Franz-Josef Kaup
German Primate Center
Journal of General Virology | 1996
Christiane Stahl-Hennig; Ulf Dittmer; Nisslein T; Harald Petry; Elke Jurkiewicz; Dietmar Fuchs; H. Wachter; Kerstin Mätz-Rensing; Eva M. Kuhn; Franz-Josef Kaup; Erling W. Rud; Gerhard Hunsmann
Convincing data on experimental vaccines against AIDS have been obtained in the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) macaque model by preinfection with a virus attenuated by a nef deletion. To investigate the efficacy of a nef deletion mutant of SIVmac32H called pC8 as a live-attenuated vaccine after shorter preinfection periods and to learn more about the nature of the immune protection induced, eight rhesus monkeys were infected intravenously with the pC8 virus. All monkeys became persistently infected, exhibiting low cell-associated viral loads, but strong cellular and, in terms of binding antibodies, strong humoral antiviral responses. Two of eight pC8-infected monkeys developed an immunodeficiency and were not challenged. Sequence analysis of their nef revealed complete replenishment of the deletion. The other six monkeys, two preinfected for 42 weeks and four for 22 weeks, were challenged with pathogenic spleen-derived SIV. Complete protection was achieved in four vaccinees. Virus was consistently detected in two vaccinees from the 22-week-group challenge, however, they remained clinically healthy over a prolonged period. Protection from challenge virus infection or a delayed disease development seemed to be associated with a sustained SIV-specific T helper cell response after challenge. Thus, a sterilizing immunity against superinfection with pathogenic SIV can be induced even after a relatively short waiting period of 22 weeks. Nevertheless, such a vaccine raises severe safety concerns because of its potential to revert to virulence.
Veterinary Pathology | 2006
Kerstin Mätz-Rensing; H. Ellerbrok; B. Ehlers; G. Pauli; A. Floto; M. Alex; C.-P. Czerny; Franz-Josef Kaup
An epizootic infection was observed in a colony of 80 New World monkeys consisting of various species including a group of marmosets and Saguinus species. During the summer and autumn of 2002, 30 animals died of unknown diseases. Six animals were sent to the German Primate Center for investigation of the cause of death. A complete pathologic and histologic investigation was carried out. The animals exhibited erosive-ulcerative lesions of the oral mucous membranes. Advanced stages of the disease were characterised by hemorrhagic lesions on the skin distributed randomly over the body, but principally on the face, scrotal region, soles, and palms. Electron microscopy revealed virus particles with orthopox-like morphology within intracytoplasmic inclusions in epithelial cells. The DNA samples from various tissues were analyzed by use of a set of orthopox virus-specific, real-time polymerase chain reaction assays. Amplification products were sequenced to define the virus more precisely. Sequencing confirmed the presence of an orthopox virus. Sequence data indicated that all six animals were infected with the same virus. Propagation of the virus on Vero cells resulted in a rapidly progressive cytopathogenic effect. Preliminary phylogenetic analyses of two genes revealed closest homology to cowpox viruses. The origin of this poxvirus outbreak remains unexplained, and the strain and genus of the virus need to be determined in detail.
The Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2000
Ulrike Sauermann; Christiane Stahl-Hennig; Nicole Stolte; Thorsten Mühl; Michael Krawczak; Michael Spring; Dietmar Fuchs; Franz-Josef Kaup; Gerhard Hunsmann; Sieghart Sopper
In human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individuals, disease progression varies considerably. This is also observed after experimental infection of macaques with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes may influence disease progression in both species. Homozygosity for Mhc-Mamu (Macaca mulatta)-DQB1*0601 was previously identified to be associated with rapid disease progression in SIV-infected macaques. To validate the association of this genotype with disease progression, a prospective study was carried out. Six unrelated monkeys homozygous for Mamu-DQB1*0601 and DRB1*0309-DRB*W201 and 6 heterozygous monkeys were infected with SIVmac. Five of the homozygous and only 1 of the heterozygous monkeys died rapidly after infection, with manifestations of AIDS. These results were validated by a retrospective survival analysis of 71 SIV-infected monkeys. The identified DQ-DRB genotype is frequent among monkeys of different breeding colonies and allows a fairly reliable selection before infection of monkeys predisposed for rapid disease progression.
Journal of Medical Primatology | 2006
Hanspeter W. Steinmetz; Werner Kaumanns; Illona Dix; Michael Heistermann; Mark Fox; Franz-Josef Kaup
Background Previous studies have characterized alopecia in captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) by a mixed partial to complete alopecia in a bilateral symmetric pattern.
PLOS ONE | 2010
Marit Kramski; Kerstin Mätz-Rensing; Christiane Stahl-Hennig; Franz-Josef Kaup; Andreas Nitsche; Georg Pauli; Heinz Ellerbrok
The intentional re-introduction of Variola virus (VARV), the agent of smallpox, into the human population is of great concern due its bio-terroristic potential. Moreover, zoonotic infections with Cowpox (CPXV) and Monkeypox virus (MPXV) cause severe diseases in humans. Smallpox vaccines presently available can have severe adverse effects that are no longer acceptable. The efficacy and safety of new vaccines and antiviral drugs for use in humans can only be demonstrated in animal models. The existing nonhuman primate models, using VARV and MPXV, need very high viral doses that have to be applied intravenously or intratracheally to induce a lethal infection in macaques. To overcome these drawbacks, the infectivity and pathogenicity of a particular CPXV was evaluated in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). A CPXV named calpox virus was isolated from a lethal orthopox virus (OPV) outbreak in New World monkeys. We demonstrated that marmosets infected with calpox virus, not only via the intravenous but also the intranasal route, reproducibly develop symptoms resembling smallpox in humans. Infected animals died within 1–3 days after onset of symptoms, even when very low infectious viral doses of 5×102 pfu were applied intranasally. Infectious virus was demonstrated in blood, saliva and all organs analyzed. We present the first characterization of a new OPV infection model inducing a disease in common marmosets comparable to smallpox in humans. Intranasal virus inoculation mimicking the natural route of smallpox infection led to reproducible infection. In vivo titration resulted in an MID50 (minimal monkey infectious dose 50%) of 8.3×102 pfu of calpox virus which is approximately 10,000-fold lower than MPXV and VARV doses applied in the macaque models. Therefore, the calpox virus/marmoset model is a suitable nonhuman primate model for the validation of vaccines and antiviral drugs. Furthermore, this model can help study mechanisms of OPV pathogenesis.
Journal of Virology | 2010
Kristina Allers; Christoph Loddenkemper; Jörg Hofmann; Anett Unbehaun; Désirée Kunkel; Verena Moos; Franz-Josef Kaup; Christiane Stahl-Hennig; Ulrike Sauermann; Hans-Jörg Epple; Thomas Schneider
ABSTRACT The gastrointestinal tract represents a major site for human and simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV and SIV) replication and CD4+ T-cell depletion. Despite severe depletion of mucosal CD4+ T cells, FOXP3+ regulatory CD4+ T cells (Treg) are highly increased in the gut mucosa of chronically HIV-infected individuals and may contribute to HIV pathogenesis, either by their immunosuppressive function or as a significant target cell population for virus production. Little is known about the susceptibility of mucosal Treg to viral infection and the longitudinal effect of HIV/SIV infection on Treg dynamics. In this study, we determined the level of SIV infection in Treg and nonregulatory CD4+ T cells (non-Treg) isolated from the colon of SIV-infected rhesus macaques. The dynamics of mucosal Treg and alterations in the mucosal CD4+ T-cell pool were examined longitudinally. Our findings indicate that mucosal Treg were less susceptible to productive SIV infection than non-Treg and thus were selectively spared from SIV-mediated cell death. In addition to improved survival, local expansion of Treg by SIV-induced proliferation of the mucosal CD4+ T-cell pool facilitated the accumulation of mucosal Treg during the course of infection. High frequency of mucosal Treg in chronic SIV infection was strongly related to a reduction of perforin-expressing cells. In conclusion, this study suggests that mucosal Treg are less affected by productive SIV infection than non-Treg and therefore spared from depletion. Although SIV production is limited in mucosal Treg, Treg accumulation may indirectly contribute to viral persistence by suppressing antiviral immune responses.
American Journal of Human Genetics | 2009
Roman A. Siddiqui; Ulrike Sauermann; Janine Altmüller; Elfriede Fritzer; Michael Nothnagel; Nina Dalibor; Jacques Fellay; Franz-Josef Kaup; Christiane Stahl-Hennig; Peter Nürnberg; Michael Krawczak; Matthias Platzer
AIDS has changed from a mostly male-specific health problem to one that predominantly affects females. Although sex differences in HIV-1 susceptibility are beyond doubt, the extent to which sex affects the onset and progression of AIDS has remained elusive. Here, we provide evidence for an influence of X chromosomal variation on the course of retroviral infection, both in HIV-1-infected patients and in the rhesus macaque model of AIDS. A two-stage, microsatellite-based GWAS of SIV-infected monkeys revealed MHC class I markers and a hitherto-unknown X chromosomal locus as being associated with a nominal score measuring progression to AIDS (Fishers exact p < 10(-6)). The X chromosomal association was subsequently confirmed in HIV-1-infected patients with published SNP genotype data. SNP rs5968255, located at human Xq21.1 in a conserved sequence element near the RPS6KA6 and CYLC1 genes, was identified as a significant genetic determinant of disease progression in females (ANOVA p = 8.8 x 10(-5)), but not in males (p = 0.19). Heterozygous female carriers of the C allele showed significantly slower CD4 cell decline and a lower viral load at set point than TT homozygous females and than males. Inspection of HapMap revealed that the CT genotype is significantly more frequent among Asians than among Europeans or Africans. Our results suggest that, in addition to the individual innate and adaptive immunity status, sex-linked genetic variation impacts upon the rate of progression to AIDS. Elucidating the mechanisms underlying this sex-specific effect will promote the development of antiretroviral therapies with high efficacy in both sexes.
Veterinary Pathology | 2007
Kerstin Mätz-Rensing; A. Floto; A. Schrod; T. Becker; E. J. Finke; E. Seibold; W. D. Splettstoesser; Franz-Josef Kaup
Tularemia is a highly contagious infectious zoonosis, transmissible by inoculation, ingestion, or inhalation of the infectious agent Francisella tularensis. The disease is perpetuated by infected rodents, blood-sucking arthropods, and by contaminated water. Therefore, nonhuman primates housed outdoors may be at risk for exposure. An epizootic of F. tularensis occurred in an indoor/outdoor-housed group of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) at the German Primate Center. Tularemia was diagnosed in 18 out of 35 animals within a period of 2 years. Six animals died with unspecific clinical symptoms; 12 animals developed seroconversion and were still alive. Pathologic findings were similar in all monkeys that died and resembled the clinical picture of the human disease, including an ulceroglandular syndrome with local lymphadenopathy, gingivostomatitis, and systemic spread, with manifestations such as subacute necrotizing hepatitis, granulomatous splenitis, and pneumonia. Tularemia was diagnosed by culture, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and ELISA techniques. This is the largest outbreak in nonhuman primates and the first report of tularemia in cynomolgus monkeys. An overview of the recent literature about tularemia in nonhuman primates is given.
International Journal of Cancer | 1997
Sabine Pingel; Horst Hannig; Kerstin Mätz-Rensing; Franz-Josef Kaup; Gerhard Hunsmann; Walter Bodemer
SIV infection of macaques is a well‐established animal model for studying the pathogenesis of HIV infection in humans. During the course of SIV infection, up to 40% of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) develop SIV‐associated non‐Hodgkins lymphomas. In the present study, we characterized malignant lymphomas of SIVmac 251/32H‐infected rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) of our cohort in terms of clinical outcome, histopathology and EBV association. Histopathologic changes of lymphoid malignancies were classified according to the Kiel classification. For detection of the EBV‐encoded small RNAs EBER1 and EBER2, a method of non‐isotopic in situ hybridization was established. The presence of EBNA‐2 antigens was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Seven of 43 rhesus macaques developed highly malignant B‐cell lymphomas of the centroblastic, immunoblastic and Burkitt subtypes within 18–29 months post‐experimental SIV infection. In situ hybridization revealed the presence of small EBER1 and ‐2 RNAs in 6 of 7 disease cases. EBNA‐2 antigens could be demonstrated in only 4 of 7 tissue specimens. As expected, the Burkitt‐type of lymphoma was negative for EBNA‐2 antigen staining. In accordance with findings on SIV‐associated lymphomas of cynomolgus macaques, infection with an EBV‐related herpesvirus could be demonstrated in almost 90% of lymphomas in SIV‐infected rhesus macaques. In contrast, the presence of EBV in lymphomas had been documented previously in only 30–40% of HIV‐infected patients. Further studies should thus define the precise role of herpesvirus infection for lymphomagenesis in SIV‐ and HIV‐induced immunodeficiency. Int. J. Cancer 72:160–165, 1997.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | 2005
Hanspeter W. Steinmetz; Werner Kaumanns; Ilona Dix; Karl-Albrecht Neimeier; Franz-Josef Kaup
Abstract Coat damage has been reported frequently in captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), and it is a serious health problem because the hair coat functions as an anatomic and physiologic barrier between the animal and the environment. The purpose of this study was to identify the pathogenesis of coat damage in this species and to exclude the most frequent causes of alopecia. The investigation included clinical, hematologic, bacteriologic, mycologic, parasitologic, and histopathologic evaluations. A broad systematic dermatologic investigation was performed on 156 rhesus macaques, kept under variable environmental conditions, at the German Primate Center, Göttingen. In addition, 27 animals from other primate facilities were incorporated into the study. Clinically, 126 animals showed partial alopecia of varying severity, with complete alopecia in the worst cases. In 88% of the cases, the disorder was bilaterally symmetrical. The back and extremities were most commonly affected. No gross clinical changes of the skin surface were detected. Histologic changes consisted predominantly of mild epidermal hyperkeratosis and mild perivascular dermatitis. The presence and severity of histologic lesions were not correlated to coat damage. Parasitic, bacterial, and mycotic causes of alopecia were ruled out. Overviewing these results, disturbances in environment and behavior controlling or influencing hair growth may lead to hair loss in captive rhesus macaques. Future studies should try to identify disturbances in extrinsic or intrinsic factors influencing hair follicle activity in rhesus macaques.