Georg Erber
German Institute for Economic Research
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Featured researches published by Georg Erber.
Archive | 2002
Georg Erber; Harald Hagemann
This question was raised by some participants when the topic was suggested as a special module for this project. Many economists working in academia, government institutions, and business have reservations about whether this field of economic research really warrants special attention. On the other hand, the number of scientific articles and conferences using network economics as a label to address issues related to actual organizational phenomena and physical networks increased significantly during the 1990s. Since 1997, the German Research Council (DFG) has even been financing an interdisciplinary Special Research Section (SFB) on Networking as a Factor in Competition 3 at the University of Frankfurt/Main. Furthermore, the rapid worldwide growth of the Internet and the dramatic changes accompanying the de- and re-regulation of network industries, which have been subject to the close control of government institutions in most countries, have stimulated debate on applied and practical political topics, as well as a more fundamental theoretical debate within the economic profession. This internal debate addresses the importance of networks as new entities in modern developed economies throughout the world, and the implications of networks for the developing countries wishing to catch up.1 Well-known economists have set up web sites to address this topic as their special research area.2
Archive | 2002
Georg Erber; Harald Hagemann
The world-wide competition situation has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. The dominating three economies in world trade (United States, EU, Japan) now face growing competition from other regions of the world. Goods, labor, and particularly capital markets are characterized by increasing integration in the ongoing process of globalization. The traditional industrial sectors are no longer able to secure job-enhancing growth. The new information and communications technologies (ICTs) have made it easier to shift production abroad. Moreover, the transformation process in Central and Eastern Europe has made available a greater labor force, without contributing much in the way of modern capital stock, thus changing the relative scarcities of capital and labor.
Archive | 2011
Christian Dreger; Georg Erber; Hannah Wesker
The paper studies the impact of intangible assets on economic growth and unemployment from a regional perspective. The familiar relationship between changes in the unemployment rate and economic growth – known as Okun’s law – is taken as a workhorse of the analysis and estimated for the 27 EU-member countries at the NUTS 1 level. The results establish Okun’s law as a firm relationship to describe the growth-uemployment nexus. However, the analysis reveals substantial heterogeneities across the regions. In fact, the law is more inline with the regions of the old EU-member states. Similarly in Germany a significant East-Westdivide is observable. In addition there seems to be a separation between Northern and the Southern European regions. Therefore, the model is extended by including spatial effects to identify if there are significant spillovers, and whether they have changed over the integration process. Our findings confirm the hypothesis that spatial dependencies matter for the Okun relationship. The evidence is based on the spatial error and the spatial lag model although the former has a slightly better performance than the latter alternative. Due to the high regional aggregation level direct neighbourhood effects are dominant The importance of spatial effects has risen over time, i.e. the economic development has become more similar in the integration process. For less advanced regions regional economic growth and unemployment do not depend on intangible assets.
21st European Regional ITS Conference, Copenhagen 2010: Telecommunications at new crossroads - Changing value configurations, user roles, and regulation | 2010
Georg Erber; Sven Heitzler
In Germany, the TV broadcasting of the Winter Olympics 2010 marked the official start of high definition television (HDTV). However, the transition from standard to high definition television has been significantly hampered by inconsistent change management. While the large international movie and TV-series producers aim for increased (end-to-end) intellectual property rights protection on the one hand, the satellite and cable-TV network operators in coalition with the private commercial TV-broadcasters strive for advanced business models with increasingly differentiated pricing models on the other hand. The resulting technological requirements lead to rapid changes in technology, which in turn affects consumers and equipment manufacturers We analyze especially the related advancement of the systems and interface standards for encryption and copyright protection which are of central importance in this context, namely the so-called Common Interface (CI) and its enhancement to CI Plus as well as the HD+ satellite platform in order to identify critical issues for media regulators and competition authorities. Our analysis supposes that the German regulatory institutions capabilities to deal with the issue of regulation against the background of efficient innovation management in a timely manner should be improved. This might also be an opportunity at the level of the European Community to set framework conditions based on principles similar to network neutrality to overcome the current deadlock in Germany and encourage regulatory reform. Especially consumer rights could be protected more effectively in a future regulatory framework for digital content distribution and in order to avoid a tragedy of the anti-commons being an impediment for the rapid transition to HDTV. Overall, our recommendations aim to contribute to achieve the goals of swift digitalization and transition to HDTV.
Intereconomics | 2003
Georg Erber
It has become common practice to blame the rapid collapse of the German economy after its having reached a 3% GDP growth high in the year 2000 on the oil-price shock, the burst of the New Economy bubble and the overall slowdown of the world economy around this time. However, the exceptional decline is striking if one looks at the other European countries, in particular the member states of the European Monetary Union. Is this decline in fact the result of the negative fiscal demand shock to the German economy caused by the use of the UMTS licence auction revenues to service outstanding loans?
Archive | 1998
Georg Erber; Harald Hagemann
Wie bereits im vorangegangenen Kapitel festgestellt wurde, liefert die neue Wachstumstheorie keine Aussagen, die eine sektorspezifische Industriepolitik des Staates bzw. ein detailliertes targeting einzelner Industriesektoren begrunden konnte. Aufgrund ihres hohen Aggregationsgrades, der hochstens eine Unterscheidung nach zwei Wirtschaftszweigen (Produktions- und F-Sektor) vornimmt, lassen sich keine Aussagen ableiten, wo und wie einzelne Wirtschaftszweige wirtschaftspolitisch behandelt werden sollten. Das eingangs kurz skizzierte Konzept des Lebenszyklus einer Industrie ermoglicht es hingegen eher, eine Klassifikation von Wirtschaftszweigen hinsichtlich ihres langfristigen Entwicklungspotentials abzuleiten. Dies liefert eine Ausgangsbasis, um eine konkretere Bewertung hinsichtlich der industriepolitischen Optionen vorzunehmen.
Archive | 1998
Georg Erber; Harald Hagemann
Seit Mitte der 1980er Jahre hat sich parallel zur Herausbildung neuer wachstumstheoretischer Ansatze, die in Kapitel 3 detailliert dargestellt werden, eine Diskussion daruber entwickelt, weshalb der wirtschaftliche Erfolg der verschiedenen Volkswirtschaften in der Weltwirtschaft lucht zu der vom neoklassischen Wachstumsmodell implizierten langfristigen Konvergenz in den Wachstumsraten der Pro-Kopf-Einkonmien gefuhrt hat (vgl. z.B. Barro/Sala-i- Martin 1992b).
Archive | 1998
Georg Erber; Harald Hagemann
In den letzten zehn Jahren hat die Diskussion wachstumstheoretischer Fragestellungen innerhalb der Wirtschaftswissenschaften stark zugenommen. Wahrend in den funfziger und sechziger Jahren Wachstumstheorie ein vielbeachtetes Thema darstellte, konzentrierte sich in den siebziger und fruhen achtziger Jahren das Hauptinteresse der (Makro)Okonomen auf die Erklarung konjunktureller Phanomene. Die aktuelle Entwicklung in der neoklassischen Wachstumstheorie ist vor dem Hintergrund der traditionellen Ansatze auf diesem Gebiet zu sehen. Ziel der sog. Neuen bzw.Endogenen Wachstumstheorie ist die Uberwindung der Schwachen der bisherigen Modelle.
Archive | 1998
Georg Erber; Harald Hagemann
Im folgenden Abschnitt werden die wesentlichen Zuge der industriepolitischen Konzeptionen ausgewahlter Volkswirtschaften bzw. der Europaischen Union (EU) vorgestellt. Ein Blick auf die Entwicklung wichtiger Industrienationen zeigt, das sich uber die letzten Jahre hinweg ein Wandel in der grundsatzlichen Einstellung gegenuber industriepolitischen Masnahmen sowie den Zielen der Industriepolitik ergeben hat. Lange Zeit bildete die Stutzung von in Absatzschwierigkeiten geratenen Branchen den Schwerpunkt der Industriepolitik. Aus sozialpolitischen und nationalen Interessen heraus wurden ausgewahlte Sektoren wie Stahl, Schiffbau und Kohle umfangreich subventioniert oder durch protektionistische Ausenhandelspolitik vom internationalen Wettbewerb abgeschirmt. Haufig handelte es sich dabei um Erhaltungssubventionen und nicht um die aktive Forderung des Strukturwandels.
Archive | 1998
Georg Erber; Harald Hagemann
Die Verbindung zwischen wirtschaftlicher Dynamik und strukturellem Wandel stand im Zentrum der Analyse der okonomischen Klassiker (wie Adam Smith und David Ricardo), deren Wachstumstheorien im Kern strukturelle Ansatze sind, da wirtschaftliches Wachstum notwendigerweise einen Wandel okonomischer und gesellschaftlicher Strukturen impliziert. Im Falle von Smith (1776) kann die Arbeitsteilung in den verschiedenen Sektoren der Volkswirtschaft mit unterschiedlicher Rate ausgedehnt werden und somit den relevanten Beitrag jedes einzelnen Sektors zum Anstieg der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Arbeitsproduktivitat und zum Volkseinkommen verandem. Bei Ricardo (1817) fuhrt die Existenz nicht-reproduzierbarer naturlicher Ressourcen zu einer Verbindung von Wachstum und Strukturwandel, die durch abnehmende Ertrage gepragt wird. In klassischen Theorieansatzen wird die Beziehung zwischen wirtschaftlicher Dynamik und struktureller Transformation verstarkt durch die Vorstellung, das ein okonomisches System mit konstanter Struktur dazu verurteilt ist, in eine Phase des Nullwachstums einzumunden (wie in Ricardos stationarem Endzustand).