Frederico Dimas Fleig
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Ciencia Florestal | 2000
Paulo Renato Schneider; Frederico Dimas Fleig; César Augusto Guimarães Finger; Jorge Euclides Mayer Klein
In the present work the influence of initial spacing on growth of Acacia mearnsii de Wild was studied. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks with five treatments and four repetitions defined by spacing between plants of 1 x 1m, 2 x 1m, 3 x 1m, 3 x 1,33 m and 3 x 2 m. The results allowed the conclusion that the smaller the spacing the larger the production of wood with bark on a per hectare basis; however this happenned with Smaller men diameter. The growth of diameter and total height was directly proportional to spacing, but basal area, volume outside bark and weight of the green bark per hectare were inversely proportional to spacing. Dominant height was not affected by the spacings used.
Ciencia Florestal | 2011
Tatiane Chassot; Frederico Dimas Fleig; César Augusto Guimarães Finger; Solon Jonas Longhi
This work aims to model the diameter growth for individual trees of Araucaria angustifolia , present in the Mixed Ombrophylous Forest in the northeast of Rio Grande do Sul. Thus, 251 araucaria individuals located on the permanent plots of the Project PELD – CNPq were remeasured after a period of 8 years. A yield model was built, having as dependent variable the future diameter, using regression and analysis of covariance. As independent variables, the dimensional and social characteristics of the individuals and distance independent competition indices were used. The most correlated variable with the future diameter was the current diameter. The competition indices showed high correlation with the dependent variable, representing the competitive pressure exerted on the tree, but they were not selected in the regression model. Only the current diameter, multiplied by a coefficient, plus a constant value which differed according to the sociological position of the individuals was effective to predict the future diameter. Three variations of the production model were built. The models showed better estimates for emerging individuals of Araucaria angustifolia, however, its use in the individual tree growth prognosis should be cautious due to the magnitude of the errors it presented.
Ciencia Rural | 2008
Carlos Alberto Martinelli de Souza; Tatiane Chassot; César Augusto Guimarães Finger; Paulo Renato Schneider; Frederico Dimas Fleig
This research had as objective to evaluate different taper models for Pinus taeda and select the best one to estimate variables of interest throughout the stem. The functions proposed by Anony, Kozak, Munro, Silva & Sterba, Prodan and the 5° degree Polynomial were evaluated. With data from rigorous cubage of 68 trees, with 25 years old, coming from plantation of Florestal Gateados Ltda, located, in the city of Campo Belo do Sul, SC, Brazil. Based on the statistics adjusted coefficient of determination (R2aj), standard error of estimates (Syx), bias, average of differences (md) and standard deviation of the differences (dpd) was selected the Polynomial of 5th degree to estimate as the commercial high, commercial volume and the diameters of the 1st and 2nd logs. The commercial heigh results without tendencies with errors oscillating in a small interval, and by the commercial volume a certain tendency of underestimate trees with smaller DAP, and a light tendency for those trees with bigger dap can be observed. Regarding the diameter and volume of the first log an overestimate of the values occurred, but with small errors, mainly for the diameter. For the estimates of the diameter and volume of the second log the results were better than those found for the first log, with light underestimate tendency of the diameter and, practically, without tendency for the volume.
Ciencia Florestal | 2001
Paulo Renato Schneider; Frederico Dimas Fleig; César Augusto Guimarães Finger; Peter Spathelf
Normal 0 21 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 No presente trabalho, foram elaboradas tabelas de producao de madeira e casca verde para Acacia mearnsii . Com dados originados de parcelas temporarias e permanentes instaladas em diferentes espacamentos, distribuidas sobre toda a area de plantio desta especie, foram ajustadas equacoes de regressao que apresentaram um coeficiente de determinacao ajustado superior a 0,98 e um baixo erro padrao da estimativa em percentagem. Do estudo, resultaram cinco tabelas de producao por indice de sitio, estratificadas por espacamento inicial que contem o crescimento de altura dominante, diâmetro medio, altura media, area basal, volume com e sem-casca por hectare, peso de casca verde por hectare e incremento medio anual em volume com casca.
Ciencia Florestal | 2006
Álvaro Valente Caçola; Cassandro Vidal Talamini do Amarante; Frederico Dimas Fleig; Clenilso Sehnen Mota
The seeds of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze are recalcitrants and, therefore, they lose rapidly the viability after the harvest, limiting their use for nursery production of seedlings. This work was carried out to investigate the effects of cold storage duration, conservation method, and escarification on germination and vigour of seeds of Araucaria angustifolia . The seeds were cold stored (0-1 o C/90-95% RH) for 0, 60, 120, and 180 days, under normal air condictions (NA), modified atmosphere (MA), and controlled atmosphere (CA) storage. For each cold storage duration, after removal from cold storage, the seeds were submitted or not to scarification (by cutting a small portion of the apical seed tegument, avoiding the damage of the endosperm), letting the germinate in a chamber with controlled environment, in plastic trays filled with vermiculite, for 60 days. The experiment followed the completely randomized factorial design (4x3x2), with four cold storage durations (0, 60, 120, and 180 days), three storage methods (NA, MA, and CA), with or without escarification, and four replicates. There was a good preservation of physiological quality for seeds submitted to different conservation methods in cold storage along the 180-day period. However, there was a faster germination and initial growth of seedlings for seeds left in cold storage for 60 days than in seeds assessed at harvest or left in cold storage for 120-180 days. The NA storage of seeds in perfurated plastic bags was as efficient as MA and CA storage to preserve seeds quality. Seeds scarification increased vigor and promoted seedlings initial growth of Araucaria angustifolia after being removed from cold storage.
Ciencia Florestal | 2008
Vera Lucia Rossi; Cassandro Vidal Talamini do Amarante; Frederico Dimas Fleig
This work was carried out to study the effects of roots pruning with cupper sulphate, cupper oxychlorate and ethephon (2-cloroethtlphosphonic acid) on growth and quality of Pinus taeda L. seedlings produced in tubes. The treatments with cupper sulphate or cupper oxychlorate were applied on the tubes (before their filling with the substrate for plantation), by immersing them into a mixture of equal parts of water and latex paint, at cupper doses of 0, 12, 24, 36, and 48g L -1 of solution (paint + water). The ethefon was sprayed to the aerial part of seedlings (10-15cm height) at 0, 50, 75, 100, and 125 mg (a.i.) L -1 . The experiment followed a completely randomized block design with five replicates. Considering the cupper sources, only cupper sulphate reduced the attributes of root dry matter (mainly by inhibiting the development of lateral roots), collar diameter, seedlings height, and aerial dry matter, with the increase of product dose. The increment of cupper sulphate doses resulted in a higher increase of copper concentration in the substrate than the increase of cupper oxychlorate doses. The increment of cupper oxychlorate doses did not reduce the total root dry matter, but increased the number of lateral roots at the median and higher portion of the root system. Cupper sulphate significantly reduced the emission of lateral roots, as opposed to the effect of cupper oxychlorate. Therefore, the use of increasing doses of cupper oxychlorate seems to show a more positive effect on root pruning, compared to cupper sulphate, since a seedling with a large number of lateral roots of small length is desirable aiming the seedling establishment after transplantation. The increase of ethefon dose sprayed at seedlings aerial part increased the principal root dry matter and the number of later roots at the median (linear effect) and lower (quadratic effect) parts of root system. There was no effect of ethefon on the other seedling growth attributes.
Ciencia Florestal | 1999
Jorge Euclides Meyer Klein; Paulo Renato Schneider; César Augusto Guimarães Finger; Frederico Dimas Fleig
Effects of initial tree spacing on bark and wood yield of black wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.), were studied. The experimental design was a complete block with four replications. The tree spacing treatments were of 1x 1m; 3x 1.33m; and 3.0x 2.0m. The smaller spacing, the bigger bark and wood yield however, it was observed higher plant mortality and smaller stem diameter.
Revista Arvore | 2013
Paula Kielse; Michele Heberle; Frederico Dimas Fleig; Alencar Xavier; Marcelo Artur Rauber
Cordia trichotoma (Vell.) Arrab. ex Steudel is a tree species that has roots with buds and, after the occurrence of natural or anthropic disturbances, sprouts develop from these buds. Considering the natural ability of regeneration by root system, it is assumed that these propagules contain tissues with high morphogenetic potential. The objective of this study was to evaluate the vegetative propagation of C. trichotoma root cuttings. In the first experiment, seedling roots were sectioned into 5.0 cm-long cuttings, classified into thick (1.6-2.5 cm) and thin (1.0-1.5 cm) according to its diameter. The root cuttings were treated in a solution of 0, 10, 20 or 30 mM IBA for 10 seconds. In the second experiment, roots were classified into basal, median and apical according to the position of collection and cut in cuttings with 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0 cm of length. The root cuttings were treated in a solution of 30 mM IBA. The use of IBA favored rooting of root cuttings, with the highest responses in treatments with a dose of 30 mM. Thick root cuttings had a greatest potential for sprouting when compared to thin root cuttings. The highest responses of sprouting and rooting occurred in basal and median root cuttings with 3.0 and 5.0 cm length. In conclusion, it is possible to perform the vegetative propagation of C. trichotoma by the technique of root cuttings.
Ciencia Florestal | 2016
Emanuel Arnoni Costa; César Augusto Guimarães Finger; Frederico Dimas Fleig
The morphometric relations allow describing dimensions of trees without prior knowledge of the age, it help the forest planning and implementation of silvicultural treatments, especially when needs to make sustainable use of forests. For this purpose, the aim of this study was to model and comparising the morphometric relations araucaria trees in social position dominant, codominant and dominated in native forest remnant, located in Lages, SC. A total of 294 trees distributed in dbh classes were intentionally selected inside of forest. In each tree was measured dbh, total height, bole height, crown diameter by eight radius, as well as the classification of social position. Simple and multiple linear regression models were used to describe the relation h/d, the proportion of the crown and formal crown in function of diameter at breast height with simple transformation, quadratic, cubic, inverse and logarithmic form. The analysis of covariance with dummy variables were used to describe the social position and tested the parallelism and slope of regression indicating need or not of the use independent regressions. The results indicated that even with great variability in the shape and size of the crown due to growth and competition process, the morphometric relations of araucaria can be accurately estimated by regression models. The relation h/d, proportion of the crown and formal crown can be described by individual model for social position dominant, codominant and dominant, or alternatively a single model with the use of dummy variables that differentiate trees group dominated for the relation h/d and formal crown. The proportion of crown presented difference in dimensions of the trees, being necessary to use dummy variable for each social stratus or use the individual models.
Ciencia Florestal | 2010
Gerson Luiz Selle; Frederico Dimas Fleig; Paulo Renato Schneider; Luiz Antônio Jacques de Albernard; Elisabete Vuaden; Evaldo Muñoz Braz
The objective of this study was to elaborate dendrograms for the management of density, for populations of Hovenia dulcis located in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. To this end, we used information from 4 stands, aged 25 years, located at the Fundacao de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (FEPAGRO) and a population of free trees with diameters at breast height (DBH) ranging from 5 to 45 cm, located on the campus of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), RS. In stands under competition, the data were collected from trees of the dominant, intermediate, and dominated stratas by the method of density point. In trees free of competition, the data were collected in the form of census. It was found that the model Reineke adjusted satisfactorily to estimate line density of canopy closure and anthropic, with slopes approaching -1.5, showing that the -3/2 self -thinning power law was contemplated and that the hypothesis postulated by Reineke was also satisfied. The population density for canopy capacity was 42.5% of the maximum number of trees, making it possible to construct diagrams for the management of density from 5 to 31 cm in diameter of average basal area of the tree.