Georgia Bardi
Lund University
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics | 1991
Nikos Pandis; Sverre Heim; Georgia Bardi; Ulla Maria Flodérus; Helena Willén; Nils Mandahl; Felix Mitelman
From September 1989 to May 1990, we attempted cytogenetic analysis on 96 uterine leiomyomas removed from 64 women. Of the 90 tumors in which analysis was successful, 59 had a normal karyotype while 31 had clonal abnormalities. The most common aberration (13 tumors) was 7q-, mostly del(7)(q21.2q31.2); in two tumors with +12 and t(12;14) as the primary abnormalities, the 7q- was obviously a secondary change since it was found only in a subclone. A t(12;14)(q14-15;q23-24) was detected in two tumors, complex aberrations involving both 12q14-15 and 14q23-24 were also present in two, and rearrangements of 12q without concomitant 14q changes were seen in another two myomas. Rearrangements of 6p were present in five tumors, and trisomy 12 was found in two. More than one abnormality could be detected in 17 leiomyomas. Evidence of clonal evolution in the form of subclones was found in eight tumors, all of which were cellular and had histologically detectable mitotic activity. In addition to their clonal complexity, these myomas also frequently exhibited clonal telomeric associations (four tumors) and ring chromosome formation (three tumors; twice affecting chromosome 1). Monosomy 22 occurred as a secondary abnormality in three tumors; it, too, may reflect a preferred pathway in the karyotypic evolution of uterine leiomyomas.
British Journal of Cancer | 1993
Georgia Bardi; Bertil Johansson; Nikos Pandis; Nils Mandahl; Elisabeth Bak-Jensen; Åke Andrén-Sandberg; Felix Mitelman; Sverre Heim
Short-term cultures from 20 pancreatic tumours, three endocrine and 17 exocrine, were cytogenetically analysed. All three endocrine tumours had a normal chromosome complement. Clonal chromosome aberrations were detected in 13 of the 17 exocrine tumours: simple karyotypic changes were found in five carcinomas and numerous numerical and/or structural changes in eight. When the present findings and those previously reported by our group were viewed in conjunction, the most common numerical imbalances among the 22 karyotypically abnormal pancreatic carcinomas thus available for evaluation turned out to be, in order of falling frequency, -18, -Y, +20, +7, +11 and -12. Imbalances brought about by structural changes most frequently affected chromosomes 1 (losses in 1p but especially gains of 1q), 8 (in particular 8q gains but also 8p losses), and 17 (mostly 17q gain but also loss of 17p). Chromosomal bands 1p32, 1q10, 6q21, 7p22, 8p21, 8q11, 14p11, 15q10-11, and 17q11 were the most common breakpoint sites affected by the structural rearrangements. Abnormal karyotypes were detected more frequently in poorly differentiated and anaplastic carcinomas than in moderately and well differentiated tumours.
Cancer | 1992
Berfil Johansson; Georgia Bardi; Sverre Heim; Nils Mandahl; Fredrik Merfens; Elisabefh Bak-Jensen; Åke Andrén-Sandberg; Felix Mitelman
Short‐term cultures were initiated from 20 carcinomas of the pancreas, 17 of which could be successfully cytogenetically analyzed. In eight carcinomas, only normal karyotypes were detected, probably representing dividing stromal cells. Three cases had – Y as the sole anomaly, which also may have occurred in cells that do not belong to the tumor parenchyma. Massively rearranged karyotypes with modal chromosome numbers in the triploid (five cases) and diploid‐triploid (one case) ranges were found in the remaining six carcinomas. Structural rearrangements, including deletions and unbalanced translocations, of the long arm of chromosome 6, involving bands q13 and q15 twice and q11 and q16 once, occurred in four tumors. All of these aberrations led to loss of chromosome material from 6q, always involving 6q15. Deletions and unbalanced translocations of the short arm of chromosome 1 also were found in four cases, affecting band p32 in three of them. In all four cases, the abnormalities resulted in loss of genetic material distal to 1p32. Chromosome 17 was involved in structural aberrations in three cases, twice as unbalanced translocations leading to loss of 17p material. Deletions of the short arms of chromosomes 3 and 8 were detected in two carcinomas. The most consistent numerical abnormalities were +2, +10, +11, +14, and tetrasomy 20, which were seen in all six cases. The findings suggest that structural rearrangements, or loss, of genes located on 1p, 3p, 6q, 8p, and 17p are of pathogenetic importance in pancreatic carcinogenesis.
Cancer | 1993
Georgia Bardi; Bertil Johansson; Nikos Pandis; Elisabeth Bak-Jensen; Charlotte Örndal; Sverre Heim; Nils Mandahl; Ake Andrén-Sandberg; Felix Mitelman
Background. Little is known about the karyotypes of colorectal carcinomas and, in particular, about how the cytogenetic findings correlate with clinicopathologic features.
Cancer | 1995
Nikos Pandis; Manuel R. Teixeira; Anne-Marie Gerdes; Janusz Limon; Georgia Bardi; Johan A. Andersen; Ingrid Idvall; Nils Mandahl; Felix Mitelman; Sverre Heim
Background. Although acquired somatic mutations presumably are crucial in carcinogenesis, nothing is known about the chromosome aberrations of bilateral breast carcinomas.
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 1998
Nikos Pandis; Manuel R. Teixeira; Adewale Adeyinka; Helen Rizou; Georgia Bardi; Fredrik Mertens; Johan A. Andersen; Lennart Bondeson; Kostas Sfikas; Hanne Qvist; Nikiforos Apostolikas; Felix Mitelman; Sverre Heim
Chromosome banding analysis of primary tumors and axillary lymph node metastases from 10 breast cancer patients revealed abnormal karyotypes in all samples with cytogenetic similarities between the primary tumor and the metastasis in all informative pairs. Although karyotypically unrelated clones were also found in the lymph node samples, they were less numerous than in the primary tumors, indicating that there was more genetic heterogeneity among the neoplastic cells in the primary than in the secondary tumors. On the other hand, some of the clones had become more complex in the metastases as a result of clonal evolution, and by and large these metastatic breast cancer cases had more karyotypic anomalies than do unselected primary breast carcinomas. Among the aberrations occurring more frequently, and that consequently may predispose to disease spread, were losses of chromosomes 17 and 22 and homogeneously staining regions, a cytogenetic sign of gene amplification. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 22:122–129, 1998.
International Journal of Cancer | 1996
Nikos Pandis; Ingrid Idvall; Georgia Bardi; Yuesheng Jin; Ludmila Gorunova; Fredrik Mertens; Håkan Olsson; Christian Ingvar; Konstantine Beroukas; Felix Mitelman; Sverre Heim
A correlation analysis was performed on 125 cytogenetically characterized breast cancer cases to assess the relationship between the tumor karyotype and clinicopathologic features. The carcinomas of young women had a higher modal chromosome number than those of older women. The number of chromosomal aberrations and modal chromosome number were also found to correlate with the histologic type, grade and mitotic activity of the tumor. Whereas all lobular carcinomas were karyotypically normal or near‐diploid, more than 3 aberrations and sometimes near‐triploid or near‐tetraploid karyotypes were common findings in ductal carcinomas, especially in grade‐III tumors and in tumors showing high mitotic activity in vivo. Karyotypes with cytogenetically unrelated clones and unbalanced structural chromosomal rearrangements were more frequent in infiltrating than in in situ carcinomas but, at least as far as the second of these 2 characteristics is concerned, especially in infiltrating carcinomas that also had an in situ component. The presence of cytogenetic polyclonality correlated with tumor grade. Although recurrent chromosome aberrations were significantly more common in ductal than in lobular carcinomas, none of these breast cancer‐associated anomalies seemed to be specific for any particular clinicopathologic parameter. The associations between modal chromosome number and mitotic activity and between cytogenetic polyclonality and tumor grade were found to be statistically significant in multivariate models. No correlation was seen between the karyotypic findings and tumor size or the presence of axillary‐lymph‐node metastases.
British Journal of Cancer | 1994
Manuel R. Teixeira; Nikos Pandis; Georgia Bardi; Johan A. Andersen; Nils Mandahl; Felix Mitelman; Sverre Heim
Cytogenetic analysis was performed on short-term cell cultures of two foci (A and B) from each of three multifocal breast carcinomas. In case I, four clones (three related and one unrelated) were detected in sample A. In sample B, two of the three related clones and the unrelated clone seen in A were found, as was also a third subclone showing a pattern of clonal evolution slightly different from that detected in A. In cases II and III, multiple cytogenetically unrelated clones were found in A and B, with only one clone being shared by both foci in each case. Our finding of cytogenetic similarities between macroscopically distinct tumour lesions indicates that the multifocality reflects intramammary tumour spread rather than the synchronous emergence of pathogenetically independent carcinomas within the same breast. On the other hand, the detection of karyotypic heterogeneity in the form of cytogenetically unrelated clones in all foci suggests that human breast carcinoma may be polyclonal. This polyclonality may be part of the explanation for the cellular heterogeneity commonly seen at the phenotypic level in breast cancer.
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 1997
Nikos Pandis; Georgia Bardi; Felix Mitelman; Sverre Helm
Deletions in the short arm of chromosome 3 have long been known to be common in many tumor types, including carcinomas of the lung and kidney. Small interstitial deletions of the proximal‐central region of 3p, with band 3p14 as a minimal common deleted segment, have recently been shown to occur in as many as 10% of carcinomas of the breast, often as the only chromosomal change. Seemingly identical deletions may also be found in the epithelial cells of mixed‐lineage benign tumors of the breast and even in diffuse proliferative breast disease, a disorder that would not normally be accepted as neoplastic, but never in completely normal breast tissue. The cytogenetic evidence therefore indicates that the putative tumor suppressor gene deleted from 3p 14 influences cellular proliferation; evidently, its loss is often not sufficient for a fully malignant phenotype to emerge. The first information about FHIT, a candidate suppressor gene recently identified in the FRA3B fragile site in 3p14 and found to be abnormal or lost in a high percentage of carcinomas of various organs, including breast, is compatible with such a general proliferation‐regulating role. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 18:241–245, 1997.
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics | 1992
Georgia Bardi; Bertil Johansson; Nikos Pandis; Sverre Heim; Nils Mandahl; Elisabeth Bak-Jensen; Hans Frederiksen; Åke Andrén-Sandberg; Felix Mitelman
Short-term cultures of four abdominal smooth muscle tumors, three leiomyosarcomas and one leiomyoma, were analyzed cytogenetically. A low-grade malignant, epithelioid leiomyosarcoma had a normal karyotype. The other two leiomyosarcomas had abnormal karyotypes; one was near-diploid, and the other was near-triploid. Structural rearrangements of the short arm of chromosome 16 and monosomies of chromosomes 14, 15, and 22 were observed in both tumors. When our cases and previously published abdominal leiomyosarcomas are viewed in conjunction, loss of chromosomes 14, 15, and 22 are the most frequent abnormalities. The leiomyoma, the second cytogenetically abnormal nonuterine leiomyoma reported to date, had a hyperdiploid karyotype with a chromosome number of 56 and structural rearrangements of chromosomes 9, 14, and 19. The only aberrations similar to those observed in the previously reported esophageal leiomyoma were trisomies of chromosomes 7 and 8.