RF ablation for PAF was 4,715 euros, then 445 euros/year. After 5 years, the cost of RF ablation was below that of ongoing medical management, and continued to diverge thereafter. RF catheter ablation may be a cost‐effective alternative to long‐term drug therapy in patients with symptomatic, drug refractory PAF. (PACE 2003; 26[Pt. II]:292–294)

Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology | 2003

Pulmonary Vein Disconnection Using the LocaLisa Three-Dimensional Nonfluoroscopic Catheter Imaging System

Laurent Macle; Pierre Jaïs; Christophe Scavée; Rukshen Weerasooriya; Mélèze Hocini; Dipen Shah; Florence Raybaud; Kee-Joon Choi; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

Introduction: Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with prolonged fluoroscopy times. We prospectively evaluated the use of the LocaLisa three‐dimensional nonfluoroscopic catheter imaging system with the aim of reducing fluoroscopy times during pulmonary vein (PV) disconnection.

Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology | 2003

Electrophysiologically Guided Pulmonary Vein Isolation During Sustained Atrial Fibrillation

Laurent Macle; Pierre Jaïs; Christophe Scavée; Rukshen Weerasooriya; Dipen Shah; Mélèze Hocini; Kee-Joon Choi; Florence Raybaud; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

Introduction: Sustained atrial fibrillation (AF) is frequently encountered during pulmonary vein (PV) isolation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of PV isolation during sustained AF.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2002

QRST subtraction combined with a pacemap catalogue for the prediction of ectopy source by surface electrocardiogram in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

Kee-Joon Choi; Dipen Shah; Pierre Jaïs; Mélèze Hocini; Laurent Macle; Christophe Scavée; Rukshen Weerasooriya; Florence Raybaud; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

OBJECTIVES This study evaluated the use of ectopic P-wave morphology to localize pulmonary vein (PV) and non-PV sources of atrial ectopics in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). BACKGROUND The vectorial information embodied in the morphology of ectopic P waves is concealed by overlying T waves. METHODS The P-wave morphology of 56 ectopics was prospectively analyzed in 44 patients with PAF (age, 52 +/- 12 years; 36 male) by subtracting the adjacent QRST from the QRST-ectopic P-wave complex using custom-designed software. Subtraction fidelity was validated in 15 other patients (55 +/- 19 years, 11 male) by comparing drive beats with simulated ectopics (S2 from the same site) unmasked by subtracting overlying QRST. An algorithm combined with PV pacemaps was used to predict PV sources. Subtracted ectopic P-wave morphologies after PV disconnection were compared with PV and non-PV site pacemaps. Localization was confirmed by mapping and successful ablation. RESULTS A > or =10-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) match was observed in 92% of 644 simulated ectopics (coupling intervals: 190 to 520 ms). In PAF patients, 37 spontaneous ectopics originated from the PV, while 19 were noted after PV disconnection. Using the P-wave algorithm alone, correct prediction of PV origin was achieved in 30/37 ectopics (81%). Combination with PV pacemaps allowed correct prediction in 34/37 (92%). After PV disconnection, ECG localization predicted successful ablation sites in 16/19 (84%). CONCLUSIONS Comparison of subtracted ectopic P waves with a pacemap catalogue provides a simple and accurate 12-lead ECG-based method for localization, which can facilitate ablation of arrhythmia triggers irrespective of origin from the PV or elsewhere.

Cardiac Electrophysiology Review | 2002

Atypical Left Atrial Flutters

Pierre Jaïs; Mélèze Hocini; Rukshen Weerasoryia; Laurent Macle; Christophe Scavée; Florence Raybaud; Dipen Shah; Jacques Clémenty; Michel Haïssaguerre

Left atrial flutters are not as common as peri-tricuspidian circuits. Their systematic study is much more recent and had greatly benefited from the use of 3 D mapping systems. Reentry has been demonstrated as being the mechanism but the circuits are not stereotypical like in the right atrium. Multiple macroreentrant circuits with one or more loops have been described as well as small re-entrant circuits. The complexity and variability of these circuits is related to the presence of zone of block, slow conduction and electrically silent areas. They create the conditions for the arrhythmia maintenance as they stabilize the circuit and prevent short circuiting. Most of the patients with left atrial flutter have an underlying structural heart disease, but their arrhythmia is amenable to curative catheter ablation.

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