Gary S. Settles
Pennsylvania State University
Featured researches published by Gary S. Settles.
AIAA Journal | 1978
Gary S. Settles; Thomas J. Fitzpatrick; Seymour M. Bogdonoff
An experimental study has been carried out to detail the interaction of a compressible turbulent boundary layer with shock waves of varying strengths. The interaction was produced by two-dimension al compression corners of 8, 16, 20, and 24 deg angles. The incoming boundary layer had an edge Mach number of 2.85 and a Reynolds number of 1.7 million based on overall thickness. Detailed mean flow and surface measurements are presented for the four corner angles. The 8 deg corner flow was found to be fully attached, while the 16 deg case was near incipient separation. Both the 20 and 24 deg corners produced significant flow separation regions. In the discussion of these results, emphasis is placed on the development of flowfield properties from attached to separated conditions. Comparisons made with a computational solution of the Navier-Stokes equations show good agreement when the corner flow is not separated. Separated corner flows seem to require a more complex turbulence model in the computational solution.
Nature Neuroscience | 2007
Jess Porter; Brent A. Craven; Rehan M. Khan; Shao-Ju Chang; Irene Kang; Benjamin Judkewitz; Jason Volpe; Gary S. Settles; Noam Sobel
Whether mammalian scent-tracking is aided by inter-nostril comparisons is unknown. We assessed this in humans and found that (i) humans can scent-track, (ii) they improve with practice, (iii) the human nostrils sample spatially distinct regions separated by ∼3.5 cm and, critically, (iv) scent-tracking is aided by inter-nostril comparisons. These findings reveal fundamental mechanisms of scent-tracking and suggest that the poor reputation of human olfaction may reflect, in part, behavioral demands rather than ultimate abilities.
AIAA Journal | 1976
Gary S. Settles; Irwin E. Vas; Seymour M. Bogdonoff
An experimental study is described in which detailed mean-flow measurements are made in a shock waveboundary-layer interaction. The interaction is produced by a 24° compression corner mounted on the wall of the Princeton University high Reynolds number wind tunnel. The experiments are performed at Mach 2.85 and Redo = 1.33 million. A detailed mapping of the flowfield is presented, including separated region shape and location and velocity profiles. Results indicate a relatively straight zero-velocity line, a persistent downstream normal pressure gradient, and reverse velocities up to 16% of u^.
AIAA Journal | 1994
Gary S. Settles; Lori J. Dodson
An assessment is given of existing shock wave/tubulent boundary-layer interaction experiments having sufficient quality to guide turbulence modeling and code validation efforts. Although the focus of this work is hypersonic, experiments at Mach numbers as low as 3 were considered. The principal means of identifying candidate studies was a computerized search of the AIAA Aerospace Database. Several hundred candidate studies were examined and over 100 of these were subjected to a rigorous set of acceptance criteria for inclusion in the data-base. Nineteen experiments were found to meet these criteria, of which only seven were in the hypersonic regime (M is greater than 5).
Journal of the Royal Society Interface | 2010
Brent A. Craven; Eric G. Paterson; Gary S. Settles
The canine nasal cavity contains hundreds of millions of sensory neurons, located in the olfactory epithelium that lines convoluted nasal turbinates recessed in the rear of the nose. Traditional explanations for canine olfactory acuity, which include large sensory organ size and receptor gene repertoire, overlook the fluid dynamics of odorant transport during sniffing. But odorant transport to the sensory part of the nose is the first critical step in olfaction. Here we report new experimental data on canine sniffing and demonstrate allometric scaling of sniff frequency, inspiratory airflow rate and tidal volume with body mass. Next, a computational fluid dynamics simulation of airflow in an anatomically accurate three-dimensional model of the canine nasal cavity, reconstructed from high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging scans, reveals that, during sniffing, spatially separate odour samples are acquired by each nostril that may be used for bilateral stimulus intensity comparison and odour source localization. Inside the nose, the computation shows that a unique nasal airflow pattern develops during sniffing, which is optimized for odorant transport to the olfactory part of the nose. These results contrast sharply with nasal airflow in the human. We propose that mammalian olfactory function and acuity may largely depend on odorant transport by nasal airflow patterns resulting from either the presence of a highly developed olfactory recess (in macrosmats such as the canine) or the lack of one (in microsmats including humans).
Journal of Fluids Engineering-transactions of The Asme | 2005
Gary S. Settles
Vertebrates aim their noses at regions of interest and sniff in order to acquire olfactory trace signals that carry information on food, reproduction, kinship, danger, etc. Invertebrates likewise position antennae in the surrounding fluid to acquire such signals. Some of the fluid dynamics of these natural sensing processes has been examined piecemeal, but the overall topic of sniffing is not well investigated or understood. It is, however, important for several human purposes, especially sampling schemes for sensors to detect chemical and biological traces in the environment. After establishing some background, a general appraisal is given of nature’s accomplishments in the fluid dynamics of sniffing. Opportunities are found for innovation through biomimicry. Since few artificial (“electronic”) noses can currently sniff in the natural sense, ways are considered to help them sniff effectively. Security issues such as explosive trace detection, landmine detection, chemical and biological sniffing, and people sampling are examined. Other sniffing applications including medical diagnosis and leak detection are also considered. Several research opportunities are identified in order to advance this topic of biofluid dynamics. Though written from a fluid dynamics perspective, this review is intended for a broad audience.
Journal of Fluids Engineering-transactions of The Asme | 2006
Brent A. Craven; Gary S. Settles
The behavior of the buoyant plume of air shed by a human being in an indoor environment is important to room ventilation requirements, airborne disease spread, air pollution control, indoor air quality, and the thermal comfort of building occupants. It also becomes a critical factor in special environments like surgery rooms and clean-rooms. Of the previous human thermal plume studies, few have used actual human volunteers, made quantitative plume velocity measurements, or considered thermal stratification of the environment. Here, a study of the human thermal plume in a standard room environment, including moderate thermal stratification, is presented. We characterize the velocity field around a human volunteer in a temperature-stratified room using particle image velocimetry (PIV). These results are then compared to those obtained from a steady three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) using the RNG k‐e two-equation turbulence model. Although the CFD simulation employs a highly simplified model of the human form, it nonetheless compares quite well with the PIV data in terms of the plume centerline velocity distribution, velocity profiles, and flow rates. The effect of thermal room stratification on the human plume is examined by comparing the stratified results with those of an additional CFD plume simulation in a uniform-temperature room. The resulting centerline velocity distribution and plume flow rates are presented. The reduction in plume buoyancy produced by room temperature stratification has a significant effect on plume behavior.
AIAA Journal | 1976
Gary S. Settles; Seymour M. Bogdonoff; Irwin E. Vas
Two-dimensional compression corner and axisymmetric flare geometries were used in this study of shock wave interaction with a compressible turbulent boundary layer. The study was carried out at a Mach number of 2.9 and over a Reynolds number range of 10 5<Re60<107 (Re^up to 10 9). Detailed surface pressure, schlieren, and oil-flow data were obtained for several corner angles. A major finding of this study is that incipient separation is a gradual rather than an abrupt phenomenon. Incipient separation corner angles were found to be within a band of about 16°-18° and essentially independent of Reynolds number over the range studied.
AIAA Journal | 1985
Gary S. Settles; Frank K. Lu
A parametric experimental investigation has been made of the class of three-dimensional shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions generated by swept and unswept leading-edge fins. The fin sweepback angles were 0-65 deg at 5, 9, and 15 deg angles of attack. Two equilibrium two-dimensional turbulent boundary layers with a freestream Mach number of 2.95 and a Reynolds number of 6.3 x 10 to the 7th/m were used as incoming flow conditions. All of the resulting interactions were found to possess conical symmetry of the surface flow patterns and pressures outside of an initial inception zone. Further, these interactions were found to obey a simple conical similarity rule based on inviscid shock wave strength, irrespective of fin sweepback or angle of attack. This is one of the first demonstrations of similarity among three-dimensional interactions produced by geometrically dissimilar shock generators.
AIAA Journal | 1983
Gary S. Settles; Hsueh-Ying Tengt
A collection of techniques is presented for the visualization of separated turbulent flows at high speeds. Some of these techniques—including a method of generating a localized vapor visualization—have not been available previously. Others, such as the conical shadowgraph and stereoscopic schlieren methods, have been used before in other contexts. Here, all the available techniques are applied to the study of three-dimensi onal supersonic flows generated by swept compression corners. The paper discusses the techniques and some of the fluid mechanical insights revealed by the visualizations, including the structure of the observed three-dimensional flow separations and associated shock wave systems.