G. Morand
University of Geneva
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1989
J.A. Bakken; Luciano Barone; J.J. Blaising; T. Boehringer; B. Borgia; D. Boutigny; J.P. Burq; M. Chemarin; R. Clare; G. Coignet; P. Denes; F. De Notaristefani; M. Diemoz; C. Dionisi; H. Elmamouni; P. Extermann; S. Falciano; F. Ferroni; G. Gratta; B. Ille; P. Kaaret; Y. Karyotakis; P. F. Klok; P. Lebrun; P. Lecoq; P.J. Li; E. Longo; D. Luckey; L. Luminari; J. P. Martin
Abstract A method to calibrate the L3 electromagnetic calorimeter with cosmic muons has been tested on a matrix of 100 tapered BGO crystals. Calibration constants in the energy range of 20–30 MeV were measured at the 2% level collecting about 200 muons per crystal. The results are in agreement with the calibration constant determined using a 10 GeV electron beam.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1989
J.A. Bakken; Luciano Barone; J.J. Blaising; T. Boehringer; B. Borgia; D. Boutigny; J.P. Burq; M. Chemarin; R. Clare; G. Coignet; P. Denes; F. De Notaristefani; M. Diemoz; C. Dionisi; H. Elmamouni; P. Extermann; S. Falciano; F. Ferroni; G. Gratta; B. Ille; P. Kaaret; Y. Karyotakis; P. F. Klok; P. Lebrun; P. Lecoq; P.J. Li; E. Longo; D. Luckey; L. Luminari; M. Maire
Abstract A calibration study was performed on a prototype of the L3 BGO electromagnetic calorimeter. The accuracy and stability reached is a small fraction of the typical detector resolution.