Gary Taylor
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
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Featured researches published by Gary Taylor.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 1984
K. M. Young; M.G. Bell; W. Blanchard; N Bretz; J Cecchi; J. Coonrod; S Davis; H F Dylla; Philip C. Efthimion; R Fonck; R.J. Goldston; D J Grove; R.J. Hawryluk; H Hendel; K. W. Hill; J Isaacson; L Johnson; R. Kaita; R.B. Krawchuk; R Little; M. McCarthy; D. McCune; K. McGuire; D Meade; S. S. Medley; D Mikkelson; D. Mueller; E Nieschmidt; D.K. Owens; A. T. Ramsey
TSTR (Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor) has operated since December 1982 with ohmically heated plasmas. Routine operation with feedback control of plasma current, position and density has been obtained for plasmas with Ip800 kA, a = 68 cm, R = 250 cm, and Bt=27 kG. A maximum plasma current of 1 MA was achieved with q2.5. Energy confinement times of ~150 msec were measured for hydrogen and deuterium plasmas with e = 2 x 1013 cm-3, Te(0) 21.5 keV, Ti(0) = 1.5 keV and Zeff1 3. The preliminary results suqgest a size-cubed scaling from PLT, and are consistent with Alcator C scaling where T ~ nR2a. Initial measurements of plasma disruption characteristics indicate current decay rates of ~ 800 kA in 8 ms which is within the TFTR design requirement of 3 MA in 3 ms.
Physics of Plasmas | 2003
C.E. Bush; M.G. Bell; R. E. Bell; Jose Armando Boedo; E. D. Fredrickson; S.M. Kaye; S. Kubota; Benoit P. Leblanc; R. Maingi; Ricardo Jose Maqueda; S.A. Sabbagh; Vlad Soukhanovskii; D. Stutman; D. W. Swain; J. B. Wilgen; Stewart J. Zweben; W.M. Davis; D.A. Gates; D.W. Johnson; R. Kaita; H.W. Kugel; K.C. Lee; D. Mastrovito; S. S. Medley; J. Menard; D. Mueller; M. Ono; F. Paoletti; H. Park; S.J. Paul
Edge parameters play a critical role in high confinement mode (H-mode) access, which is a key component of discharge optimization in present day toroidal confinement experiments and the design of next generation devices. Because the edge magnetic topology of a spherical torus (ST) differs from a conventional aspect ratio tokamak, H-modes in STs exhibit important differences compared with tokamaks. The dependence of the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) [C. Neumeyer et al., Fusion Eng. Des. 54, 275 (2001)] edge plasma on heating power, including the low confinement mode (L-mode) to H-mode (L-H) transition requirements and the occurrence of edge-localized modes (ELMs), and on divertor configuration is quantified. Comparisons between good L-modes and H-modes show greater differences in the ion channel than the electron channel. The threshold power for the H-mode transition in NSTX is generally above the predictions of a recent International Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER) [ITER Physics Basis Edi...
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2001
R. Kaita; Philip C. Efthimion; D. Hoffman; B. Jones; H.W. Kugel; R. Majeski; T. Munsat; S. Raftopoulos; Gary Taylor; J. Timberlake; V. Soukhanovskii; D. Stutman; M. Iovea; M. Finkenthal; R. Doerner; S. Luckhardt; R. Maingi; R.A. Causey
A flowing liquid lithium first wall or divertor target could virtually eliminate the concerns with power density and erosion, tritium retention, and cooling associated with solid walls in fusion reactors. To investigate the interaction of a spherical torus plasma with liquid lithium limiters, large area divertor targets, and walls, discharges will be established in the Current Drive Experiment-Upgrade (CDX-U) where the plasma–wall interactions are dominated by liquid lithium surfaces. Among the unique CDX-U lithium diagnostics is a multilayer mirror (MLM) array, which will monitor the 13.5 nm LiIII line for core lithium concentrations. Additional spectroscopic diagnostics include a grazing incidence extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectrometer (STRS) and a filterscope system to monitor Dα and various impurity lines local to the lithium limiter. Profile data will be obtained with a multichannel tangential bolometer and a multipoint Thomson scattering system configured to give enhanced edge resolution. Coupons on...
Nuclear Fusion | 2000
C. K. Phillips; M.G. Bell; R.E. Bell; S. Bernabei; M. Bettenhausen; C.E. Bush; D. Clark; D. S. Darrow; E.D. Fredrickson; G. R. Hanson; J. Hosea; Benoit P. Leblanc; R. Majeski; S. S. Medley; R. Nazikian; M. Ono; H. Park; M. P. Petrov; J. H. Rogers; G. Schilling; C.H. Skinner; D.N. Smithe; E. J. Synakowski; Gary Taylor; J. R. Wilson
In fast wave to ion Bernstein wave mode conversion experiments in DT supershot plasmas, localized efficient ion heating rather than electron heating was observed, which was due to Doppler broadened tritium cyclotron resonance overlap into the mode conversion region. The ion temperature heat pulse associated with RF power modulation in this regime could provide a diagnostic tool for measuring the local ion thermal conductivity in various confinement regimes. In direct launch ion Bernstein wave heating experiments, core power coupling was limited by the excitation of parasitic edge modes. However, a sheared poloidal flow was observed that is consistent in both magnitude and direction with theoretical models based on RF driven Reynolds stress. With the modest power coupled to the core (~360 kW), the magnitude of the shear in the observed flow was estimated to be a factor of 3-4 too low to trigger transport barrier formation through localized shear suppression of turbulence.
Nuclear Fusion | 2011
J. Urban; J. Decker; Y. Peysson; J. Preinhaelter; V. Shevchenko; Gary Taylor; Linda Vahala; George Vahala
The electron Bernstein wave (EBW) is typically the only wave in the electron cyclotron (EC) range that can be applied in spherical tokamaks for heating and current drive (HC its propagation further inside the plasma is strongly influenced by the plasma parameters. These rather awkward properties make its application somewhat more difficult. In this paper we perform an extensive numerical study of EBW H&CD performance in four typical ST plasmas (NSTX L- and H-mode, MAST Upgrade, NHTX). Coupled ray-tracing (AMR) and Fokker-Planck (LUKE) codes are employed to simulate EBWs of varying frequencies and launch conditions, which are the fundamental EBW parameters that can be chosen and controlled. Our results indicate that an efficient and universal EBW H&CD system is indeed viable. In particular, power can be deposited and current reasonably efficiently driven across the whole plasma radius. Such a system could be controlled by a suitably chosen launching antenna vertical position and would also be sufficiently robust.
Fusion Engineering and Design | 2002
R. Kaita; R. Majeski; M. Boaz; Philip C. Efthimion; B. Jones; D. Hoffman; H.W. Kugel; J. Menard; T. Munsat; A. Post-Zwicker; V. Soukhanovskii; J. Spaleta; Gary Taylor; J. Timberlake; R. Woolley; Leonid E. Zakharov; M. Finkenthal; D. Stutman; G. Antar; R. Doerner; S Luckhardt; R. Maingi; M. Maiorano; S. Smith
The current drive experiment-upgrade (CDX-U) device at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) is a spherical torus (ST) dedicated to the exploration of liquid lithium as a potential solution to reactor first-wall problems such as heat load and erosion, neutron damage and activation, and tritium inventory and breeding. Initial lithium limiter experiments were conducted with a toroidally-local liquid lithium rail limiter (L3) from the University of California at San Diego (UCSD). Spectroscopic measurements showed a clear reduction of impurities in plasmas with the L3, compared to discharges with a boron carbide limiter. The evidence for a reduction in recycling was less apparent, however. This may be attributable to the relatively small area in contact with the plasma, and the presence of high-recycling surfaces elsewhere in the vacuum chamber. This conclusion was tested in subsequent experiments with a fully toroidal lithium limiter that was installed above the floor of the vacuum vessel. The new limiter covered over ten times the area of the L3 facing the plasma. Experiments with the toroidal lithium limiter have recently begun. This paper describes the conditioning required to prepare the lithium surface for plasma operations, and effect of the toroidal liquid lithium limiter on discharge performance.
Nuclear Fusion | 2003
E.S. Marmar; B. Bai; R.L. Boivin; P.T. Bonoli; C. Boswell; Ronald Bravenec; B. A. Carreras; D. Ernst; C. Fiore; S. Gangadhara; K. Gentle; J.A. Goetz; R. Granetz; M. Greenwald; K. Hallatschek; J. Hastie; J. Hosea; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; Ian H. Hutchinson; Y. In; James H. Irby; T. Jennings; D. Kopon; G.J. Kramer; B. LaBombard; W.D. Lee; Y. Lin; B. Lipschultz; J. Liptac
Research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [1] is focused on high particle- and power-density plasma regimes to understand particle and energy transport in the core, the dynamics of the H-mode pedestal, and scrape-off layer and divertor physics. The auxiliary heating is provided exclusively by RF waves, and both the physics and technology of RF heating and current drive are studied. The momentum which is manifested in strong toroidal rotation, in the absence of direct momentum input, has been shown to be transported in from the edge of the plasma following the L-H transition, with timescale comparable to that for energy transport. In discharges which develop internal transport barriers, the rotation slows first inside the barrier region, and then subsequently outside of the barrier foot. Heat pulse propagation studies using sawteeth indicate a very narrow region of strongly reduced energy transport, located near r/a = 0.5. Addition of on-axis ICRF heating arrests the buildup of density and impurities, leading to quasi-steady conditions. The quasi-coherent mode associated with enhanced D-Alpha (EDA) H-mode appears to be due to a resistive ballooning instability. As the pedestal pressure gradient and temperature are increased in EDA H-mode, small ELMs appear; detailed modelling indicates that these are due to intermediate n peeling-ballooning modes. Phase contrast imaging has been used to directly detect density fluctuations driven by ICRF waves in the core of the plasma, and mode conversion to an intermediate wavelength ion cyclotron wave has been observed for the first time. The bursty turbulent density fluctuations, observed to drive rapid cross-field particle transport in the edge plasma, appear to play a key role in the dynamics of the density limit. Preparations for quasi-steady-state advanced tokamak studies with lower hybrid current drive are well underway, and time dependent modelling indicates that regimes with high bootstrap fraction can be produced.
Fusion Technology | 1996
D. Mueller; M.G. Bell; Eric Fredrickson; Alan C. Janos; Forrest C. Jobes; Larry C. Johnson; E. John Lawson; Robert Marsala; David Kingston Owens; Hyeon K. Park; Alan T. Ramsey; Thomas Senko; Hironori Takahashi; Gary Taylor; K.L. Wong
Disruptions on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR), especially those occurring at high stored energy, result in lost experimental run time because many discharges are required to regain wall conditions necessary for good plasma performance. A variety of disruption types have been observed on TFTR. These include density-limit disruptions, those caused by a high influx of impurities, those occurring during the current rampdown, those resulting from locked modes, and those occurring at high normalized β (β N = β T αβ T /I p ). A combination of operational experience and limiter development has helped to avoid many potential disruptions. However, the experimental goal of high fusion power production engenders the risk of high-β N disruptions. A system to limit β N by reducing the neutral beam power as a preprogrammed β N limit is reached is now in use to help avoid high-β N disruptions. Operational issues of disruption avoidance, the β N feedback system, the limitations and possible improvements of the system are discussed.
Nuclear Fusion | 1999
B. C. Stratton; R. V. Budny; D. S. Darrow; R.K. Fisher; E.D. Fredrickson; G. Y. Fu; S. S. Medley; R. Nazikian; M. P. Petrov; M. H. Redi; E. Ruskov; Gary Taylor; R. B. White; Stewart J. Zweben
The article reviews the physics of fusion alpha particles and energetic neutral beam ions studied in the final phase of TFTR operation, with an emphasis on observations in reversed magnetic shear (RS) and enhanced reversed shear (ERS) DT plasmas. Energy resolved measurements of the radial profiles of confined, trapped alphas in RS plasmas exhibit reduced core alpha density with increasing alpha energy, in contrast to plasmas with normal monotonic shear. The measured profiles are consistent with predictions of increased alpha loss due to stochastic ripple diffusion and increased first orbit loss in RS plasmas. In experiments in which a short tritium beam pulse is injected into a deuterium RS plasma, the measured DT neutron emission is lower than standard predictions assuming first orbit loss and stochastic ripple diffusion of the beam ions. A microwave reflectometer measured the spatial localization of low toroidal mode number (n), alpha driven toroidal Alfven eigenmodes (TAEs) in DT RS discharges. Although the observed ballooning character of the n = 4 mode is consistent with predictions of a kinetic MHD stability code, the observed antiballooning nature of the n = 2 mode is not. Furthermore, the modelling does not show the observed strong dependence of mode frequency on n. These alpha driven TAEs do not cause measurable alpha loss in TFTR. Other Alfven frequency modes with n = 2-4 seen in both DT and DD ERS and RS discharges are localized to the weak magnetic shear region near qmin. In 10-20% of DT discharges, normal low n MHD activity causes alpha loss at levels above the first orbit loss rate.
Nuclear Fusion | 1999
Philip C. Efthimion; S. von Goeler; Wayne A Houlberg; E. J. Synakowski; M. C. Zarnstorff; S. H. Batha; R.E. Bell; M. Bitter; C. E. Bush; F. M. Levinton; E. Mazzucato; D. McCune; D. Mueller; H. Park; A. T. Ramsey; A.L. Roquemore; Gary Taylor
Perturbative experiments on TFTR have investigated the transport of multiple ion species in reverse shear (RS) plasmas. The profile evolutions of trace tritium and helium and intrinsic carbon indicate the formation of core particle transport barriers in enhanced reverse shear (ERS) plasmas. There is an order of magnitude reduction in the particle diffusivity inside the RS region. The diffusivities for these species in ERS plasmas agree with neoclassical theory.