Gaia Andreoletti
Southampton General Hospital
Featured researches published by Gaia Andreoletti.
Genome Medicine | 2013
Reuben J. Pengelly; Jane Gibson; Gaia Andreoletti; Andrew Collins; C. Mattocks; Sarah Ennis
Abstract?This is an Erratum to Genome Medicine 2013, 5:89, highlighting an error in Table 1 of the original article. Please see related article:
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | 2015
Gaia Andreoletti; James J. Ashton; Tracy Coelho; Claire Willis; Rachel Haggarty; Jane Gibson; John W. Holloway; Akshay Batra; Nadeem A. Afzal; Rm Beattie; Sarah Ennis
Background:Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (PIBD) is a chronic condition seen in genetically predisposed individuals. Genome-wide association studies have implicated >160 genomic loci in IBD with many genes coding for proteins in key immune pathways. This study looks at autoimmune disease burden in patients diagnosed with PIBD and interrogates exome data of a subset of patients. Methods:Patients were recruited from the Southampton Genetics of PIBD cohort. Clinical diagnosis of autoimmune disease in these individuals was ascertained from medical records. For a subset of patients with PIBD and concurrent asthma, exome data was interrogated to ascertain the burden of pathogenic variants within genes implicated in asthma. Association testing was conducted between cases and population controls using the SKAT-O test. Results:Forty-nine (28.3%) PIBD children (18.49% CD, 8.6% UC, and 21.15% IBDU patients) had a concurrent clinical diagnosis of at least one other autoimmune disorder; asthma was the most prevalent, affecting 16.2% of the PIBD cohort. Rare and common variant association testing revealed 6 significant genes (P < 0.05) before Bonferroni adjustment. Three of these genes were previously implicated in both asthma and IBD (ZPBP2 IL1R1, and IL18R1) and 3 in asthma only (PYHIN1, IL2RB, and GSTP1). Conclusions:One-third of our cohort had a concurrent autoimmune condition. We observed higher incidence of asthma compared with the overall pediatric prevalence. Despite a small sample size, SKAT-O evaluated a significant burden of rare and common mutations in 6 genes. Variant burden suggests that a systemic immune dysregulation rather than organ-specific could underpin immune dysfunction for a subset of patients.
Journal of Medical Genetics | 2017
Gaia Andreoletti; Eleanor G. Seaby; Jennifer M Dewing; Ita M. O'Kelly; Katherine Lachlan; Rodney D. Gilbert; Sarah Ennis
Background Deletions in the Xq22.3–Xq23 region, inclusive of COL4A5, have been associated with a contiguous gene deletion syndrome characterised by Alport syndrome with intellectual disability (Mental retardation), Midface hypoplasia and Elliptocytosis (AMME). The extrarenal biological and clinical significance of neighbouring genes to the Alport locus has been largely speculative. We sought to discover a genetic cause for two half-brothers presenting with nephrocalcinosis, early speech and language delay and midface hypoplasia with submucous cleft palate and bifid uvula. Methods Whole exome sequencing was undertaken on maternal half-siblings. In-house genomic analysis included extraction of all shared variants on the X chromosome in keeping with X-linked inheritance. Patient-specific mutants were transfected into three cell lines and microscopically visualised to assess the nuclear expression pattern of the mutant protein. Results In the affected half-brothers, we identified a hemizygous novel non-synonymous variant of unknown significance in AMMECR1 (c.G530A; p.G177D), a gene residing in the AMME disease locus. Transfected cell lines with the p.G177D mutation showed aberrant nuclear localisation patterns when compared with the wild type. Blood films revealed the presence of elliptocytes in the older brother. Conclusions Our study shows that a single missense mutation in AMMECR1 causes a phenotype of midface hypoplasia, mild intellectual disability and the presence of elliptocytes, previously reported as part of a contiguous gene deletion syndrome. Functional analysis confirms mutant-specific protein dysfunction. We conclude that AMMECR1 is a critical gene in the pathogenesis of AMME, causing midface hypoplasia and elliptocytosis and contributing to early speech and language delay, infantile hypotonia and hearing loss, and may play a role in dysmorphism, nephrocalcinosis and submucous cleft palate.
Scientific Reports | 2016
Tracy Coelho; Gaia Andreoletti; James J. Ashton; Akshay Batra; Nadeem A. Afzal; Yifang Gao; Anthony P. Williams; Robert M. Beattie; Sarah Ennis
The aim of our study was to assess the utility of next generation sequencing (NGS) for predicting toxicity and clinical response to thiopurine drugs in paediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Exome data for 100 patients were assessed against biochemically measured TPMT enzyme activity, clinical response and adverse effects. The TPMT gene and a panel of 15 other genes implicated in thiopurine toxicity were analysed using a gene based statistical test (SKAT-O test). Nine patients out of 100 (Crohn’s disease- 67, ulcerative colitis- 23 and IBDU-10) had known TPMT mutations associated with deficient enzyme activity. A novel and a highly pathogenic TPMT variant not detectable through standard genotyping, was identified through NGS in an individual intolerant to thiopurines. Of the 14 patients intolerant to thiopurines, NGS identified deleterious TPMT variants in 5 individuals whereas the biochemical test identified 8 individuals as intolerant (sensitivity 35.7% and 57.14%; specificity 93.75% and 50% respectively). SKAT-O test identified a significant association between MOCOS gene and TPMT activity (p = 0.0015), not previously reported. Although NGS has the ability to detect rare or novel variants not otherwise identified through standard genotyping, it demonstrates no clear advantage over the biochemical test in predicting toxicity in our modest cohort.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | 2014
Tracy Coelho; Gaia Andreoletti; James J. Ashton; Reuben J. Pengelly; Yifang Gao; Ananth Ramakrishnan; Akshay Batra; Rm Beattie; Anthony P. Williams; Sarah Ennis
Background:Over the last 2 decades, there has been an ever-expanding catalog of genetic variants implicated in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) through genome-wide association studies and next generation sequencing. In this article, we highlight the remarkable developments in understanding the genetic and immunological basis of IBD. The main objective of the study was to perform a systematic review of published literature detailing functional/immunological studies in patients known to harbor genetic variations in the implicated genes. Methods:A panel of 71 candidate genes implicated in IBD was prioritized using 5 network connectivity in silico methods. An electronic search using MEDLINE and EMBASE from 1996 to February 2014 for each of the selected genes was conducted. Only studies describing genotyped IBD cohorts with concurrent in vivo functional studies were included. Results:Between the reviewers, a total of 35,142 potentially eligible publications were identified. Only 8 genes had publications meeting the inclusion criteria. A total of 67 studies were identified across the selected genes. The NOD2 gene had the most number with 41 studies followed by IL-10 with 11 eligible studies. A meta-analysis was not practical given the heterogeneity of the study design and the number of implicated genes with diverse immunological and physiological functions. Conclusions:There is a clear lack of functional studies in humans to assess the in vivo impact of the various genetic variants implicated. A collaborative approach merging genomics and functional studies will help to unravel the obscure mechanisms involved in IBD.
Scientific Reports | 2017
Gaia Andreoletti; Valentina Shakhnovich; Kathy Christenson; Tracy Coelho; Rachel Haggarty; Nadeem A. Afzal; Akshay Batra; Britt-Sabina Petersen; Matthew Mort; R. Mark Beattie; Sarah Ennis
Pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (pIBD) is a chronic heterogeneous disorder. This study looks at the burden of common and rare coding mutations within 41 genes comprising the NOD signaling pathway in pIBD patients. 136 pIBD and 106 control samples underwent whole-exome sequencing. We compared the burden of common, rare and private mutation between these two groups using the SKAT-O test. An independent replication cohort of 33 cases and 111 controls was used to validate significant findings. We observed variation in 40 of 41 genes comprising the NOD signaling pathway. Four genes were significantly associated with disease in the discovery cohort (BIRC2 p = 0.004, NFKB1 p = 0.005, NOD2 p = 0.029 and SUGT1 p = 0.047). Statistical significance was replicated for BIRC2 (p = 0.041) and NOD2 (p = 0.045) in an independent validation cohort. A gene based test on the combined discovery and replication cohort confirmed association for BIRC2 (p = 0.030). We successfully applied burden of mutation testing that jointly assesses common and rare variants, identifying two previously implicated genes (NFKB1 and NOD2) and confirmed a possible role in disease risk in a previously unreported gene (BIRC2). The identification of this novel gene provides a wider role for the inhibitor of apoptosis gene family in IBD pathogenesis.
Circulation-cardiovascular Genetics | 2017
Catherine Mercer; Gaia Andreoletti; Aisling Carroll; Anthony P. Salmon; I. Karen Temple; Sarah Ennis
Background— Familial Ebstein anomaly is a rare form of congenital heart disease. We report 7 individuals among 2 generations of 1 family with Ebstein anomaly. This family was first reported in 1991 by Balaji et al in which family members were also reported to have a mild skeletal phenotype. The most likely mechanism of inheritance was concluded to be autosomal dominant. We sought to identify the genetic pathogenesis in this family using a next generation sequencing approach. Methods and Results— Whole exome sequencing was performed in 2 cousins in this family using the Agilent SureSelect Human all Exon 51 Mb version 5 capture kit. Data were processed through an analytic in-house pipeline. Whole exome sequencing identified a missense mutation in FLNA (Filamin A), an actin-binding protein located at Xq28, mutations in which are associated with the skeletal phenotypes Frontometaphyseal dysplasia, Otopalatodigital, and Melnick–Needles syndrome, with X-linked periventricular nodular heterotopia and FG syndrome (Omim, 305450). Review of the phenotypes of those with the mutation in this family shows increased severity of the cardiac phenotype and associated skeletal features in affected males, consistent with X-linked inheritance. Conclusions— Although congenital heart disease is reported in families with mutations in FLNA, this is the first report of individuals being affected by Ebstein anomaly because of a mutation in this gene and details the concurrent skeletal phenotype observed in this family.
Frontiers in Pediatrics | 2017
Eleanor G. Seaby; Rodney D. Gilbert; Gaia Andreoletti; Reuben J. Pengelly; Catherine Mercer; David Hunt; Sarah Ennis
CBL is a tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 11 encoding a multivalent adaptor protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. Germline CBL mutations are dominant. Pathogenic de novo mutations result in a phenotype that overlaps Noonan syndrome (1). Some patients with CBL mutations go on to develop juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML), an aggressive malignancy that usually necessitates bone marrow transplantation. Using whole exome sequencing methods, we identified a known mutation in CBL in a 4-year-old Caucasian boy with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, moyamoya phenomenon, and dysmorphology consistent with a mild Noonan-like phenotype. Exome data revealed loss of heterozygosity across chromosome 11q consistent with JMML but in the absence of clinical leukemia. Our finding challenges conventional clinical diagnostics since we have identified a pathogenic variant in the CBL gene previously only ascertained in children presenting with leukemia. The increasing affordability of expansive sequencing is likely to increase the scope of clinical profiles observed for previously identified pathogenic variants and calls into question the interpretability and indications for clinical management.
JRSM open | 2016
Eleanor G. Seaby; Rodney D. Gilbert; Reuben J. Pengelly; Gaia Andreoletti; Antonia Clarke; Sarah Ennis
This report illustrates the difficulties in diagnosing complex cases and demonstrates how whole exome sequencing can resolve complex phenotypes.
Genome Medicine | 2015
Reuben J. Pengelly; Jane Gibson; Gaia Andreoletti; Andrew Collins; C. Mattocks; Sarah Ennis
? This is an Erratum to Genome Medicine 2013, 5:89, highlighting an error in Table 1 of the original article. Please see related article: