G. Finocchiaro
State University of New York System
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Featured researches published by G. Finocchiaro.
Physics Letters B | 1973
S. R. Amendolia; G. Bellettini; P.L. Braccini; C. Bradaschia; R. Castaldi; V. Cavasinni; C. Cerri; T. Del Prete; L. Foà; P. Giromini; P. Laurelli; A. Menzione; L. Ristori; G. Sanguinetti; M. Valdata; G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; D. Green; R. Mustard; R. Thun
Abstract We present the first results of a measurement of the total cross-section σ T in proton-proton collisions at equivalent laboratory momenta between 291 and 1480 GeV/ c at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR). The method is based on the measurement of the ratio of the total interaction rate and the machine luminosity. The data show an increase of about 10% in σ T in this energy interval.
Physics Letters B | 1974
S. R. Amendolia; G. Bellettini; P.L. Braccini; C. Bradaschia; R. Castaldi; V. Cavasinni; C. Cerri; T. Del Prete; L. Foà; P. Giromini; P. Laurelli; A. Menzione; L. Ristori; G. Sanguinetti; M. Valdata; G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; D. Green; R. Kephart; R. Thun
Abstract We present data on two-particle distributions in the approximate rapidity variable η = −1n tan θ /2 for secondaries produced in proton-proton collisions at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR). The data at centre-of-mass energies of 23 and 62 GeV show the existence of energy-independent positive, short-range correlations between secondaries within the central region. Deviations from short-range correlation exist when one (or both) of the particles is near the boundary of the available phase space. In part, such deviations are interpreted as the effect of a diffractive-like component in multiparticle production.
Nuclear Physics | 1978
U. Amaldi; G. Cocconi; A.N. Diddens; Z. Dimcovski; R. Dobinson; J. Dorenbosch; P. Duinker; G. Matthiae; A.M. Thorndike; A.M. Wetherell; Giovanni Bellettini; P.L. Braccini; R. Carrara; R. Castaldi; V. Cavasinni; F. Cervelli; T. Del Prete; P. Laurelli; Marco Maria Massai; M. Morganti; G. Sanguinetti; M. Valdata-Nappi; C. Vannini; A. Baroncelli; C. Bosio; Gerald W. Abshire; J. Crouch; G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; H. Jöstlein
Abstract The measurement of the proton-proton total cross section performed by the CERN-Pisa-Rome-Stony Brook Collaboration at the CERN ISR is discussed in detail. The total interaction rate, the elastic scattering rate in the forward direction, and the machine luminosity were measured simultaneously to obtain three different determinations of the total cross section. Consistent results were found, which made it possible to prove the reliability of the Van der Meer luminosity calibration within +-0.9% and to achieve a precision of +-0.6% in the measurement of the total cross section.
Physics Letters B | 1976
U. Amaldi; G. Cocconi; A.N. Diddens; Z. Dimcovski; R. Dobinson; J. Dorenbosch; P. Duinker; G. Matthiae; A.M. Thorndike; A.M. Wetherell; G. Bellettini; P.L. Braccini; R. Castaldi; V. Cavasinni; F. Cervelli; T. Del Prete; P. Laurelli; Marco Maria Massai; M. Morganti; G. Sanguinetti; M. Valdata-Nappi; A. Baroncelli; C. Bosio; Gerald W. Abshire; J. Crouch; G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; H. Jöstlein; R. Kephart; D. Lloyd-Owen
Abstract Measurements of the proton-proton total cross section have been made with increased precision (±0.6%) over the ISR energy range s =23.5−62.7 GeV . Two different experimental methods gave consistent results, showing that the total cross section increases 10% over the ISR range and in addition that the absolute value of the ISR luminosity can be measured to ±0.9%.
Physics Letters B | 1974
G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; D. Green; H. Jöstlein; R. Kephart; R. Thun; S. R. Amendolia; G. Bellettini; P.L. Braccini; C. Bradaschia; R. Castaldi; C. Cerri; T. Del Prete; L. Foà; P. Giromini; P. Laurelli; A. Menzione; L. Ristori; G. Sanguinetti; M. Valdata
Abstract We have measured the behaviour or charged-particle multiplicities as a function of the transverse momentum of photons produced at 90° in proton-proton collisions. The data were obtained at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) at a centre-of-mass energy of 53 GeV and cover the transverse momentum range 0
Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and Fields | 1973
S. R. Amendolia; G. Bellettini; P.L. Braccini; C. Bradaschia; R. Castaldi; V. Cavasinni; C. Cerri; T. Del Prete; L. Foà; P. Giromini; P. Laurelli; A. Menzione; L. Ristori; G. Sanguinetti; M. Valdata; G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; D. Green; R. Mustard; R. Thun
SummaryWe present the first results of an experiment at the CERN intersecting storage rings, which measures the total cross-section in proton-proton collisions. The equivalent laboratory momenta are 291, 496, 1068 and 1480 GeV/c. We have made a direct measurement of αT as the ratio between the total interaction rate and the machine luminosity. The present paper gives a detailed description of the experimental apparatus and of the analysis procedure. We find that αT increases by about 10% in the energy region studied.RiassuntoSi presentano i primi risultati di un esperimento agli anelli di accumulazione per protoni del CERN, che misura la sezione durto totale delle collisioni protone-protone. Gli impulsi equivalenti nel laboratorio sono di 291, 496, 1068 e 1480 GeV/c. Si è eseguita una misura diretta di αT come rapporto fra frequenza totale di interazione e luminosità della macchina. Questo articolo dà una descrizione dettagliata dellapparato sperimentale e del procedimento di analisi. Si trova che αT aumenta di circa il 10% nellintervallo di energia studiato.РезюмеМы предлагаем первые результаты эксперимента в ЦЕРНе на встречных накопительных пучках. В эксперименте проводилось измерение полного поперечного сечения в протон-протонных соударениях. Эквивалентный лабораторный импульс составляет 291, 496, 1068 и 1480 ГэВ/с. Мы провели прямое измерение αT как отношения между полной интенсивностью взаимодействия и светимостью машины. В этой работе приводится подробное описание экспериментальной аппаратуры и анализ методики. Мы обнаружили, что αT возрастает на 10% в исследованной области энергий.
Physics Letters B | 1973
G. Bellettini; P.L. Braccini; C. Bradaschia; R. Castaldi; T. Del Prete; L. Foà; P. Firomini; P. Laurelli; A. Menzione; M. Valdata; G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; D. Green; R. Mustard; R. Thun
Abstract We present direct tests of the hypothesis of limiting fragmentation from an experiment at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings at centre-of-mass energies between 31 and 53 GeV. Single-particle inclusive distributions and partial multiplicity distributions are observed for the case in which the energy of one beam is fixed while varying the energy of the other beam. Within cones around the beam, limiting fragmentation is shown to be valid.
Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and Fields | 1976
S. R. Amendolia; G. Bellettini; L. Bosisio; P.L. Braccini; C. Bradaschia; R. Castaldi; V. Cavasinni; C. Cerri; T. Del Prete; L. Foà; P. Giromini; P. Laurelli; A. Menzione; L. Ristori; G. Sanguinetti; M. Valdata; G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; D. Green; H. Jöstlein; R. Kephart; R. Thun
SummaryWe present data on the semi-inclusive distributions of rapidities of secondary particles produced in pp collisions at very high energies. Our experiment was performed at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR). The data given here, at centre-of-mass energies of √s=23 and 62 GeV, include the single-particle distributions and two-particle correlations. The semi-inclusive correlations show pronounced short-range correlation effects which have a width considerably narrower than in the case of inclusive correlations. We show that these short-range effects can be understood empirically in terms of three parameters whose energy and multiplicity dependence are studied. The data support the picture of multiparticle production in which clusters of small multiplicity and small dispersion are emitted with subsequent decay into hadrons.RiassuntoVengono presentati dati sulle distribuzioni inclusive in rapidità dei secondari carichi prodotti nelle collisioni protone-protone ad altissime energie. L’esperimento è stato eseguito agli Anelli ad Intersezione (ISR) del CERN. I dati, ad una energia √s=23 e 62 GeV nel centro di massa, comprendono le distribuzioni di particella singola e le correlazioni a due particelle per fissa molteplicità carica, come anche le correlazioni inclusive a due particelle. Le correlazioni semi inclusive mostrano forti effetti di correlazione a breve distanza, che hanno una larghezza molto più piccola che nel caso delle correlazioni inclusive. Nel lavoro si fa vedere che questi effetti a breve distanza possono essere capiti empiricamente in funzione di tre parametri di cui si studia la dipendenza dall’energia e dalla molteplicità. I dati favoriscono la descrizione della produzione a molti corpi in cui vengono emessi agglomerati di piccola molteplicità e piccola dispersione, che successivamente decadono in adroni.РеэюмеВ работе приводятся данные для полуинклюэивных распределений вторичных частиц, рожденных в рр соударениях при очень высоких знергиях. Нащ зксперимент был проиэведен на встречных накопительных кольцах в ЦЕРНе. Полученные в работе данные при знергиях в системе центра масс √s=23 и 62 ГзВ включают одночастичные распределения и двухчастичные корреляции при фиксированной множественности эаряженных частиц п, а также инклюэивные двухчастичные корреляции. Полуинклюэивные корреляции обнаруживают явно выраженные зффекты короткодействуюших корреляций, которые обладают щириной эначительно меньщей, чем в случае инклюэивных корреляций. Мы покаэываем, что зти короткодействуюшие зффекты могут быть общяснены змпрически в терминах трех параметров. Обсуждается эависимость зтих параметров от знергии и множественности. Полученные данные подтверждают картину множественного рождения, в которой испускаются кластеры с малой множественностью и малой дисперсией с последуюшим распадом в адроны.
Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and Fields | 1977
G. Bellettini; P.L. Braccini; R. Carrara; R. Castaldi; V. Cavasinni; F. Cervelli; T. Del Prete; P. Laurelli; Marco Maria Massai; M. Morganti; G. Sanguinetti; M. Valdata-Nappi; Gerald W. Abshire; J. Crouch; G. Finocchiaro; P.D. Grannis; H. Jöstlein; D. Lloyd Owen; K. Guettler; B.G. Duff; M.N. Prentice; S.J. Sharrock; W. M. Gibson; A. Duane; H. Newman; H. O. Ogren; H. Bøggild; S. Henning; G. Jarlskog; R. Little
SummaryCharged-particle multiplicities and angular distributions associated with a π±, K±, p and nn
Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica A-nuclei Particles and Fields | 1977
G. Barbiellini; A. M. Cnops; G. Finocchiaro; M. Ambrosio; G. Barbarino; Maria Gabriella Castellano; F. Cevenini; F. Grancagnolo; P. Parascandolo; G. Paternoster; S. Patricelli; E. Sassi; L. Tortora; U. Troya; F. Valerio; S. Vitale; C. Bemporad; G. Brosco; M. Calvetti; F. Costantini; P. Lariccia; G. Abshire; D. Lloyd Owen; R. Biancastelli; P. Gricia