Gaëtan Borot
Max Planck Society
Journal of Geometry and Physics | 2011
Gaëtan Borot; Bertrand Eynard; Motohico Mulase; Brad Safnuk
Abstract We introduce a new matrix model representation for the generating function of simple Hurwitz numbers. We calculate the spectral curve of the model and the associated symplectic invariants developed in Eynard and Orantin (2007) [3] . As an application, we prove the conjecture proposed by Bouchard and Marino (2008) [1] , relating Hurwitz numbers to the spectral invariants of the Lambert curve e x = y e − y .
Quantum Topology | 2015
Gaëtan Borot; Bertrand Eynard
We propose a conjecture to compute the all-order asymptotic expansion of the colored Jones polynomial of the complement of a hyperbolic knot, J_N(q = exp(2u/N)) when N goes to infinity. Our conjecture claims that the asymptotic expansion of the colored Jones polynomial is a the formal wave function of an integrable system whose semiclassical spectral curve S would be the SL_2(C) character variety of the knot (the A-polynomial), and is formulated in the framework of the topological recursion. It takes as starting point the proposal made recently by Dijkgraaf, Fuji and Manabe (who kept only the perturbative part of the wave function, and found some discrepancies), but it also contains the non-perturbative parts, and solves the discrepancy problem. These non-perturbative corrections are derivatives of Theta functions associated to S, but the expansion is still in powers of 1/N due to the special properties of A-polynomials. We provide a detailed check for the figure-eight knot and the once-punctured torus bundle L^2R. We also present a heuristic argument inspired from the case of torus knots, for which knot invariants can be computed from a matrix model.
Journal of Physics A | 2012
Gaëtan Borot; Jérémie Bouttier; E. Guitter
We consider the O(n) loop model on tetravalent maps and show how to rephrase it into a model of bipartite maps without loops. This follows from a combinatorial decomposition that consists in cutting the O(n) model configurations along their loops so that each elementary piece is a map that may have arbitrary even face degrees. In the induced statistics, these maps are drawn according to a Boltzmann distribution whose parameters (the face weights) are determined by a fixed point condition. In particular, we show that the dense and dilute critical points of the O(n) model correspond to bipartite maps with large faces (i.e. whose degree distribution has a fat tail). The re-expression of the fixed point condition in terms of linear integral equations allows us to explore the phase diagram of the model. In particular, we determine this phase diagram exactly for the simplest version of the model where the loops are ‘rigid’. Several generalizations of the model are discussed.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 2011
Gaëtan Borot; Bertrand Eynard
We compute the generating functions of an model (loop gas model) on a random lattice of any topology. On the disc and the cylinder, the topologies were already known, and here we compute all the other topologies. We find that they obey a slightly deformed version of the topological recursion valid for the 1-Hermitian matrix models. The generating functions of genus g maps without boundaries are given by the symplectic invariants Fg of a spectral curve . This spectral curve was known before, and it is in general not algebraic.
Journal of Physics A | 2012
Gaëtan Borot; Jérémie Bouttier; E. Guitter
We continue our investigation of the nested loop approach to the O(n) model on random maps, by extending it to the case where loops may visit faces of arbitrary degree. This allows us to express the partition function of the O(n) loop model as a specialization of the multivariate generating function of maps with controlled face degrees, where the face weights are determined by a fixed-point condition. We deduce a functional equation for the resolvent of the model, involving some ring generating function describing the immediate vicinity of the loops. When the ring generating function has a single pole, the model is amenable to a full solution. Physically, such a situation is realized upon considering loops visiting triangles only and further weighting these loops by some local bending energy. Our model interpolates between the two previously solved cases of triangulations without bending energy and quadrangulations with rigid loops. We analyze the phase diagram of our model in details and derive in particular the location of its non-generic critical points, which are in the universality classes of the dense and dilute O(n) model coupled to 2D quantum gravity. Similar techniques are also used to solve a twisting loop model on quadrangulations where loops are forced to make turns within each visited square. Along the way, we revisit the problem of maps with controlled, possibly unbounded, face degrees and give combinatorial derivations of the one-cut lemma and of the functional equation for the resolvent.
arXiv: Mathematical Physics | 2012
Gaëtan Borot; Celine Nadal
Using loop equations, we compute the large deviation function of the maximum eigenvalue to the right of the spectrum in the Gaussian β matrix ensembles, to all orders in 1/N. We then give a physical derivation of the all order asymptotic expansion of the right tail of Tracy–Widom β laws, for all β > 0, by studying the double scaling limit.
Annales Henri Poincaré | 2015
Michel Bergère; Gaëtan Borot; Bertrand Eynard
To any solution of a linear system of differential equations, we associate a matrix kernel, correlators satisfying a set of loop equations, and in the presence of isomonodromic parameters, a Tau function. We then study their semiclassical expansion (WKB type expansion in powers of the weight
Journal of Physics A | 2012
Gaëtan Borot; Celine Nadal
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 2012
Gaëtan Borot; Bruno Denet; Guy Joulin
Selecta Mathematica-new Series | 2017
Gaëtan Borot; Bertrand Eynard; Alexander Weisse