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Featured researches published by Gatis Bazbauers.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2010

Analysis of Long-Term Plan for Energy Supply System for Latvia that is 100% Based on the Use of Local Energy Resources

Jekaterina Porubova; Gatis Bazbauers

Analysis of Long-Term Plan for Energy Supply System for Latvia that is 100% Based on the Use of Local Energy Resources The prices of fossil energy resources are expected to rise substantially in the future, therefore fossil energy resources might not be a feasible energy source for Latvia in the long term. The establishment of a fully self-sufficient energy supply system will require a significant transformation of the existing energy supply and transport infrastructure. Early planning of such a system makes it possible to shape development of the existing energy system in order to achieve that goal of a fully self-sufficient energy supply system. The paper shows a potential solution to establish an energy and transport system solely based on the domestic primary resources by the year 2050.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2011

Modeling of the Adiabatic and Isothermal Methanation Process

Jekaterina Porubova; Gatis Bazbauers; Darja Markova

Modeling of the Adiabatic and Isothermal Methanation Process Increased use of biomass offers one of the ways to reduce anthropogenic impact on the environment. Using various biomass conversion processes, it is possible to obtain different types of fuels: • solid, e.g. bio-carbon; • liquid, e.g. biodiesel and ethanol; • gaseous, e.g. biomethane. Biomethane can be used in the transport and energy sector, and the total methane production efficiency can reach 65%. By modeling adiabatic and isothermal methanation processes, the most effective one from the methane production point of view is defined. Influence of the process parameters on the overall efficiency of the methane production is determined. Adiabātiskā un izotermiskā metanācijas procesa modelēšana Arvien lielāka uzmanība pasaulē tiek pievērsta globālajām klimata pārmaiņām, ko veicina fosilo kurināmo izmantošana. Tajā pašā laikā ir vērojams nemitīgs energijas pieprasījuma pieaugums, kas ierobežota fosilā kurināmā apjoma apstākļos noved pie saražotās energijas izmaksu palielināšanās. Savukārt Latvijas energētikas sektors ir būtiski atkarīgs no fosilā kurināmā importa, bet Eiropas Savienības prasības nosaka to, ka līdz 2020. gadam 10% no degvielas patēriņa transporta nozarē ir jānodrošina ar biodegvielu. Lai sasniegtu šo mērķi, ir jāveicina biodegvielas ražošanas attīstība un plašāka izmantošana. Pielietojot dažādus biomasas pārveides procesus, iespējams iegūt dažādus kurināmā veidus: cieto (bio-ogleklis), šķidro (biodīzelis un etanols) un gāzveida (biometāns). Biometāns pieder pie otrās paaudzes biodegvielas, jo tā ražošanas procesā kā izejvielas tiek izmantotas lignīnu saturošas vielas (biomasa), kā arī biometāna izmantošanas jomas ir ne tikai transporta sektors, bet arī energētikas nozare kopumā. Kopējā metāna ražošanas efektivitāte var sasniegt 65%. Darbā ar Aspen Plus® programmas palīdzību tiek izveidoti trīs metanācijas procesa modeļi, veikts detalizēts modeļ u apraksts un iegūto datu analīze. Darbs tiek koncentrēts uz to, kā sintezētās gāzes sastāva izmaiņas (slāpeklis un ogļskābā gāze) ietekmē metāna iznākumu. Darbā iegūtie rezultāti liecina par to, ka lielu lomu metāna iznākuma palielināšanā spēlē ogļskābā gāze, kā arī, palielinot slāpekļa koncentrāciju, samazinās metanācijas temperatūra adiabātisk ā procesa gadījumā.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2013

Technological Alternatives or Use of Wood Fuel in Combined Heat and Power Production

Jekaterina Rusanova; Darja Markova; Gatis Bazbauers; Kārlis Valters

Abstract Latvia aims for 40% share of renewable energy in the total final energy use. Latvia has large resources of biomass and developed district heating systems. Therefore, use of biomass for heat and power production is an economically attractive path for increase of the share of renewable energy. The optimum technological solution for use of biomass and required fuel resources have to be identified for energy planning and policy purposes. The aim of this study was to compare several wood fuel based energy conversion technologies from the technical and economical point of view. Three biomass conversion technologies for combined heat and electricity production (CHP) were analyzed: • CHP with steam turbine technology; • gasification CHP using gas engine; • bio-methane combined cycle CHP. Electricity prices for each alternative are presented. The results show the level of support needed for the analyzed renewable energy technologies and time period needed to reach price parity with the natural gas - fired combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) CHPss. The results also show that bio-methane technology is most competitive when compared with CCGT among the considered technologies regarding fuel consumption and electricity production, but it is necessary to reduce investment costs to reach the electricity price parity with the natural gas CCGT.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2012

Influence of Temperature and Pressure Change on Adiabatic and Isothermal Methanation Processes

Jekaterina Porubova; Marco Klemm; Isabel Kiendl; Karlis Valters; Darja Markova; Mara Repele; Gatis Bazbauers

Abstract Energy plans of many countries anticipate an increased use of biomethane for energy supply, i.e., in power and heat production as well as in the transport sector. Existing infrastructure of natural gas storage, supply and application provides a good platform to facilitate transfer to biomethane utilization on a larger scale. One key element of the biomethane system is the upgrade of the biomass-derived synthesis gas originating from different sources, to a quality of natural gas (SNG - Synthesis Natural Gas) via the methanation process for further injection into the natural gas grid.. The maximisation of efficiency of the methanation process is of critical importance in order to make biomethane technology viable for wider application. The aim of the study was to improve efficiency of the methanation process by finding the optimum temperatures and pressure. Theoretical modelling of adiabatic and isothermal methanation processes by using thermodynamic equilibrium calculations was introduced as a method for the study. The results show the impact of temperature and pressure changes on the overall efficiency of methane production. It can be concluded from the study that knowledge about the relation between temperature, pressure and the efficiency of the methanation process makes it possible to optimize the process under various biomass synthesized gas input conditions.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2010

Analysis of Ecodesign Implementation and Solutions for Packaging Waste System by Using System Dynamics Modeling

Alise Berzina; Elina Dace; Gatis Bazbauers

Analysis of Ecodesign Implementation and Solutions for Packaging Waste System by Using System Dynamics Modeling This paper discusses the findings of a research project which explored the packaging waste management system in Latvia. The paper focuses on identifying how the policy mechanisms can promote ecodesign implementation and material efficiency improvement and therefore reduce the rate of packaging waste accumulation in landfill. The method used for analyzing the packaging waste management policies is system dynamics modeling. The main conclusion is that the existing legislative instruments can be used to create an effective policy for ecodesign implementation but substantially higher tax rates on packaging materials and waste disposal than the existing have to be applied.

international conference on the european energy market | 2016

Correlation analysis for district heating tariff benchmarking model

Ugis Sarma; Aris Zigurs; Gatis Bazbauers

The overall objective of this study is to create a benchmark model for setting district heating (DH) tariffs. The analysis covered the group of 12 largest DH companies in Latvia, and correlation analysis included the parameters characterizing the DH systems such as influence of cogeneration (CHP), fuel mix, utilisation of installed generation capacity, network heat load density, components of tariffs and most significant groups of the fixed costs. The analysis resulted in correlations found between the intensity of use of DH networks and the transmission and distribution tariff, as well as between the proportion of gas in the fuel mix and OPEX. No previously expected correlations were found between specific parameters and CAPEX, however, the potential direction for further research was marked. A significant result is the observation of a close correlation between the influence of CHP and the generation tariff.

Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences | 2012

An Ecodesign Method for Reducing the Effects of Hazardous Substances in the Product Lifecycle

Jana Simanovska; Karlis Valters; Gatis Bazbauers; Conrad Luttropp

Abstract Growing evidence on the indoor and outdoor pollution caused by the flow of man-made products urges that the content and leaching of hazardous substances from products be minimised. One of the ways to reduce the potential adverse impacts caused by these substances could be via ecodesign − i.e. through the consideration of lifecycle-related environmental aspects during the product development. The authors’ review of the existing ecodesign methods highlights the weakness of these methods in identifying and assessing the health-related and environmental impacts of hazardous substances contained in products, especially with regard to the exposure assessment. Therefore, a new, semi-quantitative screening ecodesign method applicable for different types of products has been developed. The method ranks the most severe hazards based on the classification according to the Globally Harmonised System together with the exposure evaluation as well as integrates the aspects of material efficiency. This method is suitable for use in the product development process, requiring decisions to be made based on limited information while integrating the main principles of a scientific risk assessment for chemicals. Application of the method is demonstrated with a case study on products made of plywood. The method makes it possible to identify the needs for and elaboration of ecodesign proposals, and fosters communication and information exchange throughout the supply chain. Augošs pierādījumu daudzums par produktu sastāvā esošo kaitīgo ķīmisko vielu nelabvēlīgo ietekmi uz vidi un cilvēku veselību liecina par nepieciešamību samazināt šādu vielu saturu produktos un izdalīšanos no tiem, ko varētu realizēt ar ekodizaina palīdzību. Pārskatot zinātniskās publikācijas ekodizaina jomā, konstatēts, ka pašreiz ekodizaina metodes nepilnīgi nodrošina materiālu sastāvā esošo vielu kaitīgās ietekmes uz cilvēku veselību un apkārtējo vidi novēršanu. Tāpēc radīta jauna, daļēji kvantitatīva ekodizaina metode, apvienojot produktu izstrādes prasības ar zinātniskā ķīmiskā riska novērtēšanas principiem, kas piedāvā bīstamo īpašību prioritizēšanu, izmantojot Globāli harmonizētās sistēmas ķīmisko vielu klasifikācijas kodus, kā arī iedarbības un materiālu efektivitātes aspektu prioritizēšanu. Metode tika aprobēta, demonstrējot tās izmantošanu. Metode ļauj produkta izstrādātājam identificēt pārmaiņu nepieciešamību, izstrādāt ekodizaina priekšlikumus, izvērtēt alternatīvas, un palīdz uzlabot saziņu par materiālu īpašībām un ietekmi uz vidi un cilvēka veselību izejvielu un produktu piegādes ķēdē.

Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2017

System Dynamics Modeling of Households' Electricity Consumption and Cost-Income Ratio: a Case Study of Latvia

Uldis Bariss; Gatis Bazbauers; Andra Blumberga; Dagnija Blumberga

Abstract Increased energy efficiency of the building sector is high on the list of priorities for energy policy since better energy efficiency would help to reduce impact on climate change and increase security of energy supply. One aim of the present study was to find a relative effect of growth of demand for energy services due to changes in income, energy consumption per unit of demand due to technological development, changes in electricity price and household income on household electricity consumption in Latvia. The method applied included system dynamics modeling and data from a household survey regarding the relationship between electricity saving activities and the electricity cost-income ratio. The results revealed that, in direct contrast to the expected, a potential reduction of the electricity consumption is rather insensitive to electricity price and electricity cost-income ratio, and that the efficiency of technologies could be the main drivers for future electricity savings. The results suggest that support to advancement of technologies and faster replacement of inefficient ones rather than influencing the energy price could be effective energy policy measures. The model, developed in the study could be used in similar assessments in other countries.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2011

Sustainability Analysis of Innovative Transport System

Ieva Meiere; Gatis Bazbauers

Sustainability Analysis of Innovative Transport System The focus of the research is to develop a new approach to transport solution based on the use of a conveyortype system and to compare the environmental impact of the new system with the existing ones. The new transport system consists of a conveyor driven by an electric motor, with a wind power plant supplying electricity, hydrogen storage and a fuel cell for matching the wind power production with the motor load. The research tasks included the evaluation of the consumption of fossil fuels and the associated environmental impact of existing transport system and a comparison with energy consumption and associated environmental impact of the new system. The energy balance of the conveyor transport system was modelled on an hourly basis by using the EnergyPLAN computer program [1] which allows to analyze a combination of intermittent renewable energy technologies, storage and transport systems. The results show that the existing transport system has greater impact on the environment than the proposed one. Inovatīvas transporta sistēmas ilgtspējības analīze Darba mērķis ir izstrādāt jaunas transporta sistēmas risinājuma koncepciju, kas balstās uz konveijertipa sistēmas izmantošanu un salīdzināt šīs sistēmas ietekmes uz vidi rādītājus ar pastāvošo sistēmu. Darba uzdevumos iekļauts fosilo energoresursu patēriņu un ar to saistīto ietekmi uz vidi izvērtējums esošai transporta sistēmai, aplūkojot noteiktu ceļa posma daļu sastrēgumstundās, kā arī aprēķini, lai noteiktu jaunās transporta sistēmas energijas patēriņu un ar to saistīto ietekmi uz vidi, aplūkojot iespējamos energoresursu veidus un izvērtējot jaunās transporta sistēmas iespējas vēja elektrostaciju ražotās elektroenergijas uzkrāšanā. Lai noteiktu inovatīvās transporta sistēmas ietekmi uz vidi, vispirms ir nepieciešams noteikt konveijera elektroenergijas patēriņu, lai pēc tam varētu noteikt visus pārējos lielumus - vēja turbīnas jaudu, vēja - ūdeņraža sistēmas ietekmi uz vidi. Vēja turbīnas jaudas noteikšanai, tiek izmantota EnergyPLAN datorprogramma. Ar šīs datorprogrammas izmantošanu, tiek noteikts arī saražotais vēja elektroenergijas daudzums, elektrības daudzums, kādu nepieciešams uzkrāt u.c. lielumi. Rezultātā tiek iegūti dati, ka inovatīvai transporta sistēmai ir ievērojami mazāka ietekme uz vidi. Tas izskaidrojams, ar esošās transporta sistēmas ievērojamo energijas patēriņu un emisiju apjomu, kas ir saistīti ar degvielas patēriņu. Inovatīvā trnsporta sistēma ir efektīva, lai samazinātu šo emisiju daudzumu, kas rodas sastrēgumu laikā.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Environmental and Climate Technologies | 2010

Feasibility of Bioethanol Production From Lignocellulosic Biomass

Zane Aunina; Gatis Bazbauers; Karlis Valters

Feasibility of Bioethanol Production From Lignocellulosic Biomass The objective of the paper is to discuss the potential of cellulosic ethanol production processes and compare them, to find the most appropriate production method for Latvias situation, to perform theoretical calculations and to determine the potential ethanol price. In addition, price forecasts for future cellulosic and grain ethanol are compared. A feasibility estimate to determine the price of cellulosic ethanol in Latvia, if production were started in 2010, was made. The grain and cellulosic ethanol price comparison (future forecast) was made through to the year 2018.


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Andra Blumberga

Riga Technical University

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Mara Repele

Riga Technical University

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Ugis Sarma

Riga Technical University

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Alise Berzina

Riga Technical University

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Elina Dace

Riga Technical University

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Lelde Timma

Riga Technical University

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Lina Udrene

Riga Technical University

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Reinis Azis

Riga Technical University

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