Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
University of Murcia
Featured researches published by Fuensanta Hernández-Pina.
Infancia Y Aprendizaje | 1984
Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
ResumenUno de los aspectos de la adquisicion del lenguaje menos estudiado ba sido el de las conductas linguisticas de los padres. El presente trabajo trata de analizar cuales son esas conductas y su realizacion en ambos sexos (padre y madre), en las distintas profesiones y niveles de estudio. Para ello se paso una encuesta a 575 padres de la region de Murcia. Los resultados nos ban permitido extraer un modelo de comportamiento linguistico paterno-materno que, si bien no es generalizable, nos permite hacer algunas reflexiones y saber mas acerca de como los padres hablan a sus hijos.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2006
Pedro Rosário; Maria Teresa Mendes; Maria Luísa Grácio; Elisa Chaleta; José Carlos Núñez; Julio Antonio González-Pienda; Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
People’s concept on ‘learning’ is influenced by the interrelation among individuals, contexts and cultures. The student’s age, his family and cultural conceptions and the learning context are some of the main aspects that can influence the conceptions regarding the student’s learning process. Under the framework of phenomenographic theory, this paper focus on people’s description of the learning conceptions which are present in daily life phenomena. Mapping fifth grade students and their parents’ conceptions concerning the learning process is the main goal of this study. Semi-structured interviews were used; data were treated by following qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes suggest that parents use to conceptualize ‘learning as something ‘processual and experimental , whereas their children, the students, understand ‘learning` under a processual, but also instrumental perspective. The implications of such findings, in relation to the learning process, are also discussed in the paper.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2006
Pedro Rosário; Maria Teresa Mendes; Maria Luísa Grácio; Elisa Chaleta; José Carlos Núñez; Julio Antonio González-Pienda; Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
People’s concept on ‘learning’ is influenced by the interrelation among individuals, contexts and cultures. The student’s age, his family and cultural conceptions and the learning context are some of the main aspects that can influence the conceptions regarding the student’s learning process. Under the framework of phenomenographic theory, this paper focus on people’s description of the learning conceptions which are present in daily life phenomena. Mapping fifth grade students and their parents’ conceptions concerning the learning process is the main goal of this study. Semi-structured interviews were used; data were treated by following qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes suggest that parents use to conceptualize ‘learning as something ‘processual and experimental , whereas their children, the students, understand ‘learning` under a processual, but also instrumental perspective. The implications of such findings, in relation to the learning process, are also discussed in the paper.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2006
Pedro Rosário; Maria Teresa Mendes; Maria Luísa Grácio; Elisa Chaleta; José Carlos Núñez; Julio Antonio González-Pienda; Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
People’s concept on ‘learning’ is influenced by the interrelation among individuals, contexts and cultures. The student’s age, his family and cultural conceptions and the learning context are some of the main aspects that can influence the conceptions regarding the student’s learning process. Under the framework of phenomenographic theory, this paper focus on people’s description of the learning conceptions which are present in daily life phenomena. Mapping fifth grade students and their parents’ conceptions concerning the learning process is the main goal of this study. Semi-structured interviews were used; data were treated by following qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes suggest that parents use to conceptualize ‘learning as something ‘processual and experimental , whereas their children, the students, understand ‘learning` under a processual, but also instrumental perspective. The implications of such findings, in relation to the learning process, are also discussed in the paper.
Infancia Y Aprendizaje | 1988
Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
ResumenEl presente estudio intenta hacer una aportacion en un area de innegable trascendencia para padres y educadores como es la incidencia del lenguaje incipiente en el aprendizaje de las matematicas.Los trabajos sobre este tema, realizados hasta la fecha, tanto en espanol como en otras lenguas, son relativamente escasos. No obstante, hemos podido observar cuatro bloques de investigaciones en funcion de los propositos planteados.Los objetivos de este trabajo son dobles. Por un lado, intentamos conocer la adquisicion y secuencia de desarrollo de los terminos cuantitativos en un nino hispanohablante. Por otro, establecer pautas provisionales para el desarrollo de los terminos cuantitativos en espanol.El sujeto de estudio fue el hijo de la autora, cuya evolucion linguistica se siguio desde el nacimiento hasta los trea anos cumplidos. El procedimiento para la recogida de datos consistio en grabacion magnetofonica y anotaciones diarias de las emisiones linguisticas libres. Los resultados muestran la amplia c...
Psicologia, Educação e Cultura | 2006
Ana Salgado; Pedro Rosário; Rosa Mourão; Ângela Rodrigues; Cândida Sofia Torres da Silva; Carina Marques; Liliana Amorim; Sandrine Machado; José Carlos Núñez Pérez; Julio Antonio González-Pienda; Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
Anales De Psicologia | 2015
Fuensanta Monroy; José L. González-Geraldo; Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
Psicologia e Educação | 2005
Pedro Rosário; Serafim Soares; Rosa Mourão; José Carlos Núñez Pérez; Julio Antonio González-Pienda; Fátima Simões; Fuensanta Hernández-Pina
Educación y Educadores | 2017
Manuel Guillermo Soler Contreras; Fidel Antonio Cárdenas Salgado; Fuensanta Hernández-Pina; F. Hernández
Anales De Psicologia | 2012
Marlene Schommer-Aikins; Marianne Beuchat-Reichardt; Fuensanta Hernández-Pina