George Fedak
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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Featured researches published by George Fedak.
Cytogenetic and Genome Research | 2005
George Fedak; F. Han
Partial amphiploids are lines that contain 42 (38–42) wheat and 14 (14–18) alien chromosomes. They are derived by backcrossing wheat onto hybrids between wheat and either Thinopyrum intermedium (6x) or Th. ponticum (10x). GISH analysis has shown that, with possibly one exception, the alien genomes (chromosome sets) in partial amphiploids are found to be hybrids i.e. composed of chromosomes from more than one alien genome. The individual partial amphiploids are meiotically stable and nearly perfectly fertile, but hybrids between different lines were characterized by varying numbers of unpaired chromosomes and consequently variable degrees of sterility. Translocated chromosomes involving different Thinopyrum genomes or Thinopyrum and wheat genomes were found in partial amphiploids and consequently in the addition lines derived from them. Partial amphiploids have proven to be an excellent tertiary gene pool for wheat improvement, containing resistance to biotic stresses not present in wheat itself. Resistance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) and Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) have been found in partial amphiploids and addition lines derived from both Th. intermedium and Th. ponticum. Excellent resistance to Fusarium head blight has been found on a Th. intermedium chromosome that had substituted for chromosome 2D in wheat. Genes for resistance to leaf rust and stem rust have already been incorporated into wheat and tagged with molecular markers.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2004
Zhangxiong Liu; F. P. Han; M. Tan; X. H. Shan; Y. Z. Dong; X. Z. Wang; George Fedak; S. Hao; Bao Liu
Tos17 is a copia-like, cryptic retrotransposon of rice, but can be activated by tissue culture. To study possible epigenetic mechanism controlling activity of Tos17, we subjected three rice lines (the parental line cv. Matsumae and two introgression lines, RZ2 and RZ35) that harbor different copies of the element to tissue culture. For each line, we investigated transcription and transposition of Tos17 in seed plants, calli and regenerated plants, cytosine-methylation status at CG and CNG positions within Tos17, effect of 5-azacytidine on methylation status and activity of Tos17, and cytosine-methylation states in genomic regions flanking original and some newly transposed copies of Tos17 in calli and regenerated plants. We found that only in introgression line RZ35 wasTos17 transcriptionally activated and temporarily mobilized by tissue culture, which was followed by repression before or upon plant regeneration. The activity and inactivity of Tos17 in calli and regenerated plants of RZ35 are accompanied by hypo- and hyper-CG methylation and hemi- and full CNG methylation, respectively, within the element, whereas immobilization of the element in the other two lines is concomitant with near-constant, full hypermethylation. Treatment with 5-azacytidine induced both CG and CNG partial hypomethylation of Tos17 in two lines (Matsumae and RZ35), which, however, was not accompanied by activation of Tos17 in any line. Heritable alteration in cytosine-methylation patterns occurred in three of seven genomic regions flanking Tos17 in calli and regenerated plants of RZ35, but in none of the five regions flanking dormant Tos17 in the other two lines.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2004
Curt A. McCartney; Daryl J. Somers; George Fedak; W. Cao
Fusarium head blight (FHB) reduces grain yield and quality in common and durum wheat. Host FHB resistance is an effective control measure that is achieved by stacking multiple resistance genes into a wheat line. Therefore, breeders would benefit from knowing which resistance sources carry different resistance genes. A diverse collection of FHB-resistant and -susceptible wheat lines was characterized with microsatellite markers linked to FHB resistance quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosomes 2DL, 3BS (distal to the centromere), 3BSc (proximal to the centromere), 4B, 5AS and 6BS identified in wheat lines Maringa, Sumai 3 and Wuhan 1. Putative Sumai 3 QTLs were commonly observed in advanced breeding lines, whereas putative Maringa and Wuhan 1 QTLs were relatively rare. Marker data suggested the 3BS, 3BSc and 5AS QTLs in the Brazilian cv. Maringa were derived from Asian germplasm and not from Frontana or other Brazilian lines. Haplotype diversity was reduced near the 5AS QTL, which might impact the deployment of this QTL. Finally, Brazilian germplasm was not closely related to other resistance sources and might be useful for pyramiding with Asian wheat-derived FHB resistance.
Molecular Breeding | 2003
Zhuping Yang; J. Gilbert; Daryl J. Somers; George Fedak; J.D. Procunier; I.H. McKenzie
Fusarium head blight, caused primarily by Fusarium graminearum, is the most important wheat disease in Canada causing both grain yield and quality losses. Selection for resistance to Fusarium head blight in breeding programs has been difficult because of the complex inheritance of resistance and the environmental effect on disease development and expression. The present study was conducted to examine microsatellite markers associated with resistance to Fusarium head blight and evaluate the effectiveness of these microsatellite markers in selecting for resistance to Fusarium head blight in two doubled-haploid populations segregating for Sumai 3-derived resistance genes. Both doubled-haploid populations were evaluated for resistance to Fusarium head blight by inoculation with F. graminearum in the greenhouse. Eight microsatellite markers from chromosomes 3BS, 6B and 5AL were applied to both doubled-haploid populations. The most significant microsatellite markers were found on the short arm of chromosome 3B, explaining 12% and 36% of phenotypic variation for resistance in the DH181/AC Foremost and AC Foremost/93FHB 21 doubled-haploid populations, respectively. Another important microsatellite marker, gwm644 on 6B, explained 21 % of the phenotypic variation for resistance to Fusarium head blight in the DH181/AC Foremost doubled-haploid population. There was a general lack of marker polymorphism on 5AL for the parents used in this study. Microsatellite markers on chromosome 3BS in addition to microsatellite markers on 6B have the potential for accelerating the development of wheat cultivars with improved Fusarium head blight resistance through the use of marker-assisted selection.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 1993
G. A. Penner; J. Chong; M. Lévesque-Lemay; Stephen J. Molnar; George Fedak
SummaryThe feasibility of identifying molecular markers linked to disease resistance genes in oats was investigated utilizing random primers in conjunction with polymerase chain reaction technology. A pair of near-isogenic oat lines were screened for polymorphic DNA fragments linked to the stem rust resistance gene Pg3. Two primers were identified which amplified DNA fragments that were polymorphic between the lines analyzed. One primer (ACOpR-2) was shown to be completely linked to the Pg3 locus; the other primer was not linked to either the ACOpR-2 or the Pg3 loci. This type of analysis, combined with rapid leaf disc DNA extraction techniques, offers an effective means of identifying useful molecular markers and of applying them to plant breeding selection strategies.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 1989
Stephen J. Molnar; P. K. Gupta; George Fedak; R. Wheatcroft
SummaryTandemly repeated DNA sequences containing structural genes encoding ribosomal RNA (rDNA) were investigated in 25 species of Hordeum using the wheat rDNA probe pTA71. The rDNA repeat unit lengths were shown to vary between 8.5 and 10.7 kb. The number of length classes (1–3) per accession generally corresponded to the number of nucleolar organizing regions (NORs). Intraspecific variation was found in H. parodii, H. spontaneum and H. leporinum, but not in H. bulbosum. Restriction analysis showed that the positions of EcoRI, SacI and certain BamHI cleavage sites in the rRNA structural genes were highly conserved, and that repeat unit length variation was generally attributable to the intergenic spacer region. Five rDNA BamHI restriction site maps corresponded to the following groups of species: Map A — H. murinum, H. glaucum, H. leporinum, H. bulbosum, H. marinum, H. geniculatum; Map B — H. leporinum; Map C — H. vulgare, H. spontaneum, H. agriocrithon; Map D — H. chilense, H. bogdanii; and Map E — remaining 14 Hordeum species. The repeat unit of H. bulbosum differed from all other species by the presence of a HindIII site. The closer relationship of H. bulbosum to H. leporinum, H. murinum and H. glaucum than to H. vulgare was indicated by their BamHI restriction maps.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 1998
Q. Chen; R. L. Conner; F. Ahmad; André Laroche; George Fedak; Julian B. Thomas
Abstract Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), vectored by the wheat curl mite (WCM), is one of the most important viral diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in the world. Genetic resistance to WSMV and the WCM does not exist in wheat. Resistance to WSMV and the WCM was evaluated in five different partial amphiploids namely Agrotana, OK7211542, ORRPX, Zhong 5 and TAF 46, which were derived from hybrids of wheat with decaploid Thinopyrum ponticum or with hexaploid Th. intermedium. Agrotana was shown to be immune to WSMV and the WCM; the other four partial amphiploids were susceptible to the WCM. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) using genomic DNA probes from Th. elongatum (EE, 2n=14), Th. bessarabicum (JJ, 2n=14), Pseudoroegneria strigosa (SS, 2n=14) and T. aestivum (AABBDD, 2n=42) demonstrated that three of the partial amphiploids, Agrotana, OK7211542 and ORRPX, have almost identical alien genome constitutions: all have 16 alien chromosomes, with 8 chromosomes being closely related to the Js genome and 8 chromosomes belonging to the E or J genomes and no evidence of any S-genome chromosomes. GISH confirmed that the alien genomes of Agrotana and OK7211542, like ORRPX, were all derived from Th. ponticum, and not from Th. intermedium. However, in contrast to Agrotana, ORRPX and OK7211542 were susceptible to the WCM and WSMV. The partial amphiploid Zhong 5 had a reconstituted alien genome composed of 4 S-and 4 Js-genome chromosomes of Th. intermedium with 6 translocated chromosomes between the S and Js genomes. This line was highly resistant to WSMV, but was susceptible to the WCM. TAF 46, which contained a synthetic genome consisting of 3 pairs of S-genome chromosomes and 4 pairs of E- or J-genome chromosomes in addition to the 21 pairs of wheat chromosomes, was susceptible to the WCM, but moderately resistant to WSMV. Agrotana offers great potential for transferring WSMV and WCM resistance into wheat.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2004
D. L. De Koeyer; Nicholas A. Tinker; Charlene P. Wight; J. Deyl; V. D. Burrows; L. S. O’Donoughue; A. Lybaert; Stephen J. Molnar; K. C. Armstrong; George Fedak; D. M. Wesenberg; B. G. Rossnagel; A. R. McElroy
In spring-type oat (Avena sativa L.), quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detected in adapted populations may have the greatest potential for improving germplasm via marker-assisted selection. An F6 recombinant inbred (RI) population was developed from a cross between two Canadian spring oat varieties: ‘Terra’, a hulless line, and ‘Marion’, an elite covered-seeded line. A molecular linkage map was generated using 430 AFLP, RFLP, RAPD, SCAR, and phenotypic markers scored on 101 RI lines. This map was refined by selecting a robust set of 124 framework markers that mapped to 35 linkage groups and contained 35 unlinked loci. One hundred one lines grown in up to 13 field environments in Canada and the United States between 1992 and 1997 were evaluated for 16 agronomic, kernel, and chemical composition traits. QTLs were localized using three detection methods with an experiment-wide error rate of approximately 0.05 for each trait. In total, 34 main-effect QTLs affecting the following traits were identified: heading date, plant height, lodging, visual score, grain yield, kernel weight, milling yield, test weight, thin and plump kernels, groat β-glucan concentration, oil concentration, and protein. Several of these correspond to QTLs in homologous or homoeologous regions reported in other oat QTL studies. Twenty-four QTL-by-environment interactions and three epistatic interactions were also detected. The locus controlling the covered/hulless character (N1) affected most of the traits measured in this study. Additive QTL models with N1 as a covariate were superior to models based on separate covered and hulless sub-populations. This approach is recommended for other populations segregating for major genes. Marker-trait associations identified in this study have considerable potential for use in marker-assisted selection strategies to improve traits within spring oat breeding programs.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 1996
X. Y. Zhang; A. Koul; R. Petroski; T. Ouellet; George Fedak; Y. S. Dong; R. R. C. nWang
Twenty-five partial amphiploids (2n=8x=56), which were derived from hybrids of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with either Thinopyrum ponticum (Podpera) Liu & Wang, Th. intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D. Dewey, or Th. junceum (L.) A. Löve, were assayed for resistance to BYDV serotype PAV by slot-blot hybridization with viral cDNA of a partial coat protein gene. Three immune lines were found among seven partial amphiploids involving Th. ponticum. Seven highly resistant lines were found in ten partial amphiploids involving Th. intermedium. None of eight partial amphiploids or 13 addition lines of Chinese Spring — Th. junceum were resistant to BYDV. Genomic in situ hybridization demonstrated that all of the resistant partial amphiploids, except TAF46, carried an alien genome most closely related to St, whether it was derived from Th. ponticum or Th. intermedium. The two partial amphiploids carrying an intact E genome of Th. ponticum are very susceptible to BYDV-PAV. In TAF46, which contains three pairs of St- and four pairs of E-genome chromo somes, the gene for BYDV resistance has been located to a modified 7 St chromosome in the addition line L1. This indicates that BYDV resistance in perennial polyploid parents, i.e., Th. ponticum and Th. intermedium, of these partial amphiploids is probably controlled by a gene(s) located on the St-genome chromosome(s).
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology-revue Canadienne De Phytopathologie | 2000
Marc E. Savard; R.C. Sinha; W. Lloyd Seaman; George Fedak
One central spikelet of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) cv. Roblin spikes was inoculated with macroconidia of Fusarium graminearum and the entire spikes were harvested at 2- to 4-day intervals from 2 to 25 days after inoculation. The spikes were dissected and the amount of deoxynivalenol (DON) in each spikelet and in each internode of the rachis was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with monoclonal antibodies. High concentrations of DON were first detected in the inoculated spikelets, 4 days after inoculation. DON concentrations in the spikelets below the inoculation point eventually reached 500-600 ppm while the corresponding internodes of the rachis contained 1000-1200 ppm. Much lower amounts of DON were found in spikelets and rachis above the inoculation point.