Frans Melissen
NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences
Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 2013
Frans Melissen
This paper explores the concept of sustainable hospitality. The relevance and status of this area of enquiry are assessed by discussing the current status of the concepts involved. These discussions are then linked to progress made in sustainable hospitality both in research and practical applications in the hospitality industry. At least six principal schools of thought within hospitality are noted: hospitality science, hospitality management, hospitality studies, the “three domain school”, the systems thinking school and the pragmatic tradition. This complexity and lack of clear definition are problems. The differences between sustainability and sustainable development, and between weak and strong sustainability add further complexities. This paper shows that progress in both sustainable hospitality and tourism has been limited by these problems. A series of technical, ethical and commercial problems are discussed. However, while sustainable hospitality as a research area is still in its infancy, it is concluded that it is very relevant within the wider context of sustainable tourism research, based on its impact and its specific position within the social–ecological–economic systems under investigation. Key areas of future work are suggested, notably to better understand the impacts of hospitality on the triple bottom line, and to explore systems approaches towards implementation.
Facilities | 2012
Bernard Drion; Frans Melissen; Roy C. Wood
Purpose – The objective of this paper is to examine the continuing debate over the nature, scope and definition of facilities management and the implications of FM practice in the field of outsourcing for the development of the field and the profession.Design/methodology/approach – The paper offers both a conceptual review of key issues in the definition of facilities management and a critique of these definitions in the context of the popular identity of facilities management as a means of generating cost savings through outsourcing.Findings – The discussion asserts that, perhaps contrary to the many published doubts expressed over the possibility of achieving consensus on the scope of facilities management, an emerging and broadly consensual model of facilities management can be discerned. This model, it is suggested, is inhibited from further development primarily because of a lack of leadership in the professional and academic communities together with a preoccupation by necessity of the FM profession...
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | 2012
Frans Melissen; Harry Reinders
Public procurement can contribute significantly to achieving sustainable development. The Dutch government has indicated that sustainable procurement is one of its priorities and has developed and installed a Sustainable Public Procurement Programme (SPPP). This essay reviews the current programme and assesses its actual contribution to sustainable development. Specific questions are raised with respect to both the set up and the content of the current decision criteria for supplier selection and contract provisions. This article argues that, so far, the focus on minimum requirements, the strict distinction between environmental and social criteria and the absence of specific long-term ambitions and a systems perspective have limited the actual contribution of the Dutch SPPP to sustainable development. Finally, ongoing discussions by involved stakeholders, with respect to suggested adjustments to the programme, are reviewed and linked to the assessment presented here. It is concluded that these discussions reflect promising trains of thought for the future of the Dutch SPPP.
Journal of Vacation Marketing | 2016
Frans Melissen; Elena Cavagnaro; Maartje Damen; Anna Düweke
This article focuses on one of the hotel industry’s key challenges: sustainable development. By reviewing the current impact and characteristics of this industry, its high potential to contribute to this challenge is established. The key question addressed here – especially interesting from a futures perspective – is whether the hotel industry is prepared to fulfil that potential. Through a review of relevant literature and 12 in-depth interviews with hoteliers in leading positions in Dutch hotels, this article evaluates to what extent the hotel industry’s current business models and its managers’ willingness and capabilities are ‘future proof’ from a sustainable development perspective. It concludes that the hotel industry is not yet able to make an optimal contribution and needs assistance to do so in the future, especially with respect to addressing guests’ needs and wants and (subsequent) institutionalization of sustainability, but the potential is there and maybe even more so than before.
Facilities | 2012
Daphne M. Heeroma; Frans Melissen; Marc Stierand
Purpose – This conceptual paper explores the problems associated with trying to address culture as one of the key aspects in effective workplace strategies.Design/methodology/approach – This paper critically addresses the relationship between workplace strategies and the behavioural components of locality. It reviews the role that the concept of culture has, so far, played in trying to predict these behavioural consequences as part of (literature discussing) efforts to design appropriate workplace strategies.Findings – The discussion reveals the need to further address this relation through dedicated research. What is more, it is argued that there is a clear need to focus explicitly on work patterns, and how these can be accounted for in workplace strategies, instead of continuing to focus on the concept of culture as a predictor for successfulness. It is argued that the latter does not allow for practical application, whereas the former could help us to better understand and predict the effectiveness of ...
CSR, sustainability, ethics & governance | 2018
Lars Moratis; Frans Melissen; Samuel O. Idowu
The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), defined here as coordinated business actions aimed at a more sustainable world, has always been fairly controversial, both from the perspective of academic discourse and from the perspective of corporate practice. In its most basic terms, questions have been asked about whether corporations can and should actually have social responsibilities and, if so, to what extent? (cf. Davis 1973; Moon et al. 2005). Reflecting on the social responsibilities of business, a scholarly debate has developed that has given rise to a multitude of conceptions on the roles and responsibilities of business in society. These conceptions roughly vary from Friedman’s position that the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits (Friedman 1970) to positions about CSR that reflect the principle of sustainable development as formulated in the well-known “Brundtland report” as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED 1987: 204) and that now extend to and is operationalized through the Sustainable Development Goals. While different positions on the responsibilities of business in society remain to be held, partly motivated by political beliefs and worldviews, the question “what is a business for?” is nowadays answered in a way that aligns with a broader conception including taking into account the interests of and being accountable to a broader set of stakeholders than merely those with a financial or otherwise economic concern as well as society as a whole, nature and future generations. A survey among consumers from 10 of the world’s largest countries showed that some 81% thought that firms have responsibilities going (far) beyond creating shareholder value, with 31% thinking that firms should change the way they operate to align with greater social and environmental needs (Cone Communications/Echo 2013).
CSR, Sustainability, ethics & governance | 2017
Frans Melissen; Lars Moratis
Our world is dealing with several pressing sustainability problems. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives seem to have failed: despite the actions firms have taken over the years to contribute to a better world in an ecological and social sense through directing their resources and competencies towards this goal, the world has been degrading on many important sustainability-related indicators. By implication, firms need to resort to other ways of integrating societal goals into their strategies, organizational architecture, and decision-making processes. Sustainability-oriented business models (SOBMs) may present a way to turn the tides. Adding to the developing discourse on this topic, this chapter identifies three generations of SOBMs and their limitations in realizing sustainable development as well as by presenting an interpretation of fourth generation SBOMs. In doing so, it integrates insights from evolutionary psychology and identifies three types of ‘sustainability intelligence’ firms need to develop in order to be successful in developing SOBMs.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 2016
Frans Melissen; Ko Koens
International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2016
Frans Melissen; Rob van Ginneken; Roy C. Wood
Tourism Management | 2015
Michael Hall; Bas Amelung; Scott A. Cohen; Eke Eijgelaar; Stefan Gössling; James Higham; Rik Leemans; Paul Peeters; Yael Ram; Daniel Scott; Carlo Aall; Bruno Abegg; Jorge E. Araña; Stewart Barr; Susanne Becken; Ralf Buckley; Peter Burns; Tim Coles; Jackie Dawson; Rouven Doran; Ghislain Dubois; David Timothy Duval; David A. Fennell; Alison M Gill; Martin Gren; Werner Gronau; Jo W Guiver; Debbie Hopkins; Edward H. Huijbens; Ko Koens