
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity | 2014

Lipid and Protein Oxidation in Newborn Infants after Lutein Administration

Serafina Perrone; Monica Tei; Mariangela Longini; Antonino Santacroce; Giovanni Turrisi; Fabrizio Proietti; Cosetta Felici; Anna Picardi; Francesco Bazzini; P. Vasarri; Giuseppe Buonocore

Objectives. To test the hypothesis that neonatal supplementation with lutein in the first hours of life reduces neonatal oxidative stress (OS) in the immediate postpartum period. Methods. A randomized controlled, double-blinded clinical trial was conducted among 150 newborns divided into control group, not supplemented (n = 47), and test group, supplemented with lutein on the first day postpartum (n = 103). Blood Samples were collected at birth from cord and at 48 hrs postpartum while routine neonatal metabolic screenings were taking place. Total hydroperoxide (TH), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), and biological antioxidant potential (BAP) were measured by spectrophotometry and data were analyzed by Wilcoxon rank sum test and by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results. Before lutein supplementation, the mean blood concentrations of AOPP, TH, and BAP were 36.10 umol/L, 156.75 mmol/H2O2, and 2361.04 umol/L in the test group. After lutein supplementation, significantly higher BAP increment (0.17 ± 0.22 versus 0.06 versus ± 0.46) and lower TH increment (0.46 ± 0.54 versus 0.34 ± 0.52) were observed in the test group compared to controls. Conclusion. Neonatal supplementation with lutein in the first hours of life increases BAP and reduces TH in supplemented babies compared to those untreated. The generation of free radical-induced damage at birth is reduced by lutein. This trial is registered with NCT02068807.

Mediators of Inflammation | 2017

Oxidative Stress Biomarkers: Establishment of Reference Values for Isoprostanes, AOPP, and NPBI in Cord Blood

Mariangela Longini; Elisa Belvisi; Fabrizio Proietti; Francesco Bazzini; Giuseppe Buonocore; Serafina Perrone

Oxidative stress (OS) is a common pathogenic factor involved in the onset of several diseases in humans, from immunologic disorders to malignancy, being a serious public health problem. In perinatal period, OS has been associated with adverse outcome of pregnancy and neonatal diseases. Dangerous effects of OS are mediated by increased production of free radicals (FRs) following various mechanisms, such as hypoxia, ischemia reperfusion, hyperoxia, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, Fenton chemistry, and prostaglandin metabolism. FRs have short half-life, and their measurement in vivo is faced with many challenges. However, oxyradical derivatives are stable and thus may be measured and monitored repeatedly. The quantification of OS is based on the measurement of specific biomarkers in biologic fluids and tissues, which reflect induced oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA. Prostanoids, non–protein-bound iron (NPBI), and advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) are actually considered truly specific and reliable for neonatal injury. Defining reference values for these biomarkers is necessary to investigate their role in neonatal diseases or also to evaluate the success of treatments. In this work, we wanted to define laboratory reference values for biomarkers of OS in a healthy population of term newborns.

Archives of Disease in Childhood | 2018

C reactive protein in healthy term newborns during the first 48 hours of life

Serafina Perrone; Federica Lotti; Mariangela Longini; Annalisa Rossetti; Ilaria Bindi; Francesco Bazzini; Elisa Belvisi; Pasquale Sarnacchiaro; Carlo Scapellato; Giuseppe Buonocore

Background Early-onset neonatal sepsis (EOS) is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease in newborns. C reactive protein (CRP) is the most used laboratory biomarker for the detection of EOS. Little is known about normal reference values of CRP during the perinatal period as several factors are able to influence it. Objectives To identify an appropriate range of CRP values in healthy term newborns during the first 48 hours of life. Design CRP determination was performed in 859 term newborns at 12, 24 and 48 hours of life. Mode of delivery, maternal vaginal culture results, intrapartum antimicrobial prophylaxis (IAP) and other perinatal variables were recorded. Results CRP mean values were significantly higher at 48 hours (4.10 mg/L) than at both 24 (2.30 mg/L) and 12 hours of life (0.80 mg/L). CRP levels were affected by a number of perinatal proinflammatory variables. In particular, CRP mean values were significantly higher in babies born by vaginal delivery (3.80 mg/L) and emergency caesarean section (3.60 mg/L) than in babies born by elective caesarean section (2.10 mg/L). Completed course of IAP led to lower CRP mean values (2.90 mg/L) than IAP not completed (3.80 mg/L) or not performed (4.70 mg/L). Conclusions Postnatal age and mode of delivery significantly influence CRP values. Reliable reference values are crucial in order to obtain an adequate diagnostic accuracy.

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity | 2017

Oxidative Stress as a Physiological Pain Response in Full-Term Newborns

Serafina Perrone; Carlo Valerio Bellieni; Simona Negro; Mariangela Longini; Antonino Santacroce; Maria Luisa Tataranno; Francesco Bazzini; Elisa Belvisi; Anna Picardi; Fabrizio Proietti; Lorenzo Iantorno; Giuseppe Buonocore

This research paper aims to investigate if oxidative stress biomarkers increase after a painful procedure in term newborns and if nonpharmacological approaches, or sex, influence pain degree, and the subsequent OS. 83 healthy term newborns were enrolled to receive 10% oral glucose or sensorial saturation (SS) for analgesia during heel prick (HP). The ABC scale was used to score the pain. Advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) and total hydroperoxides (TH) as biomarkers of OS were measured at the beginning (early-sample) and at the end (late-sample) of HP. The early-sample/late-sample ratio for AOPP and TH was used to evaluate the increase in OS biomarkers after HP. Higher levels of both AOPP and TH ratio were observed in high degree pain (4–6) compared with low degree pain score (0–3) (AOPP: p = 0.049; TH: p = 0.001). Newborns receiving SS showed a significantly lower pain score (p = 0.000) and AOPP ratio levels (p = 0.021) than those without. Males showed higher TH levels at the end of HP (p = 0.005) compared to females. The current study demonstrates that a relationship between pain degree and OS exists in healthy full-term newborns. The amount of OS is gender related, being higher in males. SS reduces pain score together with pain-related OS in the newborns.

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity | 2018

The Free Radical Diseases of Prematurity: From Cellular Mechanisms to Bedside

Serafina Perrone; Antonino Santacroce; Mariangela Longini; Fabrizio Proietti; Francesco Bazzini; Giuseppe Buonocore

During the perinatal period, free radicals (FRs) are involved in several physiological roles such as the cellular responses to noxia, the defense against infectious agents, the regulation of cellular signaling function, and the induction of a mitogenic response. However, the overproduction of FRs and the insufficiency of an antioxidant mechanism result in oxidative stress (OS) which represents a deleterious process and an important mediator of damage to the placenta and the developing fetus. After birth, OS can be magnified by other predisposing conditions such as hypoxia, hyperoxia, ischemia, hypoxia ischemia-reperfusion, inflammation, and high levels of nonprotein-bound iron. Newborns are particularly susceptible to OS and oxidative damage due to the increased generation of FRs and the lack of adequate antioxidant protection. This impairment of the oxidative balance has been thought to be the common factor of the so-called “free radical related diseases of prematurity,” including retinopathy of prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, necrotizing enterocolitis, kidney damage, and oxidative hemolysis. In this review, we provide an update focused on the factors influencing these diseases refining the knowledge about the role of OS in their pathogenesis and the current evidences of such relationship. Mechanisms governing FR formation and subsequent OS may represent targets for counteracting tissue damage.

Journal of Perinatal Medicine | 2018

Regional differences of hypothermia on oxidative stress following hypoxia-ischemia: a study of DHA and hypothermia on brain lipid peroxidation in newborn piglets

Marianne U. Huun; Håvard Tetlie Garberg; Giuseppe Buonocore; Mariangela Longini; Elisa Belvisi; Francesco Bazzini; Fabrizio Proietti; Ola Didrik Saugstad; Rønnaug Solberg

Abstract Background Oxidative stress plays an important part in the pathophysiology of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and is reliably measured through prostanoids following lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The aim of the study is to measure oxidative stress in the prefrontal cortex, white matter and hippocampus in the brains of hypoxic-ischemic piglets treated with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and therapeutic hypothermia (TH) and investigate the additive effects of DHA on hypothermia by factorial design. Methods Fifty-five piglets were randomized as having severe global hypoxia (n=48) or not (sham, n=7). Hypoxic piglets were further randomized: vehicle (VEH), DHA, VEH+hypothermia (HT) or HT+DHA. A total of 5 mg/kg DHA was given intravenously 210 min after the end of hypoxia. Brain tissues were analyzed using liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry technique (LC-MS). A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed with DHA and HT as main effects. Results In the white matter, we found main effects of DHA on DH-isoprostanes (P=0.030) and a main effect of HT on F4-neuroprostanes (F4-NeuroPs) (P=0.007), F2-isoprostanes (F2-IsoPs) (P=0.043) and DH-isoprostanes (P=0.023). In the cortex, the ANOVA analysis showed the interactions of main effects between DHA and HT for neurofuranes (NeuroFs) (P=0.092) and DH-isoprostanes (P=0.015) as DHA significantly reduced lipid peroxidation in the absence of HT. DHA compared to VEH significantly reduced NeuroFs (P=0.019) and DH-isoprostanes (P=0.010). No differences were found in the hippocampus. Conclusion After severe hypoxia, HT reduced lipid peroxidation in the white matter but not in the cortical gray matter. HT attenuated the reducing effect of DHA on lipid peroxidation in the cortex. Further studies are needed to determine whether DHA can be an effective add-on therapy for TH.

Cytokine | 2018

Identification of a panel of cytokines in neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy treated with hypothermia

Serafina Perrone; Michael D. Weiss; Fabrizio Proietti; Candace Rossignol; Sara Cornacchione; Francesco Bazzini; Marco Calderisi; Giuseppe Buonocore; Mariangela Longini

Purpose Inflammation is a crucial but understudied mechanism of neuronal injury after hypoxia‐ischemia. The aim was to identify a panel of cytokines involved in brain injury in neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Methods Ten newborns with HIE undergoing to therapeutic hypothermia (TH, HIE Group) and 8 healthy newborns (CTRL Group) were enrolled. For the HIE group, 5 samples were collected: between 0 and 6 h of life (time 1), 12 h (time 2), 24 h (time 3), 48 h (time 4) and 96 h of life (time 5). For the CTRL group, one sample was collected. A panel of 48 inflammatory cytokines was determined in all samples. Data were analyzed using multivariate statistical analysis (Principal component analysis, PCA) Results 17 cytokines, among 48 analyzed, were found to be significantly different, initially, between the CTRL and HIE groups: 12 with reported pro‐inflammatory effects and 5 with reported anti‐inflammatory effects. In the HIE group cytokines showed a decreasing trend during the TH and at the end of treatment comparable to the CTRL group. IL‐18 did demonstrate a slight increase at time 3 during HT but decreased steadily at sampling times, 4 and 5. Conclusions Our data demonstrates that many pathways of the inflammatory cascade are activated following hypoxic‐ischemic injury. This information will increase our understanding of changes in cytokines over time in neonates with HIE undergoing TH.

Disease Markers | 2017

Predictive Role of F2-Isoprostanes as Biomarkers for Brain Damage after Neonatal Surgery

Lisanne J. Stolwijk; P Lemmers; M. A. Van Herwaarden; D C van der Zee; F van Bel; Floris Groenendaal; Maria Luisa Tataranno; Marco Calderisi; Mariangela Longini; Francesco Bazzini; Mjnl Benders; Giuseppe Buonocore

Objective Neonates have a high risk of oxidative stress during anesthetic procedures. The predictive role of oxidative stress biomarkers on the occurrence of brain injury in the perioperative period has not been reported before. Methods A prospective cohort study of patients requiring major surgery in the neonatal period was conducted. Biomarker levels of nonprotein-bound iron (NPBI) in plasma and F2-isoprostane in plasma and urine before and after surgical intervention were determined. Brain injury was assessed using postoperative MRI. Results In total, 61 neonates were included, median gestational age at 39 weeks (range 31–42) and weight at 3000 grams (1400–4400). Mild to moderate brain lesions were found in 66%. Logistic regression analysis showed a significant difference between plasma NPBI in patients with nonparenchymal injury versus no brain injury: 1.34 umol/L was identified as correlation threshold for nonparenchymal injury (sensitivity 67%, specificity 91%). In the multivariable analysis, correcting for GA, no other significant relation was found with the oxidative stress biomarkers and risk factors. Conclusion Oxidative stress seems to occur during anaesthesia in this cohort of neonates. Plasma nonprotein-bound iron showed to be associated with nonparenchymal injury after surgery, with values of 1.34 umol/L or higher. Risk factors should be elucidated in a more homogeneous patient group.

Placenta | 2016

Placental histological examination and the relationship with oxidative stress in preterm infants.

Serafina Perrone; Maria Luisa Tataranno; Simona Negro; Mariangela Longini; Maria Stefania Toti; Maria Gabriella Alagna; Fabrizio Proietti; Francesco Bazzini; Paolo Toti; Giuseppe Buonocore

Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents | 2017

Maternal obesity and perinatal oxidative stress: The strength of the association

Simona Negro; T. Boutsikou; D.D. Briana; Maria Luisa Tataranno; Mariangela Longini; Fabrizio Proietti; Francesco Bazzini; C. Dani; A. Malamitsi-Puchner; Giuseppe Buonocore; Serafina Perrone

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