G. M. Bernstein
University of Pennsylvania
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Featured researches published by G. M. Bernstein.
arXiv: Astrophysics | 2006
Andreas Albrecht; Wayne Hu; Marc Kamionkowski; Wendy L. Freedman; John Huth; Nicholas B. Suntzeff; Suzanne T. Staggs; John C. Mather; Robert N. Cahn; Edward W. Kolb; G. M. Bernstein; Jacqueline N. Hewitt; Lloyd Knox
Dark energy appears to be the dominant component of the physical Universe, yet there is no persuasive theoretical explanation for its existence or magnitude. The acceleration of the Universe is, along with dark matter, the observed phenomenon that most directly demonstrates that our theories of fundamental particles and gravity are either incorrect or incomplete. Most experts believe that nothing short of a revolution in our understanding of fundamental physics will be required to achieve a full understanding of the cosmic acceleration. For these reasons, the nature of dark energy ranks among the very most compelling of all outstanding problems in physical science. These circumstances demand an ambitious observational program to determine the dark energy properties as well as possible.
Nature | 2000
David Michael Wittman; J. Anthony Tyson; David Kirkman; Ian Pietro dell'Antonio; G. M. Bernstein
Most of the matter in the Universe is not luminous, and can be observed only through its gravitational influence on the appearance of luminous matter. Weak gravitational lensing is a technique that uses the distortions of the images of distant galaxies as a tracer of dark matter: such distortions are induced as the light passes through large-scale distributions of dark matter in the foreground. The patterns of the induced distortions reflect the density of mass along the line of sight and its distribution, and the resulting ‘cosmic shear’ can be used to distinguish between alternative cosmologies. But previous attempts to measure this effect have been inconclusive. Here we report the detection of cosmic shear on angular scales of up to half a degree using 145,000 galaxies and along three separate lines of sight. We find that the dark matter is distributed in a manner consistent with either an open universe, or a flat universe that is dominated by a cosmological constant. Our results are inconsistent with the standard cold-dark-matter model.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2006
Catherine Heymans; Ludovic Van Waerbeke; David J. Bacon; Joel Bergé; G. M. Bernstein; Emmanuel Bertin; Sarah Bridle; Michael L. Brown; Douglas Clowe; Haakon Dahle; Thomas Erben; Meghan E. Gray; Marco Hetterscheidt; Henk Hoekstra; P. Hudelot; M. Jarvis; Konrad Kuijken; V. E. Margoniner; Richard Massey; Y. Mellier; Reiko Nakajima; Alexandre Refregier; Jason Rhodes; Tim Schrabback; David Michael Wittman
The Shear Testing Programme (STEP) is a collaborative project to improve the accuracy and reliability of all weak lensing measurements in preparation for the next generation of wide-field surveys. In this first STEP paper, we present the results of a blind analysis of simulated ground-based observations of relatively simple galaxy morphologies. The most successful methods are shown to achieve percent level accuracy. From the cosmic shear pipelines that have been used to constrain cosmology, we find weak lensing shear measured to an accuracy that is within the statistical errors of current weak lensing analyses, with shear measurements accurate to better than 7 per cent. The dominant source of measurement error is shown to arise from calibration uncertainties where the measured shear is over or underestimated by a constant multiplicative factor. This is of concern as calibration errors cannot be detected through standard diagnostic tests. The measured calibration errors appear to result from stellar contamination, false object detection, the shear measurement method itself, selection bias and/or the use of biased weights. Additive systematics (false detections of shear) resulting from residual point-spread function anisotropy are, in most cases, reduced to below an equivalent shear of 0.001, an order of magnitude below cosmic shear distortions on the scales probed by current surveys. Our results provide a snapshot view of the accuracy of current ground-based weak lensing methods and a benchmark upon which we can improve. To this end we provide descriptions of each method tested and include details of the eight different implementations of the commonly used Kaiser, Squires & Broadhurst method (KSB+) to aid the improvement of future KSB+ analyses.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2007
Richard Massey; Catherine Heymans; Joel Bergé; G. M. Bernstein; Sarah Bridle; Douglas Clowe; H. Dahle; Richard S. Ellis; Thomas Erben; Marco Hetterscheidt; F. William High; Christopher M. Hirata; Henk Hoekstra; P. Hudelot; M. Jarvis; David E. Johnston; Konrad Kuijken; V. E. Margoniner; Rachel Mandelbaum; Y. Mellier; Reiko Nakajima; Stephane Paulin-Henriksson; Molly S. Peeples; Chris Roat; Alexandre Refregier; Jason Rhodes; Tim Schrabback; Mischa Schirmer; Uros Seljak; Elisabetta Semboloni
The Shear Testing Programme (STEP) is a collaborative project to improve the accuracy and reliability of weak-lensing measurement, in preparation for the next generation of wide-field surveys. We review 16 current and emerging shear-measurement methods in a common language, and assess their performance by running them (blindly) on simulated images that contain a known shear signal. We determine the common features of algorithms that most successfully recover the input parameters. A desirable goal would be the combination of their best elements into one ultimate shear-measurement method. In this analysis, we achieve previously unattained discriminatory precision via a combination of more extensive simulations and pairs of galaxy images that have been rotated with respect to each other. That removes the otherwise overwhelming noise from their intrinsic ellipticities. Finally, the robustness of our simulation approach is confirmed by testing the relative calibration of methods on real data. Weak-lensing measurements have improved since the first STEP paper. Several methods now consistently achieve better than 2 per cent precision, and are still being developed. However, we can now distinguish all methods from perfect performance. Our main concern continues to be the potential for a multiplicative shear calibration bias: not least because this cannot be internally calibrated with real data. We determine which galaxy populations are responsible for bias and, by adjusting the simulated observing conditions, we also investigate the effects of instrumental and atmospheric parameters. The simulated point spread functions are not allowed to vary spatially, to avoid additional confusion from interpolation errors. We have isolated several previously unrecognized aspects of galaxy shape measurement, in which focused development could provide further progress towards the sub-per cent level of precision desired for future surveys. These areas include the suitable treatment of image pixellization and galaxy morphology evolution. Ignoring the former effect affects the measurement of shear in different directions, leading to an overall underestimation of shear and hence the amplitude of the matter power spectrum. Ignoring the second effect could affect the calibration of shear estimators as a function of galaxy redshift, and the evolution of the lensing signal, which will be vital to measure parameters including the dark energy equation of state.
The Astronomical Journal | 2004
G. M. Bernstein; David E. Trilling; Ryan Allen; Michael E. Brown; Matthew J. Holman; Renu Malhotra
We search 0.02 deg 2 of the invariable plane for trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) 25 AU or more distant using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. With 22 ks per pointing, the search is more than 50% complete for m606W � 29:2. Three new objects are discovered, the faintest with mean magnitude m ¼ 28:3 (diameter � 25 km), which is 3 mag fainter than any previously well-measured solar system body. Each new discovery is verified with a follow-up 18 ks observation with the ACS, and the detection efficiency is verified with implanted objects. The three detections are a factor of � 25 less than would be expected under extrapolation of the power-law differential sky density for brighter objects, � (m) � dN=dmd� / 10 � m with � � 0:63. Analysis of the ACS data and recent TNO surveys from the literature reveals departures from this power law at both the bright and faint ends. Division of the TNO sample by distance and inclination into ‘‘classical Kuiper belt’’ (CKB) and ‘‘Excited’’ samples reveals that � (m) differs for the two populations at 96% confidence, and both samples show departures from power-law behavior. A double power-law � (m) adequately fits all data. Implications of these departures include the following: (1) The total mass of the ‘‘classical’’ Kuiper belt is � 0.010 M� , only a few times Pluto’s mass, and is predominantly in the form of � 100 km bodies (barring a secondary peak in the mass distribution at sub‐10 km sizes). The mass of Excited objects is perhaps a few times larger. (2) The Excited class has a shallower bright-end magnitude (and, presumably, size) distribution; the largest objects, including Pluto, make up tens of percent of the total mass whereas the largest CKB objects are only � 2% of its mass. (3) The derived size distributions predict that the largest Excited body should be roughly the mass of Pluto, and the largest CKB body should have mR � 20—hence, Pluto is feasibly considered to have originated from the same physical process as the Excited TNOs. (4) The observed deficit of small TNOs occurs in the size regime where present-day collisions are expected to be disruptive, suggesting extensive depletion by collisions. The Excited and CKB size distributions are qualitatively similar to some numerical models of growth and erosion, with both accretion and erosion appearing to have proceeded to more advanced stages in the Excited class than in the CKB. (5) The lack of detections of distant TNOs implies that if a mass of TNOs comparable to the CKB is present near the invariable plane beyond 50 AU, that distant population must be composed primarily of bodies smaller than � 40 km. (6) There are too few small CKB objects for this population to be the reservoir of Jupiter-family comet precursors without a significant upturn in the population at diameters under 20 km. With optimistic model parameters and extrapolations, the Excited population could be the source reservoir. Implications of these discoveries for the formation and evolution of the outer solar system are discussed.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
K. Bechtol; A. Drlica-Wagner; E. Balbinot; A. Pieres; J. D. Simon; Brian Yanny; B. Santiago; Risa H. Wechsler; Joshua A. Frieman; Alistair R. Walker; P. Williams; Eduardo Rozo; Eli S. Rykoff; A. Queiroz; E. Luque; A. Benoit-Lévy; Douglas L. Tucker; I. Sevilla; Robert A. Gruendl; L. N. da Costa; A. Fausti Neto; M. A. G. Maia; T. D. Abbott; S. Allam; R. Armstrong; A. Bauer; G. M. Bernstein; R. A. Bernstein; E. Bertin; David J. Brooks
We report the discovery of eight new Milky Way companions in ~1,800 deg^2 of optical imaging data collected during the first year of the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Each system is identified as a statistically significant over-density of individual stars consistent with the expected isochrone and luminosity function of an old and metal-poor stellar population. The objects span a wide range of absolute magnitudes (M_V from -2.2 mag to -7.4 mag), physical sizes (10 pc to 170 pc), and heliocentric distances (30 kpc to 330 kpc). Based on the low surface brightnesses, large physical sizes, and/or large Galactocentric distances of these objects, several are likely to be new ultra-faint satellite galaxies of the Milky Way and/or Magellanic Clouds. We introduce a likelihood-based algorithm to search for and characterize stellar over-densities, as well as identify stars with high satellite membership probabilities. We also present completeness estimates for detecting ultra-faint galaxies of varying luminosities, sizes, and heliocentric distances in the first-year DES data.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2006
Dragan Huterer; Masahiro Takada; G. M. Bernstein; Bhuvnesh Jain
We study the impact of systematic errors on planned weak-lensing surveys and compute the requirements on their contributions so that they are not a dominant source of the cosmological parameter error budget. The generic types of error we consider are multiplicative and additive errors in measurements of shear, as well as photometric redshift errors. In general, more powerful surveys have stronger systematic requirements. For example, for a SuperNova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP)-type survey the multiplicative error in shear needs to be smaller than 1 per cent of the mean shear in any given redshift bin, while the centroids of photometric redshift bins need to be known to be better than 0.003. With about a factor of 2 degradation in cosmological parameter errors, future surveys can enter a self-calibration regime, where the mean systematic biases are self-consistently determined from the survey and only higher order moments of the systematics contribute. Interestingly, once the power-spectrum measurements are combined with the bispectrum, the self-calibration regime in the variation of the equation of state of dark energy w a is attained with only a 20‐30 per cent error degradation. Ke yw ords: cosmological parameters ‐ large-scale structure of Universe.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1997
Paul L. Schechter; Charles D. Bailyn; Robert Barr; Richard Barvainis; Christopher M. Becker; G. M. Bernstein; John P. Blakeslee; Schelte John Bus; Alan Dressler; Emilio E. Falco; Robert A. Fesen; P. Fischer; Karl Gebhardt; Dianne Harmer; Jacqueline N. Hewitt; J. Hjorth; Todd Hurt; Andreas O. Jaunsen; Mario Mateo; Doerte Mehlert; Douglas O. Richstone; Linda S. Sparke; John R. Thorstensen; John L. Tonry; Gary Wegner; Daryl W. Willmarth; Guy Worthey
Optical photometry is presented for the quadruple gravitational lens PG 1115+080. A preliminary reduction of data taken from 1995 November to 1996 June gives component C leading component B by 23.7 ? 3.4 days and components A1 and A2 by 9.4 days. A range of models has been fitted to the image positions, none of which gives an adequate fit. The best-fitting and most physically plausible of these, taking the lensing galaxy and the associated group of galaxies to be singular isothermal spheres, gives a Hubble constant of 42 km s-1 Mpc-1 for ? = 1, with an observational uncertainty of 14%, as computed from the B - C time delay measurement. Taking the lensing galaxy to have an approximately E5 isothermal mass distribution yields H0 = 64 km s-1 Mpc-1, while taking the galaxy to be a point mass gives H0 = 84 km s-1 Mpc-1. The former gives a particularly bad fit to the position of the lensing galaxy, while the latter is inconsistent with measurements of nearby galaxy rotation curves. Constraints on these and other possible models are expected to improve with planned Hubble Space Telescope observations.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
A. Drlica-Wagner; K. Bechtol; E. S. Rykoff; E. Luque; A. Queiroz; Yao-Yuan Mao; Risa H. Wechsler; J. D. Simon; B. Santiago; Brian Yanny; E. Balbinot; Scott Dodelson; A. Fausti Neto; D. J. James; T. S. Li; M. A. G. Maia; J. L. Marshall; A. Pieres; Katelyn Stringer; Alistair R. Walker; Timothy M. C. Abbott; F. B. Abdalla; S. Allam; A. Benoit-Lévy; G. M. Bernstein; E. Bertin; David J. Brooks; Elizabeth J. Buckley-Geer; D. L. Burke; A. Carnero Rosell
We report the discovery of eight new ultra-faint dwarf galaxy candidates in the second year of optical imaging data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Six of these candidates are detected at high confidence, while two lower-confidence candidates are identified in regions of non-uniform survey coverage. The new stellar systems are found by three independent automated search techniques and are identified as overdensities of stars, consistent with the isochrone and luminosity function of an old and metal-poor simple stellar population. The new systems are faint (MV > −4.7
The Astronomical Journal | 1995
G. M. Bernstein; Robert C. Nichol; Melville P. Ulmer; David Michael Wittman