Francisco Rüdiger
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
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Featured researches published by Francisco Rüdiger.
Rev. Famecos (Online) | 2011
Francisco Rüdiger
This article outlines the theoretical ground from which we may develop a critical and reflexive attitude in front of modern journalism. In the first step, we highlight the antagonistic character of the common knowledge arisen in modern times. In the second, we examine the way this process was mediated by the press and the theoretical reflections about it this process gave place. Finally, we think critical and dialectically these theories, arguing that modern journalism must be understood in the broader context of conversion of culture industry in system, verified in 20th Century.
Galáxia (São Paulo) | 2018
Francisco Rüdiger
The notion of “epistemological field of communication” has emerged among some theorists of our country and elsewhere as a tool that, if developed, could help the area obtain autonomy and, perhaps, scientificity. After critically reporting the theses of one of its major proponents, the article argues that, besides their internal philosophical problems, the theses have little or no impact on the development of knowledge that may arise from media studies, and therefore are meaningless for the science they may hold .
Archive | 2017
Francisco Rüdiger; Ana Carolina Escosteguy
Brasilianische Kommunikationsforschung grundete und entwickelte sich im Zuge der institutionellen Modernisierung der Medien im Kontext internationaler Kapitalstrome nach dem Militarputsch von 1964. Der folgende Artikel dokumentiert diesen Verlauf und hebt die dafur wesentliche wissenschaftliche Literatur hervor. Drei Entwicklungsphasen lassen sich unterscheiden: Die erste Phase zeichnet sich durch den Einfluss von nordamerikanischen Kommunikationsvorstellungen aus, im Zuge derer Kommunikation als ein Mittel angesehen wurde, um institutionelle Innovationen zu verbreiten. Das entsprach Entwicklungskonzepten, die am Ciespal (International Center for Higher Studies on Communication in Latin America) favorisiert wurden. Ab Mitte der 1970er Jahre richtete sich die kommunikationswissenschaftliche Forschung dann auf die Medien als Reproduzenten der dominanten Ideologie, in einem Land, das der wirtschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Vorherrschaft durch den nordamerikanischen Imperialismus ausgesetzt war. Ende der 1980er Jahre begann die dritte Phase, welche von der neuen lateinamerikanischen Schule kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Denkens beeinflusst war. In dieser Phase wendete die Kommunikationswissenschaft den Blick auf Rezeptions- und Aneignungsphanomene im Kontext kultureller Hybridisierung und Globalisierung. Derzeit ist die Forschung erkenntnistheoretisch fragmentiert. Bestimmte Zeichen deuten jedoch daraufhin, dass sich in der nahen Zukunft die brasilianische Kommunikationsforschung mit der Forschung in anderen Schwellen- und Entwicklungslandern verbinden wird: Nicht zuletzt, indem die ForscherInnen in die Analyse der Eingliederung aller Gesellschaftsschichten und ihrer entsprechenden Popularkultur in die neue technologische Welt investieren.
Intexto | 2015
Francisco Rüdiger
Nosso objetivo consiste, primeiro, em reconstituir os antecedentes historicos de onde emergiu e os estagios reflexivos em que se desenvolveu a problematica teorica da midiatizacao de que tantos estudiosos da comunicacao passaram a falar no curso do ultimo decenio. Em segundo, tratase de mostrar como, neste periodo, foi ela elaborada em termos metodologicos, para embasar a proposicao de um programa de pesquisa supostamente capaz de conferir uma disciplina ou constituir um paradigma nesta area do conhecimento. Enfim, procede-se a critica de suas realizacoes e doutrina, levantando a hipotese de que, com isso, se esta diante de uma nova escolastica.
Rev. Famecos (Online) | 2009
Francisco Rüdiger
A critica e a industria cultural frankfurtiana transformou-se nos ultimos anos numa especie de espectro que ronda a consciencia dos estudiosos da comunicacao. Nesse periodo, a reflexao critica perdeu terreno diante do discurso entusiasta, quer em relacao ao progresso tecnico, quem em relacao ao bom senso das massas.
Civitas - Revista de Ciências Sociais | 2009
Francisco Rüdiger
Kurt Vonneguts Player piano literally elaborates an analysis of the triumph of the technological fetishism in the mass society of twentieth century, adopting a humanistic point of view that, despites its resignation, does not succumb to ideology, due to its ironical and reflexive attitude. The article exposes the hypothesis and provides evidences, allowing its discussion and its eventual acceptance, stressing the interfaces between the sociological reflection and science fiction literature according the way they were thought by Wright Mills.
Revista FAMECOS: mídia, cultura e tecnologia | 2008
Francisco Rüdiger
Heidegger wanted to know the meaning of modern technique connecting its features with a thought’s calling forth principle that he named enframing (Gestell). This article aims to show that another factor, more original, also forms the epochal realm in which enframing arises. We call attention to ‘the mathematical’ and the way this element articulates our historical situation. With this in mind, we intend too understand, in archaeological lines, some conditions of our contemporary technological imperialism.
Rev. Famecos (Online) | 2008
Francisco Rüdiger
Rio Grande do Sul´s advertising is now one of the countrys leading brands, making it the third largest market in terms of turnover in Brazil. Nonetheless, we lack studies that reveal their roots, clarify their development, account for their achievements and enable them to make their diagnosis today. In short, our advertising suffers from a deep lack of memory, it does not know its history. The following text compiles notes that we have on the issue, and can serve as the first contribution to reverse this framework and launch a research line on the atema.A matter is the prehistory or primitive phase of propaganda in Rio Grande do Sul.
Rev. Famecos (Online) | 2008
Francisco Rüdiger; Ana Carolina Escosteguy
Para iniciar um levantamento da pesquisa em comunicacao no Rio Grande do Sul e necessario definir e delimitar sua abrangencia. Nao e facil demarcar os limites, pois ao aponta-los poderemos estar excluindo producoes importantes que marcam a trajetoria da pesquisa na regiao Sul. Entretanto, e imprescindivel faze-lo, se quisermos levar a bom termo a tarefa.
Rev. Famecos (Online) | 2008
Francisco Rüdiger
Criticism of communication is not easy to classify: although it discusses in relative depth the theories of communication, it is not at this level that its contribution is situated; nor is it an analysis of modern mass media, although the theme is present in its pages. Lucien Sfez, political training scientist, questions communication as ideology and symbolic form, as discourse of the power of advanced technological society.