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Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics | 2000

Developmental changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of warfarin enantiomers in Japanese children

Harumi Takahashi; Shiro Ishikawa; Shinichi Nomoto; Yoshiyuki Nishigaki; Fumitaka Ando; Toshitaka Kashima; Sosuke Kimura; Madoka Kanamori; Hirotoshi Echizen

To clarify developmental changes in the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of warfarin enantiomers to establish rational pediatric dosage.

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 1978

Postoperative Size of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract and Optimal Age in Complete Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot

Hidetaka Oku; Hitoshi Shirotani; Tatsuro Yokoyama; Yoshio Yokota; Jun Kawai; Atsumi Mori; Yoshio Kanzaki; Seiichiro Makino; Fumitaka Ando; Naoki Setsuie

Abstract One hundred forty-three patients underwent complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot with an overall mortality of 14.7%. The mortality rate correlated with the preoperative pulmonary artery to aorta (PA/Ao) diameter ratio but not with age. A retrospective study revealed that for success, the postoperative pulmonary annulus should be over 1.75 cm 2 per square meter of body surface area (BSA) in patients with a BSA of less than 0.6 m 2 at operation. The younger the patient, the lower was the ratio of right ventricular to aortic systolic pressure, even when the cross-sectional area index (CSAI) of the pulmonary annulus was the same. Even with application of an outflow patch, pulmonary regurgitation was negligible when the CSAI was less than 2.6 cm 2 /m 2 . The pulmonary vascular response to increased blood flow was excellent in younger patients. Residual ventricular septal defect and recurrent pulmonary stenosis were unrelated to age. Thus, for symptomatic patients, even infants, we recommend that complete repair be attempted when the PA/Ao diameter ratio is over 0.3. For patients in whom this ratio is less than 0.3, operation should be undertaken when the average diameter index of the arterial pathway to the right upper lobe is above 4 mm/m 2 . Should this index be less than 4 mm/m 2 , a two-stage operation is recommended.

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 1998

A brimmed valved conduit in repair of fibrous skeleton abscess

Takayuki Kameyama; Fumitaka Ando; Fumio Okamoto; Masaharu Hanada; Nozomu Sasahashi

Aortomitral common annular involvement, which is not uncommon in infective endocarditis, necessitates deliberate surgical procedures. To repair fibrous skeleton abscess accompanied with annuloaortic ectasia, we used a brimmed valved conduit. Tension-free reconstruction of the aortic root and aortomitral common annulus was easily performed with this method.

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 1994

New modification of the Damus-Kaye-Stansel operation

Shuichi Matsuno; Yoshio Yokota; Fumitaka Ando; Fumio Okamoto; Akira Shimizu; Shogo Nakayama; Tadashi Ikeda; Shigehiro Ohtani; Katsushi Oda; Yosuke Murakami; Seichiro Makino

We report a successful modification of the Damus-Kaye-Stansel operation for transposition of the great arteries when the coronary arteries are unsuitable for transfer. The procedure includes creation of a neoaorta with end-to-end anastomosis of the proximal pulmonary artery to the distal ascending aorta and creation of an aortopulmonary window between the proximal great arteries. A valved conduit is interposed between the right ventricle and the distal pulmonary artery.

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery | 1990

Ischemic Injury to the Cauda Equina following Operations for a Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Masao Ueda; Tomoyuki Yamada; Junzo Iemura; Fumitaka Ando; Hiroshi Oka

破裂性腹部大動脈瘤の術後に馬尾神経の虚血性損傷に基づく下肢不全麻痺および全知覚脱失をきたしたきわめてまれな症例を経験した.症例は61歳の男性.腹部大動脈分岐部直上に直径6cmの嚢状瘤を認め,大動脈-両外腸骨動脈間でY字人工血管置換術が行われた.L3~L5の腰動脈は瘤内から閉鎖し,下腸間膜動脈は結紮処理した.両総腸骨動脈の著明な硬化性変化および癒着のため,大動脈遮断が3時間におよんだ.術後の全身状態は良好であったが,左膝関節以下と右足関節以下の全知覚脱失が出現し,両下肢の弛緩性不全麻痺も認めた.左下肢の深部腱反射は消失し,Lasegue徴候陽性であった.血管造影では左総・内腸骨動脈が完全閉塞していた.患者は理学療法で歩行可能となったが,左下腿にパレステジーが残存した.臨床症状,筋電図,CT, MRIなどから馬尾神経の虚血性損傷と診断され,腰動脈閉鎖,長時間大動脈遮断,左総・内腸骨動脈閉塞がその発生要因と考えられた.

Chest | 1996

Intracardiac Ectopic Thyroid Mass

Shigekazu Fujioka; Yoshiki Takatsu; Hidemitsu Tankawa; Kazuo Yamanaka; Fumitaka Ando

Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 2000

The effect of modified ultrafiltration in pediatric open heart surgery.

Takayuki Kameyama; Fumitaka Ando; Fumio Okamoto; Masaharu Hanada; Kazuo Yamanaka; Nozomu Sasahashi; Keiichi Hirose; Shuichi Matsuno; Sogo Matsuura

Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 1999

Long term follow-up of atrioventricular valve function after repair of atrioventricular septal defect.

Takayuki Kameyama; Fumitaka Ando; Fumio Okamoto; Masaharu Hanada; Nozomu Sasahashi; Yoshiyuki Nishigaki; Keiichi Hisose; Atsushi Kanbara; Shuji Matsuno; Seiichiro Makino; Hisanori Sakazaki; Tsugutoshi Suzuki

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 1993

Unusual complication of temporary pacing wires in children

Takaaki Sugita; Fumitaka Ando; Fumio Okamoto; Tadashi Ikeda; Shigehiro Ohtani; Katsushi Oda

Japanese Circulation Journal-english Edition | 1982

Surgical results and factors affecting operative mortality in total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage.

Hidetaka Oku; Hitoshi SHIROTANl; Fumio Okamoto; Yoshio Yokota; Tatsuro Yokoyama; Jun Kawai; Seiichiro MAKlNO; Naoki SETSUlE; Fumitaka Ando; Takazumi Nishioka; Toru SHlNOHARA; Yoshihide Nakamura; Hiroshi Oka; Toshihiko Saga; Nobuo Wakaki


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