Francisco Rodríguez Panadero
Spanish National Research Council
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2006
Victoria Villena Garrido; Jaime Ferrer Sancho; Luis Hernández Blasco; Alicia de Pablo Gafas; Esteban Pérez Rodríguez; Francisco Rodríguez Panadero; Santiago Romero Candeira; Ángel Salvatierra Velázquez; Luis Valdés Cuadrado
El LP puede originarse en los capilares pleurales (principalmente parietales), el espacio intersticial pulmonar, los linfáticos o los vasos sanguíneos intratorácicos, o la cavidad peritoneal. Su reabsorción se realiza principalmente mediante los linfáticos de la pleura parietal. Los mecanismos por los que se origina el DP, que se muestran en la tabla I, se relacionan con el aumento de producción o disminución de la reabsorción del LP, y pueden estar relacionados con cambios en las presiones hidrostáticas capilares, coloidosmóticas intra o extravasculares y presiones negativas intratorácicas. La prevalencia del DP es ligeramente superior a 400/100.000 habitantes. La causa más frecuente es la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva (ICC), y entre los exudados el derrame pleural paraneumónico (DPPN), el neoplásico o el secundario a tromboembolia pulmonar (TEP). En la tabla II se muestra otras etiologías del DP.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2014
Victoria Villena Garrido; Enrique Cases Viedma; Alberto Fernández Villar; Alicia de Pablo Gafas; Esteban Pérez Rodríguez; José Manuel Porcel Pérez; Francisco Rodríguez Panadero; Carlos Ruiz Martínez; Ángel Salvatierra Velázquez; Luis Valdés Cuadrado
Although during the last few years there have been several important changes in the diagnostic or therapeutic methods, pleural effusion is still one of the diseases that the respiratory specialist have to evaluate frequently. The aim of this paper is to update the knowledge about pleural effusions, rather than to review the causes of pleural diseases exhaustively. These recommendations have a longer extension for the subjects with a direct clinical usefulness, but a slight update of other pleural diseases has been also included. Among the main scientific advantages are included the thoracic ultrasonography, the intrapleural fibrinolytics, the pleurodesis agents, or the new pleural drainages techniques.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2006
Victoria Villena Garrido; Jaime Ferrer Sancho; Hernández Blasco; Alicia de Pablo Gafas; Esteban Pérez Rodríguez; Francisco Rodríguez Panadero; Santiago Romero Candeira; Ángel Salvatierra Velázquez; Luis Valdés Cuadrado
Pleural fluid originates in the pleural capillaries (mainly those of the parietal pleura), lymphatics, intrathoracic blood vessels, the interstitial pulmonary space, and the peritoneal cavity. It is reabsorbed mainly through the lymphatics of the parietal pleura. The mechanisms that cause pleural effusion all result in an increase in the production or a decrease in the removal of pleural fluid and may be related to changes in hydrostatic capillary, intravascular or extravascular colloid osmotic, and negative intrathoracic pressures (Table 1). The prevalence of pleural effusion is slightly in excess of 400/100 000 population. Congestive heart failure is the most common cause of pleural effusions overall. However, the predominant etiologies among the exudates are pneumonia, malignancy, and pulmonary embolism. Table 2 shows the most common causes of pleural effusion.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2015
Francisco Rodríguez Panadero
There are three major challenges in the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma: mesothelioma must be distinguished from benign mesothelial hyperplasia; malignant mesothelioma (and its subtypes) must be distinguished from metastatic carcinoma; and invasion of structures adjacent to the pleura must be demonstrated. The basis for clarifying the first two aspects is determination of a panel of monoclonal antibodies with appropriate immunohistochemical evaluation performed by highly qualified experts. Clarification of the third aspect requires sufficiently abundant, deep biopsy material, for which thoracoscopy is the technique of choice. Video-assisted needle biopsy with real-time imaging can be of great assistance when there is diffuse nodal thickening and scant or absent effusion. Given the difficulties of reaching an early diagnosis, cure is not generally achieved with radical surgery (pleuropneumonectomy), so liberation of the tumor mass with pleurectomy/decortication combined with chemo- or radiation therapy (multimodal treatment) has been gaining followers in recent years. In cases in which surgery is not feasible, chemotherapy (a combination of pemetrexed and platinum-derived compounds, in most cases) with pleurodesis or a tunneled pleural drainage catheter, if control of pleural effusion is required, can be considered. Radiation therapy is reserved for treatment of pain associated with infiltration of the chest wall or any other neighboring structure. In any case, comprehensive support treatment for pain control in specialist units is essential: this acquires particular significance in this type of malignancy.There are three major challenges in the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma: mesothelioma must be distinguished from benign mesothelial hyperplasia; malignant mesothelioma (and its subtypes) must be distinguished from metastatic carcinoma; and invasion of structures adjacent to the pleura must be demonstrated. The basis for clarifying the first two aspects is determination of a panel of monoclonal antibodies with appropriate immunohistochemical evaluation performed by highly qualified experts. Clarification of the third aspect requires sufficiently abundant, deep biopsy material, for which thoracoscopy is the technique of choice. Video-assisted needle biopsy with real-time imaging can be of great assistance when there is diffuse nodal thickening and scant or absent effusion. Given the difficulties of reaching an early diagnosis, cure is not generally achieved with radical surgery (pleuropneumonectomy), so liberation of the tumor mass with pleurectomy/decortication combined with chemo- or radiation therapy (multimodal treatment) has been gaining followers in recent years. In cases in which surgery is not feasible, chemotherapy (a combination of pemetrexed and platinum-derived compounds, in most cases) with pleurodesis or a tunneled pleural drainage catheter, if control of pleural effusion is required, can be considered. Radiation therapy is reserved for treatment of pain associated with infiltration of the chest wall or any other neighboring structure. In any case, comprehensive support treatment for pain control in specialist units is essential: this acquires particular significance in this type of malignancy.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2015
Francisco Rodríguez Panadero
There are three major challenges in the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma: mesothelioma must be distinguished from benign mesothelial hyperplasia; malignant mesothelioma (and its subtypes) must be distinguished from metastatic carcinoma; and invasion of structures adjacent to the pleura must be demonstrated. The basis for clarifying the first two aspects is determination of a panel of monoclonal antibodies with appropriate immunohistochemical evaluation performed by highly qualified experts. Clarification of the third aspect requires sufficiently abundant, deep biopsy material, for which thoracoscopy is the technique of choice. Video-assisted needle biopsy with real-time imaging can be of great assistance when there is diffuse nodal thickening and scant or absent effusion. Given the difficulties of reaching an early diagnosis, cure is not generally achieved with radical surgery (pleuropneumonectomy), so liberation of the tumor mass with pleurectomy/decortication combined with chemo- or radiation therapy (multimodal treatment) has been gaining followers in recent years. In cases in which surgery is not feasible, chemotherapy (a combination of pemetrexed and platinum-derived compounds, in most cases) with pleurodesis or a tunneled pleural drainage catheter, if control of pleural effusion is required, can be considered. Radiation therapy is reserved for treatment of pain associated with infiltration of the chest wall or any other neighboring structure. In any case, comprehensive support treatment for pain control in specialist units is essential: this acquires particular significance in this type of malignancy.There are three major challenges in the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma: mesothelioma must be distinguished from benign mesothelial hyperplasia; malignant mesothelioma (and its subtypes) must be distinguished from metastatic carcinoma; and invasion of structures adjacent to the pleura must be demonstrated. The basis for clarifying the first two aspects is determination of a panel of monoclonal antibodies with appropriate immunohistochemical evaluation performed by highly qualified experts. Clarification of the third aspect requires sufficiently abundant, deep biopsy material, for which thoracoscopy is the technique of choice. Video-assisted needle biopsy with real-time imaging can be of great assistance when there is diffuse nodal thickening and scant or absent effusion. Given the difficulties of reaching an early diagnosis, cure is not generally achieved with radical surgery (pleuropneumonectomy), so liberation of the tumor mass with pleurectomy/decortication combined with chemo- or radiation therapy (multimodal treatment) has been gaining followers in recent years. In cases in which surgery is not feasible, chemotherapy (a combination of pemetrexed and platinum-derived compounds, in most cases) with pleurodesis or a tunneled pleural drainage catheter, if control of pleural effusion is required, can be considered. Radiation therapy is reserved for treatment of pain associated with infiltration of the chest wall or any other neighboring structure. In any case, comprehensive support treatment for pain control in specialist units is essential: this acquires particular significance in this type of malignancy.
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2015
Francisco Rodríguez Panadero
Archivos De Bronconeumologia | 2014
Victoria Villena Garrido; Enrique Cases Viedma; Alberto Fernández Villar; Alicia de Pablo Gafas; Esteban Pérez Rodríguez; José Manuel Porcel Pérez; Francisco Rodríguez Panadero; Carlos Ruiz Martínez; Ángel Salvatierra Velázquez; Luis Valdés Cuadrado
European Respiratory Journal | 2016
Rocío Magdalena Díaz Campos; Maria Victoria Villena Garrido; Enrique Cases Viedma; José Manuel Porcel Pérez; Inmaculada Alfageme Michavila; Carmen Aleman; Francisco Rodríguez Panadero
Archive | 2015
Victoria Villena Garrido; Jaime Ferrer Sancho; Hernández Blasco; Esteban Pérez Rodríguez; Francisco Rodríguez Panadero; Santiago Romero Candeira; Ángel Salvatierra Velázquez; Luis Valdés Cuadrado
Revista Neumosur | 2010
José Antonio Rodríguez Portal; M. I. Asensio Cruz; Elena Arellano Orden; A. Díaz Baquero; Antonio León Jiménez; Isabel Isidro Montes; Pilar Cebollero Rivas; C. Diego Roza; Francisco Rodríguez Panadero; Eulogio Rodríguez Becerra