
Featured researches published by Fred M. Reames.

Monthly Weather Review | 1993

A Comparison of Simulated Precipitation by Hybrid Isentropic-Sigma and Sigma Models

Donald R. Johnson; Tom H. Zapotocny; Fred M. Reames; Bart J. Wolf; R. Bradley Pierce

Abstract The primary objectives of this study are threefold: 1) to compare simulators of dry and moist baroclinic development from 10-and 22-layer hybrid isentropic-sigma coordinate models with those from 11-, 27-, and 35-layer sigma coordinate models; 2) to examine the ability of the models to transport water vapor and simulate equivalent potential temperature θe; and 3) to compare predictions of the timing, location, and amount of precipitation. A models capability to predict precipitation sterns from the accuracy of its simulation of the joint distribution of mass, potential temperature, and water vapor throughout the model domain. In a series of experiments to compare simulations of precipitation, several analytic distributions of water vapor are specified initially. The water vapor distributions include a “cylinder”extending vertically throughout the atmosphere and “lenses” within isentropic, sigma, and isobaric layers. The effect of increased horizontal resolution are also studied. Results indicate...

Monthly Weather Review | 1994

Development and initial test of the University of Wisconsin global isentropic-sigma model

Tom H. Zapotocny; Donald R. Johnson; Fred M. Reames

Abstract The description of a global version of the University of Wisconsin (UW) hybrid isentropic-sigma (θ − σ) model and the results from an initial numerical weather prediction experiment are presented in this paper. The main objectives of this initial test are to 1) discuss θ − σ model development and computer requirements, 2) demonstrate the ability of the UW θ − σ model for global numerical weather prediction using realistic orography and parameterized physical processes, and 3) compare the transport of an inert trace constituent against a nominally “identical” sigma (σ) coordinate model. Initial and verifying data for the 5-day simulations presented in this work were supplied by the Goddaird Earth Observing System (GEOS-1) data assimilation system. The time period studied is 1–6 February 1985. This validation experiment demonstrates that the global UW θ − σ model produces a realistic 5-day simulation of the mass and momentum distributions when compared to both the identical σ model and GEOS-1 verif...

Monthly Weather Review | 1997

A Comparison of Inert Trace Constituent Transport between the University of Wisconsin Isentropic–Sigma Model and the NCAR Community Climate Model

Tom H. Zapotocny; Allen J. Lenzen; Donald R. Johnson; Todd K. Schaack; Fred M. Reames

Abstract Five- and 10-day inert trace constituent distributions prognostically simulated with the University of Wisconsin (UW) hybrid isentropic–sigma (θ–σ) model, the nominally identical UW sigma (σ) model, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model 2 (CCM2) are analyzed and compared in this study. The UW θ–σ and σ gridpoint models utilize the flux form of the primitive equations, while CCM2 is based on the spectral representation and uses semi-Lagrangian transport (SLT) for trace constituents. Results are also compared against a version of the CCM that uses spectral transport for the trace constituent. These comparisons 1) contrast the spatial and temporal evolution of the filamentary transport of inert trace constituents simulated with the UW θ–σ and σ models against a “state of the art” GCM under both isentropic and nonisentropic conditions and 2) examine the ability of the models to conserve the initial trace constituent maximum value during 10-day integrations. Results ...

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1991

Numerical Investigations with a Hybrid Isentropic–Sigma Model. Part I: Normal-Mode Characteristics

R. Bradley Pierce; Fred M. Reames; Tom H. Zapotocny; Donald R. Johnson; Bart J. Wolf

Abstract In a validation experiment of a hybrid isentropic–sigma coordinate primitive equation model developed at the University of Wisconsin (the UW θ−σ model), an initial value technique is used to investigate numerically the normal-mode characteristics of baroclinically amplifying disturbances over a spectrum of meteorologically significant wavelength. The experiments are designed to determine the impact of coupling an isentropic-coordinate free atmospheric domain to a sigma-coordinate planetary boundary layer (PBL) on the normal-mode characteristics. The growth rate and phase speed spectra of the most unstable normal modes are obtained for an analytically prescribed zonal flow field. The evolution and vertical structure of the kinetic energy, energy conversions, growth rates, and geopotential fields are investigated. Several modifications have been made to earlier versions of the UW θ−σ model to overcome noise introduced by adjustments associated with emerging and submerging grid volumes at the sigma–...

Geophysical Research Letters | 1996

Joint distributions of potential vorticity and inert trace constituent in CCM2 and UW θ‐σ model simulations

Tom H. Zapotocny; Allen J. Lenzen; Donald R. Johnson; Fred M. Reames; Philip A. Politowicz; Todd K. Schaack

This letter describes an experiment that examines the ability of the University of Wisconsin (UW) hybrid isentropic-sigma (θ-σ) and sigma (σ) coordinate models and the NCAR Community Climate Model 2 (CCM2) to transport and conserve the joint distributions of isentropic potential vorticity (P θ ) and a source-free inert trace constituent related to the initial distribution of P θ , called proxy ozone (O 3 ), during 10-day isentropic integrations. Under the idealized conditions of this experiment, the governing equations for the atmospheric continuum require that the initial joint distribution of P θ and O 3 be conserved, thereby establishing a test of model accuracy from statistical comparisons of paired values of O 3 and P θ . Any decrease in the initial correlation of unity of P θ and O 3 after integration is an objective measure of a models skill. Results show that correlation coefficients for the UW θ-σ model remain higher than those from CCM2 and the UW σ model, demonstrating an inherent advantage in the simulation of trace constituent transport relative to dynamical processes in isentropic versus sigma coordinate models.

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1991

Numerical Investigations with a Hybrid IsentropicσSigma Model. Part II: The Inclusion of Moist Processes

Tom H. Zapotocny; Fred M. Reames; R. Bradley Pierce; Donald R. Johnson; Bart J. Wolf

Abstract The main goals of this paper are 1) to demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating a prognostic equation for water vapor and diabatic processes in the University of Wisconsin θ−σ model discussed in Part I, 2) to document methods applied to overcome difficulties stemming from the inclusion of moist processes and 3) to present results illustrating the effects of latent heat release on baroclinic development. The results confirm earlier studies that a prognostic equation for water vapor and the diabatic component of latent heat release may be included in a hybrid model. However, the modifications made in this study were important for eliminating spurious supersaturation and release of latent heat within grid volumes emerging and submerging through the interface between sigma and isentropic model domains. The results demonstrate the hybrid models robust nature and potential for use in prediction. For this demonstration, model simulations of an analytically specified synoptic-scale wave that amplifi...

Monthly Weather Review | 1999

Inert Trace Constituent Transport in Sigma and Hybrid Isentropic–Sigma Models. Part I: Nine Advection Algorithms

Fred M. Reames; Tom H. Zapotocny

Abstract The University of Wisconsin hybrid isentropic–sigma (θ–σ) coordinate channel model and the nominally identical sigma (σ) model are used to test the relative capabilities of nine trace constituent transport algorithms. The nine are “standard” second-order finite differencing, the standard with two local “borrow and fill” fixers, the standard with a global fixer, four conservative flux-integrated approaches, and the conservation of second-order moments (CSOM). Transport of two analytically specified initial trace constituent distributions is simulated within a common initial atmosphere, which includes a baroclinically amplifying synoptic-scale wave. Two different vertical resolution θ–σ models and four vertical resolution σ models provide excellent test beds for comparison of the transport algorithms because their 48-h predictions of standard synoptic fields are virtually identical. Although no analytic solution exists against which detailed comparisons can be made, the constraint of adiabatic cond...

Monthly Weather Review | 1999

Inert Trace Constituent Transport in Sigma and Hybrid Isentropic–Sigma Models. Part II: Twelve Semi-Lagrangian Algorithms

Fred M. Reames; Tom H. Zapotocny

Abstract Part I of this paper examined nine trace constituent advection algorithms as applied in channel versions of the University of Wisconsin hybrid isentropic–sigma (θ–σ) and sigma (σ) models. This paper examines the performance of 12 semi-Lagrangian transport (SLT) algorithms in the same models. The interpolants of trace constituent include second- through twelfth-order Lagrangian, an overlapping polynomial, a quasi-monotonic scheme, and two sixth-order schemes that employ derivative estimates. Additional experiments are performed that emulate the SLT algorithm in the NCAR Community Climate Model 2. As in Part I, these three-dimensional simulations are under adiabatic conditions so that conservation of the initial trace constituent maximum on an isentropic surface, and conservation of the areas between any two constituent contours, can be used as objective measures of SLT algorithm accuracy. Further, the experiments provide comparisons not only between the different SLT formulations but also between ...

Geophysical Research Letters | 1997

Simulations of tropospheric joint distributions in the UW θ‐σ model and CCM2

Tom H. Zapotocny; Donald R. Johnson; Todd K. Schaack; Allen J. Lenzen; Fred M. Reames; Philip A. Politowicz; Zhuojian Yuan

Results are presented for experiments which examine the ability of the University of Wisconsin (UW) hybrid isentropic-sigma (θ-σ) and sigma (σ) coordinate models and the NCAR Community Climate Model 2 (CCM2) to transport and conserve the joint distributions of potential temperature (θ) or equivalent potential temperature (θe) and a source-free inert trace constituent identical to the respective initial distribution (tθ or tθe). Under the idealized isentropic conditions of these experiments, the governing equations for the atmospheric continuum require that the joint distributions (θ, tθ or θe, tθe) be conserved throughout the integration. Deviation in the paired values is an objective measure of a models skill to conserve the joint distributions. Results show that conservation remains higher in the UW θ-σ model than in the other models, even near the interface between isentropic and sigma model domains.

Monthly Weather Review | 1993

A comparison of regional isentropic-sigma and sigma model simulations of the January 1979 Chicago blizzard

Tom H. Zapotocny; Donald R. Johnson; Fred M. Reames

Abstract In an initial effort in regional numerical weather prediction, results from the University of Wisconsin isentropic-sigma (UW θ−σ) hybrid model and an “identical” sigma model are compared. The two main objectives are to demonstrate the capability of the UW θ−σ model for regional numerical weather prediction and to identify advantages of the hybrid model in simulating atmospheric water vapor transport and precipitation relative to the sigma model. The 72-h simulations produced by the two models extend over a region covering the western Pacific Ocean, North America, and the western Atlantic Ocean. The simulations begin at 0000 UTC 13 January 1979, a period during which an intense Chicago blizzard (sometimes called the Mayor Jane Byrne storm) develops over the central United States. This period also includes the rapid development of a cyclone in the western Pacific Ocean. Results using the Global Weather Experiment (GWE) ECMWF level IIIB data as initial and verification data indicate that both models...

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