Frans J. de Bruijn
Michigan State University
Nature | 2002
Lene Krusell; Lene Heegaard Madsen; Shusei Sato; Grégoire Aubert; Aratz Genua; Krzysztof Szczyglowski; Gérard Duc; Takakazu Kaneko; Satoshi Tabata; Frans J. de Bruijn; Eloísa Pajuelo; Niels Sandal; Jens Stougaard
In legumes, root nodule organogenesis is activated in response to morphogenic lipochitin oligosaccharides that are synthesized by bacteria, commonly known as rhizobia. Successful symbiotic interaction results in the formation of highly specialized organs called root nodules, which provide a unique environment for symbiotic nitrogen fixation. In wild-type plants the number of nodules is regulated by a signalling mechanism integrating environmental and developmental cues to arrest most rhizobial infections within the susceptible zone of the root. Furthermore, a feedback mechanism controls the temporal and spatial susceptibility to infection of the root system. This mechanism is referred to as autoregulation of nodulation, as earlier nodulation events inhibit nodulation of younger root tissues. Lotus japonicus plants homozygous for a mutation in the hypernodulation aberrant root (har1) locus escape this regulation and form an excessive number of nodules. Here we report the molecular cloning and expression analysis of the HAR1 gene and the pea orthologue, Pisum sativum, SYM29. HAR1 encodes a putative serine/threonine receptor kinase, which is required for shoot-controlled regulation of root growth, nodule number, and for nitrate sensitivity of symbiotic development.
Journal of Bacteriology | 2002
John T. Sullivan; Jodi R. Trzebiatowski; Ruth W. Cruickshank; Jérôme Gouzy; Steven D. Brown; Rachel M. Elliot; Damien J. Fleetwood; Nadine McCallum; Uwe Rossbach; Gabriella S. Stuart; Julie E. Weaver; Richard J. Webby; Frans J. de Bruijn; Clive W. Ronson
The Mesorhizobium loti strain R7A symbiosis island is a 502-kb chromosomally integrated element which transfers to nonsymbiotic mesorhizobia in the environment, converting them to Lotus symbionts. It integrates into a phenylalanine tRNA gene in a process mediated by a P4-type integrase encoded at the left end of the element. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the island and compared its deduced genetic complement with that reported for the 611-kb putative symbiosis island of M. loti strain MAFF303099. The two islands share 248 kb of DNA, with multiple deletions and insertions of up to 168 kb interrupting highly conserved colinear DNA regions in the two strains. The shared DNA regions contain all the genes likely to be required for Nod factor synthesis, nitrogen fixation, and island transfer. Transfer genes include a trb operon and a cluster of potential tra genes which are also present on the strain MAFF303099 plasmid pMLb. The island lacks plasmid replication genes, suggesting that it is a site-specific conjugative transposon. The R7A island encodes a type IV secretion system with strong similarity to the vir pilus from Agrobacterium tumefaciens that is deleted from MAFF303099, which in turn encodes a type III secretion system not found on the R7A island. The 414 genes on the R7A island also include putative regulatory genes, transport genes, and an array of metabolic genes. Most of the unique hypothetical genes on the R7A island are strain-specific and clustered, suggesting that they may represent other acquired genetic elements rather than symbiotically relevant DNA.
Australian Journal of Plant Physiology | 2001
Youssef G. Yanni; Rizk Rizk; Faiza K. Abd El-Fattah; Andrea Squartini; Viviana Corich; Alessio Giacomini; Frans J. de Bruijn; J. L. W. Rademaker; Jaime Maya-Flores; Peggy Ostrom; Maria Vega-Hernandez; Rawle I. Hollingsworth; Eustoquio Martínez-Molina; Pedro F. Mateos; Encarna Velázquez; Judith Wopereis; Eric W Triplett; Mercedes Umali-Garcia; Juliet A. Anarna; Barry Rolfe; Jadish K. Ladha; James L. Hill; Rajni Mujoo; Perry K.W. Ng; Frank B. Dazzo
his paper summarizes a multinational collaborative project to search for natural, intimate associations between rhizobia and rice (Oryza sativa L.), assess their impact on plant growth, and exploit those combinations that can enhance grain yield with less dependence on inputs of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Diverse, indigenous populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii (the clover root-nodule endosymbiont) intimately colonize rice roots in the Egyptian Nile delta where this cereal has been rotated successfully with berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) since antiquity. Laboratory and greenhouse studies have shown with certain rhizobial strain-rice variety combinations that the association promotes root and shoot growth thereby significantly improving seedling vigour that carries over to significant increases in grain yield at maturity. Three field inoculation trials in the Nile delta indicated that a few strain-variety combinations significantly increased rice grain yield, agronomic fertilizer N-use efficiency and harvest index. The benefits of this association leading to greater production of vegetative and reproductive biomass more likely involve rhizobial modulation of the plants root architecture for more efficient acquisition of certain soil nutrients [e.g. N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), sodium (Na) and molybdenum (Mo)] rather than biological N 2 fixation.
Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions | 2004
Anke Becker; Hélène Bergès; Elizaveta Krol; Claude Bruand; Silvia Rüberg; Delphine Capela; Emmanuelle Lauber; Eliane Meilhoc; Frédéric Ampe; Frans J. de Bruijn; Joëlle Fourment; Anne Francez-Charlot; Daniel Kahn; Helge Küster; Carine Liebe; Alfred Pühler; Stefan Weidner; Jacques Batut
Sinorhizobium meliloti is an alpha-proteobacterium that alternates between a free-living phase in bulk soil or in the rhizosphere of plants and a symbiotic phase within the host plant cells, where the bacteria ultimately differentiate into nitrogen-fixing organelle-like cells, called bacteroids. As a step toward understanding the physiology of S. meliloti in its free-living and symbiotic forms and the transition between the two, gene expression profiles were determined under two sets of biological conditions: growth under oxic versus microoxic conditions, and in free-living versus symbiotic state. Data acquisition was based on both macro- and microarrays. Transcriptome profiles highlighted a profound modification of gene expression during bacteroid differentiation, with 16% of genes being altered. The data are consistent with an overall slow down of bacteroid metabolism during adaptation to symbiotic life and acquisition of nitrogen fixation capability. A large number of genes of unknown function, including potential regulators, that may play a role in symbiosis were identified. Transcriptome profiling in response to oxygen limitation indicated that up to 5% of the genes were oxygen regulated. However, the microoxic and bacteroid transcriptomes only partially overlap, implying that oxygen contributes to a limited extent to the control of symbiotic gene expression.
Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions | 1998
Krzysztof Szczyglowski; Robert S. Shaw; Judith Wopereis; Sue Copeland; Dirk Hamburger; Beth Kasiborski; Frank B. Dazzo; Frans J. de Bruijn
A detailed microscopical analysis of the morphological features that distinguish different developmental stages of nodule organogenesis in wild-type Lotus japonicus ecotype Gifu B-129-S9 plants was performed, to provide the necessary framework for the evaluation of altered phenotypes of L. japonicus symbiotic mutants. Subsequently, chemical ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis of L. japonicus was carried out. The analysis of approximately 3,000 M1 plants and their progeny yielded 20 stable L. japonicus symbiotic variants, consisting of at least 14 different symbiosis-associated loci or complementation groups. Moreover, a mutation affecting L. japonicus root development was identified that also conferred a hypernodulation response when a line carrying the corresponding allele (LjEMS102) was inoculated with rhizobia. The phenotype of the LjEMS102 line was characterized by the presence of nodule structures covering almost the entire root length (Nod++), and by a concomitant inhibition of both root and st...
The EMBO Journal | 1988
Erik Østergaard Jensen; Kjeld A. Marcker; Jeff Schell; Frans J. de Bruijn
Nuclear extracts from soybean nodules, leaves and roots were used to investigate protein–DNA interactions in the 5′ upstream (promoter) region of the soybean leghaemoglobin lbc3 gene. Two distinct regions were identified which strongly bind a nodule specific factor. A Bal31 deletion analysis delimited the DNA elements responsible for the binding of this factor, which map at nucleotides –223 to –246 (element 1) and –161 to –176 (element 2), relative to the start point of transcription. Competition experiments strongly suggest that both elements bind to the same nodule specific factor, but with different affinities. Elements 1 and 2 share a common motif, although their AT‐rich DNA sequences differ. Element 2 is highly conserved at an analogous position in other soybean lb gene 5′ upstream regions.
Journal of Bacteriology | 2000
Pablo M. Riccillo; Cecilia I. Muglia; Frans J. de Bruijn; Andrew J. Roe; Ian R. Booth; O. Mario Aguilar
The isolation of rhizobial strains which exhibit an intrinsic tolerance to acidic conditions has been reported and has facilitated studies on the basic mechanisms underlying acid tolerance. Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT899 displays a high intrinsic tolerance to acidity and therefore was used in this work to study the molecular basis of bacterial responses to acid conditions and other environmental stresses. We generated a collection of R. tropici CIAT899 mutants affected in acid tolerance using Tn5-luxAB mutagenesis, and one mutant strain (CIAT899-13T2), which fails to grow under acid conditions, was characterized in detail. Strain CIAT899-13T2 was found to contain a single Tn5-luxAB insertion in a gene showing a high degree of similarity with the Escherichia coli gshB gene, encoding the enzyme glutathione synthetase. Intracellular potassium pools and intracellular pH levels were found to be lower in the mutant than in the parent. The glutathione-deficient mutant was shown to be sensitive to weak organic acids, osmotic and oxidative stresses, and the presence of methylglyoxal. Glutathione restores responses to these stresses almost to wild-type levels. Our data show that in R. tropici the production of glutathione is essential for growth in extreme environmental conditions. The mutant strain CIAT899-13T2 induced effective nodules; however, it was found to be outcompeted by the wild-type strain in coinoculation experiments.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2007
Jan A. C. Vriezen; Frans J. de Bruijn; Klaus Nüsslein
One of the most severe and widespread problems facing the agricultural industry is the degradation of soil quality due to desiccation and salinity. In fact, almost 40% of the worlds land surface is affected by salinity-related problems ([131][1]). These two harsh environmental conditions can have a
Plant and Soil | 1997
P.M. Reddy; J. K. Ladha; R.B. So; R.J. Hernandez; M.C. Ramos; O.R. Angeles; F.B. Dazzo; Frans J. de Bruijn
Legume-rhizobial interactions culminate in the formation of structures known as nodules. In this specialized niche, rhizobia are insulated from microbial competition and fix nitrogen which becomes directly available to the legume plant. It has been a long-standing goal in the field of biological nitrogen fixation to extend the nitrogen-fixing symbiosis to non-nodulated cereal plants, such as rice. To achieve this goal, extensive knowledge of the legume-rhizobia symbioses should help in formulating strategies for developing potential rice-rhizobia symbioses or endophytic interactions. As a first step to assess opportunities for developing a rice-rhizobia symbiosis, we evaluated certain aspects of rice-rhizobia associations to determine the extent of predisposition of rice roots for forming an intimate association with rhizobia. Our studies indicate that: a. Rice root exudates do not activate the expression of nodulation genes such as nodY of Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110, nodA of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii, or nodSU of Rhizobium. sp. NGR234; b. Neither viable wild-type rhizobia, nor purified chitolipooligosaccharide (CLOS) Nod factors elicit root hair deformation or true nodule formation in rice; c. Rhizobia-produced indole-3-acetic acid, but neither trans-zeatin nor CLOS Nod factors, seem to promote the formation of thick, short lateral roots in rice; d. Rhizobia develop neither the symbiont-specific pattern of root hair attachment nor extensive cellulose microfibril production on the rice root epidermis; e. A primary mode of rhizobial invasion of rice roots is through cracks in the epidermis and fissures created during emergence of lateral roots; f. This infection process is nod-gene independent, nonspecific, and does not involve the formation of infection threads; g. Endophytic colonization observed so far is restricted to intercellular spaces or within host cells undergoing lysis. h. The cortical sclerenchymatous layer containing tightly packed, thick walled fibers appears to be a significant barrier that restricts rhizobial invasion into deeper layers of the root cortex. Therefore, we conclude that the molecular and cell biology of the Rhizobium-rice association differs in many respects from the biology underlying the development of root nodules in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology | 1999
Giselle Nick; Minna M. Jussila; Bart Hoste; R. Maarit Niemi; Seppo Kaijalainen; Philippe de Lajudie; Monique Gillis; Frans J. de Bruijn; Kristina Lindström
Summary Fifty-one fast growing rhizobial strains isolated from root nodules of Acacia Senegal and Prosopis chilensis in Sudan and Kenya were divided into DNA homology groups using non-radioactive DNA-DNA dot-blot hybridisation. Rhizobium leguminosarum, R. galegae, R. tropici, Mesorhizobium loti, Sinorhizobium fredii, S. meliloti used in numerical taxonomy were included in the hybridisation experiments as reference strains and, at a later stage S. saheli and S. terangae. Scores given to the intensities of dots detected in the hybridisation experiments were used in principal component analysis, which clustered the majority of the tree rhizobia in two separate DNA-homology groups. The 51 strains were also analysed by genomic fingerprinting using the repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) method with REP, ERIC, BOX and GTG5 primers. The resulting genomic fingerprints were compared with strains representing 15 rhizobial species. The relationship of 17 Sudanese strains to established sinorhizobial species was examined using the optical renaturation rates method and the G+C content of nine strains was determined. Results from dot-blot hybridisation and rep-PCR experiments were found to be in close agreement with each other and with the results obtained from spectrophotometric reassociation analysis. We suggest that rep-PCR fingerprinting can be used as a first and dot-blot hybridisation as a second rapid and dependable genomic screening method to classify new rhizobial isolates of unknown taxonomic status and to choose the representative strains for the more laborious DNA-DNA reassociation experiments.