Francesco Regazzoni
University of Lugano
Featured researches published by Francesco Regazzoni.
international conference on cryptology in africa | 2010
François-Xavier Standaert; Johann Großschädl; Francesco Regazzoni
The market for RFID technology has grown rapidly over the past few years. Going along with the proliferation of RFID technology is an increasing demand for secure and privacy-preserving applications. In this context, RFID tags need to be protected against physical attacks such as Differential Power Analysis (DPA) and fault attacks. The main obstacles towards secure RFID are the extreme constraints of passive tags in terms of power consumption and silicon area, which makes the integration of countermeasures against physical attacks even more difficult than for other types of embedded systems. In this paper we propose a fresh re-keying scheme that is especially suited for challenge-response protocols such as used to authenticate tags. We evaluate the resistance of our scheme against fault and side-channel analysis, and introduce a simple architecture for VLSI implementation. In addition, we estimate the cost of our scheme in terms of area and execution time for various security/performance trade-offs. Our experimental results show that the proposed re-keying scheme provides better security (and does so at less cost) than state-of-the-art countermeasures.
international conference on cryptology in africa | 2012
Thomas Eisenbarth; Zheng Gong; Tim Güneysu; Stefan Heyse; Sebastiaan Indesteege; Stéphanie Kerckhof; François Koeune; Topmislav Nad; Thomas Plos; Francesco Regazzoni; François-Xavier Standaert; Loïc van Oldeneel tot Oldenzeel
The design of lightweight block ciphers has been a very active research topic over the last years. However, the lack of comparative source codes generally makes it hard to evaluate the extent to which implementations of different ciphers actually reach their low-cost goals on various platforms. This paper reports on an initiative aiming to relax this issue. First, we provide implementations of 12 block ciphers on an ATMEL AVR ATtiny45 8-bit microcontroller, and make the corresponding source code available on a web page. All implementations are made public under an open-source license. Common interfaces and design goals are followed by all designers to achieve comparable implementation results. Second, we evaluate performance figures of our implementations with respect to different metrics, including energy-consumption measurements and show our improvements compared to existing implementations.
Optics Express | 2014
Samuel Burri; Yuki Maruyama; Francesco Regazzoni; Claudio Bruschini; Edoardo Charbon
We present the architecture and three applications of the largest resolution image sensor based on single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) published to date. The sensor, fabricated in a high-voltage CMOS process, has a resolution of 512 × 128 pixels and a pitch of 24 μm. The fill-factor of 5% can be increased to 30% with the use of microlenses. For precise control of the exposure and for time-resolved imaging, we use fast global gating signals to define exposure windows as small as 4 ns. The uniformity of the gate edges location is ∼140 ps (FWHM) over the whole array, while in-pixel digital counting enables frame rates as high as 156 kfps. Currently, our camera is used as a highly sensitive sensor with high temporal resolution, for applications ranging from fluorescence lifetime measurements to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and generation of true random numbers.
fast software encryption | 2013
Andrey Bogdanov; Florian Mendel; Francesco Regazzoni; Vincent Rijmen; Elmar Tischhauser
In this paper, we propose a new Authenticated Lightweight Encryption algorithm coined ALE. The basic operation of ALE is the AES round transformation and the AES-128 key schedule. ALE is an online single-pass authenticated encryption algorithm that supports optional associated data. Its security relies on using nonces.
design automation conference | 2011
Ali Galip Bayrak; Francesco Regazzoni; Philip Brisk; François-Xavier Standaert; Paolo Ienne
In cryptography, side channel attacks, such as power analysis, attempt to uncover secret information from the physical implementation of cryptosystems rather than exploiting weaknesses in the cryptographic algorithms themselves. The design and implementation of physically secure cryptosystems is a challenge for both hardware and software designers. Measuring and evaluating the security of a system is manual and empirical, which is costly and time consuming; this work demonstrates that it is possible to automate these processes. We introduce a systematic methodology for automatic application of software countermeasures and demonstrate its effectiveness on an AES software implementation running on an 8-bit AVR microcontroller. The framework identifies the most vulnerable instructions of the implementation to power analysis attacks, and then transforms the software using a chosen countermeasure to protect the vulnerable instructions. Lastly, it evaluates the security of the system using an information-theoretic metric and a direct attack.
smart card research and advanced application conference | 2011
Stéphanie Kerckhof; François Durvaux; Nicolas Veyrat-Charvillon; Francesco Regazzoni; Guerric Meurice de Dormale; François-Xavier Standaert
Allowing good performances on different platforms is an important criteria for the selection of the future sha-3 standard. In this paper, we consider the compact implementations of blake, Grostl, jh, Keccak and Skein on recent fpga devices. Our results bring an interesting complement to existing analyzes, as most previous works on fpga implementations of the sha-3 candidates were optimized for high throughput applications. Following recent guidelines for the fair comparison of hardware architectures, we put forward clear trends for the selection of the future standard. First, compact fpga implementations of Keccak are less efficient than their high throughput counterparts. Second, Grostl shows interesting performances in this setting, in particular in terms of throughput over area ratio. Third, the remaining candidates are comparably suitable for compact fpga implementations, with some slight contrasts (in area cost and throughput).
cryptographic hardware and embedded systems | 2009
Francesco Regazzoni; Alessandro Cevrero; François-Xavier Standaert; Stéphane Badel; Ties Kluter; Philip Brisk; Yusuf Leblebici; Paolo Ienne
Power-based side channel attacks are a significant security risk, especially for embedded applications. To improve the security of such devices, protected logic styles have been proposed as an alternative to CMOS. However, they should only be used sparingly, since their area and power consumption are both significantly larger than for CMOS. We propose to augment a processor, realized in CMOS, with custom instruction set extensions, designed with security and performance as the primary objectives, that are realized in a protected logic. We have developed a design flow based on standard CAD tools that can automatically synthesize and place-and-route such hybrid designs. The flow is integrated into a simulation and evaluation environment to quantify the security achieved on a sound basis. Using MCML logic as a case study, we have explored different partitions of the PRESENT block cipher between protected and unprotected logic. This experiment illustrates the tradeoff between the type and amount of application-level functionality implemented in protected logic and the level of security achieved by the design. Our design approach and evaluation tools are generic and could be used to partition any algorithm using any protected logic style.
cryptographic hardware and embedded systems | 2013
Ali Galip Bayrak; Francesco Regazzoni; David Novo; Paolo Ienne
Security analysis is a crucial concern in the design of hardware and software systems, yet there is a distinct lack of automated methodologies. In this paper, we remedy this situation for the verification of software countermeasure implementations. In this context, verifying the security of a protected implementation against side-channel attacks corresponds to assessing whether any particular leakage in any particular computational phase is statistically dependent on the secret data and statistically independent of any random information used to protect the implementation. We present a novel methodology to reduce this verification problem into a set of Boolean satisfiability problems, which can be efficiently solved by leveraging recent advances in SAT solving. To show the effectiveness of our methodology, we have implemented an automatic verification tool, named Sleuth, as an advanced analysis pass in the back-end of the LLVM compiler. Our results show that one can automatically detect several examples of classic pitfalls in the implementation of countermeasures with reasonable runtimes.
international conference on embedded computer systems: architectures, modeling, and simulation | 2007
Francesco Regazzoni; Stéphane Badel; Thomas Eisenbarth; Johann Grobschadl; Axel Poschmann; Zeynep Toprak; Marco Macchetti; Laura Pozzi; Christof Paar; Yusuf Leblebici; Paolo Ienne
This paper explores the resistance of MOS current mode logic (MCML) against differential power analysis (DPA) attacks. Circuits implemented in MCML, in fact, have unique characteristics both in terms of power consumption and the dependency of the power profile from the input signal pattern. Therefore, MCML is suitable to protect cryptographic hardware from DPA and similar side-channel attacks. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of different logic styles against power analysis attacks, the non-linear bijective function of the Kasumi algorithm (known as substitution box S7) was implemented with CMOS and MCML technology, and a set of attacks was performed using power traces derived from SPICE-level simulations. Although all keys were discovered for CMOS, only very few attacks to MCML were successful.
design automation conference | 2011
Alessandro Cevrero; Francesco Regazzoni; Micheal Schwander; Stéphane Badel; Paolo Ienne; Yusuf Leblebici
MOS Current Mode Logic (MCML) is one of the most promising logic style to counteract power analysis attacks. Unfortunately, the static power consumption of MCML standard cells is significantly higher compared to equivalent functions implemented using static CMOS logic. As a result, the use of such a logic style is very limited in portable devices. Paradoxically, these devices are the most sensitive to physical attacks, thus the ones which would benefit more from the adoption of MCML.