G. Counsell
European Atomic Energy Community
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Featured researches published by G. Counsell.
Nuclear Fusion | 2007
A. Loarte; B. Lipschultz; A. Kukushkin; G. F. Matthews; P.C. Stangeby; N. Asakura; G. Counsell; G. Federici; A. Kallenbach; K. Krieger; A. Mahdavi; V. Philipps; D. Reiter; J. Roth; J. D. Strachan; D.G. Whyte; R.P. Doerner; T. Eich; W. Fundamenski; A. Herrmann; M.E. Fenstermacher; Ph. Ghendrih; M. Groth; A. Kirschner; S. Konoshima; B. LaBombard; P. T. Lang; A.W. Leonard; P. Monier-Garbet; R. Neu
Progress, since the ITER Physics Basis publication (ITER Physics Basis Editors et al 1999 Nucl. Fusion 39 2137–2664), in understanding the processes that will determine the properties of the plasma edge and its interaction with material elements in ITER is described. Experimental areas where significant progress has taken place are energy transport in the scrape-off layer (SOL) in particular of the anomalous transport scaling, particle transport in the SOL that plays a major role in the interaction of diverted plasmas with the main-chamber material elements, edge localized mode (ELM) energy deposition on material elements and the transport mechanism for the ELM energy from the main plasma to the plasma facing components, the physics of plasma detachment and neutral dynamics including the edge density profile structure and the control of plasma particle content and He removal, the erosion of low- and high-Z materials in fusion devices, their transport to the core plasma and their migration at the plasma edge including the formation of mixed materials, the processes determining the size and location of the retention of tritium in fusion devices and methods to remove it and the processes determining the efficiency of the various fuelling methods as well as their development towards the ITER requirements. This experimental progress has been accompanied by the development of modelling tools for the physical processes at the edge plasma and plasma–materials interaction and the further validation of these models by comparing their predictions with the new experimental results. Progress in the modelling development and validation has been mostly concentrated in the following areas: refinement in the predictions for ITER with plasma edge modelling codes by inclusion of detailed geometrical features of the divertor and the introduction of physical effects, which can play a major role in determining the divertor parameters at the divertor for ITER conditions such as hydrogen radiation transport and neutral–neutral collisions, modelling of the ion orbits at the plasma edge, which can play a role in determining power deposition at the divertor target, models for plasma–materials and plasma dynamics interaction during ELMs and disruptions, models for the transport of impurities at the plasma edge to describe the core contamination by impurities and the migration of eroded materials at the edge plasma and its associated tritium retention and models for the turbulent processes that determine the anomalous transport of energy and particles across the SOL. The implications for the expected performance of the reference regimes in ITER, the operation of the ITER device and the lifetime of the plasma facing materials are discussed.
Physics of Plasmas | 2003
G. Y. Antar; G. Counsell; Yang Yu; B. LaBombard; Pascal Devynck
The nature of intermittency, long observed in magnetic fusion devices, was revisited lately [G. Antar et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 065001 (2001)]. It was shown that intermittency is caused by large-scale events with high radial velocity reaching about 1/10th of the sound speed. These type of structures were named “avaloids.” In the present article, the universality of convective turbulence in magnetically confined plasmas is investigated. Turbulence properties in the scrape-off layer of four different magnetic fusion devices are compared. Namely, the Tore Supra tokamak [Tore Supra Team, Nuclear Fusion, 40, 1047 (2000)] with circular cross-section limiter-bounded plasma, the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [B. LaBombard et al., Phys. Plasmas 8, 2107 (2001)] which is a divertor device, the Mega-Ampere Spherical Tokamak (MAST) [A. Sykes et al., Phys. Plasmas 8, 2101 (2001)] with vacuum chamber walls far from the plasma last closed flux surface and the PISCES linear plasma device [D. Geobel et al., Rev. Sci. Istrum. 56...
Nuclear Fusion | 2007
B. Lipschultz; X. Bonnin; G. Counsell; A. Kallenbach; A. Kukushkin; K. Krieger; A.W. Leonard; A. Loarte; R. Neu; R. Pitts; T.D. Rognlien; J. Roth; C.H. Skinner; J. L. Terry; E. Tsitrone; D.G. Whyte; Stewart J. Zweben; N. Asakura; D. Coster; R.P. Doerner; R. Dux; G. Federici; M.E. Fenstermacher; W. Fundamenski; Ph. Ghendrih; A. Herrmann; J. Hu; S. I. Krasheninnikov; G. Kirnev; A. Kreter
Recent research in scrape-off layer (SOL) and divertor physics is reviewed; new and existing data from a variety of experiments have been used to make cross-experiment comparisons with implications for further research and ITER. Studies of the region near the separatrix have addressed the relationship of profiles to turbulence as well as the scaling of the parallel power flow. Enhanced low-field side radial transport is implicated as driving parallel flows to the inboard side. The medium-n nature of edge localized modes (ELMs) has been elucidated and new measurements have determined that they carry ~10?20% of the ELM energy to the far SOL with implications for ITER limiters and the upper divertor. The predicted divertor power loads for ITER disruptions are reduced while those to main chamber plasma facing components (PFCs) increase. Disruption mitigation through massive gas puffing is successful at reducing PFC heat loads. New estimates of ITER tritium retention have shown tile sides to play a significant role; tritium cleanup may be necessary every few days to weeks. ITERs use of mixed materials gives rise to a reduction of surface melting temperatures and chemical sputtering. Advances in modelling of the ITER divertor and flows have enhanced the capability to match experimental data and predict ITER performance.
Physica Scripta | 2007
A. Loarte; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; V. Riccardo; P. Andrew; J. Paley; W. Fundamenski; T. Eich; A. Herrmann; G. Pautasso; A. Kirk; G. Counsell; G. Federici; G. Strohmayer; D. Whyte; A. Leonard; R.A. Pitts; I. Landman; B. Bazylev; S. Pestchanyi
New experimental results on transient loads during ELMs and disruptions in present divertor tokamaks are described and used to carry out a extrapolation to ITER reference conditions and to draw consequences for its operation. In particular, the achievement of low energy/convective type I edge localized modes (ELMs) in ITER-like plasma conditions seems the only way to obtain transient loads which may be compatible with an acceptable erosion lifetime of plasma facing components (PFCs) in ITER. Power loads during disruptions, on the contrary, seem to lead in most cases to an acceptable divertor lifetime because of the relatively small plasma thermal energy remaining at the thermal quench and the large broadening of the power flux footprint during this phase. These conclusions are reinforced by calculations of the expected erosion lifetime, under these load conditions, which take into account a realistic temporal dependence of the power fluxes on PFCs during ELMs and disruptions.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2006
A. Kirk; N. Ben Ayed; G. Counsell; B. Dudson; T. Eich; A. Herrmann; B Koch; R. Martin; A. Meakins; S. Saarelma; R. Scannell; S. Tallents; M. J. Walsh; H. R. Wilson
The boundary of the tokamak core plasma, or scrape-off layer, is normally characterized in terms of average parameters such as density, temperature and e-folding lengths suggesting diffusive losses. However, as is shown in this paper, localized filamentary structures play an important role in determining the radial efflux in both L mode and during edge localized modes (ELMs) on MAST. Understanding the size, poloidal and toroidal localization and the outward radial extent of these filaments is crucial in order to calculate their effect on power loading both on the first wall and the divertor target plates in future devices. The spatial and temporal evolution of filaments observed on MAST in L-mode and ELMs have been compared and contrasted in order to confront the predictions of various models that have been proposed to predict filament propagation and in particular ELM energy losses.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2006
G. Counsell; P. Coad; C. Grisola; C. Hopf; W. Jacob; A. Kirschner; A. Kreter; K. Krieger; J. Likonen; V. Philipps; J. Roth; M. Rubel; E. Salancon; A. Semerok; F Tabarés; A. Widdowson
Mechanisms underlying the retention of fuel species in tokamaks with carbon plasma-facing components are presented, together with estimates for the corresponding retention of tritium in ITER. The consequential requirement for new and improved schemes to reduce the tritium inventory is highlighted and the results of ongoing studies into a range of techniques are presented, together with estimates of the tritium removal rate in ITER in each case. Finally, an approach involving the integration of many tritium removal techniques into the ITER operational schedule is proposed as a means to extend the period of operations before major intervention is required.
Physics of Plasmas | 2001
A. Sykes; J.-W. Ahn; R. Akers; E. Arends; P. G. Carolan; G. Counsell; S.J. Fielding; M. Gryaznevich; R. Martin; M. Price; C. M. Roach; V. Shevchenko; M. Tournianski; M. Valovic; M. J. Walsh; H. R. Wilson; Mast Team
First physics results are presented from MAST (Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak), one of the new generation of purpose built spherical tokamaks (STs) now commencing operation. Some of these results demonstrate, for the first time, the novel effects of low aspect ratio, for example, the enhancement of resistivity due to neo-classical effects. H-mode is achieved and the transition to H-mode is accompanied by a tenfold steepening of the edge density gradient which may enable the successful application of electron Bernstein wave heating in STs. Studies of halo currents show that these less than expected from conventional tokamak results, and measurements of divertor power loading confirm that most of the power flows to the outer strike points, easing the power handling on the inner points (a critical issue for STs).
Nuclear Fusion | 2009
V. Rozhansky; E. Kaveeva; P. Molchanov; I. Veselova; S. Voskoboynikov; D. Coster; G. Counsell; A. Kirk; S. Lisgo
A new B2SOLPS5.2 transport code has been developed and implemented for the simulation of H-mode shots. A new equation system is proposed, which is equivalent to the system which was used in B2SOLPS5.0 previously. The main idea is to replace the major part of the large radial ∇B driven convective fluxes by poloidal fluxes with the same divergence both in the particle balance and in the energy balance equations. This is of special importance for the H-mode where the diffusion coefficient is strongly reduced inside the barrier and large radial convective flows are strongly undesirable from the numerical point of view. The H-mode shots of ASDEX-Upgrade and MAST have been simulated with the new version with reasonable time steps and convergence. It is demonstrated that the radial electric field inside the edge transport barrier and in the pedestal region is close to the neoclassical electric field as in previous simulations of Ohmic shots. The toroidal rotation is co-current directed as in L-mode but is significantly larger in absolute value. It is shown that the shear of the poloidal drift at the inner side of the barrier is close to the value of the shear before the transition, while inside the barrier the value of the shear is significantly bigger. This fact determines self-consistently the width of the edge transport barrier. It is demonstrated that to match the experimental density and temperature radial profiles the drop in the diffusion coefficient within the barrier needs to be significantly larger than the drop in the electron heat conductivity coefficient.For the H-mode the pedestal region usually corresponds to the collisionless regime, so several corrections were introduced into the transport coefficients to extend the applicability of the code to the plateau and banana regimes in the inner regions of the simulation domain.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2005
A. Kirk; H. R. Wilson; R. Akers; N J Conway; G. Counsell; S C Cowley; J. Dowling; B. Dudson; Anthony Field; F Lott; B. Lloyd; R. Martin; H. Meyer; M. Price; D. Taylor; M. J. Walsh
This paper presents a description of the spatial and temporal structure of edge-localized modes (ELMs) observed in the MAST tokamak. Filamentary enhancements of visible light are observed on photographic images of the plasma obtained during ELMs. Comparisons with simulations show that these filaments are consistent with following field lines at the outboard edge of the plasma. The toroidal mode number of these filaments has been extracted from a study of the discrete peaks observed in the ion saturation current recorded by a mid-plane reciprocating probe. A study of the time delay of these peaks with respect to the onset of the ELM has been used to calculate an effective radial velocity for the expansion of the filaments. A comparison of this derived radial velocity as a function of distance from the last closed flux surface with simulations indicates that the filament is accelerating away from the plasma. Evidence for the temporal evolution of the ELM comes from studies of outboard mid-plane Thomson scattering density profiles. In addition, a study of the toroidal velocity as a function of radius shows that during an ELM the strong velocity shear near the edge of the plasma, normally present in H-modes, is strongly reduced. The picture that emerges is that the ELM can be viewed as being composed of filamentary structures that are generated on a 100 µs timescale, accelerate away from the plasma edge, are extended along a field line and have a typical toroidal mode number ~10. The implications of these filaments for the energy deposition on plasma facing components are discussed.
Nuclear Fusion | 2004
H. R. Wilson; J.-W. Ahn; R. Akers; D. Applegate; R. A. Cairns; J.P. Christiansen; J.W. Connor; G. Counsell; A. Dnestrovskij; William Dorland; Matthew Hole; N Joiner; A. Kirk; P.J. Knight; C. N. Lashmore‐Davies; K. G. McClements; D.E. McGregor; M.R. O'Brien; C.M. Roach; S.V. Tsaun; G.M. Voss
Integrated modelling of important plasma physics issues related to the design of a steady-state spherical tokamak (ST) fusion power plant is described. The key is a steady-state current drive, and 92% of this is provided by a combination of bootstrap and diamagnetic currents, both of which have a substantial toroidal component in a ST. The remaining current is to be provided by either neutral beam injection or radio-frequency waves, and various schemes for providing this are discussed and quantified. The desire to achieve a high bootstrap current drives the design to high plasma pressure, ? (normalized to the magnetic field pressure), and high elongation. Both these requirements have implications for ideal magneto-hydrodynamic instability which are discussed. Confinement is addressed both through comparison with the recent scaling laws developed from the conventional tokamak database and self-consistent one-dimensional modelling of the transport processes. This modelling shows that the power required for the current drive (~50?MW) is sufficient to heat the plasma to a regime where more than 3?GW of fusion power is produced, taking into account the dilution due to He ash and prompt ?-particle losses, which are small. A preliminary study of the micro-instabilities, which may be responsible for the turbulent transport is provided. Given assumptions about the particle confinement, we make estimates of the fuelling requirements to maintain the steady state. Finally, the power loading due to the exhaust is derived using theory-based scalings for the scrape-off layer width.