G. E. Ballester
University of Arizona
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Featured researches published by G. E. Ballester.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | 1995
Jon A. Holtzman; J. Jeff Hester; Stefano Casertano; John T. Trauger; Alan M. Watson; G. E. Ballester; Christopher J. Burrows; John Clarke; David Crisp; Robin W. Evans; John S. Gallagher; Richard E. Griffiths; John G. Hoessel; L. D. Matthews; Jeremy R. Mould; Paul A. Scowen; Karl R. Stapelfeldt; James A. Westphal
The WFPC2 was installed in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in 1993 December. Since then, the instrument has been providing high-quality images. A significant amount of calibration data has been collected to aid in the understanding of the on-orbit performance of the instrument. Generally, the behavior of the camera is similar to its performance during the system-level thermal vacuum test at JPL in 1993 May. Surprises were a significant charge-transfer-efficiency (CTE) problem and a significant growth rate in hot pixels at the original operating temperature of the CCDs (-76 °C). The operating temperature of the WFPC2 CCDs was changed to -88 °C on 1994 April 23, and significant improvements in CTE and hot pixels are seen at this temperature. In this paper we describe the on-orbit performance of the WFPC2. We discuss the optical and thermal history, the instrument throughput and stability, the PSF, the effects of undersampling on photometry, the properties of cosmic rays observed on-orbit, and the geometric distortion in the camera. We present the best techniques for the reduction of WFPC2 data, and describe the construction of calibration products including superbiases, superdarks, and fiat fields.
Nature | 2007
Giovanna Tinetti; A. Vidal-Madjar; Mao-Chang Liang; Jean-Philippe Beaulieu; Yuk L. Yung; Sean J. Carey; Robert J. Barber; Jonathan Tennyson; Ignasi Ribas; Nicole F. Allard; G. E. Ballester; David Kent Sing; Franck Selsis
Water is predicted to be among the most abundant (if not the most abundant) molecular species after hydrogen in the atmospheres of close-in extrasolar giant planets (‘hot Jupiters’). Several attempts have been made to detect water on such planets, but have either failed to find compelling evidence for it or led to claims that should be taken with caution. Here we report an analysis of recent observations of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b (ref. 6) taken during the transit, when the planet passed in front of its parent star. We find that absorption by water vapour is the most likely cause of the wavelength-dependent variations in the effective radius of the planet at the infrared wavelengths 3.6 μm, 5.8 μm (both ref. 7) and 8 μm (ref. 8). The larger effective radius observed at visible wavelengths may arise from either stellar variability or the presence of clouds/hazes. We explain the report of a non-detection of water on HD 189733b (ref. 4) as being a consequence of the nearly isothermal vertical profile of the planet’s atmosphere.
Nature | 2016
David K. Sing; Jonathan J. Fortney; N. Nikolov; Hannah R. Wakeford; Tiffany Kataria; T. Evans; Suzanne Aigrain; G. E. Ballester; Adam Burrows; Drake Deming; Jean-Michel Desert; N. P. Gibson; Gregory W. Henry; Catherine M. Huitson; Heather A. Knutson; Alain Lecavelier des Etangs; F. Pont; A. Vidal-Madjar; Michael H. Williamson; Paul A. Wilson
Thousands of transiting exoplanets have been discovered, but spectral analysis of their atmospheres has so far been dominated by a small number of exoplanets and data spanning relatively narrow wavelength ranges (such as 1.1–1.7 micrometres). Recent studies show that some hot-Jupiter exoplanets have much weaker water absorption features in their near-infrared spectra than predicted. The low amplitude of water signatures could be explained by very low water abundances, which may be a sign that water was depleted in the protoplanetary disk at the planet’s formation location, but it is unclear whether this level of depletion can actually occur. Alternatively, these weak signals could be the result of obscuration by clouds or hazes, as found in some optical spectra. Here we report results from a comparative study of ten hot Jupiters covering the wavelength range 0.3–5 micrometres, which allows us to resolve both the optical scattering and infrared molecular absorption spectroscopically. Our results reveal a diverse group of hot Jupiters that exhibit a continuum from clear to cloudy atmospheres. We find that the difference between the planetary radius measured at optical and infrared wavelengths is an effective metric for distinguishing different atmosphere types. The difference correlates with the spectral strength of water, so that strong water absorption lines are seen in clear-atmosphere planets and the weakest features are associated with clouds and hazes. This result strongly suggests that primordial water depletion during formation is unlikely and that clouds and hazes are the cause of weaker spectral signatures.
Science | 1996
John Clarke; G. E. Ballester; John T. Trauger; Robin W. Evans; J. E. P. Connerney; Karl R. Stapelfeldt; David Crisp; Paul D. Feldman; Christopher J. Burrows; Stefano Casertano; John S. Gallagher; Richard E. Griffiths; J. Jeff Hester; John G. Hoessel; Jon A. Holtzman; John E. Krist; Vikki Meadows; Jeremy R. Mould; Paul A. Scowen; Alan M. Watson; James A. Westphal
Far-ultraviolet images of Jupiter from the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 reveal polar auroral emissions at 300 kilometer resolution and three times higher sensitivity than previously achieved. Persistent features include a main oval containing most of the emission and magnetically connected to the middle magnetosphere, diffuse and variable emissions poleward of the main oval, and discrete emission from Ios magnetic footprint equatorward of the oval. The auroral emissions are variable, exhibit magnetic conjugacy, and are visible above the planet limb. All emissions approximately co-rotate with Jupiter except the Io “footprint,” which is fixed along Ios magnetic flux tube.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1995
Christopher J. Burrows; John E. Krist; J. Jeff Hester; Raghvendra Sahai; John T. Trauger; Karl R. Stapelfeldt; John S. Gallagher; G. E. Ballester; Stefano Casertano; John Clarke; David Crisp; Robin W. Evans; Richard E. Griffiths; John G. Hoessel; Jon A. Holtzman; Jeremy R. Mould; Paul A. Scowen; Alan M. Watson; James A. Westphal
We have observed SN 1987A with the optically corrected WFPC2 on the Hubble Space Telescope both in emission lines and in the UV and optical continuum. The previously observed outer nebular structure is shown to be part of two closed unresolved loops. These loops were flash-ionized by the supernova itself. They are not caused by limb brightening of an hourglass shell produced by the interaction of the winds from the progenitor. The inner ring is seen to be extended and may be connected to the new outer rings by sheets of material. However, beyond the outer rings, emission is not seen, implying a very low density (n 1000. This density contrast of at least 100 is difficult to reconcile with the conventional picture of the progenitor evolution. Two models for the rings are presented, but each is deficient in important respects. A proper understanding of this system will require new physical insight.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2008
David K. Sing; A. Vidal-Madjar; J.-M. Désert; A. Lecavelier des Etangs; G. E. Ballester
We present the transmission spectra of the hot Jupiter HD 209458b taken with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Our analysis combines data at two resolutions and applies a complete pixel-by-pixel limb-darkening correction to fully reveal the spectral line shapes of atmospheric absorption features. Terrestrial-based Na I and H I contamination are identified that mask the strong exoplanetary absorption signature in the Na core, which we find reaches total absorption levels of ~0.11% in a 4.4 A band. The Na spectral line profile is characterized by a wide absorption profile at the lowest absorption depths and a sharp transition to a narrow absorption profile at higher absorption values. The transmission spectra also show the presence of an additional absorber at ~6250 A, observed at both medium and low resolutions. We performed various limb-darkening tests, including using high-precision limb-darkening measurements of the Sun to characterize a general trend of ATLAS models to slightly overestimate the amount of limb darkening at all wavelengths, likely due to the limitations of the models one-dimensional nature. We conclude that, despite these limitations, ATLAS models can still successfully model limb darkening in high signal-to-noise ratio transits of solar-type stars, like HD 209458, to a high level of precision over the entire optical regime (3000-10000 A) at transit phases between second and third contact.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2012
A. Lecavelier des Etangs; V. Bourrier; P. J. Wheatley; H. Dupuy; D. Ehrenreich; A. Vidal-Madjar; G. Hébrard; G. E. Ballester; J.-M. Desert; R. Ferlet; David K. Sing
Atmospheric escape has been detected from the exoplanet HD 209458b through transit observations of the hydrogen Lyman-α line. Here we present spectrally resolved Lyman-α transit observations of the exoplanet HD 189733b at two different epochs. These HST/STIS observations show for the first time that there are significant temporal variations in the physical conditions of an evaporating planetary atmosphere. While atmospheric hydrogen is not detected in the first epoch observations, it is observed at the second epoch, producing a transit absorption depth of 14.4 ± 3.6% between velocities of −230 to −140 km s −1 . Contrary to HD 209458b, these high velocities cannot arise from radiation pressure alone and require an additional acceleration mechanism, such as interactions with stellar wind protons. The observed absorption can be explained by an atmospheric escape rate of neutral hydrogen atoms of about 10 9 gs −1 , a stellar wind with a velocity of 190 km s −1 and a temperature of ∼10 5 K. An X-ray flare from the active star seen with Swift/XRT 8 h before the second-epoch observation supports the idea that the observed changes within the upper atmosphere of the planet can be caused by variations in the stellar wind properties, or by variations in the stellar energy input to the planetary escaping gas (or a mix of the two effects). These observations provide the first indication of interaction between the exoplanet’s atmosphere and stellar variations.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2009
David K. Sing; J.-M. Désert; A. Lecavelier des Etangs; G. E. Ballester; A. Vidal-Madjar; V. Parmentier; G. Hébrard; Gregory W. Henry
We present Hubble Space Telescope near-infrared transit photometry of the nearby hot-Jupiter HD 189733b. The observations were taken with the NICMOS instrument during five transits, with three transits executed with a narrowband filter at 1.87 μ ma nd two performed with a narrowband filter at 1.66 μm. Our observing strategy using narrowband filters is insensitive to the usual HST intraorbit and orbit-to-orbit measurement of systematic errors, allowing us to accurately and robustly measure the near-IR wavelength dependance of the planetary radius. Our measurements fail to reproduce the previously claimed detection of an absorption signature of atmospheric H2 Ob elow 2μ ma t a5 σ confidence level. We measure a planet-to-star radius contrast of 0.15498± 0.00035 at 1.66 μm and a contrast of 0.15517 ± 0.00019 at 1.87 μm. Both of our near-IR planetary radii values are in excellent agreement with the levels expected from Rayleigh scattering by sub-micron haze particles, observed at optical wavelengths, indicating that upper-atmospheric haze still dominates the near-IR transmission spectra over the absorption from gaseous molecular species at least below 2 μm.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013
David K. Sing; A. Lecavelier des Etangs; Jonathan J. Fortney; Adam Burrows; F. Pont; Hannah R. Wakeford; G. E. Ballester; N. Nikolov; Gregory W. Henry; S. Aigrain; Drake Deming; T. Evans; N. P. Gibson; Catherine M. Huitson; Heather A. Knutson; A. Vidal-Madjar; Paul A. Wilson; M.H. Williamson; Kevin J. Zahnle
We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) optical transmission spectra of the transiting hot-Jupiter WASP-12b, taken with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph instrument. The resulting spectra cover the range 2900–10 300 A which we combined with archival Wide Field Camera 3 spectra and Spitzer photometry to cover the full optical to infrared wavelength regions. With high spatial resolution, we are able to resolve WASP-12As stellar companion in both our images and spectra, revealing that the companion is in fact a close binary M0V pair, with the three stars forming a triple-star configuration. We derive refined physical parameters of the WASP-12 system, including the orbital ephemeris, finding the exoplanets density is ∼20 per cent lower than previously estimated. From the transmission spectra, we are able to decisively rule out prominent absorption by TiO in the exoplanets atmosphere, as there are no signs of the molecules characteristic broad features nor individual bandheads. Strong pressure-broadened Na and K absorption signatures are also excluded, as are significant metal-hydride features. We compare our combined broad-band spectrum to a wide variety of existing aerosol-free atmospheric models, though none are satisfactory fits. However, we do find that the full transmission spectrum can be described by models which include significant opacity from aerosols: including Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering, tholin haze and settling dust profiles. The transmission spectrum follows an effective extinction cross-section with a power law of index α, with the slope of the transmission spectrum constraining the quantity αT = −3528 ± 660 K, where T is the atmospheric temperature. Rayleigh scattering (α = −4) is among the best-fitting models, though requires low terminator temperatures near 900 K. Sub-micron size aerosol particles can provide equally good fits to the entire transmission spectrum for a wide range of temperatures, and we explore corundum as a plausible dust aerosol. The presence of atmospheric aerosols also helps to explain the modestly bright albedo implied by Spitzer observations, as well as the near blackbody nature of the emission spectrum. Ti-bearing condensates on the cooler night-side is the most natural explanation for the overall lack of TiO signatures in WASP-12b, indicating the day/night cold trap is an important effect for very hot Jupiters. These findings indicate that aerosols can play a significant atmospheric role for the entire wide range of hot-Jupiter atmospheres, potentially affecting their overall spectrum and energy balance.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2013
Catherine M. Huitson; David K. Sing; F. Pont; Jonathan J. Fortney; Adam Burrows; Paul A. Wilson; G. E. Ballester; N. Nikolov; N. P. Gibson; Drake Deming; S. Aigrain; T. Evans; Gregory W. Henry; A. Lecavelier des Etangs; A. Vidal-Madjar; Kevin J. Zahnle
We measure the transmission spectrum of WASP-19b from three transits using low-resolution optical spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). The STIS spectra cover a wavelength range of 0.29-1.03 µm, with resolving power R = 500. The optical data are combined with archival near-infrared data from the HST Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) G141 grism, covering the wavelength range from 1.087 to 1.687 µm, with resolving power R = 130. We reach S/N levels between 3,000 and 11,000 in 0.1 µm bins when measuring the transmission spectra from 0.53-1.687 µm. WASP-19 is known to be a very active star, with the optical stellar flux varying by a few per cent over time. We correct the transit light curves for the effects of stellar activity using ground-based activity monitoring with the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). While we were not able to construct a transmission spectrum using the blue optical data because of the presence of large occulted star spots, we were able to use the spot crossings to help constrain the mean stellar spot temperature. To search for predicted features in the hot-Jupiter atmosphere, in addition to the transmission spectrum we also define spectral indices for differential radius (�RP/R⋆) measurements to specifically search for the presence of TiO and alkali line features. Our measurements rule out TiO features predicted for a planet of WASP-19b’s equilibrium temperature (2050 K) in the transmission spectrum at the 2.7-2.9 σ confidence level, depending on atmospheric model formalism. The WFC3 transmission spectrum shows strong absorption features due to the presence of H2O, which is detected at the 4 σ confidence level between 1.1 and 1.4 µm. The transmission spectra results indicate that WASP-19b is a planet with no or low levels of TiO and without a high C/O ratio. The lack of observable TiO features are possibly due to rainout, breakdown from stellar activity or the presence of other absorbers in the optical.