Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Featured researches published by Francesco Giovanni Celiberto.
European Physical Journal C | 2016
F. Caporale; Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; G. Chachamis; A. Sabio Vera
We evaluate differential cross sections for production of four jets in multi-Regge kinematics at a hadron collider. The main focus lies on the azimuthal angle dependences. As in previous studies, the ratios of correlation functions of products of cosines of azimuthal angle differences among the tagged jets offer us the cleanest quantities to compare with the experimental data. The calculations are based on the jet production from a single BFKL ladder with a convolution of three BFKL Green functions where we always have two forward/backward jets tagged in the final state. We also demand the tagging of two further jets in more central regions of the detectors with a relative separation in rapidity from each other, plus the inclusive production of an arbitrary number of mini-jets. We show that dependences on the transverse momenta and rapidity of the two central jets can be a distinct signal of the onset of BFKL dynamics.
European Physical Journal C | 2017
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; Dmitry Yu. Ivanov; Beatrice Murdaca; Alessandro Papa
The study of the inclusive production of a pair of charged light hadrons (a “dihadron” system) featuring high transverse momenta and well separated in rapidity represents a clear channel for the test of the BFKL dynamics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This process has much in common with the well-known Mueller–Navelet jet production; however, hadrons can be detected at much smaller values of the transverse momentum than jets, thus allowing to explore an additional kinematic range, supplementary to the one studied with Mueller–Navelet jets. Furthermore, it makes it possible to constrain not only the parton densities (PDFs) for the initial proton, but also the parton fragmentation functions (FFs) describing the detected hadron in the final state. Here, we present the first full NLA BFKL analysis for cross sections and azimuthal angle correlations for dihadrons produced in the LHC kinematic ranges. We make use of the Brodsky–Lapage–Mackenzie optimization method to set the values of the renormalization scale and study the effect of choosing different values for the factorization scale. We also gauge the uncertainty coming from the use of different PDF and FF parametrizations.
Physical Review D | 2017
F. Caporale; Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; G. Chachamis; D. Gordo Gomez; A. Sabio Vera
Recently, a new family of observables consisting of azimuthal-angle generalised ratios was proposed in a kinematical setup that resembles the usual Mueller-Navelet jets but with an additional tagged jet in the central region of rapidity. Non-tagged minijet activity between the three jets can affect significantly the azimuthal angle orientation of the jets and is accounted for by the introduction of two BFKL gluon Green functions. Here, we calculate the, presumably, most relevant higher order corrections to the observables by now convoluting the three leading-order jet vertices with two gluon Green functions at next-to-leading logarithmic approximation. The corrections appear to be mostly moderate giving us confidence that the recently proposed observables are actually an excellent way to probe the BFKL dynamics at the LHC. Furthermore, we allow for the jets to take values in different rapidity bins in various configurations such that a comparison between our predictions and the experimental data is a straightforward task.
Physics Letters B | 2018
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; D. Yu. Ivanov; Beatrice Murdaca; A. Papa
We present our predictions for the inclusive production of two heavy quark–antiquark pairs, separated by a large rapidity interval, in the collision of (quasi-)real photons at the energies of LEP2 and of some future electron–positron colliders. We include in our calculation the full resummation of leading logarithms in the center-of-mass energy and a partial resummation of the next-to-leading logarithms, within the Balitsky–Fadin–Kuraev–Lipatov (BFKL) approach.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology | 2016
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; László Jenkovszky; Volodymyr Myronenko
High-energy nucleon total cross sections are related to low-x DIS structure functions by using the additive quark model.
Physics Letters B | 2018
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; D. Gordo Gomez; A. Sabio Vera
Abstract Motivated by the recent work of Brzeminski, Motyka, Sadzikowski and Stebel in [1] , where forward Drell–Yan production is studied in proton–proton collisions at the LHC, we improve their calculation by introducing an unintegrated gluon density obtained in [2] from a fit to combined HERA data at small values of Bjorken x . This gluon density was calculated within the BFKL formalism at next-to-leading order with collinear corrections. We show that it generates a good description of the forward Drell–Yan cross section dependence on the invariant mass of the lepton pair both for LHCb and ATLAS data.
European Physical Journal C | 2018
Andrèe Dafne Bolognino; Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; Dmitry Yu. Ivanov; Mohammed M.A. Mohammed; Alessandro Papa
The inclusive production at the LHC of a charged light hadron and of a jet, featuring a wide separation in rapidity, is suggested as a new probe process for the investigation of the BFKL mechanism of resummation of energy logarithms in the QCD perturbative series. We present some predictions, tailored on the CMS and CASTOR acceptances, for the cross section averaged over the azimuthal angle between the identified jet and hadron and for azimuthal correlations.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology | 2017
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; R. Fiore; László Jenkovszky
Bjorken scaling violation in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering (DIS) is related to the rise of hadronic cross sections by using the additive quark model. Of special interest is the connection between saturation in the low-x behavior of the DIS structure functions (SF) and possible slow-down of the pp cross section rise due to saturation effects. We also identify saturation effects in the DIS SF with phase transition that can be described by the Van der Waals equation of state.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology | 2017
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; Dmitry Yu. Ivanov; Beatrice Murdaca; Alessandro Papa
A study of the inclusive production of a pair of hadrons (a “dihadron” system), having high transverse momenta and separated by a large interval of rapidity, is presented. This process has much in common with the widely discussed Mueller–Navelet jet production and can be also used to access the BFKL dynamics at proton colliders. Large contributions enhanced by logarithms of energy can be resummed in perturbation theory within the BFKL formalism in the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. The experimental study of dihadron production would provide with an additional clear channel to test the BFKL dynamics. The first theoretical predictions for cross sections and azimuthal angle correlations of the two hadrons produced with LHC kinematics are presented.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology | 2017
F. Caporale; Francesco Giovanni Celiberto; Grigorios Chachamis; D. Gordo Gomez; Agustin Sabio Vera
A study of differential cross sections for the production of three and four jets in multi-Regge kinematics is presented. The main focus lies on the azimuthal angle dependences in events with two forward/backward jets tagged in the final state. Furthermore, the tagging of one or two extra jets in more central regions of the detector with a relative separation in rapidity from each other is requested. It is found that the dependence of the cross sections on the transverse momenta and the rapidities of the central jet(s) can offer new means of studying the onset of BFKL dynamics.A study of differential cross sections for the production of three and four jets in multi-Regge kinematics is presented. The main focus lies on the azimuthal angle dependences in events with two forward/backward jets tagged in the final state. Furthermore, the tagging of one or two extra jets in more central regions of the detector with a relative separation in rapidity from each other is requested. It is found that the dependence of the cross sections on the transverse momenta and the rapidities of the central jet(s) can offer new means of studying the onset of BFKL dynamics.