
Featured researches published by G. Thomas Hayman.

Nucleic Acids Research | 2015

The Rat Genome Database 2015: genomic, phenotypic and environmental variations and disease

Mary Shimoyama; Jeff De Pons; G. Thomas Hayman; Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; Weisong Liu; Rajni Nigam; Victoria Petri; Jennifer R. Smith; Marek Tutaj; Shur-Jen Wang; Elizabeth A. Worthey; Melinda R. Dwinell; Howard J. Jacob

The Rat Genome Database (RGD, provides the most comprehensive data repository and informatics platform related to the laboratory rat, one of the most important model organisms for disease studies. RGD maintains and updates datasets for genomic elements such as genes, transcripts and increasingly in recent years, sequence variations, as well as map positions for multiple assemblies and sequence information. Functional annotations for genomic elements are curated from published literature, submitted by researchers and integrated from other public resources. Complementing the genomic data catalogs are those associated with phenotypes and disease, including strains, QTL and experimental phenotype measurements across hundreds of strains. Data are submitted by researchers, acquired through bulk data pipelines or curated from published literature. Innovative software tools provide users with an integrated platform to query, mine, display and analyze valuable genomic and phenomic datasets for discovery and enhancement of their own research. This update highlights recent developments that reflect an increasing focus on: (i) genomic variation, (ii) phenotypes and diseases, (iii) data related to the environment and experimental conditions and (iv) datasets and software tools that allow the user to explore and analyze the interactions among these and their impact on disease.

Briefings in Bioinformatics | 2013

The Rat Genome Database 2013—data, tools and users

Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; G. Thomas Hayman; Shur-Jen Wang; Jennifer R. Smith; T. F. Lowry; Rajni Nigam; Victoria Petri; Jeff De Pons; Melinda R. Dwinell; Mary Shimoyama; Diane H. Munzenmaier; Elizabeth A. Worthey; Howard J. Jacob

The Rat Genome Database (RGD) was started >10 years ago to provide a core genomic resource for rat researchers. Currently, RGD combines genetic, genomic, pathway, phenotype and strain information with a focus on disease. RGD users are provided with access to structured and curated data from the molecular level through the organismal level. Those users access RGD from all over the world. End users are not only rat researchers but also researchers working with mouse and human data. Translational research is supported by RGD’s comparative genetics/genomics data in disease portals, in GBrowse, in VCMap and on gene report pages. The impact of RGD also goes beyond the traditional biomedical researcher, as the influence of RGD reaches bioinformaticians, tool developers and curators. Import of RGD data into other publicly available databases expands the influence of RGD to a larger set of end users than those who avail themselves of the RGD website. The value of RGD continues to grow as more types of data and more tools are added, while reaching more types of end users.

Database | 2014

Overview of the gene ontology task at BioCreative IV

Yuqing Mao; Kimberly Van Auken; Donghui Li; Cecilia N. Arighi; Peter McQuilton; G. Thomas Hayman; Susan Tweedie; Mary L. Schaeffer; Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; Shur Jen Wang; Julien Gobeill; Patrick Ruch; Anh T.uan Luu; Jung Jae Kim; Jung-Hsien Chiang; Yu De Chen; Chia Jung Yang; Hongfang Liu; Dongqing Zhu; Yanpeng Li; Hong Yu; Ehsan Emadzadeh; Graciela Gonzalez; Jian Ming Chen; Hong Jie Dai; Zhiyong Lu

Gene Ontology (GO) annotation is a common task among model organism databases (MODs) for capturing gene function data from journal articles. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, and is thus often considered as one of the bottlenecks in literature curation. There is a growing need for semiautomated or fully automated GO curation techniques that will help database curators to rapidly and accurately identify gene function information in full-length articles. Despite multiple attempts in the past, few studies have proven to be useful with regard to assisting real-world GO curation. The shortage of sentence-level training data and opportunities for interaction between text-mining developers and GO curators has limited the advances in algorithm development and corresponding use in practical circumstances. To this end, we organized a text-mining challenge task for literature-based GO annotation in BioCreative IV. More specifically, we developed two subtasks: (i) to automatically locate text passages that contain GO-relevant information (a text retrieval task) and (ii) to automatically identify relevant GO terms for the genes in a given article (a concept-recognition task). With the support from five MODs, we provided teams with >4000 unique text passages that served as the basis for each GO annotation in our task data. Such evidence text information has long been recognized as critical for text-mining algorithm development but was never made available because of the high cost of curation. In total, seven teams participated in the challenge task. From the team results, we conclude that the state of the art in automatically mining GO terms from literature has improved over the past decade while much progress is still needed for computer-assisted GO curation. Future work should focus on addressing remaining technical challenges for improved performance of automatic GO concept recognition and incorporating practical benefits of text-mining tools into real-world GO annotation. Database URL:

Journal of Biomedical Semantics | 2014

The pathway ontology - updates and applications

Victoria Petri; Pushkala Jayaraman; Marek Tutaj; G. Thomas Hayman; Jennifer R. Smith; Jeff De Pons; Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; T. F. Lowry; Rajni Nigam; Shur-Jen Wang; Mary Shimoyama; Melinda R. Dwinell; Diane H. Munzenmaier; Elizabeth A. Worthey; Howard J. Jacob

BackgroundThe Pathway Ontology (PW) developed at the Rat Genome Database (RGD), covers all types of biological pathways, including altered and disease pathways and captures the relationships between them within the hierarchical structure of a directed acyclic graph. The ontology allows for the standardized annotation of rat, and of human and mouse genes to pathway terms. It also constitutes a vehicle for easy navigation between gene and ontology report pages, between reports and interactive pathway diagrams, between pathways directly connected within a diagram and between those that are globally related in pathway suites and suite networks. Surveys of the literature and the development of the Pathway and Disease Portals are important sources for the ongoing development of the ontology. User requests and mapping of pathways in other databases to terms in the ontology further contribute to increasing its content. Recently built automated pipelines use the mapped terms to make available the annotations generated by other groups.ResultsThe two released pipelines – the Pathway Interaction Database (PID) Annotation Import Pipeline and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) Annotation Import Pipeline, make available over 7,400 and 31,000 pathway gene annotations, respectively. Building the PID pipeline lead to the addition of new terms within the signaling node, also augmented by the release of the RGD “Immune and Inflammatory Disease Portal” at that time. Building the KEGG pipeline lead to a substantial increase in the number of disease pathway terms, such as those within the ‘infectious disease pathway’ parent term category. The ‘drug pathway’ node has also seen increases in the number of terms as well as a restructuring of the node. Literature surveys, disease portal deployments and user requests have contributed and continue to contribute additional new terms across the ontology. Since first presented, the content of PW has increased by over 75%.ConclusionsOngoing development of the Pathway Ontology and the implementation of pipelines promote an enriched provision of pathway data. The ontology is freely available for download and use from the RGD ftp site at or from the National Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO) BioPortal website at

PLOS Computational Biology | 2009

The Rat Genome Database Curators: Who, What, Where, Why

Mary Shimoyama; G. Thomas Hayman; Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; Rajni Nigam; T. F. Lowry; Victoria Petri; Jennifer R. Smith; Shur-Jen Wang; Diane H. Munzenmaier; Melinda R. Dwinell; Simon N. Twigger; Howard J. Jacob

abstracts. As can be seen by the amount oftime spent in curation, the time savings forresearchers are substantial. Education and Outreach An essential part of the curator’s job is toprovide education and training for RGDusers and potential users. This is accom-plished in several ways. The RGD Web sitecontains a ‘‘Help’’ section developed by thecurators and which is accessible from allpages. This component contains a Glossaryof Terms, general information on how touse the searches and tools, a FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQ) section, and acomponent that walks users through typicaluse case scenarios. Curators also handleindividual questions through the userrequest system accessible via the ContactUs button on each page, and throughtelephone calls and the Rat CommunityForum. RGD has published seven tutorialvideos at SciVee (, aWeb site for video publications for re-search, and videos are available at RGD aswell. Curators present tutorials at majorconferences such as Experimental Biology,Society of Toxicology, Neuroscience andRat Genomics and Models, as well asindividual rat research laboratories. Inaddition, RGD is well represented at majorconferences such as Biology of Genomes,Genome Informatics, Intelligent Systemsfor Molecular Biology, and the Interna-tional Mammalian Genome Conferencewith presentations and posters highlightingnew tools and datasets. Other outreachactivities involve contact with individualresearchers for nomenclature assignment togenes, QTLs, and strains, as well asconstruction of customized datasets.

Physiological Genomics | 2013

Rat Genome Database: a unique resource for rat, human, and mouse quantitative trait locus data

Rajni Nigam; Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; G. Thomas Hayman; Jennifer R. Smith; Shur-Jen Wang; T. F. Lowry; Victoria Petri; Jeff De Pons; Marek Tutaj; Weisong Liu; Pushkala Jayaraman; Diane H. Munzenmaier; Elizabeth A. Worthey; Melinda R. Dwinell; Mary Shimoyama; Howard J. Jacob

The rat has been widely used as a disease model in a laboratory setting, resulting in an abundance of genetic and phenotype data from a wide variety of studies. These data can be found at the Rat Genome Database (RGD,, which provides a platform for researchers interested in linking genomic variations to phenotypes. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) form one of the earliest and core datasets, allowing researchers to identify loci harboring genes associated with disease. These QTLs are not only important for those using the rat to identify genes and regions associated with disease, but also for cross-organism analyses of syntenic regions on the mouse and the human genomes to identify potential regions for study in these organisms. Currently, RGD has data on >1,900 rat QTLs that include details about the methods and animals used to determine the respective QTL along with the genomic positions and markers that define the region. RGD also curates human QTLs (>1,900) and houses>4,000 mouse QTLs (imported from Mouse Genome Informatics). Multiple ontologies are used to standardize traits, phenotypes, diseases, and experimental methods to facilitate queries, analyses, and cross-organism comparisons. QTLs are visualized in tools such as GBrowse and GViewer, with additional tools for analysis of gene sets within QTL regions. The QTL data at RGD provide valuable information for the study of mapped phenotypes and identification of candidate genes for disease associations.

Database | 2012

Ontology searching and browsing at the Rat Genome Database

Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; Marek Tutaj; Mary Shimoyama; G. Thomas Hayman; T. F. Lowry; Rajni Nigam; Victoria Petri; Jennifer R. Smith; Shur-Jen Wang; Jeff De Pons; Melinda R. Dwinell; Howard J. Jacob

The Rat Genome Database (RGD) is the premier repository of rat genomic and genetic data and currently houses over 40 000 rat gene records, as well as human and mouse orthologs, 1857 rat and 1912 human quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and 2347 rat strains. Biological information curated for these data objects includes disease associations, phenotypes, pathways, molecular functions, biological processes and cellular components. RGD uses more than a dozen different ontologies to standardize annotation information for genes, QTLs and strains. That means a lot of time can be spent searching and browsing ontologies for the appropriate terms needed both for curating and mining the data. RGD has upgraded its ontology term search to make it more versatile and more robust. A term search result is connected to a term browser so the user can fine-tune the search by viewing parent and children terms. Most publicly available term browsers display a hierarchical organization of terms in an expandable tree format. RGD has replaced its old tree browser format with a ‘driller’ type of browser that allows quicker drilling up and down through the term branches, which has been confirmed by testing. The RGD ontology report pages have also been upgraded. Expanded functionality allows more choice in how annotations are displayed and what subsets of annotations are displayed. The new ontology search, browser and report features have been designed to enhance both manual data curation and manual data extraction. Database URL:

Database | 2013

PhenoMiner: quantitative phenotype curation at the rat genome database.

Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; Weisong Liu; Jennifer R. Smith; G. Thomas Hayman; Shur-Jen Wang; Rajni Nigam; Victoria Petri; T. F. Lowry; Jeff De Pons; Melinda R. Dwinell; Mary Shimoyama

The Rat Genome Database (RGD) is the premier repository of rat genomic and genetic data and currently houses >40 000 rat gene records as well as human and mouse orthologs, >2000 rat and 1900 human quantitative trait loci (QTLs) records and >2900 rat strain records. Biological information curated for these data objects includes disease associations, phenotypes, pathways, molecular functions, biological processes and cellular components. Recently, a project was initiated at RGD to incorporate quantitative phenotype data for rat strains, in addition to the currently existing qualitative phenotype data for rat strains, QTLs and genes. A specialized curation tool was designed to generate manual annotations with up to six different ontologies/vocabularies used simultaneously to describe a single experimental value from the literature. Concurrently, three of those ontologies needed extensive addition of new terms to move the curation forward. The curation interface development, as well as ontology development, was an ongoing process during the early stages of the PhenoMiner curation project. Database URL:

Database | 2014

BC4GO: a full-text corpus for the BioCreative IV GO task

Kimberly Van Auken; Mary L. Schaeffer; Peter McQuilton; Stanley J. F. Laulederkind; Donghui Li; Shur-Jen Wang; G. Thomas Hayman; Susan Tweedie; Cecilia N. Arighi; James Done; Hans-Michael Müller; Paul W. Sternberg; Yuqing Mao; Chih-Hsuan Wei; Zhiyong Lu

Gene function curation via Gene Ontology (GO) annotation is a common task among Model Organism Database groups. Owing to its manual nature, this task is considered one of the bottlenecks in literature curation. There have been many previous attempts at automatic identification of GO terms and supporting information from full text. However, few systems have delivered an accuracy that is comparable with humans. One recognized challenge in developing such systems is the lack of marked sentence-level evidence text that provides the basis for making GO annotations. We aim to create a corpus that includes the GO evidence text along with the three core elements of GO annotations: (i) a gene or gene product, (ii) a GO term and (iii) a GO evidence code. To ensure our results are consistent with real-life GO data, we recruited eight professional GO curators and asked them to follow their routine GO annotation protocols. Our annotators marked up more than 5000 text passages in 200 articles for 1356 distinct GO terms. For evidence sentence selection, the inter-annotator agreement (IAA) results are 9.3% (strict) and 42.7% (relaxed) in F1-measures. For GO term selection, the IAAs are 47% (strict) and 62.9% (hierarchical). Our corpus analysis further shows that abstracts contain ∼10% of relevant evidence sentences and 30% distinct GO terms, while the Results/Experiment section has nearly 60% relevant sentences and >70% GO terms. Further, of those evidence sentences found in abstracts, less than one-third contain enough experimental detail to fulfill the three core criteria of a GO annotation. This result demonstrates the need of using full-text articles for text mining GO annotations. Through its use at the BioCreative IV GO (BC4GO) task, we expect our corpus to become a valuable resource for the BioNLP research community. Database URL:

Database | 2011

The Rat Genome Database Pathway Portal

Victoria Petri; Mary Shimoyama; G. Thomas Hayman; Jennifer R. Smith; Marek Tutaj; Jeff De Pons; Melinda R. Dwinell; Diane H. Munzenmaier; Simon N. Twigger; Howard J. Jacob; Rgd Team

The set of interacting molecules collectively referred to as a pathway or network represents a fundamental structural unit, the building block of the larger, highly integrated networks of biological systems. The scientific communitys interest in understanding the fine details of how pathways work, communicate with each other and synergize, and how alterations in one or several pathways may converge into a disease phenotype, places heightened demands on pathway data and information providers. To meet such demands, the Rat Genome Database [(RGD)] has adopted a multitiered approach to pathway data acquisition and presentation. Resources and tools are continuously added or expanded to offer more comprehensive pathway data sets as well as enhanced pathway data manipulation, exploration and visualization capabilities. At RGD, users can easily identify genes in pathways, see how pathways relate to each other and visualize pathways in a dynamic and integrated manner. They can access these and other components from several entry points and effortlessly navigate between them and they can download the data of interest. The Pathway Portal resources at RGD are presented, and future directions are discussed. Database URL:

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