
Actas do Congresso Nacional de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas | 2004

Comunidade científica e cientificidade da ciência da informação

Marlene Oliveira; Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota; Rubén Urbizagástegui Alvarado

Gep News | 2018

Biblioteca Virtual em Hospital de Ensino e Assistência: A Experiência do HUPAA

Antonio Romeiro de Lima Filho; Arlindo João dos Santos Júnior; Erica Ferro da Costa; Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota; Maria Isabel Fernandes Calheiros

Gep News | 2018

A importância de pensar a Humanização no HUPAA

Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota

Доклады Академии Наук | 2017

ANJOS DO HUPAA”: AÇÕES DE HUMANIZAÇÃO DESENVOLVIDAS POR GRUPO DE CONTADORES DE HISTÓRIAS EM UM HOSPITAL DE ENSINO E ASSISTÊNCIA 2018 2018-02-06 1 4 2 7 0 0 0 Gep News 2018-03-29 316273470 25306 zn2 掺杂mn fe linbo3晶体的特性和非挥发性全息存储 Zn2+掺杂Mn:Fe:LiNbO3晶体的特性和非挥发性全息存储 2008 2008-01-01 36 11 1601 1605 0 0 0 硅酸盐学报 2016-06-24 2792992966 29400 adjustable roller bearing in particular for friction and form rollers of inking in printing presses Adjustable roller bearing, in particular for friction and form rollers of inking in printing presses 1967 1967-03-02 0 0 0 2018-03-29 316273473 22621 the microstructure of metal oxide additive silicon nitride ceramics The Microstructure of Metal Oxide Additive Silicon Nitride Ceramics 1996 1996-01-01 Chalmers University of Technology 0 3 3 2016-06-24 2792992975 24897 method for reducing malting loss of beer barley malting Method for reducing malting loss of beer barley malting 2012 2012-10-10 0 0 0 2018-03-29 316273480 24197 tree crown structural characterization a study using terrestrial laser scanning and three dimensional radiative transfer modeling Tree crown structural characterization: A study using terrestrial laser scanning and three-dimensional radiative transfer modeling 2009 2009-01-01 0 0 0 2016-06-24 2792992977 21707 10.1299/jsmemecj.2017.j0330202 development of a residual stress monitoring sensor for electronic devices Development of a Residual Stress Monitoring Sensor for Electronic Devices 2017 2017-01-01 Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 2017 0 0 0 The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2018-03-29 316273496 28413 Journal journal of the international association of pupil personnel workers proceedings 60th annual conference Journal of the International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers, Proceedings - 60th Annual Conference. 1975 1975-01-01 2764797120 0 0 0 Journal of the International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers 2016-06-24 2792992981 24233 10.4186/ej.2018.22.1.269 Journal flood mapping along the lower mekong river in cambodia Flood Mapping along the Lower Mekong River in Cambodia 2018 2018-01-31 Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University 132817738 22 1 269 278 0 0 0 Engineering Journal 2018-03-29 316273598 24794 jurgen habermas la sociedad civil y el movimiento social de los jovenes Jürgen Habermas, la sociedad civil y el movimiento social de los jóvenes 2013 2013-01-01 19 224 54 86 4 0 0 Bien común 2016-06-24 2792992982 19774 10.1093/mnras/sty726 Journal hats 39b hats 40b hats 41b and hats 42b three inflated hot jupiters and a super jupiter transiting f stars HATS-39b, HATS-40b, HATS-41b, and HATS-42b: three inflated hot Jupiters and a super-Jupiter transiting F stars 2018 2018-07-01 Oxford University Press (OUP) 195663288 477 3 3406 3423 26 0 0 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2018-03-29 316273618 29605 人口 資本の集積と経済成長 工業化 都市化は持続的成長を支える条件 人口・資本の集積と経済成長 ‐工業化,都市化は持続的成長を支える条件 1966 1966-10-15 岩波書店 17 4 368 372 0 0 0 経済研究 2016-06-24 2792992985 21713 10.1007/s00709-018-1225-1 Journal arctic antarctic and temperate green algae zygnema spp under uv b stress vegetative cells perform better than pre akinetes Arctic, Antarctic, and temperate green algae Zygnema spp. under UV-B stress: vegetative cells perform better than pre-akinetes 2018 2018-02-22 Springer Nature 201230245 255 4 1239 1252 45 0 0 Protoplasma 2018-03-29 316273629 21348 Patent connect diamond powders by cycloaddition reactions Connect diamond powders by cycloaddition reactions 2002 2002-12-21 0 17 17 2016-06-24 2792992987 28399 10.1007/bf02633636 Journal carcinoma in situ of the anal canal report of a case Carcinoma In Situ of the anal canal: Report of a case 1964 1964-05-01 Dis Colon Rectum 170496595 7 3 218 221 12 0 0 Diseases of The Colon & Rectum 2018-03-29 316273634 22894 saint exupery la filosofia del arraigo Saint-Exupéry: La filosofía del arraigo 2009 2009-01-01 Fundación Speiro 471 163 171 0 0 0 Verbo ( Madrid ): Revista de formación cívica y de acción cultural, según el derecho natural y cristiano 2016-06-24 2792992988 25236 a coupling system and holding device for holding at least one clutch arrangement of the clutch system in a current or predefined engagement A coupling system and holding device for holding at least one clutch arrangement of the clutch system in a current or predefined engagement 2003 2003-09-19 0 0 0 2018-03-29 316273657 25716 痛覚伝達路の可塑性と神経栄養因子 第5土曜特集 痛みシグナルの制御機構と最新治療エビデンス 疼痛の生理機構と分子メカニズム 痛覚伝達路の可塑性と神経栄養因子 (第5土曜特集 痛みシグナルの制御機構と最新治療エビデンス) -- (疼痛の生理機構と分子メカニズム) 2004 2004-10-30 医歯薬出版 211 5 407 410 0 0 0 医学のあゆみ 2016-06-24 2792992990 31345 miscellaneous jan june 1949 correspondence toxoplasmosis letter 1949 06 21 Miscellaneous -- Jan.-June 1949 -- Correspondence, Toxoplasmosis -- letter, 1949-06-21 1949 1949-06-21 University of Cincinnati. 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Maria Isabel Fernandes Calheiros; Vanessa Ferry de Oliveira Soares; Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota; Luciano Domingues Bueno

Gep News | 2017

sup 238

Maria Isabel Fernandes Calheiros; Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota; Vanessa Ferry de Oliveira Soares; Davi Coimbra de Amorim; Enelise Kristhine Santos Silva; Isis Voronkoff Carnaúba de Castro; Letícia Taynara dos Santos

Ciência da Informação em Revista | 2016

U WITH 14-Mev NEUTRONS 1965 1965-07-01 0 0 0 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR (U.S.S.R.) English translation currently published in a number of subject-oriented journals 2016-06-24 2792993145 23343 modeling and analysis of mixed flow of cars and powered two wheelers Modeling and Analysis of Mixed Flow of Cars and Powered Two Wheelers 2017 2017-01-01 0 0 0 Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board 2018-03-29 316274427 23677 coseismic and postseismic gravity changes associated with the 2004 sumatra earthquake comparison between grace and snrei model Coseismic and Postseismic Gravity Changes Associated with the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake: Comparison between GRACE and SNREI model 2008 2008-01-01 0 0 0 2016-06-24 2792993146 23277 10.1111/2041-210X.12979 Journal kriging models for linear networks and non euclidean distances cautions and solutions Kriging models for linear networks and non‐Euclidean distances: Cautions and solutions 2018 2018-06-01 Wiley/Blackwell (10.1111) 1131227 9 6 1600 1613 59 0 0 Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2018-03-29 316274449 25299 日本 韓国 台湾の高等学校学習指導要領の教科 英語 に関する比較研究 日本・韓国・台湾の高等学校学習指導要領の教科「英語」に関する比較研究 2008 2008-01-01 JACET Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter 13 61 70 0 0 0 Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching 2016-06-24 2792993155 23563 10.1117/12.2291017 spatiotemporal polarization modulation microscopy with a microretarder array Spatiotemporal polarization modulation microscopy with a microretarder array 2018 2018-02-23 SPIE 0 0 0 Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXV 2018-03-29 316274519 25033 potential of adopting bamboo as an alternative crop to smallholder tobacco farming in south nyanza region kenya Potential of adopting bamboo as an alternative crop to smallholder tobacco farming in South Nyanza region, Kenya 2008 2008-01-01 School of Environmental Studies, Maseno University, Maseno, KE 0 0 0 2016-06-24 2792993157 22881 10.1080/09593330.2018.1448001 Journal cfd investigation of the effects of bubble aerator layouts on hydrodynamics of an activated sludge channel reactor CFD Investigation of the effects of bubble aerator layouts on hydrodynamics of an activated sludge channel reactor 2018 2018-03-08 Informa UK Limited 37011080 1 14 20 0 0 Environmental Technology 2018-03-29 316274521 26703 industrial policy implications for american education delivered by dr robert m worthington on behalf of dr t h bell u s secretary of education Industrial Policy: Implications for American Education. Delivered by Dr. Robert M. Worthington on Behalf of Dr. T. H. Bell, U.S. Secretary of Education. 1983 1983-10-19 0 0 0 2016-06-24 2792993163 23636 10.3762/bjnano.9.78 Journal towards the third dimension in direct electron beam writing of silver Towards the third dimension in direct electron beam writing of silver 2018 2018-03-08 Beilstein-Institut 2504426957 9 1 842 849 0 0 0 Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2018-03-29 316274539 27558 昭和61年度畜産物政策価格決定の経緯 含 資料 昭和61年度畜産物政策価格決定の経緯〔含 資料〕 1986 1986-05-01 全国農業会議所 356 3 16 0 0 0 農政調査時報 2016-06-24 2792993172 22408 10.1016/j.baae.2018.02.004 Journal effects of spontaneous field margin vegetation on the regulation of herbivores in two winter crops Effects of spontaneous field margin vegetation on the regulation of herbivores in two winter crops 2018 2018-02-01 Urban & Fischer 733369 27 71 82 52 0 0 Basic and Applied Ecology 2018-03-29 316274559 23434 another look at sentences Another Look at Sentences. 1979 1979-01-01 7 3 18 21 0 5 5 Freshman English News 2016-06-24 2792993175 24385 10.1515/fjsb-2017-0099 jenseits von hierarchie und regelsystem Jenseits von Hierarchie und Regelsystem 2017 2017-12-20 Walter de Gruyter GmbH 30 4 0 0 0 Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 2018-03-29 316274640 25920 先天性心疾患と呼吸器疾患 特集 呼吸器疾患の診断 治療の最近の進歩 治療 予防 先天性心疾患と呼吸器疾患 (特集 呼吸器疾患の診断・治療の最近の進歩) -- (治療・予防) 2002 2002-04-01 日本小児医事出版社 55 4 611 617 0 0 0 小児科臨床 2016-06-24 2792993180 25306 10.2210/pdb3d1e/pdb crystal structure of e coli sliding clamp beta bound to a polymerase iii peptide Crystal structure of E. coli sliding clamp (beta) bound to a polymerase III peptide 2008 2008-07-29 Protein Data Bank, Rutgers University 0 0 0 2018-03-29 316274653 27739 Journal occurrence of choanephora pod rot on kharif pulses in rajasthan Occurrence of Choanephora pod rot on kharif pulses in Rajasthan. 1984 1984-01-01 2764982658 14 2 0 0 0 Indian journal of mycology and plant pathology 2016-06-24 2792993190 29191 lots acres farms price 18 750 in 225 evening salisbury rowan north carolina united states for sale Lots/acres/farms - Price

Soraya Dias da Fonseca; Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota

Ciência da Informação em Revista | 2016

18,750 ,In 225 Evening,Salisbury,Rowan,North Carolina,United States - For Sale 1970 1970-01-01 Lisa Cogdill Realty 0 0 0 2018-03-29 316274746 24661 medical diagnosis inference using neural network and discriminant analyses Medical Diagnosis Inference using Neural Network and Discriminant Analyses 2008 2008-01-01 Korean Data and Information Science Society 19 2 511 518 0 0 0 Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society 2016-06-24 2792993191 21508 10.1007/978-3-319-76908-0_23 design of a game community based support system for cognitive game accessibility Design of a Game Community Based Support System for Cognitive Game Accessibility 2017 2017-10-30 Springer, Cham 238 247 13 0 0 2018-03-29 316274756 21567 Journal 3 d objects motion estimation based on kalman filter and bsp tree models for robot stereo vision 3-D objects motion estimation based on Kalman Filter and BSP Tree Models for Robot Stereo Vision 2002 2002-01-01 2736825055 12 71 88 9 5 5 Archives of Control Sciences 2016-06-24 2792993195 24692 pengembangan desain sepeda untuk pasien pasca stroke Pengembangan Desain Sepeda Untuk Pasien Pasca Stroke 2014 2014-07-22 0 0 0 2018-03-29 316274789 24069 10.1007/978-94-007-5049-4_1 why this book has been written purpose and structure of the book Why This Book Has Been Written: Purpose and Structure of the Book 2014 2014-01-01 Springer, Dordrecht 1 9 31 0 0 2016-06-24 2792993198 23057 10.1111/amet.12621 Journal faith and charity religion and humanitarian assistance in west africa marie nathalie leblanc and louis audet gosselin eds london pluto 2016 256 pp Faith and Charity: Religion and Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa. Marie Nathalie LeBlanc and Louis Audet Gosselin, eds. London: Pluto, 2016. 256 pp. 2018 2018-02-01 Wiley/Blackwell (10.1111) 114801684 45 1 145 146 0 0 0 American Ethnologist 2018-03-29 316274883 24610 市販後に分かる薬の安全性と最近の撤退薬 8 cisapride 市販後に分かる薬の安全性と最近の撤退薬 8.Cisapride 2009 2009-01-01 The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 40 1 47 52 0 0 0 臨床薬理 2016-06-24 2792993199 23809 10.21037/jtd.2018.03.27 Journal micrornas in acute aortic dissection MicroRNAs in acute aortic dissection 2018 2018-03-01 AME Publishing Company 2754193772 10 3 1256 1257 0 0 0 Journal of Thoracic Disease 2018-03-29 316274925 24889 an analysis of cross eye characteristics for electronic protection of radar An Analysis of Cross-eye Characteristics for Electronic Protection of Radar 2006 2006-01-01 The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 7 1 52 56 0 0 0 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society 2016-06-24 2792993209 20942 10.1016/j.jval.2018.01.012 Journal cost effectiveness of current and emerging treatments of varicose veins Cost-Effectiveness of Current and Emerging Treatments of Varicose Veins 2018 2018-08-01 Elsevier 678965 21 8 911 920 65 0 0 Value in Health 2018-03-29 316274970 24106 traveltime computations and anisotropy parameter estimation in layered anisotropic media by tau p transform Traveltime computations and anisotropy-parameter estimation in layered, anisotropic media by tau-p transform 2003 2003-01-01 0 0 0 2016-06-24 2792993210 24385 10.7868/s086956521707026x новые аспекты seam4d зависимого контроля активации лимфоцитов доклады академии наук НОВЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ Seam4D-ЗАВИСИМОГО КОНТРОЛЯ АКТИВАЦИИ ЛИМФОЦИТОВ, Доклады Академии наук"

Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota; Annecy Ferreira Wanderley; Antonio Romeiro de Lima Filho; Jairo Vinicius da Silva Rocha; Viviane Deodato Costa

XVI Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação | 2015


Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota; Nelma Camelo Araujo; Pedro Arthur Izidrio Carnauba Santos

Actas do Congresso Nacional de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas | 2007

O Empreendedorismo no Contexto da Formação do Bibliotecário da Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota

Información digital al servicio de la sociedad, 2006, pág. 545 | 2006

As Bibliotecas Públicas do Cariri Cearense e o Acesso à Informação: um paradoxo ao Manifesto da UNESCO

Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota; Marlene Oliveira

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Decentralizing Knowledge