
Biophysical Journal | 2010

Effect of Antenna-Depletion in Photosystem II on Excitation Energy Transfer in Arabidopsis thaliana

Bart van Oort; Marieke Alberts; Silvia de Bianchi; Luca Dall'Osto; Roberto Bassi; Gediminas Trinkunas; Roberta Croce; Herbert van Amerongen

The role of individual photosynthetic antenna complexes of Photosystem II (PSII) both in membrane organization and excitation energy transfer have been investigated. Thylakoid membranes from wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana, and three mutants lacking light-harvesting complexes CP24, CP26, or CP29, respectively, were studied by picosecond-fluorescence spectroscopy. By using different excitation/detection wavelength combinations it was possible for the first time, to our knowledge, to separate PSI and PSII fluorescence kinetics. The sub-100 ps component, previously ascribed entirely to PSI, turns out to be due partly to PSII. Moreover, the migration time of excitations from antenna to PSII reaction center (RC) was determined for the first time, to our knowledge, for thylakoid membranes. It is four times longer than for PSII-only membranes, due to additional antenna complexes, which are less well connected to the RC. The results in the absence of CP26 are very similar to those of wild-type, demonstrating that the PSII organization is not disturbed. However, the kinetics in the absence of CP29 and, especially, of CP24 show that a large fraction of the light-harvesting complexes becomes badly connected to the RCs. Interestingly, the excited-state lifetimes of the disconnected light-harvesting complexes seem to be substantially quenched.

Biophysical Journal | 1995

Nonlinear annihilation of excitations in photosynthetic systems

Leonas Valkunas; Gediminas Trinkunas; Vladas Liuolia; R. van Grondelle

The theory of the singlet-singlet annihilation in quasi-homogeneous photosynthetic antenna systems is developed further. In the new model, the following important contributions are taken into account: 1) the finite excitation pulse duration, 2) the occupation of higher excited states during the annihilation, 3) excitation correlation effects, and 4) the effect of local heating. The main emphasis is concentrated on the analysis of pump-probe kinetic measurements demonstrating the first two above possible contributions. The difference with the results obtained from low-intensity fluorescence kinetic measurements is highlighted. The experimental data with picosecond time resolution obtained for the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum at room temperature are discussed on the basis of this theory.

ChemPhysChem | 2011

Davydov splitting of excitons in cyclic bacteriochlorophyll a nanoaggregates of bacterial light-harvesting complexes between 4.5 and 263 K.

Mihkel Pajusalu; Margus Rätsep; Gediminas Trinkunas; Arvi Freiberg

The nature of electronic excitations created by photon absorption in the cyclic B850 aggregates of 18 bacteriochlorophyll molecules of LH2 antenna complexes of photosynthetic bacteria is studied over a broad temperature range using absorption, fluorescence, and fluorescence anisotropy spectra. The latter technique has been proved to be suitable for revealing the hidden structure of excitons in inhomogeneously broadened spectra of cyclic aggregates. A theoretical model that accounts for differences of absorbing excitons in undeformed and emitting exciton polarons in deformed antenna lattices is also developed. Only a slight decrease of the exciton bandwidth and exciton coupling energy with temperature is observed. Survival of excitons in the whole temperature span from cryogenic to nearly ambient temperatures strongly suggests that collective, coherent electronic excitations might play a role in the functional light-harvesting process taking place at physiological temperatures.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2008

Static and dynamic protein impact on electronic properties of light-harvesting complex LH2.

Oksana Zerlauskiene; Gediminas Trinkunas; Andrew Gall; Bruno Robert; V. Urboniene; Leonas Valkunas

A comparative analysis of the temperature dependence of the absorption spectra of the LH2 complexes from different species of photosynthetic bacteria, i.e., Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Rhodoblastus acidophilus, and Phaeospirillum molischianum, was performed in the temperature range from 4 to 300 K. Qualitatively, the temperature dependence is similar for all of the species studied. The spectral bandwidths of both B800 and B850 bands increases with temperature while the band positions shift in opposite directions: the B800 band shifts slightly to the red while the B850 band to the blue. These results were analyzed using the modified Redfield theory based on the exciton model. The main conclusion drawn from the analysis was that the spectral density function (SDF) is the main factor underlying the strength of the temperature dependence of the bandwidths for the B800 and B850 electronic transitions, while the bandwidths themselves are defined by the corresponding inhomogeneous distribution function (IDF). Slight variation of the slope of the temperature dependence of the bandwidths between species can be attributed to the changes of the values of the reorganization energies and characteristic frequencies determining the SDF. To explain the shift of the B850 band position with temperature, which is unusual for the conventional exciton model, a temperature dependence of the IDF must be postulated. This dependence can be achieved within the framework of the modified (dichotomous) exciton model. The slope of the temperature dependence of the B850 bandwidth is then defined by the value of the reorganization energy and by the difference between the transition energies of the dichotomous states of the pigment molecules. The equilibration factor between these dichotomous states mainly determines the temperature dependence of the peak shift.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2011

Excitation Migration, Quenching, and Regulation of Photosynthetic Light Harvesting in Photosystem II

Leonas Valkunas; Jevgenij Chmeliov; Gediminas Trinkunas; Christopher D. P. Duffy; Rienk van Grondelle; Alexander V. Ruban

Excitation energy transfer and quenching in LHCII aggregates is considered in terms of a coarse-grained model. The model assumes that the excitation energy transfer within a pigment-protein complex is much faster than the intercomplex excitation energy transfer, whereas the quenching ability is attributed to a specific pigment-protein complex responsible for the nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ). It is demonstrated that the pump-probe experimental data obtained at low excitation intensities for LHCII aggregates under NPQ conditions can be equally well explained at two limiting cases, either describing the excitation kinetics in the migration-limited or in the trap-limited regime. Thus, it is concluded that low excitation conditions do not allow one to unambiguously define the relationship between the mean times of excitation migration and trapping. However, this could be achieved by using high excitation conditions when exciton-exciton annihilation is dominant. In this case it was found that in the trap-limited regime the excitation kinetics in the aggregate should be almost insensitive to the excitation density, meaning that singlet-singlet annihilation has little effect on the NPQ decay kinetics, whereas in the migration-limited case there is a clear intensity dependence. In order to account for the random distribution of the NPQ-traps within the LHCII aggregates, excitation diffusion in a continuous medium with random static traps was considered. This description demonstrates a very good correspondence to the experimental fluorescence kinetics assuming a lamellar (quasi-3D) structure of the antenna characterized by the dimension d=2.4 and therefore justifying the diffusion-limited approach on which the model is based. Using the coarse-grained model to describe the aggregate we estimate one NPQ-trap per 100 monomeric LHCII complexes. Finally we discuss the origin of the traps responsible for excitation quenching under NPQ conditions.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2009

Modeling of exciton quenching in photosystem II

Leonas Valkunas; Gediminas Trinkunas; Jevgenij Chmeliov; Alexander V. Ruban

Excitation energy transfer and trapping by the artificially postulated traps in photosystem II (PSII) were modeled in terms of a coarse-grained model. The model is based on the assumption that the excitation energy transfer within a pigment-protein complex is much faster than the intercomplex excitation energy transfer. As a result, the excitation energy transfer and trapping rates by the reaction center (RC) were rescaled by the relevant entropic factors and an additional trapping rate for a specific pigment-protein complex responsible for the non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) had to be included into the theoretical framework. For the analysis, dimeric models of PSII were considered. The efficiency of the excitation quenching by the NPQ traps, depending on their positioning and on the trapping rate, was analyzed. It was concluded that the highest efficiency of the NPQ quencher could be achieved when they are localized in the major light-harvesting complexes, LHCII, and the excitation relaxation in this state is fast, of the order of picoseconds and even faster. The origin of the state responsible for NPQ is discussed.

Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2014

Light harvesting in a fluctuating antenna.

Jevgenij Chmeliov; Gediminas Trinkunas; Herbert van Amerongen; Leonas Valkunas

One of the major players in oxygenic photosynthesis, photosystem II (PSII), exhibits complex multiexponential fluorescence decay kinetics that for decades has been ascribed to reversible charge separation taking place in the reaction center (RC). However, in this description the protein dynamics is not taken into consideration. The intrinsic dynamic disorder of the light-harvesting proteins along with their fluctuating dislocations within the antenna inevitably result in varying connectivity between pigment-protein complexes and therefore can also lead to nonexponential excitation decay kinetics. On the basis of this presumption, we propose a simple conceptual model describing excitation diffusion in a continuous medium and accounting for possible variations of the excitation transfer rates. Recently observed fluorescence kinetics of PSII of different sizes are perfectly reproduced with only two adjustable parameters instead of the many decay times and amplitudes required in standard analysis procedures; no charge recombination in the RC is required. The model is also able to provide valuable information about the structural and functional organization of the photosynthetic antenna and in a straightforward way solves various contradictions currently existing in the literature.

Journal of Luminescence | 2003

Self-trapped excitons in circular cacteriochlorophyll antenna complexes

Arvi Freiberg; Margus Rätsep; Kõu Timpmann; Gediminas Trinkunas

Fluorescence line narrowing and hole-burning spectroscopic studies of excitons in the LH2 pigment-protein complex, which is a part of the light harvesting system of purple bacteria, are combined with straightforward numerical simulations of the emission spectra based on exciton polaron model. The analysis provides evidence for self-trapping of all the excitons, except the lowest one.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2012

Exciton Band Structure in Bacterial Peripheral Light-Harvesting Complexes

Gediminas Trinkunas; Oksana Zerlauskiene; Vidita Urbonienė; Jevgenij Chmeliov; Andrew Gall; Bruno Robert; Leonas Valkunas

The variability of the exciton spectra of bacteriochlorophyll molecules in light-harvesting (LH) complexes of photosynthetic bacteria ensures the excitation energy funneling trend toward the reaction center. The decisive shift of the energies is achieved due to exciton spectra formation caused by the resonance interaction between the pigments. The possibility to resolve the upper Davydov sub-band corresponding to the B850 ring and, thus, to estimate the exciton bandwidth by analyzing the temperature dependence of the steady-state absorption spectra of the LH2 complexes is demonstrated. For this purpose a self-modeling curve resolution approach was applied for analysis of the temperature dependence of the absorption spectra of LH2 complexes from the photosynthetic bacteria Rhodobacter (Rba.) sphaeroides and Rhodoblastus (Rbl.) acidophilus. Estimations of the intradimer resonance interaction values as follows directly from obtained estimations of the exciton bandwidths at room temperature give 385 and 397 cm(-1) for the LH2 complexes from the photosynthetic bacteria Rba. sphaeroides and Rhl. acidophilus, respectively. At 4 K the corresponding couplings are slightly higher (391 and 435 cm(-1), respectively). The retained exciton bandwidth at physiological conditions supports the decisive role of the exciton coherence determining light absorption in bacterial light-harvesting antenna complexes.

Archive | 2009

Unraveling the Hidden Nature of Antenna Excitations

Arvi Freiberg; Gediminas Trinkunas


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