
Mineralogical Magazine | 2003

Low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of natural metamict zircons from the Eastern Desert, Egypt

Thorsten Geisler; A. A. Rashwan; Meinert Rahn; U. Poller; H. Zwingmann; Robert T. Pidgeon; Helmut Schleicher; Frank Tomaschek

Abstract The chemical and structural alteration of metamict zircon crystals from a 619±17 (2σ) Ma old, post-tectonic granite in the southern part of the Eastern Desert, Egypt was studied. The crystals show simple oscillatory growth zones with metamictization-induced fractures, which provided pathways for fluid infiltration. Electron and ion microprobe analyses reveal that metamict, i.e. U and Th-rich, areas are heavily enriched in Ca, Al, Fe, Mn, LREE, and a water species, and have lost Zr and Si as well as radiogenic Pb. These chemical changes are the result of an intensive reaction with a low-temperature (120-200°C) aqueous solution. The chemical reactions probably occurred within the amorphous regions of the metamict network. During the zircon-fluid interactions the metamict structure was partially recovered, as demonstrated by micro-Raman and -infrared measurements. A threshold degree of metamictization, as defined empirically by an α-decay dose, Dc, was necessary for zircons to undergo hydrothermal alteration. It is proposed that Dc marks the first percolation point, where the amorphous domains start to form percolating clusters in the metamict network and where bulk chemical diffusion is believed to increase dramatically. The time of the hydrothermal alteration is determined by a lower intercept age of a U-Pb SHRIMP discordia of 17.9+6.9-7.4 (2σ) Ma, which is in good agreement with an apatite fission track age of 22.2+5.4-4.8 (2σ) Ma. The hydrothermal alteration event occurred contemporaneously with the main rifting phase of the Red Sea and widespread low-temperature mineralizations along the Red Sea coast.

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology | 2017

Petrogenesis of alkaline basalt-hosted sapphire megacrysts. Petrological and geochemical investigations of in situ sapphire occurrences from the Siebengebirge Volcanic Field, Germany

L. C. Baldwin; Frank Tomaschek; Chris Ballhaus; Axel Gerdes; Raúl O.C. Fonseca; Richard Wirth; Thorsten Geisler; Thorsten J. Nagel

Megacrystic sapphires are frequently associated with alkaline basalts, most notably in Asia and Australia, although basalt is not generally normative in corundum. Most of these sapphire occurrences are located in alluvial or eluvial deposits, making it difficult to study the enigmatic relationship between the sapphires and their host rocks. Here, we present detailed petrological and geochemical investigations of in situ megacrystic sapphires within alkaline basalts from the Cenozoic Siebengebirge Volcanic Field (SVF) in Germany. Markedly, the sapphires show several micrometer thick spinel coronas at the contact with the host basalt, indicating chemical disequilibrium between the sapphire and the basaltic melt, supporting a xenogenetic relationship. However, in situ U–Pb dating of a Columbite Group inclusion within one Siebengebirge sapphire using laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) indicates a close genetic relationship between sapphire crystallization and alkaline mafic volcanism in the SVF. The syngenetic mineral inclusion suite including carbonates, members of the Pyrochlore, Betafite and Columbite Groupe minerals, as well as a high abundance of HFSE and of gaseous low-density CO2 inclusions support a parentage of a highly evolved, MgO and FeO deficient carbonatitic melt. We identified CO2 to be the link between alkaline basaltic volcanism and the xenocrystic sapphires. Only alkaline volcanic suites can build up enough CO2 in this magma chamber upon fractionation so that at high degrees of fractionation a carbonatitic melt exsolves which in turn can crystallize sapphires.

Geologica Carpathica | 2016

The Schwarzhorn Amphibolite (Eastern Rätikon, Austria): an Early Cambrian intrusion in the Lower Austroalpine basement

Nils-Peter Nilius; Nikolaus Froitzheim; Thorsten J. Nagel; Frank Tomaschek; Alexander Heuser

Abstract The Alpine nappe stack in the Penninic-Austroalpine boundary zone in the Rätikon (Austria) contains a 4×1 km tectonic sliver of meta-diorite, known as the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite. It was deformed and metamorphosed in the amphibolite facies and is unconformably overlain by unmetamorphic Lower Triassic sandstone, indicating pre-Triassic metamorphism. Cataclastic deformation and brecciation of the amphibolite is related to normal faulting and block tilting during Jurassic rifting. Zircon dating of the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite using LA-ICP-MS gave a U-Pb age of 529+9/-8 Ma, interpreted as the crystallization age of the protolith. Geochemical characteristics indicate formation of the magmatic protolith in a supra-subduction zone setting. The Cambrian protolith age identifies the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite as a pre-Variscan element within the Austroalpine basement. Similar calc-alkaline igneous rocks of Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian age are found in the Upper Austroalpine Silvretta Nappe nearby and in several other Variscan basement units of the Alps, interpreted to have formed in a peri-Gondwanan active-margin or island-arc setting.

Elements | 2007

Re-equilibration of Zircon in Aqueous Fluids and Melts

Thorsten Geisler; Urs Schaltegger; Frank Tomaschek

Journal of Petrology | 2003

Zircons from Syros, Cyclades, Greece—Recrystallization and Mobilization of Zircon During High-Pressure Metamorphism

Frank Tomaschek; Allen K. Kennedy; Igor M. Villa; Markus Lagos; Chris Ballhaus

Chemical Geology | 2007

High precision Lu–Hf geochronology of Eocene eclogite-facies rocks from Syros, Cyclades, Greece

Markus Lagos; Erik E. Scherer; Frank Tomaschek; Carsten Münker; Mark Keiter; Jasper Berndt; Chris Ballhaus

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology | 2010

Alteration of crystalline zircon solid solutions: a case study on zircon from an alkaline pegmatite from Zomba–Malosa, Malawi

Aneesh Soman; Thorsten Geisler; Frank Tomaschek; Marion Grange; Jasper Berndt

Geological Society of America Special Papers | 2011

A new geological map of the Island of Syros (Aegean Sea, Greece): Implications for lithostratigraphy and structural history of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit

Mark Keiter; Chris Ballhaus; Frank Tomaschek

Zeitschrift Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Geowissenschaften | 2008


Frank Tomaschek; Mark Keiter; Allen K. Kennedy; Christian Ballhaus

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2015

Incipient silicification of recent conifer wood at a Yellowstone hot spring

Jo Hellawell; Chris Ballhaus; Carole T. Gee; George E. Mustoe; Thorsten J. Nagel; Richard Wirth; Janet Rethemeyer; Frank Tomaschek; Thorsten Geisler; Karin Greef; Tim Mansfeldt

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