
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science | 2005


Ralph Blumenhagen; Mirjam Cvetic; Paul Langacker; Gary Shiu

▪ Abstract We provide a pedagogical introduction to a recently studied class of phenomenologically interesting string models known as Intersecting D-Brane Models. The gauge fields of the Standard Model are localized on D-branes wrapping certain compact cycles on an underlying geometry, whose intersections can give rise to chiral fermions. We address the basic issues and also provide an overview of the recent activity in this field. This article is intended to serve non-experts with explanations of the fundamental aspects of string phenomenology and also to provide some orientation for both experts and non-experts in this active field.

Nuclear Physics | 2001

Chiral Four-Dimensional N=1 Supersymmetric Type IIA Orientifolds from Intersecting D6-Branes

Mirjam Cvetic; Gary Shiu; Angel M. Uranga

We construct N = 1 supersymmetric four-dimensional orientifolds of type IIA on T 6 /(Z2 × Z2) with D6-branes intersecting at angles. The use of D6branes not fully aligned with the O6-planes in the model allows for a construction of many supersymmetric models with chiral matter, including those with the Standard Model and grand unified gauge groups. We perform a search for realistic gauge sectors, and construct the first example of a supersymmetric type II orientifold with SU(3)C × SU(2)L × U(1)Y gauge group and three quark-lepton families. In addition to the supersymmetric Standard Model content, the model contains right-handed neutrinos, a (chiral but anomalyfree) set of exotic multiplets, and diverse vector-like multiplets. The general class of these constructions are related to familiar type II orientifolds by small instanton transitions, which in some cases change the number of generations, as discussed in specific models. These constructions are supersymmetric only for special choices of untwisted moduli. We briefly discuss the supersymmetry breaking effects away from that point. The M-theory lift of this general class of supersymmetric orientifold models should correspond to purely geometrical backgrounds admitting a singular G2 holonomy metric and leading to four-dimensional M-theory vacua with chiral fermions.

Physical Review Letters | 2001

Three-Family Supersymmetric Standardlike Models from Intersecting Brane Worlds

Mirjam Cvetic; Gary Shiu; Angel M. Uranga

We construct the first three family N = 1 supersymmetric string model with standard model gauge group SU(3)(C) x SU(2)(L) x U(1)(Y) from an orientifold of type IIA theory on T(6)/(Z(2) x Z(2)) and D6-branes intersecting at angles. In addition to the minimal supersymmetric standard model particles, the model contains right-handed neutrinos, a chiral (but anomaly-free) set of exotic multiplets, and extra vectorlike multiplets. We discuss some phenomenological features of this model.

Physical Review D | 1998

TeV scale superstring and extra dimensions

Gary Shiu; S.-H. Henry Tye

Utilizing the idea of extra large dimensions, it has been suggested that the gauge and gravity couplings unification can happen at a scale as low as 1 TeV. In this paper, we explore this phenomenological possibility within string theory. In particular, we discuss how the proton decay bound can be satisfied in Type I string theory. The string picture also suggests different scenarios of gauge and gravitational couplings unification. The various scenarios are explicitly illustrated with a specific 4-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric chiral Type I string model with Pati-Salam-like gauge symmetry. We point out certain features that should be generic in other Type I strings.

Physical Review D | 2001

Inflation as a probe of short distance physics

Richard Easther; Brian R. Greene; William H. Kinney; Gary Shiu

We show that a string-inspired Planck scale modification of general relativity can have observable cosmological effects. Specifically, we present a complete analysis of the inflationary perturbation spectrum produced by a phenomenological Lagrangian that has a standard form on large scales but incorporates a string-inspired short distance cutoff, and find a deviation from the standard result. We use the de Sitter calculation as the basis of a qualitative analysis of other inflationary backgrounds, arguing that in these cases the cutoff could have a more pronounced effect, changing the shape of the spectrum. Moreover, the computational approach developed here can be used to provide unambiguous calculations of the perturbation spectrum in other heuristic models that modify trans-Planckian physics and thereby determine their impact on the inflationary perturbation spectrum. Finally, we argue that this model may provide an exception to constraints, recently proposed by Tanaka and Starobinsky, on the ability of Planck-scale physics to modify the cosmological spectrum.

Nuclear Physics | 2000

Warped compactifications in M and F theory

Brian R. Greene; Koenraad Schalm; Gary Shiu

Abstract We study M and F theory compactifications on Calabi–Yau four-folds in the presence of non-trivial background flux. The geometry is warped and belongs to the class of p -brane metrics. We solve for the explicit warp factor in the orbifold limit of these compactifications, compare our results to some of the more familiar recently studied warped scenarios, and discuss the effects on the low-energy theory. As the warp factor is generated solely by backreaction, we may use topological arguments to determine the massless spectrum. We perform the computation for the case where the four-fold equals K3×K3 .

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2004

Building MSSM flux vacua

Fernando Marchesano; Gary Shiu

We construct N=1 and N=0 chiral four-dimensional vacua of flux compactification in Type IIB string theory. These vacua have the common features that they are free of tadpole instabilities (both NSNS and RR) even for models with N=0 supersymmetry. In addition, the dilaton/complex structure moduli are stabilised and the supergravity background metric is warped. We present an example in which the low energy spectrum contains the MSSM spectrum with three generations of chiral matter. In the N=0 models, the background fluxes which stabilise the moduli also induce soft supersymmetry breaking terms in the gauge and chiral sectors of the theory, while satisfying the equation of motion. We also discuss some phenomenological features of these three generation MSSM flux vacua. Our techniques apply to other closed string backgrounds as well and, in fact, also allow to find new N=1 D-brane models which were believed not to exist. Finally, we discuss in detail the consistency conditions of these flux compactifications. Cancellation of K-theory charges puts additional constraints on the consistency of the models, which render some chiral D-brane models in the literature inconsistent.

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2014

F-term Axion Monodromy Inflation

Fernando Marchesano; Gary Shiu; Angel M. Uranga

A bstractThe continuous shift symmetry of axions is at the heart of several realizations of inflationary models. In particular, axion monodromy inflation aims at achieving super-Planckian field ranges for the inflaton in the context of string theory. Despite the elegant underlying principle, explicit models constructed hitherto are exceedingly complicated. We propose a new and better axion monodromy inflationary scenario, where the inflaton potential arises from an F-term. We present several scenarios, where the axion arises from the Kaluza-Klein compactification of higher dimensional gauge fields (or p-form potentials) in the presence of fluxes and/or torsion homology. The monodromy corresponds to a change in the background fluxes, and its F-term nature manifests in the existence of domain walls interpolating among flux configurations. Our scenario leads to diverse inflaton potentials, including linear large field behaviour, chaotic inflation, as well as potentials with even higher powers. They provide an elegant set of constructions with properties in the ballpark of the recent BICEP2 observational data on primordial gravitational waves.

Physical Review D | 2002

A generic estimate of trans-Planckian modifications to the primordial power spectrum in inflation

Richard Easther; Brian R. Greene; William H. Kinney; Gary Shiu

We derive a general expression for the power spectra of scalar and tensor fluctuations generated during inflation given an arbitrary choice of boundary condition for the mode function at a short distance. We assume that the boundary condition is specified at a short-distance cutoff at a scale M which is independent of time. Using a particular prescription for the boundary condition at

Physics Letters B | 2002

Cosmological constraints on tachyon matter

Gary Shiu; Ira Wasserman

Abstract We examine whether tachyon matter is a viable candidate for the cosmological dark matter. First, we demonstrate that in order for the density of tachyon matter to have an acceptable value today, the magnitude of the tachyon potential energy at the onset of rolling must be finely tuned. For a tachyon potential V(T)∼MPl4exp(−T/τ), the tachyon must start rolling at T≃60τ in order for the density of tachyon matter today to satisfy Ω T,0 ∼1 , provided that standard big bang cosmology begins at the same time as the tachyon begins to roll. In this case, the value of Ω T,0 is exponentially sensitive to T/τ at the onset of rolling, so smaller T/τ is unacceptable, and larger T/τ implies a tachyon density that is too small to have interesting cosmological effects. If instead the universe undergoes a second inflationary epoch after the tachyon has already rolled considerably, then the tachyon can begin with T near zero, but the increase of the scale factor during inflation must still be finely tuned in order for Ω T,0 ∼1 . Second, we show that tachyon matter, unlike quintessence, can cluster gravitationally on very small scales. If the starting value of T/τ is tuned finely enough that Ω T,0 ∼1 , then tachyon matter clusters more or less identically to pressureless dust. Thus, if the fine-tuning problem can be explained, tachyon matter is a viable candidate for cosmological dark matter.

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