Featured researches published by Gentil Godoy Júnior.
Horticultura Brasileira | 2004
Cibele Chalita Martins; Marilene Leão Alves Bovi; João Nakagawa; Gentil Godoy Júnior
Seeds of jussara palm (Euterpe edulis Mart.) are recalcitrant, presenting low longevity, high sensitivity to dehydration and to low temperatures of storage. Temperature conditions for temporary preservation of those seeds, with and without pulp, were studied. Mature fruits were harvested from 24 plants belonging to the palm collection of the Instituto Agronomico (IAC) located at Ubatuba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and taken in moisture-proof containers to the Universidade Estadual de Sao Paulo, in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State. Half of the fruits were shelled and the seeds stored, with and without pulp, in sealed plastic bags (20 µm thick) maintained in chambers with temperatures of 5; 10; 15 and 20-30oC. Samples for the quality tests were taken at 0; 3; 6; 9 and 12 days after fruit harvest. Seeds stored with pulp were immediately shelled before test installation. Several characteristics were evaluated, especially seed water content, germination rate, seedling length and dry matter. There is a positive after-ripening effect on Euterpe edulis seeds. A period of storage of 9 to 12 days, after fruit harvest and before sowing, favored germination and vigor of jussara seeds. These effects were higher in shelled seeds when compared to unshelled ones. Short-term storage temperatures ranging from 5 to 20-30oC are equally adequate for the preservation of seeds without pulp, but should not exceed 20oC for those with pulp, since a decrease in germination and vigor, and an increase in rotted germinative button and dead seeds were observed at 20-30oC temperature.
Bragantia | 1987
Marilene Leão Alves Bovi; Gentil Godoy Júnior; Luís Alberto Sáes
Compararam-se o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a producao de hibridos de palmiteiro (Euterpe oleracea x E. edulis) com seus genitores, em duas condicoes diferentes de cultivo, na regiao de Ubatuba, SP. Em ambas as situacoes, os hibridos apresentaram vigor e precocidade aliados a capacidade de regeneracao, mostrando-se superiores a populacao parental em crescimento vegetativo e producao de palmito. Embora o material ainda nao seja homogeneo, os hibridos interespecificos revelaram grande potencialidade para serem usados no cultivo racional do palmiteiro.
Horticultura Brasileira | 2004
Fernando Vinicio A. Vega; Marilene Leão Alves Bovi; Sandra Heiden Spiering; Gentil Godoy Júnior
A estimativa da fitomassa aerea da pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) por meio de relacoes alometricas tem aplicacao teorica e pratica, sendo essencial em estudos de fisiologia de crescimento, bem como para identificar respostas e predizer a producao. No presente trabalho foram avaliadas diferentes equacoes buscando o melhor ajuste alometrico representativo da fitomassa da pupunheira cultivada para a producao de palmito. Foram utilizadas palmeiras inermes, da raca Putumayo, em diferentes estadios de desenvolvimento, cultivadas em Ubatuba (SP) no espacamento de 2 x 1 m. Selecionaram-se 117 plantas, com alturas entre 0,22 e 5,04 m e diâmetros entre 2,23 e 27,06 cm. Medidas diretas, relacionadas ao crescimento, foram realizadas antes do corte. Em seguida as plantas foram separadas em diferentes partes estruturais, sendo medidas, pesadas e secas, obtendo-se a massa da materia seca. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de regressao e ajuste de equacoes, tendo como variaveis independentes os caracteres facilmente mensuraveis e nao destrutivos. A fitomassa da pupunheira pode ser estimada de forma precisa a partir de equacoes simples, valendo-se de relacoes alometricas. A altura da haste principal, medida do solo ate a insercao da folha +1, foi o carater preditorio indireto ideal para estimar a fitomassa de pupunheiras em cultivo comercial. Identificou-se tambem que, do estadio de implantacao ao inicio de colheita de palmito, a contribuicao dos perfilhos para a fitomassa aerea total e pequena e pode ser desprezada.
Bragantia | 1990
Marilene Leão Alves Bovi; Gentil Godoy Júnior; Sandra Heiden Spiering; Sérgio Bueno de Camargo
Three vegetative characters and palmito yield components of assai palms (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) were studied in an experiment at Ubatuba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in order to identify non-destructive traits that could be used to estimate yield in superior material evaluation and selection. Partial correlation coefficients showed significancy for palm girth and the main palmito yield components (weight, diameter and lenght), but not with the edible portion of the stipe. No significant partial correlation coefficient were found between the number of leaves and palm weight, indicating that the simple correlation coefficient found before, between those traits, were inflated by palm girth. Palm girth was, among the studied traits, the one that contributed the most for palmito yield as estimated by its weight and diameter. It accounts for over 65% of the variation in total heart of palm weight, 35% of its net weight and over 50% of its diameter. Due to the facility to be measured, the palm girth, or its diameter, should be used for evaluation and selection of superior palms in plant breeding of field experiments.
Horticultura Brasileira | 2004
Fernando Vinicio A. Vega; Marilene Leão Alves Bovi; Ronaldo Severiano Berton; Gentil Godoy Júnior; Matheus de Aguiar Rodrigues Cembranelli
The effects of four doses of sewage sludge, applied in the planting furrow, on the aboveground biomass production of peach palm during the first year were evaluated. The experiment was carried out in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, in field conditions. Four doses of biosolid (equivalent to 0; 100; 200 and 400 kg ha-1 of N) were studied in a complete block experimental design, with six replications. Ten-month old seedlings from Putumayo landrace were utilized, in a planting density of 5,000 plants ha-1. Plant responses to biosolid doses were evaluated every month, by means of some traits directly correlated to peach palm growth and yield. Aboveground biomass (fresh weight base) accumulation was estimated, based on plant height. Statistical differences among doses were detected five months after planting, probably due to plant acclimation and nutrient assimilation. Anticipation of heart-of-palm harvesting could be detected, with 15% of plants ready to be harvested when treated with the dose of 400 kg ha-1 of N. An increase occurred in the number of offshoots per plant and in the percentage of suckered plants per plot as a function of biosolid doses. One year after sludge application, in the maximum response treatment (400 kg ha-1 of N), was obtained 27 ton ha-1 of aboveground biomass, 3.3 offshoots per plant and 77% of palms with offshoots were obtained.
Bragantia | 1979
Raphael Alvarez; Antônio Carlos Pimentel Wutke; Hermano Vaz de Arruda; Gentil Godoy Júnior
Sao apresentados os resultados de 23 experimentos em regioes canavieiras paulistas, para avaliar possiveis respostas da cana-de-acucar a micronutrientes. Fizeram-se aplicacoes isoladas de sulfato ferroso, tetraborato de sodio, sulfato de cobre, sulfato de zinco, sulfato de manganes e molibdato de amonio, nos sulcos de plantio e na presenca de adubacao NPK Em apenas um dos experimentos verificou-se efeito significativamente favoravel a aplicacao de micronutrientes, no caso, cobre e molibdenio. Com base nos resultados obtidos, corroborados por analises foliares em trabalho paralelo e conduzido a mesma epoca, concluiu-se que, nas condicoes do ensaio, deficiencias de micronutrientes nao constituem problema para a lavoura canavieira no Estado de Sao Paulo.
Bragantia | 1996
José Osmar Lorenzi; Luís Alberto Sáes; Mauro Sakai; Ivan José Antunes Ribeiro; André L. Lourengao; Domingos Antonio Monteiro; Valdemir Antonio Peressin; Gentil Godoy Júnior
The present paper reports a final evaluation of the best cassava clones for table, selected in the Ribeira Valley, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from a genetic basis of 306 cultivars of the germoplasm bank of the Agronomic Institute. Three experiments were carried out at the Pariquera-Acu Experimental Station, during the 1989/90, 1990/91 and 1991/92 seasons under a randomized design with 12 treatments (cultivars) and four replications. The most relevant results, were: (a) the cultivars had different root yields in relation to years. However, the cultivar IAC 576-70 was the most productive, with a yield of 34.3 t/ha in average, meanwhile the cultivar used as test plant showed an average yield of 17.8 t/ha; (b) the results of the cooking tests were not significant for the relationship cultivar x year interaction. The local cultivar presented the lowest average cooking time of 26 minutes in boiling water.
Bragantia | 1990
Marilene Leão Alves Bovi; Gentil Godoy Júnior; Sandra Heiden Spiering; Sérgio Bueno de Camargo
Juvenile-mature correlation coefficients relating two vegetative traits of Euterpe oleracea Mart. are presented as an aid to early and indirect selection for heart of palm yield in breeding work with this palm. Significant age to age correlation coefficients were found for almost all paired comparison for plant girth and tillering number, with increasing values overtime. This fact together with the expected gain obtained by selection practiced, especially over palm girth, suggest that indirect phenotypic selection on this palm could start as early as seventeen months, with greater probability of selecting superior genotypes after two years after planting.
Bragantia | 1992
Antonio Pereira de Camargo; Virginio Bovi; Raphael Alvarez; Gentil Godoy Júnior; Celso Valdevino Pommer; Marcos Guimarães de Andrade Landell; Léo Zimback; Toshio Igue; Maria Teresa B. Ramos da Silva
Sugarcane clones obtained in crosses made in 1974, 1977, 1978 and 1979, were tested in two locations in the Piracicaba region. The clones and commercial varieties SP70-1143, IAC64-257, NA56-79 and CB41-76 were evaluated for agricultural and industrial traits in an average of three harvests. The clone IAC78-23 was obtained for cultivation in the region with high cane and sugar yields and adequate for use in middle and late harvest, and the IAC79-1011 with medium yield and high sugar content, indicated for inicial harvest. The clones IAC77-186, IAC78-54, IAC78-90 and IAC79-1149 showed medium yield and high sugar content, indicated for middle harvest in soils with high fertility.
Bragantia | 1990
Marilene Leão Alves Bovi; Gentil Godoy Júnior; Sandra Heiden Spiering; Sérgio Bueno de Camargo
Three vegetative characters and palmito yield components of assai palms (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) were studied in an experiment at Ubatuba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in order to identify non-destructive traits that could be used to estimate yield in superior material evaluation and selection. Partial correlation coefficients showed significancy for palm girth and the main palmito yield components (weight, diameter and lenght), but not with the edible portion of the stipe. No significant partial correlation coefficient were found between the number of leaves and palm weight, indicating that the simple correlation coefficient found before, between those traits, were inflated by palm girth. Palm girth was, among the studied traits, the one that contributed the most for palmito yield as estimated by its weight and diameter. It accounts for over 65% of the variation in total heart of palm weight, 35% of its net weight and over 50% of its diameter. Due to the facility to be measured, the palm girth, or its diameter, should be used for evaluation and selection of superior palms in plant breeding of field experiments.