G. Zito
Physics Letters B | 1984
T. A. Armstrong; I. J. Bloodworth; A. Burns; J. N. Carney; J. Eades; B.R. French; B. Ghidini; J.B. Kinson; K. Knudson; J.C. Lassalle; V. Lenti; Winfried A Mitaroff; A. Palano; I.C. Print; E. Quercigh; H.R. Shaylor; M. Stassinaki; G. Vassiliadis; M.F. Votruba; G. Zito; R. Zitoun
Results are presented of a spin-parity analysis on a sample of ∼ 1000 E mesons centrally produced in the reactions (π+/p) p → (π+/p) (K01K±π∓) p at 85 GeV/c. The E quantum numbers are determined to be JPC = 1++. Its decay in this channel is consistent with being 100% into K∗K + c.c. and no evidenceis seen for a δ π decay mode where δ → KK. The mass and width were determined to be M = (1425 ± 2) MeV and Γ = (62 ± 5) MeV.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1986
M.G. Catanesi; M. De Palma; A. Farilla; G. Iaselli; G. Maggi; S. Natali; S. Nuzzo; A. Ranieri; F. Romano; F. Ruggieri; G. Selvaggi; R. Tupputi; G. Zito; R. Baldini; G. Battistoni; G. Bencivenni; G. Bologna; P. Campana; G. Capon; F. Celani; V. Chiarella; A. Ciocio; B. D'Ettore-Piazzoli; G. Felici; P. Laurelli; G. Mannocchi; G.P. Murtas; G. Nicoletti; M. Pallotta; P. Picchi
The energy response and the resolution of a hadron calorimeter test module prepared by the ALEPH collaboration at LEP have been studied between 5 and 50 GeV. The energy resolution for pions follows a 0.78√E law for orthogonally incident particles. Effects of different incident polar angles (θ = 90°, 60°, 50°) are studied. The wire readout and the trigger capability are also discussed.
Physics Letters B | 1977
C. Evangelista; B. Ghidini; Antimo Palano; V. Picciarelli; G. Zito; P. Mättig; K. Müller; E. Paul; W. Rühmer; B.R. French; Winfried A Mitaroff; C. Palazzi-Cerrina; R. Strub; A.S. Thompson; P.L. Woodworth; M. Edwards; T. Armstrong; J. Gordon; I.S. Hughes; G.M. Lewis; R.M. Turnbull; C. Best; R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; M. Houlden; G. Costa; L. Mandelli; S. Pensotti; L. Perini; D. H. Miller
Abstract In a search for resonances coupled to the p pπ − system, we have studied π − p interactions at 16 GeV/ c giving a forward antiproton, using the Omega spectrometer at CERN. In the final states involving a p , p and π − we observe a 5.6 (6.3) standard deviation enhancement in the p pπ − mass spectrum at (2.95 ± 0.01) GeV with a width consistent with the resolution ( σ = 15 MeV). The production cross section × branching ratio is estimated to be of the order 1 μb. The data are consistent with a resonance decaying partly via intermediate p p final states.
Physics Letters B | 1987
M. Benayoun; W. Beusch; I. J. Bloodworth; A. Burns; J. N. Carney; B.R. French; B. Ghidini; Y. Goldschmidt-Clermont; G. Ingelman; A. Jacholkowski; J. Kahane; J.B. Kinson; K. Knudson; J.C. Lassalle; V. Lenti; Ph. Leruste; A. Malamant; J.L. Narjoux; F. Navach; C. Neaume; A. Palano; R. Petronzio; M. Pimenta; I.C. Print; E. Quercigh; M. Sene; R. Sené; H.R. Shaylor; M. Stassinaki; Z. Strachman
Abstract The production of ϱ 0 mesons in hadronic interactions is investigated at high transverse momentum ( p T > 2 GeV/ c ). The data come from a sample of Π − N interactions at 300 GeV/ c obtained at the CERN OMEGA spectrometer, requiring a ϱ 0 →Π + Π − with p T (pair) > 2 GeV/ c to recoil against an opposite particle with p T (opposite) > 1 GeV/ c . The signal/(signal + background) ratio of ϱ 0 production shows an increase of 38% as x E = p T (opposite)/ p T (pair) decreases from 0.5 x E x E ⩽ 0.5. This increase is not compatible with a QCD model of parton scattering and subsequent fragmentation. It is interpreted as evidence for direct ϱ 0 production via QCD higher twist processes, in terms of which a quantitative agreement with the data is found.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1989
T. A. Armstrong; M. Benayoun; W. Beusch; I. J. Bloodworth; M. Caponero; J. N. Carney; R. Childs; B.R. French; B. Ghidini; Y. Goldschmidt-Clermont; A. Jacholkowski; J. Kahane; J.B. Kinson; A. Kirk; V. Lenti; Ph. Leruste; A. Malamant; J.L. Narjoux; F. Navach; A. Palano; E. Quercigh; N. Redaelli; L. Rossi; M. Sené; R. Sené; H.R. Shaylor; M. Stassinaki; M. T. Trainor; G. Vassiliadis; O. Villalobos Baillie
Abstract The WA76 experiment performed at the Ω facility at CERN required a high precision measurement of the forward produced particle whose momentum was close to 300 GeV/c. A telescope made of 12 silicon microstrip detectors has been built and operated for such a purpose.
Nuclear Physics | 1982
T. A. Armstrong; B. Baccari; P.S.L. Booth; Reto Brun; Paul T. Campbell; L. Carroll; Giuseppe Costa; R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; C. Evangelista; D. Frame; B.R. French; S.H.P. Geer; B. Ghidini; P. Girtler; I.S. Hughes; N. J. Jackson; J.G. Lynch; L. Mandelli; P. Mättig; P. W. Minto; Winfried A Mitaroff; G. Otter; Antimo Palano; L. Perini; James Pinfold; W.H. Range; J.A. Richardson; G. Rudolph; F. Saleemi
Abstract The reaction π − p → φφ n has been isolated at 16 GeV/ c and its cross section determined to be 40 ± 10 nb. The φφ mass spectrum shows a threshold enhancement between 2.1 and 2.5 GeV. A successful description of the angular content of the φφ system requires two interferingss J P = 2 + states.
Nuclear Physics | 1983
T. A. Armstrong; M. Baubillier; W. Beusch; I. J. Bloodworth; M. Bonesini; A. Burns; A. Calligarich; J. N. Carney; G. Cecchet; G. Costa; R. Dolfini; C. Evangelista; B. Ghidini; J.B. Kinson; K. Knudson; G. Liguori; L. Mandelli; M. Mazzanti; Franco Navach; Antimo Palano; L. Perini; Y. Pons; E. Quercigh; Z. Strachman; M. Tamborini; D. Teodoro; M.F. Worsell; G. Zito; R. Zitoun
About 15 000 K−Φp events have been collected in the CERN Ω′ spectrometer. A partial-wave decomposition of the K−Φ system is performed. The 1+SO+ wave is dominant. The 0−P0+ and 2−P0+ waves are important and show resonant behaviour at ∼ 1.83 GeV (Γ ∼ 0.25 GeV) and ∼ 1.73 GeV (Γ ∼ 0.22 GeV) respectively. The first one can be interpreted as the second radial excitation of the kaon while the second one can be identified as one of the two L mesons.
Physics Letters B | 1986
T. A. Armstrong; I. J. Bloodworth; J. N. Carney; B.R. French; B. Ghidini; J.B. Kinson; V. Lenti; A. Palano; R. Parrié; I.C. Print; G. Vassiliadis; O. Villalobos Baillie; M.F. Votruba; G. Zito; R. Zitoun
Abstract The reactions π + p → π + (K + K − )p and pp → p(K + K − )p where the K + K − system is centrally produced have been studied at 85 GeV/ c . The K + K − spectrum contains several structures in the regions of S ∗ o , f A 2 and f′. Structure is observed in the 1.7 GeV mass region which cannot be attributed to the g meson. The most likely interpretation of the data is that we observe the θ with a mass of 1.742 GeV and a new resonance at a mass of 1.629±0.010 GeV with a width of 0.082±0.030 GeV.
Nuclear Physics | 1979
C. Evangelista; B. Ghidini; Antimo Palano; V. Picciarelli; G. Zito; P. Mättig; K. Müller; E. Paul; W. Renneberg; W. Rühmer; B.R. French; D.H. Miller; Winfried A Mitaroff; C. Palazzi-Cerrina; R. Strub; A.S. Thompson; M. Edwards; T. Armstrong; J. Gordon; I.S. Hughes; G.M. Lewis; R. McCluskey; R.M. Turnbull; C. Best; R.A. Donald; D.N. Edwards; M. Houlden; G. Costa; L. Mandelli; S. Pensotti
Abstract A sample of 56 909 events of the reaction π − p→K + K − n at 10 GeV/ c has been measured in the Omega Spectrometer at CERN. In the K + K − system, besides production of mesons in the S ∗ /φ, f 0 / A 2 , g /ω ∗ and h regions we observe a new structure at 2.20 GeV with a width of the order of 200 MeV.
Physics Letters B | 1989
T. A. Armstrong; M. Benayoun; W. Beusch; I. J. Bloodworth; M. Caponero; J. N. Carney; R. Childs; B.R. French; B. Ghidini; Y. Goldschmidt-Clermont; A. Jacholkowski; J. Kahane; J.B. Kinson; A. Kirk; K. Knudson; V. Lenti; Ph. Leruste; A. Malamant; J.L. Narjoux; F. Navach; A. Palano; E. Quercigh; N. Redaelli; L. Rossi; M. Sené; R. Sené; H.R. Shaylor; M. Stassinaki; M.T. Trainor; G. Vassiliadis
Abstract Results are presented of an analysis of the reaction pp→p f (K S 0 K ± π ∓ )p s at 300 GeV/ c . Clear f 1 (1285) and f 1 (1420) signals are seen. A spin-parity analysis shows that both are consistent with being 1 ++ states. The f 1 (1420) is found to decay only to K ∗ K and no 0 −+ or 1 +− waves are required to describe the data. The production of the f 1 (1285) as a function of energy is not the same as that for the f 1 (1420) whose cross section is found to be constant with energy.