George Niederehe
National Institutes of Health
Featured researches published by George Niederehe.
American Journal of Psychiatry | 2006
A. John Rush; Madhukar H. Trivedi; Stephen R. Wisniewski; Andrew A. Nierenberg; Jonathan W. Stewart; M.B.A. Diane Warden; George Niederehe; Michael E. Thase; Philip W. Lavori; Barry D. Lebowitz; Patrick J. McGrath; Jerrold F. Rosenbaum; Harold A. Sackeim; David J. Kupfer; James F. Luther; Maurizio Fava
OBJECTIVE This report describes the participants and compares the acute and longer-term treatment outcomes associated with each of four successive steps in the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial. METHOD A broadly representative adult outpatient sample with nonpsychotic major depressive disorder received one (N=3,671) to four (N=123) successive acute treatment steps. Those not achieving remission with or unable to tolerate a treatment step were encouraged to move to the next step. Those with an acceptable benefit, preferably symptom remission, from any particular step could enter a 12-month naturalistic follow-up phase. A score of <or=5 on the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Report (QIDS-SR(16)) (equivalent to <or=7 on the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression [HRSD(17)]) defined remission; a QIDS-SR(16) total score of >or=11 (HRSD(17)>or=14) defined relapse. RESULTS The QIDS-SR(16) remission rates were 36.8%, 30.6%, 13.7%, and 13.0% for the first, second, third, and fourth acute treatment steps, respectively. The overall cumulative remission rate was 67%. Overall, those who required more treatment steps had higher relapse rates during the naturalistic follow-up phase. In addition, lower relapse rates were found among participants who were in remission at follow-up entry than for those who were not after the first three treatment steps. CONCLUSIONS When more treatment steps are required, lower acute remission rates (especially in the third and fourth treatment steps) and higher relapse rates during the follow-up phase are to be expected. Studies to identify the best multistep treatment sequences for individual patients and the development of more broadly effective treatments are needed.
Controlled Clinical Trials | 2004
A. John Rush; Maurizio Fava; Stephen R. Wisniewski; Philip W. Lavori; Madhukar H. Trivedi; Harold A. Sackeim; Michael E. Thase; Andrew A. Nierenberg; Frederic M. Quitkin; T. Michael Kashner; David J. Kupfer; Jerrold F. Rosenbaum; Jonathan E. Alpert; Jonathan W. Stewart; Melanie M. Biggs; Kathy Shores-Wilson; Barry D. Lebowitz; Louise Ritz; George Niederehe
STAR*D is a multisite, prospective, randomized, multistep clinical trial of outpatients with nonpsychotic major depressive disorder. The study compares various treatment options for those who do not attain a satisfactory response with citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant. The study enrolls 4000 adults (ages 18-75) from both primary and specialty care practices who have not had either a prior inadequate response or clear-cut intolerance to a robust trial of protocol treatments during the current major depressive episode. After receiving citalopram (level 1), participants without sufficient symptomatic benefit are eligible for randomization to level 2 treatments, which entail four switch options (sertraline, bupropion, venlafaxine, cognitive therapy) and three citalopram augment options (bupropion, buspirone, cognitive therapy). Those who receive cognitive therapy (switch or augment options) at level 2 without sufficient improvement are eligible for randomization to one of two level 2A switch options (venlafaxine or bupropion). Level 2 and 2A participants are eligible for random assignment to two switch options (mirtazapine or nortriptyline) and to two augment options (lithium or thyroid hormone) added to the primary antidepressant (citalopram, bupropion, sertraline, or venlafaxine) (level 3). Those without sufficient improvement at level 3 are eligible for level 4 random assignment to one of two switch options (tranylcypromine or the combination of mirtazapine and venlafaxine). The primary outcome is the clinician-rated, 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, administered at entry and exit from each treatment level through telephone interviews by assessors masked to treatment assignments. Secondary outcomes include self-reported depressive symptoms, physical and mental function, side-effect burden, client satisfaction, and health care utilization and cost. Participants with an adequate symptomatic response may enter the 12-month naturalistic follow-up phase with brief monthly and more complete quarterly assessments.
Biological Psychiatry | 2002
Steven D. Hollon; Ricardo F. Muñoz; David H. Barlow; William R. Beardslee; Carl C. Bell; Guillermo Bernal; Gregory N. Clarke; L.Patt Franciosi; Alan E. Kazdin; Laura P. Kohn; Marsha M. Linehan; John C. Markowitz; David J. Miklowitz; Jacqueline B Persons; George Niederehe; David Sommers
Great strides have been made in developing psychosocial interventions for the treatment of depression and bipolar disorder over the last three decades, but more remains to be done. The National Institute of Mental Health Psychosocial Intervention Development Workgroup recommends three priorities for future innovation: 1) development of new and more effective interventions that address both symptom change and functional capacity, 2) development of interventions that prevent onset and recurrence of clinical episodes in at-risk populations, and 3) development of user-friendly interventions and nontraditional delivery methods to increase access to evidence-based interventions. In each of these areas, the Workgroup recommends systematic study of the mediating mechanisms that drive the process of change and the moderators that influence their effects. This information will highlight the elements of psychosocial interventions that most contribute to the prevention and treatment of mood disorders across diagnostic groups, populations served, and community settings. The process of developing innovative interventions should have as its goal a mental health service delivery system that prevents the onset and recurrence of the mood disorders, furnishes increasingly effective treatment for those who seek it, and provides access to evidence-based psychosocial interventions via all feasible means.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice | 2002
Sara Honn Qualls; Daniel L. Segal; Suzanne Norman; George Niederehe; Dolores Gallagher-Thompson
Rapid population growth among older adults means an increased need for psychologists prepared to provide mental health services to this population. A representative survey of 1,227 practitioner members of the American Psychological Association yielded information about current patterns of practice with older adults, sources of training in geropsychology, perceived need for continuing education (CE) in geropsychology, and preferred CE formats. Most respondents provided some services to older adults, but typically very little. The services provided are inadequate to meet projected demand. Most respondents lacked formal training in geropsychology and perceived themselves as needing additional training. CE workshops at the regional level and distance education were the most popular formats. These data serve as a call to the field to expand training opportunities at all levels of training, with an emphasis on the need for empirically based, broadly accessible CE offerings.
Handbook of Mental Health and Aging (Second Edition) | 1992
Barry D. Lebowitz; George Niederehe
Publisher Summary Like aging, mental health is a multifaceted concept that refers more clearly to a field of research and clinical activity than to a unitary theoretical entity. Mental health phenomena emerge from the interplay of multiple contributing subsystems and require multisystemic thinking to be understood. The chapter discusses some concepts in mental health and aging. There are five major themes that combine to create a unique characterization of the subject matter of mental health and aging. These are the gerontological revolution, the geriatric revolution, senescence or normal processes of development and change in biological, psychological, cognitive, and behavioral systems, and comorbidity of physical illness and mental disorder. Each of these features combines with the well-established heterogeneity of the population by age, gender, race, and ethnicity to complete the overall background prospective on the area of aging and mental health. These five characteristics combine to influence the presentation, course, response to treatment, and outcome of major mental disorders and combine as well to influence psychological development and the promotion of positive mental health. The chapter further discusses the issues in mental health and aging. Each of these issues is a piece of the overall picture, and even a brief overview shows the interlocking nature of the concerns.
International Journal of Aging & Human Development | 1985
Victor Molinari; George Niederehe
Levensons Internal, Powerful Others, and Chance scales were administered to 305 college undergraduates and 117 community-living elderly. On the basis of their highest standard score, sixty young and sixty elderly participants were then classified into High Internal, High Powerful Others, and High Chance categories. The young sample was administered the Zung Depression Scale and the debilitating anxiety scale of the Alpert-Haber Achievement Anxiety Test, while the elderly were given the Beck Depression Inventory, the Depression and Anxiety Scales of the Profile of Mood States, and rated on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Contrary to previous results, the elderly sample was more external (on the Chance dimension) than the young. As predicted, there was a significant relationship linking a pattern of high internality and low belief in powerful others with low depression in the elderly, but not in the young. Applicability of these findings to placement and intervention strategies is discussed.
Biological Psychiatry | 2002
Ellen Frank; A. John Rush; Mary C. Blehar; Susan M. Essock; William A. Hargreaves; Michael F. Hogan; Robin B. Jarrett; Robert L. Johnson; Wayne Katon; Phillip W. Lavori; James P McNulty; George Niederehe; Neal D. Ryan; Gail W. Stuart; Stephen B. Thomas; Gary D. Tollefson; Benedetto Vitiello
As part of the National Institute of Mental Health Strategic Plan for Mood Disorders Research effort, the Clinical Trials and Translation Workgroup was asked to define priorities for clinical trials in mood disorders and for research on how best to translate the results of such research to clinical practice settings. Through two face-to-face meetings and a series of conference calls, we established priorities based on the literature to date and what was known about research currently in progress in this area. We defined five areas of priority that cut across developmental stages, while noting that research on adult mood disorders was at a more advanced stage in each of these areas than research on child or geriatric disorders. The five areas of priority are: 1) maximizing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of initial (acute) treatments for mood disorders already known to be efficacious in selected populations and settings when they are applied across all populations and care settings; 2) learning what further treatments or services are most likely to reduce symptoms and improve functioning when the first treatment is delivered well, but the mood disorder does not remit or show adequate improvement; 3) learning what treatments or services are most cost-effective in preventing recurrence or relapse and maintaining optimal functioning after a patients mood disorder has remitted or responded maximally to treatment; 4) developing and validating clinical, psychosocial, biological, or other markers that predict: a) which treatments are most effective, b) course of illness, c) risk of adverse events/tolerability and acceptability for individual patients or well-defined subgroups of patients; 5) developing clinical trial designs and methods that result in lower research costs and greater generalizability earlier in the treatment development and testing process. A rationale for the importance of each of these priorities is provided.
Archive | 1998
George Niederehe
In their seminal study of 1,134 elderly San Franciscans, Lowenthal, Berkman, and their associates (1967) found complaints of failing memory so frequently that they termed them (alongside reports of decreased energy) “stereotypes of aging.” Declining memory was reported by nearly half the community residents and by even higher percentages of those evidencing psychiatric symptoms, whether hospitalized or living in the community. Though self-reports of memory decline increased with age, this pattern was not substantiated by scores on objective cognitive tests, which remained stable with age. These findings were consistent with some other reports mentioning discrepancies between patients’ performance on objective tests or measures of function and the levels of impairment that clinicians had expected to find, based on patients’ self-reports (e.g., Friedman, 1964).
Controlled Clinical Trials | 2004
A. John Rush; Maurizio Fava; Stephen R. Wisniewski; Philip W. Lavori; Madhukar H. Trivedi; Harold A. Sackeim; Michael E. Thase; Andrew A. Nierenberg; Frederic M. Quitkin; T. Michael Kashner; David J. Kupfer; Jerrold F. Rosenbaum; Jonathan E. Alpert; Jonathan W. Stewart; Patrick J. McGrath; Melanie M. Biggs; Kathy Shores-Wilson; Barry D. Lebowitz; Louise Ritz; George Niederehe
STAR*D is a multisite, prospective, randomized, multistep clinical trial of outpatients with nonpsychotic major depressive disorder. The study compares various treatment options for those who do not attain a satisfactory response with citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant. The study enrolls 4000 adults (ages 18-75) from both primary and specialty care practices who have not had either a prior inadequate response or clear-cut intolerance to a robust trial of protocol treatments during the current major depressive episode. After receiving citalopram (level 1), participants without sufficient symptomatic benefit are eligible for randomization to level 2 treatments, which entail four switch options (sertraline, bupropion, venlafaxine, cognitive therapy) and three citalopram augment options (bupropion, buspirone, cognitive therapy). Those who receive cognitive therapy (switch or augment options) at level 2 without sufficient improvement are eligible for randomization to one of two level 2A switch options (venlafaxine or bupropion). Level 2 and 2A participants are eligible for random assignment to two switch options (mirtazapine or nortriptyline) and to two augment options (lithium or thyroid hormone) added to the primary antidepressant (citalopram, bupropion, sertraline, or venlafaxine) (level 3). Those without sufficient improvement at level 3 are eligible for level 4 random assignment to one of two switch options (tranylcypromine or the combination of mirtazapine and venlafaxine). The primary outcome is the clinician-rated, 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, administered at entry and exit from each treatment level through telephone interviews by assessors masked to treatment assignments. Secondary outcomes include self-reported depressive symptoms, physical and mental function, side-effect burden, client satisfaction, and health care utilization and cost. Participants with an adequate symptomatic response may enter the 12-month naturalistic follow-up phase with brief monthly and more complete quarterly assessments.
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry | 2018
Dilip V. Jeste; Susan Peschin; Kathleen C. Buckwalter; Dan G. Blazer; Marsden McGuire; Joel Miller; Christine Moutier; Allen Doederlein; George Niederehe; Jeffrey Borenstein; Elyn R. Saks; Grayson S. Norquist; George F. Koob; Wilson M. Compton; Andrew Sperling; Lisa Bain; Danielle Glorioso; Ilisa Halpern Paul; Charles F. Reynolds
Author(s): Jeste, Dilip V; Peschin, Susan; Buckwalter, Kathleen; Blazer, Dan G; McGuire, Marsden H; Moutier, Christine; Doederlein, Allen; Niederehe, George; Altman, Brian; Borenstein, Jeff; Saks, Elyn; Norquist, Grayson; Koob, George F; Compton, Wilson M; Sperling, Andrew; Bain, Lisa; Glorioso, Danielle; Paul, Ilisa Halpern; Reynolds, Charles F