Frank T. Avignone
University of South Carolina
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Featured researches published by Frank T. Avignone.
Reviews of Modern Physics | 2008
Frank T. Avignone; S. R. Elliott; J. Engel
The theoretical and experimental issues relevant to neutrinoless double beta decay are reviewed. The impact that a direct observation of this exotic process would have on elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and cosmology is profound. Now that neutrinos are known to have mass and experiments are becoming more sensitive, even the nonobservation of neutrinoless double beta decay will be useful. If the process is actually observed, we will immediately learn much about the neutrino. The status and discovery potential of proposed experiments are reviewed in this context, with significant emphasis on proposals favored by recent panel reviews. The importance of and challenges in the calculation of nuclear matrix elements that govern the decay are considered in detail. The increasing sensitivity of experiments and improvements in nuclear theory make the future exciting for this field at the interface of nuclear and particle physics.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2004
C. Arnaboldi; Frank T. Avignone; Jeffrey W. Beeman; M. Barucci; M. Balata; Chiara Brofferio; C. Bucci; S. Cebrián; Richard J. Creswick; S. Capelli; L. Carbone; O. Cremonesi; A. de Ward; E. Fiorini; Horacio A. Farach; G. Frossati; A. Giuliani; D. Giugni; P. Gorla; E. E. Haller; I.G. Irastorza; R. J. McDonald; A. Morales; Eric B. Norman; P. Negri; Angelo Nucciotti; M. Pedretti; C. Pobes; V. Palmieri; Maura Pavan
CUORE is a proposed tightly packed array of 1000 TeO2 bolometers, each being a cube 5cm on a side with a mass of 760g. The array consists of 25 vertical towers, arranged in a square of 5 towers×5 towers, each containing 10 layers of four crystals. The design of the detector is optimized for ultralow-background searches: for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 130Te (33.8% abundance), cold dark matter, solar axions, and rare nuclear decays. A preliminary experiment involving 20 crystals 3×3×6cm3 of 340g has been completed, and a single CUORE tower is being constructed as a smaller-scale experiment called CUORICINO. The expected performance and sensitivity, based on Monte Carlo simulations and extrapolations of present results, are reported.
Modern Physics Letters A | 2002
Frank T. Avignone; A. S. Barabash; F. Boehm; R. L. Brodzinski; J. I. Collar; P. J. Doe; H. Ejiri; Stephen R. Elliott; E. Fiorini; R.J. Gaitskell; G. Gratta; R. Hazama; K. Kazkaz; G. S. King; Richard T. Kouzes; Harry S. Miley; M. Moe; A. Morales; J. Morales; A. Piepke; R. G. H. Robertson; W. Tornow; P. G. Vogel; Ray A. Warner; J. F. Wilkerson
We comment on the recent claim for the experimental observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay. We discuss several limitations in the analysis provided in that paper and conclude that there is no basis for the presented claim.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2011
I.G. Irastorza; Frank T. Avignone; S. Caspi; J. M. Carmona; T. Dafni; Martyn Davenport; A. Dudarev; G. Fanourakis; E. Ferrer-Ribas; J. Galán; J.A. García; T. Geralis; I. Giomataris; Haley Louise Gomez; D. H. H. Hoffmann; F. J. Iguaz; K. Jakovčić; M. Krcmar; B. Lakic; G. Luzón; M. Pivovaroff; T. Papaevangelou; Georg G. Raffelt; Javier Redondo; A. Rodríguez; S. Russenschuck; J. Ruz; I. Shilon; H. Ten Kate; A. Tomás
We study the feasibility of a new generation axion helioscope, the most ambitious and promising detector of solar axions to date. We show that large improvements in magnetic field volume, x-ray focusing optics and detector backgrounds are possible beyond those achieved in the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST). For hadronic models, a sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling of gaγ few × 10−12 GeV−1 is conceivable, 1–1.5 orders of magnitude beyond the CAST sensitivity. If axions also couple to electrons, the Sun produces a larger flux for the same value of the Peccei-Quinn scale, allowing one to probe a broader class of models. Except for the axion dark matter searches, this experiment will be the most sensitive axion search ever, reaching or surpassing the stringent bounds from SN1987A and possibly testing the axion interpretation of anomalous white-dwarf cooling that predicts ma of a few meV. Beyond axions, this new instrument will probe entirely unexplored ranges of parameters for a large variety of axion-like particles (ALPs) and other novel excitations at the low-energy frontier of elementary particle physics.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1999
K. Zioutas; C.E. Aalseth; D. Abriola; Frank T. Avignone; R. L. Brodzinski; J. I. Collar; Richard J. Creswick; D. E. Di Gregorio; Horacio A. Farach; A. O. Gattone; C.K. Guerard; F. Hasenbalg; M. Hasinoff; H. Huck; A. Liolios; Harry S. Miley; A. Morales; J. Morales; D. Nikas; Shmuel Nussinov; A. Ortiz; E. Savvidis; S. Scopel; Peter Sievers; J.A. Villar; L. Walckiers
The 8.4 T, 10 m long transverse magnetic field of a twin aperture LHC bending magnet can be utilized as a macroscopic coherent solar axion-to-photon converter. Numerical calculations show that the integrated time of alignment with the Sun would be 33 days/yr with the magnet on a tracking table capable of
Advances in High Energy Physics | 2014
N. Abgrall; E. Aguayo; Frank T. Avignone; A. S. Barabash; F. E. Bertrand; Melissa Boswell; V. Brudanin; M. Busch; A. S. Caldwell; Y.D. Chan; C. D. Christofferson; D. C. Combs; J. A. Detwiler; P. J. Doe; Y. V. Efremenko; V. Egorov; H. Ejiri; S. R. Elliott; J. Esterline; J. E. Fast; P. Finnerty; F. M. Fraenkle; A. Galindo-Uribarri; G. K. Giovanetti; J. Goett; M. P. Green; J. Gruszko; V. E. Guiseppe; K. Gusev; A. L. Hallin
5i in the vertical direction and
Journal of Instrumentation | 2014
E. Armengaud; Frank T. Avignone; M. Betz; Ph. Brax; P. Brun; G. Cantatore; J. M. Carmona; G.P. Carosi; Fritz Caspers; S. Caspi; S. A. Cetin; D. Chelouche; Finn Erland Christensen; A. Dael; T. Dafni; Martyn Davenport; A.V. Derbin; K. Desch; A. Diago; B Dobrich; I. Dratchnev; A. Dudarev; C. Eleftheriadis; G. Fanourakis; E. Ferrer-Ribas; J. Galán; J.A. García; J. G. Garza; T. Geralis; B. Gimeno
40i in the horizontal direction. The existing lower bound on the axion-to-photon coupling constant can be improved by a factor between 30 and 100 in 3 yr, i.e., g !cc [9]10~11 GeV~1 for axion masses [ 1 eV. This value falls within the existing open axion mass window. The same set-up can simultaneously search for low- and high-energy celestial axions, or axion-like particles, scanning the sky as the Earth rotates and orbits the Sun. ( 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Astroparticle Physics | 2002
A. Morales; Frank T. Avignone; R. L. Brodzinski; S. Cebrián; E. García; D. González; I.G. Irastorza; Harry S. Miley; J. Morales; A. Ortiz de Solórzano; J. Puimedón; J.H. Reeves; M.L. Sarsa; S. Scopel; J.A. Villar
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR will search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of the isotope Ge with a mixed array of enriched and natural germanium detectors. The observation of this rare decay would indicate that the neutrino is its own antiparticle, demonstrate that lepton number is not conserved, and provide information on the absolute mass scale of the neutrino. The DEMONSTRATOR is being assembled at the 4850-foot level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. The array will be situated in a low-background environment and surrounded by passive and active shielding. Here we describe the science goals of the DEMONSTRATOR and the details of its design.
Physical Review Letters | 1998
Frank T. Avignone; D. Abriola; R.L. Brodzinski; J. I. Collar; Richard J. Creswick; D.E. DiGregorio; Horacio A. Farach; A. O. Gattone; C.K. Guerard; F. Hasenbalg; H. Huck; Harry S. Miley; A. Morales; J. Morales; Shmuel Nussinov; A. Ortiz de Solórzano; J.H. Reeves; J.A. Villar; K. Zioutas
The International Axion Observatory (IAXO) will be a forth generation axion helioscope. As its primary physics goal, IAXO will look for axions or axion-like particles (ALPs) originating in the Sun via the Primakoff conversion of the solar plasma photons. In terms of signal-to-noise ratio, IAXO will be about 4–5 orders of magnitude more sensitive than CAST, currently the most powerful axion helioscope, reaching sensitivity to axion-photon couplings down to a few × 10−12 GeV−1 and thus probing a large fraction of the currently unexplored axion and ALP parameter space. IAXO will also be sensitive to solar axions produced by mechanisms mediated by the axion-electron coupling gae with sensitivity — for the first time — to values of gae not previously excluded by astrophysics. With several other possible physics cases, IAXO has the potential to serve as a multi-purpose facility for generic axion and ALP research in the next decade. In this paper we present the conceptual design of IAXO, which follows the layout of an enhanced axion helioscope, based on a purpose-built 20 m-long 8-coils toroidal superconducting magnet. All the eight 60cm-diameter magnet bores are equipped with focusing x-ray optics, able to focus the signal photons into ~ 0.2 cm2 spots that are imaged by ultra-low-background Micromegas x-ray detectors. The magnet is built into a structure with elevation and azimuth drives that will allow for solar tracking for ~ 12 h each day.
Astroparticle Physics | 2003
C. Arnaboldi; Frank T. Avignone; Jeffrey W. Beeman; M. Barucci; M. Balata; Chiara Brofferio; C. Bucci; S. Cebrián; Richard J. Creswick; S. Capelli; L. Carbone; O. Cremonesi; A. de Ward; E. Fiorini; Horacio A. Farach; G. Frossati; A. Giuliani; P. Gorla; E. E. Haller; I.G. Irastorza; R. J. McDonald; A. Morales; Eric B. Norman; Angelo Nucciotti; M. Pedretti; C. Pobes; V. Palmieri; Maura Pavan; G. Pessina; S. Pirro
Abstract A small, natural abundance, germanium detector (COSME) has been operating recently at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (Spanish Pyrenees) in improved conditions of shielding and overburden with respect to a previous operation of the same detector (Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 321 (1992) 410; Phys. Rev. D 51 (1995) 1458). An exposure of 72.7 kg day in these conditions has at present a background improvement of about one order of magnitude compared to the former operation of the detector. These new data have been applied to a direct search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and solar axions. New WIMP exclusion plots improving the current bounds for low masses are reported. The paper also presents a limit on the axion–photon coupling obtained from the analysis of the data looking for a Primakoff axion-to-photon conversion and Bragg scattering inside the crystal.