Gabriel Altschuler
Harvard University
PLOS Genetics | 2011
Ashish Lal; Marshall P. Thomas; Gabriel Altschuler; Francisco Navarro; Elizabeth O'Day; Xiao Ling Li; Carla P. Concepcion; Yoon-Chi Han; Jerome Thiery; Danielle K. Rajani; Aaron J. Deutsch; Oliver Hofmann; Andrea Ventura; Winston Hide; Judy Lieberman
A simple biochemical method to isolate mRNAs pulled down with a transfected, biotinylated microRNA was used to identify direct target genes of miR-34a, a tumor suppressor gene. The method reidentified most of the known miR-34a regulated genes expressed in K562 and HCT116 cancer cell lines. Transcripts for 982 genes were enriched in the pull-down with miR-34a in both cell lines. Despite this large number, validation experiments suggested that ∼90% of the genes identified in both cell lines can be directly regulated by miR-34a. Thus miR-34a is capable of regulating hundreds of genes. The transcripts pulled down with miR-34a were highly enriched for their roles in growth factor signaling and cell cycle progression. These genes form a dense network of interacting gene products that regulate multiple signal transduction pathways that orchestrate the proliferative response to external growth stimuli. Multiple candidate miR-34a–regulated genes participate in RAS-RAF-MAPK signaling. Ectopic miR-34a expression reduced basal ERK and AKT phosphorylation and enhanced sensitivity to serum growth factor withdrawal, while cells genetically deficient in miR-34a were less sensitive. Fourteen new direct targets of miR-34a were experimentally validated, including genes that participate in growth factor signaling (ARAF and PIK3R2) as well as genes that regulate cell cycle progression at various phases of the cell cycle (cyclins D3 and G2, MCM2 and MCM5, PLK1 and SMAD4). Thus miR-34a tempers the proliferative and pro-survival effect of growth factor stimulation by interfering with growth factor signal transduction and downstream pathways required for cell division.
Cancer Cell | 2013
Fabio Petrocca; Gabriel Altschuler; Shen Mynn Tan; Marc L. Mendillo; Haoheng Yan; D. Joseph Jerry; Andrew L. Kung; Winston Hide; Tan A. Ince; Judy Lieberman
Basal-like triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs) have poor prognosis. To identify basal-like TNBC dependencies, a genome-wide siRNA lethality screen compared two human breast epithelial cell lines transformed with the same genes: basal-like BPLER and myoepithelial HMLER. Expression of the screens 154 BPLER dependency genes correlated with poor prognosis in breast, but not lung or colon, cancer. Proteasome genes were overrepresented hits. Basal-like TNBC lines were selectively sensitive to proteasome inhibitor drugs relative to normal epithelial, luminal, and mesenchymal TNBC lines. Proteasome inhibition reduced growth of established basal-like TNBC tumors in mice and blocked tumor-initiating cell function and macrometastasis. Proteasome addiction in basal-like TNBCs was mediated by NOXA and linked to MCL-1 dependence.
Experimental Cell Research | 2013
Cecilie Sandberg; Gabriel Altschuler; Jieun Jeong; Kirsten Kierulf Strømme; Biljana Stangeland; Wayne Murrell; Unn Hilde Grasmo-Wendler; Ola Myklebost; Eirik Helseth; Einar Osland Vik-Mo; Winston Hide; Iver A. Langmoen
Glioblastoma is the most common brain tumor. Median survival in unselected patients is <10 months. The tumor harbors stem-like cells that self-renew and propagate upon serial transplantation in mice, although the clinical relevance of these cells has not been well documented. We have performed the first genome-wide analysis that directly relates the gene expression profile of nine enriched populations of glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) to five identically isolated and cultivated populations of stem cells from the normal adult human brain. Although the two cell types share common stem- and lineage-related markers, GSCs show a more heterogeneous gene expression. We identified a number of pathways that are dysregulated in GSCs. A subset of these pathways has previously been identified in leukemic stem cells, suggesting that cancer stem cells of different origin may have common features. Genes upregulated in GSCs were also highly expressed in embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. We found that canonical Wnt-signaling plays an important role in GSCs, but not in adult human neural stem cells. As well we identified a 30-gene signature highly overexpressed in GSCs. The expression of these signature genes correlates with clinical outcome and demonstrates the clinical relevance of GSCs.
Oncogene | 2016
R. Perdigao-Henriques; Fabio Petrocca; Gabriel Altschuler; Marshall P. Thomas; Minh T. N. Le; Shen Mynn Tan; Winston Hide; Judy Lieberman
The miR-200 family promotes the epithelial state by suppressing the Zeb1/Zeb2 epithelial gene transcriptional repressors. To identify other miR-200-regulated genes, we isolated mRNAs bound to transfected biotinylated miR-200c in mouse breast cancer cells. In all, 520 mRNAs were significantly enriched in miR-200c binding at least twofold. Putative miR-200-regulated genes included Zeb2, enriched 3.5-fold in the pull down. However, Zeb2 knockdown does not fully recapitulate miR-200c overexpression, suggesting that regulating other miR-200 targets contributes to miR-200’s enhancement of epithelial gene expression. Candidate genes were highly enriched for miR-200c seed pairing in their 3′UTR and coding sequence and for genes that were downregulated by miR-200c overexpression. Epidermal growth factor receptor and downstream MAPK signaling pathways were the most enriched pathways. Genes whose products mediate transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signaling were also significantly overrepresented, and miR-200 counteracted the suppressive effects of TGF-β and bone morphogenic protein 2 (BMP-2) on epithelial gene expression. miR-200c regulated the 3′UTRs of 12 of 14 putative miR-200c-binding mRNAs tested. The extent of mRNA binding to miR-200c strongly correlated with gene suppression. Twelve targets of miR-200c (Crtap, Fhod1, Smad2, Map3k1, Tob1, Ywhag/14-3-3γ, Ywhab/14-3-3β, Smad5, Zfp36, Xbp1, Mapk12, Snail1) were experimentally validated by identifying their 3′UTR miR-200 recognition elements. Smad2 and Smad5 form a complex with Zeb2 and Ywhab/14-3-3β and Ywhag/14-3-3γ form a complex with Snail1. These complexes that repress transcription assemble on epithelial gene promoters. miR-200 overexpression induced RNA polymerase II localization and reduced Zeb2 and Snail1 binding to epithelial gene promoters. Expression of miR-200-resistant Smad5 modestly, but significantly, reduced epithelial gene induction by miR-200. miR-200 expression and Zeb2 knockdown are known to inhibit cell invasion in in vitro assays. Knockdown of each of three novel miR-200 target genes identified here, Smad5, Ywhag and Crtap, also profoundly suppressed cell invasion. Thus, miR-200 suppresses TGF-β/BMP signaling, promotes epithelial gene expression and suppresses cell invasion by regulating a network of genes.
Nucleic Acids Research | 2012
Shannan J. Ho Sui; Kimberly Begley; Dorothy Reilly; Brad Chapman; Ray McGovern; Philippe Rocca-Sera; Eamonn Maguire; Gabriel Altschuler; Terah A. A. Hansen; Ramakrishna Sompallae; Andrei V. Krivtsov; Ramesh A. Shivdasani; Scott A. Armstrong; Aedín C. Culhane; Mick Correll; Susanna-Assunta Sansone; Oliver Hofmann; Winston Hide
Mounting evidence suggests that malignant tumors are initiated and maintained by a subpopulation of cancerous cells with biological properties similar to those of normal stem cells. However, descriptions of stem-like gene and pathway signatures in cancers are inconsistent across experimental systems. Driven by a need to improve our understanding of molecular processes that are common and unique across cancer stem cells (CSCs), we have developed the Stem Cell Discovery Engine (SCDE)—an online database of curated CSC experiments coupled to the Galaxy analytical framework. The SCDE allows users to consistently describe, share and compare CSC data at the gene and pathway level. Our initial focus has been on carefully curating tissue and cancer stem cell-related experiments from blood, intestine and brain to create a high quality resource containing 53 public studies and 1098 assays. The experimental information is captured and stored in the multi-omics Investigation/Study/Assay (ISA-Tab) format and can be queried in the data repository. A linked Galaxy framework provides a comprehensive, flexible environment populated with novel tools for gene list comparisons against molecular signatures in GeneSigDB and MSigDB, curated experiments in the SCDE and pathways in WikiPathways. The SCDE is available at
Acta neuropathologica communications | 2017
Johnathan Cooper-Knock; Claire Green; Gabriel Altschuler; Wenbin Wei; Joanna J. Bury; Paul R. Heath; Matthew Wyles; Catherine Gelsthorpe; J. Robin Highley; Alejandro Lorente-Pons; Tim Beck; Kathryn Doyle; Karel Otero; Bryan J. Traynor; Janine Kirby; Pamela J. Shaw; Winston Hide
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease that lacks a predictive and broadly applicable biomarker. Continued focus on mutation-specific upstream mechanisms has yet to predict disease progression in the clinic. Utilising cellular pathology common to the majority of ALS patients, we implemented an objective transcriptome-driven approach to develop noninvasive prognostic biomarkers for disease progression. Genes expressed in laser captured motor neurons in direct correlation (Spearman rank correlation, p < 0.01) with counts of neuropathology were developed into co-expression network modules. Screening modules using three gene sets representing rate of disease progression and upstream genetic association with ALS led to the prioritisation of a single module enriched for immune response to motor neuron degeneration. Genes in the network module are important for microglial activation and predict disease progression in genetically heterogeneous ALS cohorts: Expression of three genes in peripheral lymphocytes - LILRA2, ITGB2 and CEBPD – differentiate patients with rapid and slowly progressive disease, suggesting promise as a blood-derived biomarker. TREM2 is a member of the network module and the level of soluble TREM2 protein in cerebrospinal fluid is shown to predict survival when measured in late stage disease (Spearman rank correlation, p = 0.01). Our data-driven systems approach has, for the first time, directly linked microglia to the development of motor neuron pathology. LILRA2, ITGB2 and CEBPD represent peripherally accessible candidate biomarkers and TREM2 provides a broadly applicable therapeutic target for ALS.
Genome Medicine | 2013
Gabriel Altschuler; Oliver Hofmann; Irina Kalatskaya; Rebecca Payne; Shannan J. Ho Sui; Uma Saxena; Andrei V. Krivtsov; Scott A. Armstrong; Tianxi Cai; Lincoln Stein; Winston Hide
New strategies to combat complex human disease require systems approaches to biology that integrate experiments from cell lines, primary tissues and model organisms. We have developed Pathprint, a functional approach that compares gene expression profiles in a set of pathways, networks and transcriptionally regulated targets. It can be applied universally to gene expression profiles across species. Integration of large-scale profiling methods and curation of the public repository overcomes platform, species and batch effects to yield a standard measure of functional distance between experiments. We show that pathprints combine mouse and human blood developmental lineage, and can be used to identify new prognostic indicators in acute myeloid leukemia. The code and resources are available at
Nucleic Acids Research | 2014
Shen Mynn Tan; Gabriel Altschuler; Tian Yun Zhao; Haw Siang Ang; Henry Yang; Bing Lim; Leah Vardy; Winston Hide; Andrew M. Thomson; Ricky R. Lareu
LIN28 function is fundamental to the activity and behavior of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells. Its main roles in these cell types are the regulation of translational efficiency and let-7 miRNA maturation. However, LIN28-associated mRNA cargo shifting and resultant regulation of translational efficiency upon the initiation of differentiation remain unknown. An RNA-immunoprecipitation and microarray analysis protocol, eRIP, that has high specificity and sensitivity was developed to test endogenous LIN28-associated mRNA cargo shifting. A combined eRIP and polysome analysis of early stage differentiation of hESCs with two distinct differentiation cues revealed close similarities between the dynamics of LIN28 association and translational modulation of genes involved in the Wnt signaling, cell cycle, RNA metabolism and proteasomal pathways. Our data demonstrate that change in translational efficiency is a major contributor to early stages of differentiation of hESCs, in which LIN28 plays a central role. This implies that eRIP analysis of LIN28-associated RNA cargoes may be used for rapid functional quality control of pluripotent stem cells under manufacture for therapeutic applications.
PLOS Computational Biology | 2018
Yered Pita-Juárez; Gabriel Altschuler; Sokratis Kariotis; Wenbin Wei; Katjusa Koler; Claire Green; Rudolph E. Tanzi; Winston Hide
A goal of genomics is to understand the relationships between biological processes. Pathways contribute to functional interplay within biological processes through complex but poorly understood interactions. However, limited functional references for global pathway relationships exist. Pathways from databases such as KEGG and Reactome provide discrete annotations of biological processes. Their relationships are currently either inferred from gene set enrichment within specific experiments, or by simple overlap, linking pathway annotations that have genes in common. Here, we provide a unifying interpretation of functional interaction between pathways by systematically quantifying coexpression between 1,330 canonical pathways from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) to establish the Pathway Coexpression Network (PCxN). We estimated the correlation between canonical pathways valid in a broad context using a curated collection of 3,207 microarrays from 72 normal human tissues. PCxN accounts for shared genes between annotations to estimate significant correlations between pathways with related functions rather than with similar annotations. We demonstrate that PCxN provides novel insight into mechanisms of complex diseases using an Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) case study. PCxN retrieved pathways significantly correlated with an expert curated AD gene list. These pathways have known associations with AD and were significantly enriched for genes independently associated with AD. As a further step, we show how PCxN complements the results of gene set enrichment methods by revealing relationships between enriched pathways, and by identifying additional highly correlated pathways. PCxN revealed that correlated pathways from an AD expression profiling study include functional clusters involved in cell adhesion and oxidative stress. PCxN provides expanded connections to pathways from the extracellular matrix. PCxN provides a powerful new framework for interrogation of global pathway relationships. Comprehensive exploration of PCxN can be performed at
Molecular Systems Biology | 2018
Rose Joachim; Gabriel Altschuler; John N. Hutchinson; Hector R. Wong; Winston Hide; Lester Kobzik
Attempts to develop drugs that address sepsis based on leads developed in animal models have failed. We sought to identify leads based on human data by exploiting a natural experiment: the relative resistance of children to mortality from severe infections and sepsis. Using public datasets, we identified key differences in pathway activity (Pathprint) in blood transcriptome profiles of septic adults and children. To find drugs that could promote beneficial (child) pathways or inhibit harmful (adult) ones, we built an in silico pathway drug network (PDN) using expression correlation between drug, disease, and pathway gene signatures across 58,475 microarrays. Specific pathway clusters from children or adults were assessed for correlation with drug‐based signatures. Validation by literature curation and by direct testing in an endotoxemia model of murine sepsis of the most correlated drug candidates demonstrated that the Pathprint‐PDN methodology is more effective at generating positive drug leads than gene‐level methods (e.g., CMap). Pathway‐centric Pathprint‐PDN is a powerful new way to identify drug candidates for intervention against sepsis and provides direct insight into pathways that may determine survival.