Georgeta Radulescu
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Featured researches published by Georgeta Radulescu.
Nuclear Technology | 2011
Ian C Gauld; Georgeta Radulescu; Germina Ilas; Brian Murphy; Mark L Williams; Dorothea Wiarda
Abstract The calculation of fuel isotopic compositions is essential to support design, safety analysis, and licensing of many components of the nuclear fuel cycle—from reactor physics and severe accident analysis to back-end fuel cycle issues, including spent-fuel storage and transportation, reprocessing, and radioactive waste management. Versions of the ORIGEN code, developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, have been used worldwide for isotopic depletion and decay analysis for more than three decades. The supported version of ORIGEN, maintained as the depletion analysis module for SCALE 6, performs detailed time-dependent isotopic generation and depletion for 1946 nuclides for reactor fuel and activation analysis. Stand-alone ORIGEN calculations can be performed using cross-section libraries developed for a wide range of reactor types and fuel designs used worldwide, including light water reactors UO2 and MOX, CANDU, VVER 440 and 1000, RBMK, and graphite reactors. Alternatively, within SCALE 6, ORIGEN can be automatically coupled to two-dimensional discrete ordinates or three-dimensional Monte Carlo transport solvers that provide problem-dependent cross sections for use in the ORIGEN depletion calculation. The hybrid ability to function as either a stand-alone or coupled depletion code provides ORIGEN advanced capabilities to simulate a broad range of applications for various reactor systems. The nuclear data libraries in ORIGEN have been significantly improved recently, using modern ENDF/B nuclear data evaluations. The most recent developments in SCALE 6.1 include the addition of ENDF/B-VII decay data, energy-dependent fission yields, and fine-group ORIGEN neutron cross sections based on the JEFF-3.0/A special purpose activation files. Advanced methods and data for neutron and gamma source energy spectral analysis are also available in the current version of the code. The ORIGEN code and associated nuclear data libraries have been extensively validated against experimental data that include spent nuclear fuel isotopic assay data for actinides and fission products, radiation source spectra, and decay heat measurements.
Archive | 2010
Georgeta Radulescu; Ian C Gauld; Germina Ilas
The purpose of this calculation report is to document the comparison to measurement of the isotopic concentrations for pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel determined with the Standardized Computer Analysis for Licensing Evaluation (SCALE) 5.1 (Ref. ) epletion calculation method. Specifically, the depletion computer code and the cross-section library being evaluated are the twodimensional (2-D) transport and depletion module, TRITON/NEWT,2, 3 and the 44GROUPNDF5 (Ref. 4) cross-section library, respectively, in the SCALE .1 code system.
Nuclear Technology | 2009
Georgeta Radulescu; Donald E. Mueller; John C. Wagner
Abstract This paper provides insights into the neutronic similarities between a representative high-capacity rail-transport cask containing typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel assemblies and critical reactor state-points, referred to as commercial reactor critical (CRC) state-points. Forty CRC state-points from five PWRs were analyzed, and the characteristics of CRC state-points that may be applicable for validation of burnup-credit criticality safety calculations for spent fuel transport/storage/disposal systems were identified. The study employed cross-section sensitivity and uncertainty analysis methods developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the TSUNAMI set of tools in the SCALE code system as a means to investigate neutronic similarity on an integral and nuclide-reaction-specific level. The results indicate that except for the fresh-fuel-core configuration, all analyzed CRC state-points are either highly similar, similar, or marginally similar to the representative high-capacity cask containing spent nuclear fuel assemblies with burnups ranging from 10 to 60 GWd/tU in terms of their shared uncertainty in keff due to cross-section uncertainties. On a nuclide-reaction-specific level, the CRC state-points provide significant coverage, in terms of neutronic similarity, for most of the actinides and fission products relevant to burnup credit. Hence, in principle, the evaluated CRC state-points could serve as part of a set of benchmark experiments for determining a bias and bias uncertainty to be applied to the calculated keff of a spent fuel transport/storage/disposal system to correct for approximations in computational methods and errors and uncertainties in nuclear data. Note, however, that an evaluation to quantify the uncertainties associated with various CRC modeling parameters (e.g., fuel isotopic compositions, physical characteristics of reactor core components, and reactor operating history information), which has relevance to the use of these critical configurations for bias determination, was not performed as part of this study.
Nuclear Technology | 2016
Kaushik Banerjee; Kevin R Robb; Georgeta Radulescu; John M Scaglione; John C. Wagner; Justin B Clarity; Robert A Lefebvre; Joshua L. Peterson
Abstract A novel assessment has been completed to determine the unquantified and uncredited safety margins (i.e., the difference between the licensing-basis and as-loaded calculations) available in as-loaded spent nuclear fuel (SNF) casks. This assessment was performed as part of a broader effort to assess issues and uncertainties related to the continued safety of casks during extended storage and transportability following extended storage periods. Detailed analyses crediting the actual as-loaded cask inventory were performed for each of the casks at three decommissioned pressurized water reactor sites to determine their characteristics relative to regulatory safety criteria for criticality, thermal, and shielding performance. These detailed analyses were performed in an automated fashion by employing a comprehensive and integrated data and analysis tool—Used Nuclear Fuel-Storage, Transportation and Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNF-ST&DARDS). Calculated uncredited criticality margins from 0.07 to almost 0.30 Δkeff were observed, calculated decay heat margins ranged from 4 to almost 22 kW (as of 2014), and significant uncredited transportation dose rate margins were also observed. The results demonstrate that at least for the casks analyzed here, significant uncredited safety margins are available that could potentially be used to compensate for SNF assembly and canister structural performance related uncertainties associated with long-term storage and subsequent transportation. The results also suggest that these inherent margins associated with how casks are loaded could support future changes in cask licensing to directly or indirectly credit the margins. Work continues to quantify the uncredited safety margins in the SNF casks loaded at other nuclear reactor sites.
Nuclear Technology | 2017
Robert A Lefebvre; Paul Miller; John M Scaglione; Kaushik Banerjee; Joshua L. Peterson; Georgeta Radulescu; Kevin R Robb; A. B. Thompson; H. Liljenfeldt; J. P. Lefebvre
Abstract To understand the changing nuclear and mechanical characteristics of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) or used nuclear fuel (UNF) and the different storage, transportation, and disposal systems at various stages within the waste management system, different types of analyses are required. These analyses require the use of assorted tools and numerous types of data. Using the appropriate modeling and simulation (M&S) parameters and selecting from the diversity of analytic tools to conduct SNF analyses can be a tedious, error-prone, and time-consuming undertaking for analysts and reviewers alike. A new, integrated data and analysis system was designed to simplify and automate performance of accurate, efficient evaluations for characterizing the input to the overall U.S. nuclear waste management system—the UNF-Storage, Transportation & Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNF-ST&DARDS). A relational database has been assembled to provide a standard means by which UNF-ST&DARDS can succinctly store and retrieve M&S parameters for specific SNF analysis. A library of various analysis model templates is used to communicate M&S parameters for the most appropriate M&S application. A process manager facilitates performance of actual as-loaded, assembly-specific, and cask-specific evaluations. Interactive visualization capabilities facilitate data analysis and results interpretation. To date, UNF-ST&DARDS has completed (1) explicit depletion and decay analysis of every fuel assembly (~245 000) discharged from commercial U.S. reactors through June 2013, with 13 cooling time steps (results include isotopic compositions for 142 isotopes, and radiation and thermal source terms); (2) SNF radiation dose rate evaluations at 1 m for all the fuel assemblies discharged through June 2013; and (3) criticality, shielding, thermal, and containment analyses of hundreds of loaded casks. UNF-ST&DARDS also provides various automated report generation capabilities with dynamic figure and table update capabilities based on changes to the Unified Database.
Nuclear Technology | 2017
Georgeta Radulescu; Kaushik Banerjee; Robert A Lefebvre; L. Paul Miller; John M Scaglione
Abstract The Used Nuclear Fuel Storage, Transportation and Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNF-ST&DARDS) is used to perform dose rate calculations for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) transportation packages based on the actual physical and nuclear characteristics (i.e., assembly design, burnup, initial enrichment, and cooling time) of the as-loaded SNF. Nuclear fuel data, transportation package model templates, and SNF canister loading map information residing within the tool facilitate automated generation of SCALE input files for radiation source term and dose rate calculations. Transportation package specific models developed for UNF-ST&DARDS dose rate analyses are described in detail. UNF-ST&DARDS dose rate analyses were performed for over 400 SNF canisters from 16 sites in their designated transportation casks. For simplicity, representative dose rate calculation results are presented as a function of time (i.e., selected calendar years between 2020 and 2100) for 73 SNF canisters in dry storage at four sites. For these canisters, the projected maximum dose rate values at 2 m from the lateral surfaces of the vehicle under normal conditions of transport (NCT) would vary between 1.9 and 11.5 mrem/h in 2020. Five SNF canisters will exceed the regulatory dose rate limit of 10 mrem/h at 2 m in 2020, and the analyzed SNF canisters will comply with regulatory dose rate limits by 2030. An analysis of the impact on the dose rate of fuel failure and reconfiguration during transportation indicated that the maximum dose rate for hypothetical accident conditions will be unaffected, and the NCT maximum dose rate at 2 m would have a maximum increase by a factor of 1.7 for a representative pressurized water reactor package and by a factor of 2.6 for a representative boiling water reactor package relative to intact fuel. Analysis of the actual heat loading and the dose rate at 2 m from the lateral surface of the vehicle for the five SNF canisters exceeding the NCT regulatory dose rate limit of 10 mrem/h in 2020 showed that the dose rate could be more limiting with respect to regulatory requirements than the heat loading; i.e., the canister transportability date may be evaluated based on the transportation package’s external dose rate.
Nuclear Technology | 2014
Georgeta Radulescu; Ian C Gauld; Germina Ilas; John C. Wagner
Abstract This paper describes a depletion code validation approach for criticality safety analysis using burnup credit for actinide and fission product nuclides in spent nuclear fuel (SNF) compositions. The technical basis for determining the uncertainties in the calculated nuclide concentrations is comparison of calculations to available measurements obtained from destructive radiochemical assay of SNF samples. Probability distributions developed for the uncertainties in the calculated nuclide concentrations were applied to the SNF compositions of criticality safety analysis models by the use of a Monte Carlo uncertainty sampling method to determine bias and bias uncertainty in the effective neutron multiplication factor. Application of the Monte Carlo uncertainty sampling approach is demonstrated for representative criticality safety analysis models of pressurized water reactor spent fuel pool storage racks and transportation packages using burnup-dependent nuclide concentrations calculated with Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation (SCALE) 6.1 and the Evaluated Nuclear Data File/B (ENDF/B) Version VII nuclear data. The validation approach and results support a recent revision of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Interim Staff Guidance (ISG)-8.
Nuclear Technology | 2017
Georgeta Radulescu; Kaushik Banerjee; Robert A Lefebvre; L. Paul Miller; John M Scaglione
Abstract The Used Nuclear Fuel-Storage, Transportation & Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNF-ST&DARDS) methodology to perform automated containment analyses for potential transportation packages based on canister loading map information is described, and its capability is illustrated with example results. The allowable leakage rate is calculated with the procedures provided in ANSI N14.5-2014 and NUREG/CR-6487, which were adapted for containment analysis of a transportation package containing fuel assemblies with different nuclear characteristics (e.g., initial enrichment, burnup, and cooling time) and clad integrity (intact or damaged). UNF-ST&DARDS applies different source term calculation methodologies for low-burnup fuel (LBF) (i.e., <45 GWd/tonne U) assemblies and high-burnup fuel (HBF) (i.e., ≥45 GWd/tonne U) assemblies. The LBF radionuclide activities are based on actual fuel assembly burnup, initial enrichment, and cooling time. Bounding radionuclide activities based on a fuel pellet burnup value of 65 GWd/tonne U and actual fuel assembly cooling time are used for HBF assemblies. The fraction of failed fuel rods and the release fractions for the contributors to releasable source terms recommended in NUREG-1617 are used in the containment analysis regardless of fuel assembly burnup. However, UNF-ST&DARDS supports different parameter values for LBF and HBF assemblies. The containment analysis methodology for as-loaded transportation packages is presented in detail, and the UNF-ST&DARDS containment analysis capability is illustrated with results for simulated transportation packages containing spent nuclear fuel canisters in dry storage at selected sites.
Fusion Science and Technology | 2018
Jinan Yang; Stephen C. Wilson; Scott W. Mosher; Georgeta Radulescu
Abstract The ITER International Organization has developed a number of reference Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) models including the tokamak machine C-model, the Tokamak Complex model, and the neutral beam injection (NBI) systems model. The Tokamak Complex model primarily describes building structures beyond the bioshield. Representation of the tokamak and its systems are not included in this model. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Radiation Transport Group has conducted two ITER neutronic analysis model integrations: (1) integration of the tokamak C-model with the Tokamak Complex model for shutdown dose rate characterization in Port Cell 16 at level B1, and (2) integration of the NBI model with the Tokamak Complex model for estimating the spatial distribution of biological dose rate at levels L1, L2, and L3 of the Tokamak Complex. The integrated models were further extended to include models of system components that are essential to the neutronic analyses. This paper presents the approach and computer tools used to integrate existing reference models, describes the additional design details implemented in the integrated models, and provides representative neutronic calculations based on the extended models.
Archive | 2015
Laura L. Price; Mike Gross; Jeralyn L. Prouty; Mark J. Rigali; Brian Craig; Zenghu Han; John Lee; Yung Liu; Ron Pope; Kevin J. Connolly; Matt Feldman; Josh Jarrell; Georgeta Radulescu; John M Scaglione; Alan Wells
The mission of the United States Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management is to complete the safe cleanup of the environmental legacy brought about from five decades of nuclear weapons development and government-sponsored nuclear energy research. Some of the wastes that that must be managed have been identified as good candidates for disposal in a deep borehole in crystalline rock (SNL 2014a). In particular, wastes that can be disposed of in a small package are good candidates for this disposal concept. A canister-based system that can be used for handling these wastes during the disposition process (i.e., storage, transfers, transportation, and disposal) could facilitate the eventual disposal of these wastes. This report provides information for a program plan for developing specifications regarding a canister-based system that facilitates small waste form packaging and disposal and that is integrated with the overall efforts of the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy Used Fuel Disposition Campaigns Deep Borehole Field Test. Groundwork for Universal Canister System Development September 2015 ii Wastes to be considered as candidates for the universal canister system include capsules containing cesium and strontium currently stored in pools at the Hanford Site, cesium to be processed using elutable or nonelutable resins at the Hanford Site, and calcine waste from Idaho National Laboratory. The initial emphasis will be on disposal of the cesium and strontium capsules in a deep borehole that has been drilled into crystalline rock. Specifications for a universal canister system are derived from operational, performance, and regulatory requirements for storage, transfers, transportation, and disposal of radioactive waste. Agreements between the Department of Energy and the States of Washington and Idaho, as well as the Deep Borehole Field Test plan provide schedule requirements for development of the universal canister system. Future work includes collaboration with the Hanford Site to move the cesium and strontium capsules into dry storage, collaboration with the Deep Borehole Field Test to develop surface handling and emplacement techniques and to develop the waste package design requirements, developing universal canister system design options and concepts of operations, and developing system analysis tools. Areas in which further research and development are needed include material properties and structural integrity, in-package sorbents and fillers, waste form tolerance to heat and postweld stress relief, waste package impact limiters, sensors, cesium mobility under downhole conditions, and the impact of high pressure and high temperature environment on seals design. September 2015 Groundwork for Universal Canister System Development