François Louchet
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Acta Materialia | 1996
M. Véron; Yves Bréchet; François Louchet
Directional coarsening of nickel based superalloys is modeled taking into account the role of anisotropic misfit relaxation by dislocations generated during creep. The directional coarsening is the response to the gradient in elastic energy induced by this anisotropic relaxation. A 3-dimensional computer simulation has been developed to describe both the morphologies and the kinetics of the phenomenon. Results of the simulation are presented and compared to experimental observations on an AM1 superalloy. Morphology maps describing the expected rafting geometry for other superalloys, as a function of misfit and applied stress, are established and discussed.
Scripta Materialia | 1996
M. Véron; Yves Bréchet; François Louchet
Directional coarsening (or rafting) in Ni-based single crystal superalloys occurs after short times under stress at high temperature. This phenomenon results in a strongly anisotropic evolution of the microstructure that needs to be understood since it can occur in superalloy turbine blades during service. As the strain induced during creep seems to be responsible for the rafting phenomenon, it is worth studying the effect of a strain gradient on coarsened structures. A simple way to do this is to investigate the coarsening morphologies developed around an indentation.
Philosophical Magazine | 1996
M. Charleux; F. Livet; F. Bley; François Louchet; Yves Bréchet
Abstract The microstructural evolution of an Fe-Cu alloy during ageing has been investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Its mechanical properties have been characterized by Vickers microhardness measurements and in situ straining TEM. Cu precipitates evolve during annealing from a small coherent bcc to a larger incoherent type. In both cases, in situ straining shows that long screw dislocations move between localised cusps owing to dislocation-precipitate interactions. In the case of incoherent precipitates, a particular three-dimensional bypassing mechanism is observed, which does not form any loop around the precipitate. On the basis of these observations, we propose a model of hardening combining the viscous motion of screws and the dislocation-precipitate interaction, which yields a monotonic decrease in stress with annealing time in both cases of particle shearing and bypassing. As a consequence, the hardness peak shown by microhardness experiments is ...
Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia | 1992
P. Gomiero; Yves Bréchet; François Louchet; A. Tourabi; B. Wack
Abstract Mechanical properties of a 2091 AlLiCuMg (Zr) alloy are investigated together with those of simpler AlLi (Zr) and AlCuMg (Zr) model alloys. The different contributions to the yield stress are estimated from the microstructure investigated in companion Paper I. Work hardening is described using Ashbys model, but taking into account the strain localization.
Scripta Materialia | 1997
François Louchet; Alain Hazotte
First stages of high temperature creep along in superalloys containing a large volume fraction of the ordered {gamma}{prime} phase are strongly related with directional coarsening (DC), i.e., rafting of {gamma}{prime} precipitates in planes parallel or perpendicular to the stress axis, depending on the signs of lattice misfit and of external loading (tension or compression). The present paper shows that, in the low stresses case, creep cannot directly involve dislocations, and that the major part of the plastic strain during the coarsening process results from a cross diffusion mechanism driven by the gradients of isostatic pressure between phases (Cross-Diffusional Creep). Here, the authors shall consider for the sake of simplicity the case of a superalloy loaded in tension along a direction, with a negative misfit ({delta} = 2({alpha}{sub {gamma}{prime}} {minus} {alpha}{sub {gamma}})/({alpha}{sub {gamma}{prime}} + {alpha}{sub {gamma}}) < 0), which is by far the most frequent situation, and in which the elastic moduli of both phases are comparable.
Acta Materialia | 2002
Francine Dherbey; François Louchet; Annick Mocellin; Sylvain Leclercq
Abstract Creep of polycrystalline UO 2 at intermediate temperatures is studied by compression experiments and microstructural observations at different dimensional scales. Creep data exhibit two different stress regimes in the classical power law representation, but can be described on a more physical basis by a unique hyperbolic sine creep law on the whole range of stresses explored here, which is shown to account for both bulk grain deformation and accommodated grain boundary sliding.
Philosophical Magazine | 2000
François Louchet; Bernard Viguier
Abstract Two models recently proposed for strength anomalies in TiAl were based on different behaviours of jogs: in the first, jogs are supposed to move conservatively along the screw direction, whereas in the other, screw dislocation motion is supposed to be controlled by jog or dipole dragging. In the present paper, we compute the flow stresses expected in both cases. The former model is shown to operate up to the stress peak temperature, and to be replaced by the latter as temperature is raised above the peak.
Philosophical Magazine Letters | 1991
J. Courbon; François Louchet; M. Ignat; J. Pélissier; P. Debrenne
Abstract L12 precipitate shearing processes by (a/3)〈112〉 dislocations during in situ straining of a superalloy in a transmission electron microscope are reported. Information about the core structure of such dislocations is obtained from the way they split when they get out of a precipitate. We conclude that a further dissociation into two identical Shockley partials occurs.
Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia | 1992
P. Gomiero; F Livet; Yves Bréchet; François Louchet
The microstructure of the 2091 alloy (AlLiCuMgZr) alloy has been studied and compared to that of two simpler AlLi and AlCuMg alloys. The SAXS, in situ SAXS and TEM techniques have been used for heat treatments at room temperature and at 150°C. The time evolution of the size and of the volume fraction of the δ′ precipitates and of the Cu-rich GPB zones have been determined. The δ′ precipitates are shown to follow a classical Lifschitz-Slyosov-Wagner law. Their interfacial energy has been estimated. S and S′ precipitates have also been characterized, respectively on grain boundaries and on helical dislocations, by TEM.
Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia | 1992
P. Gomiero; Yves Bréchet; François Louchet; A. Tourabi; B. Wack
Abstract The microstructure and mechanical properties of a 2091 alloy are studied and compared to simpler AlLi and CuMg alloys. For ageing times between 6 and 24 h at 150°C, the 2091 alloy exhibits a toughness drop and a simultaneous change in PLC characteristics (as evidenced by a combination of local and total strain measurements), but no significant change in microstructure, except for the size of δ′ precipitation. SEM in situ tests show that plastic instabilities are always related to extra damage. A quantitative model accounts for the toughness drop, based on plastic dissipation by PLC active bands.