
Ecological Applications | 1996

A Quantitative Approach to Developing Regional Ecosystem Classifications

George E. Host; Philip L. Polzer; David J. Mladenoff; Mark A. White; Thomas R. Crow

Ecological land classification systems have recently been developed at continental, regional, state, and landscape scales. In most cases, the map units of these systems result from subjectively drawn boundaries, often derived by consensus and with unclear choice and weighting of input data. Such classifications are of variable accuracy and are not reliably repeatable. We combined geographic information systems (GIS) with multivariate statistical analyses to integrate climatic, physiographic, and edaphic databases and produce a classification of regional landscape ecosystems on a 29 340-km2 quadrangle of northwestern Wisconsin. Climatic regions were identified from a high-resolution climatic database consisting of 30-yr mean monthly temperature and precipitation values interpolated over a 1-km2 grid across the study area. Principal component analysis (PCA) coupled with an isodata clustering algorithm was used to identify regions of similar seasonal climatic trends. Maps of Pleistocene geology and major soil morphosequences were sued to identify the major physiographic and soil regions within the landscape. Climatic and physiographic coverages were integrated to identify regional landscape ecosystems, which potentially differ in characteristic forest composition, successional dynamics, potential productivity, and other ecosystem-level processes. Validation analysis indicated strong correspondence between forest cover classes from an independently derived Landsat Thematic Mapper classification and ecological region. The development of more standardized data sets and analytical methods for ecoregional classification provides a basis for sound interpretations of forest management at multiple spatial scales.

Journal of The North American Benthological Society | 2010

Recent developments in landscape approaches for the study of aquatic ecosystems

Lucinda B. Johnson; George E. Host

Abstract We summarized landscape approaches used in the study of freshwater ecosystems, updated recent literature reviews on interactions between terrestrial and lotic ecosystems, and discussed the influence of J-NABS on developments in the field. We focused primarily on studies of freshwater ecosystems done at or above the catchment scale. Special issues of J-NABS and other journals have advanced our understanding of the effects of spatially distributed characteristics and phenomena on aquatic ecosystems. Topics that have been well covered in J-NABS include use of classification to predict biotic assemblages and impacts of human disturbance (especially urbanization) on stream structure and function. Early work focused on correlative relationships between landscape variables and various biotic components of stream systems, whereas later studies addressed causal linkages between landscape and biota, including landscape effects on hydrology, habitat at various spatial scales, and ecosystem processes. At large spatial scales (i.e., catchments or regions), landscape context and heterogeneity are important predictors of compositional, structural, and functional attributes of streams and lakes. The size of the study region and catchments and the level of disturbance across the region can interfere with our ability to generalize results across studies. Geographical information systems and remote sensing technologies are important tools for understanding and quantifying these relationships, and new sophisticated tools are available for measuring landscape pattern and context. Lotic ecosystems are challenging to study because of the directional flow of water across (and beneath) the landscape. However, new spatial analysis tools can incorporate hydrologic connectivity. Limited data on surface and groundwater connections and lack of available watershed delineations make finding similar connections between lakes and wetlands and their surrounding landscapes challenging.

Environmental Pollution | 2001

Simulating the growth response of aspen to elevated ozone: a mechanistic approach to scaling a leaf-level model of ozone effects on photosynthesis to a complex canopy architecture

M.J. Martin; George E. Host; Kathryn E. Lenz; J.G. Isebrands

Predicting ozone-induced reduction of carbon sequestration of forests under elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations requires robust mechanistic leaf-level models, scaled up to whole tree and stand level. As ozone effects depend on genotype, the ability to predict these effects on forest carbon cycling via competitive response between genotypes will also be required. This study tests a process-based model that predicts the relative effects of ozone on the photosynthetic rate and growth of an ozone-sensitive aspen clone, as a first step in simulating the competitive response of genotypes to atmospheric and climate change. The resulting composite model simulated the relative above ground growth response of ozone-sensitive aspen clone 259 exposed to square wave variation in ozone concentration. This included a greater effect on stem diameter than on stem height, earlier leaf abscission, and reduced stem and leaf dry matter production at the end of the growing season. Further development of the model to reduce predictive uncertainty is discussed.

Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2007

Responsiveness of Great Lakes Wetland Indicators to Human Disturbances at Multiple Spatial Scales: A Multi-Assemblage Assessment

John C. Brazner; Nicolas P. Danz; Anett S. Trebitz; Gerald J. Niemi; Ronald R. Regal; Tom Hollenhorst; George E. Host; Euan D. Reavie; Terry N. Brown; Jo Ann M. Hanowski; Carol A. Johnston; Lucinda B. Johnson; Robert W. Howe; Jan J.H. Ciborowski

ABSTRACT Developing indicators of ecosystem condition is a priority in the Great Lakes, but little is known about appropriate spatial scales to characterize disturbance or response for most indicators. We surveyed birds, fish, amphibians, aquatic macroinvertebrates, wetland vegetation, and diatoms at 276 coastal wetland locations throughout the U.S. Great Lakes coastal region during 2002–2004. We assessed the responsiveness of 66 candidate indicators to human disturbance (agriculture, urban development, and point source contaminants) characterized at multiple spatial scales (100, 500, 1,000, and 5,000 m buffers and whole watersheds) using classification and regression tree analysis (CART). Non-stressor covariables (lake, ecosection, watershed, and wetland area) accounted for a greater proportion of variance than disturbance variables. Row-crop agriculture and urban development, especially at larger spatial scales, were about equally influential and were more explanatory than a contaminant stress index (CSI). The CSI was an important predictor for diatom indicators only. Stephanodiscoid diatoms and nest-guarding fish were identified as two of the most promising indicators of row-crop agriculture, while Ambloplites rupestris (fish) and Aeshna (dragonflies) were two of the strongest indicators of urban development. Across all groups of taxa and spatial scales, fish indicators were most responsive to the combined influence of row-crop and urban development. Our results suggest it will be critical to account for the influence of potentially important non-stressor covariables before assessing the strength of indicator responses to disturbance. Moreover, identifying the appropriate scale to characterize disturbance will be necessary for many indicators, especially when urban development is the primary disturbance.

Landscape Ecology | 1999

Ownership and ecosystem as sources of spatial heterogeneity in a forested landscape, Wisconsin, USA

Thomas R. Crow; George E. Host; David J. Mladenoff

The interaction between physical environment and land ownership in creating spatial heterogeneity was studied in largely forested landscapes of northern Wisconsin, USA. A stratified random approach was used in which 2500-ha plots representing two ownerships (National Forest and private non-industrial) were located within two regional ecosystems (extremely well-drained outwash sands and moderately well-drained moraines). Sixteen plots were established, four within each combination of ownership and ecosystem, and the land cover on the plots was classified from aerial photographs using a modified form of the Anderson (U.S. Geological Survey) land use and land cover classification system.Upland deciduous forests dominated by northern hardwoods were common on the moraines for both ownerships. On the outwash, the National Forest was dominated by pine plantations, upland deciduous forests, and upland regenerating forests (as defined by <50% canopy coverage). In contrast, a more even distribution among the classes of upland forest existed on private land/outwash. A strong interaction between ecosystem and ownership was evident for most comparisons of landscape structure. On the moraine, the National Forest ownership had a finer grain pattern with more complex patch shapes compared to private land. On the outwash, in contrast, the National Forest had a coarser grain pattern with less complex patch shapes compared to private land. When patch size and shape were compared between ecosystems within an ownership, statistically significant differences in landscape structure existed on public land but not on private land. On public land, different management practices on the moraine and outwash, primarily related to timber harvesting and road building, created very different landscape patterns. Landscape structure on different ecosystems on private land tended to be similar because ownership was fragmented in both ecosystems and because ownership boundaries often corresponded to patch boundaries on private land. A complex relationship exits between ownership, and related differences in land use, and the physical environment that ultimately constrains land use. Studies that do not consider these interactions may misinterpret the importance of either variable in explaining variation in landscape patterns.

Forest Ecology and Management | 1991

Ecological species groups for upland forest ecosystems of northwestern Lower Michigan

George E. Host; Kurt S. Pregitzer

Multivariate classification and ordination methods were used to develop ecological species groups for upland forest ecosystems of northwestern Lower Michigan. Species groups were based on similarities in ground-flora composition and abundance patterns among 76 sample stands. Nine ecological species groups were identified using 48 herbaceous, woody and moss species. The divisive classification produced six classes of stands: two dominated by northern hardwoods and four dominated by oaks. The distribution patterns typified by Deschampsia flexuosa, Vaccinium angustifolium, Viburnum acerifolium, and Desmodium spp. were important in discriminating among oak stands, whereas patterns typical of Osmorhiza claytonii and Maianthemum canadense distinguished northern hardwood stands. The species groups exhibited a wide range of ecological amplitudes, from highly specific associations with individual ecosystems to broad distributions across a range of site conditions. Within the geographic limits imposed by macroclimate and regional physiography, ecological species groups act to integrate site attributes and can simplify the process of mapping ecological land units.

Journal of Great Lakes Research | 2007

Methods for Generating Multi-scale Watershed Delineations for Indicator Development in Great Lake Coastal Ecosystems

Thomas P. Hollenhorst; Terry N. Brown; Lucinda B. Johnson; Jan J.H. Ciborowski; George E. Host

ABSTRACT Watersheds represent spatially explicit areas within which terrestrial stressors can be quantified and linked to measures of aquatic ecosystem condition. We delineated thousands of Great Lakes watersheds using previously proven and new watershed delineation techniques. These were used to provide summaries for a variety of anthropogenic stressors within the Great Lakes. All delineation techniques proved useful, but each had applications for which they were most appropriate. A set of watershed delineations and stressor summaries was developed for sampling site identification, providing relatively coarse strata for selecting sites along the U.S. Great Lakes coastline. Subsequent watershed delineations were used for high-resolution site characterization of specific sites and characterizing the full coastal stressor gradient. For these delineations we used three general approaches: 1) segmentation of the shoreline at points midway between adjacent streams and delineation of a watershed for each segment; 2) specific watershed delineations for sampled sites; and 3) a Great Lakes basin-wide, high-resolution approach wherein sub-basins can be agglomerated into larger basins for specific portions of the coast. The third approach is unique in that it provides a nested framework based on hierarchies of catchments with associated stressor data. This hierarchical framework was used to derive additional watershed delineations, and their associated stressor summaries, at four different scales. Providing anthropogenic stressor metrics in such a format that can quickly be summarized for the entire basin at multiple scales, or specifically for particular areas, establishes a strong foundation for quantifying and understanding stressor-response relationships in these coastal environments.

Canadian Journal of Forest Research | 2008

Forest disturbance frequency and patch structure from pre-European settlement to present in the Mixed Forest Province of Minnesota, USA

Mark A. White; George E. Host

We used General Land Office survey data (1860–1890) and interpreted aerial photography from the 1930s, 1970s, and 1990s to quantify forest disturbance frequency and spatial patterns for four time periods in the Mixed Forest Province of Minnesota. The study region included eight subsections within the Mixed Forest Province of Minnesota’s Ecological Classification System. Presettlement disturbance and spatial pattern estimates varied across the eight subsections indicating a strong relationship to soil and landform characteristics. Land surveyors primarily recorded higher severity disturbances that resulted in significant tree mortality. The 1900–1940 era was characterized by a short-term increase in fire frequency that was relatively uniform across the study region, in contrast to the variability of the presettlement (1860–1890) landscape. In the postsettlement period (1940–1995), timber harvest replaced fire as the dominant disturbance factor. Similar management practices among subsections created similar...

Aquacultural Engineering | 1996

Fish simulation culture model (FIS-C): A bioenergetics based model for aquacultural wasteload application

M.E. McDonald; C.A. Tikkanen; Richard P. Axler; C.P. Larsen; George E. Host

A generic bioenergetics model for chinook salmon was modified to estimate solid wastes from a commercial net-pen aquaculture operation in a Minnesota mine-pit lake. The model was calibrated using data from the operation on growth, ration, and temperature. Multiple simulations were run to form three-dimensional response surfaces for consumption, egestion, excretion and respiration as a function of fish size and water temperature. These formed the basis for the Fish Simulation Culture (FIS-C) Model. Predictions for food consumption and solids load were compared with actual ration levels and sedimentation within the mine-pit lake from 1989 to 1992, and compared well with the general trends of the observed data. However, the actual predictive power of FIS-C was very sensitive to our initial model assumption that aquaculture operations are predicated on maximizing the growth of their stock. FIS-C currently does not account for management decisions electing sub-optimal stock growth, but under these conditions does estimate a worst case loading scenario for the system. The annual phosphorus load to the system predicted by FIS-C was not significantly different from that of the mean of 17 values of annual P-load estimated empirically from the literature. However, FIS-Cs estimate of P-loading shows a pronounced seasonal pattern to the annual loading. FIS-C offers substantial benefits to users by estimating seasonal and shorter term food wastage and wasteloads to receiving waters under particular operating conditions. Then, other operational scenarios can be created to examine the effects of changing fish inventory, feeding schedule, food composition, etc., in order to examine the impacts on production, environmental and/or regulatory requirements, prior to costly implementation.

International Journal of Remote Sensing | 2005

Use of GIS and remotely sensed data for a priori identification of reference areas for Great Lakes coastal ecosystems

George E. Host; J. Schuldt; Jan J.H. Ciborowski; Lucinda B. Johnson; Tom Hollenhorst; Carl Richards

Identification of reference conditions for ecological assessments of coastal ecosystems poses a challenging problem in highly modified landscapes. A method is described for characterizing disturbance in coastal ecosystems using remotely sensed land classification and other publicly available GIS data. Within ecoregions bordering the US Great Lakes coast, aquatic habitats bordering the shoreline were classified into five ecological types: high‐energy shoreline, embayments, open‐coast, river‐influenced and protected wetlands. Degree of anthropogenic disturbance in contributing areas to these ecosystems was assessed using a watershed approach for wetland types or a moving window approach for high‐energy shorelines. Anthropogenic stress variables included proportions of agricultural or residential land use, information on population and road density, and distance from the nearest point source. Polygons (wetlands) or pixels (high‐energy shoreline) were categorized as ‘reference’ if the magnitude of the most severe stressor, based on its cumulative frequency distribution within that ecoregion, placed it within the lowest 20th percentile. For shorelines, adjacent ‘reference’ pixels were agglomerated into polygons and a final ranking of polygons containing at least 2 km of shoreline was used to identify candidate reference areas. A subset of these sites is currently being sampled for fish, macroinvertebrates and physical habitat attributes. This a priori approach to reference area identification will allow managers to identify biological correlates of reference conditions, providing a benchmark for bioassessment and restoration efforts in coastal regions.

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