
Featured researches published by Gerald W. Bawden.

Nature | 2001

Tectonic contraction across Los Angeles after removal of groundwater pumping effects.

Gerald W. Bawden; Wayne Thatcher; Ross S. Stein; Kenneth W. Hudnut; G. Peltzer

After the 1987 Whittier Narrows and 1994 Northridge earthquakes revealed that blind thrust faults represent a significant threat to metropolitan Los Angeles, a network of 250 continuously recording global positioning system (GPS) stations was deployed to monitor displacements associated with deep slip on both blind and surface faults. Here we augment this GPS data with interferometric synthetic aperture radar imagery to take into account the deformation associated with groundwater pumping and strike-slip faulting. After removing these non-tectonic signals, we are left with 4.4 mm yr-1 of uniaxial contraction across the Los Angeles basin, oriented N 36° E (perpendicular to the major strike-slip faults in the area). This indicates that the contraction is primarily accommodated on thrust faults rather than on the northeast-trending strike–slip faults. We have found that widespread groundwater and oil pumping obscures and in some cases mimics the tectonic signals expected from the blind thrust faults. In the 40-km-long Santa Ana basin, groundwater withdrawal and re-injection produces 12 mm yr-1 of long-term subsidence, accompanied by an unprecedented seasonal oscillation of 55 mm in the vertical direction and 7 mm horizontally.

international symposium on visual computing | 2008

Immersive Visualization and Analysis of LiDAR Data

Oliver Kreylos; Gerald W. Bawden; Louise H. Kellogg

We describe an immersive visualization application for point cloud data gathered by LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) scanners. LiDAR is used by geophysicists and engineers to make highly accurate measurements of the landscape for study of natural hazards such as floods and earthquakes. The large point cloud data sets provided by LiDAR scans create a significant technical challenge for visualizing, assessing, and interpreting these data. Our system uses an out-of-core view-dependent multiresolution rendering scheme that supports rendering of data sets containing billions of 3D points at the frame rates required for immersion (48---60 fps). The visualization system is the foundation for several interactive analysis tools for quality control, extraction of survey measurements, and the extraction of isolated point cloud features. The software is used extensively by researchers at the UC Davis Department of Geology and the U.S. Geological Survey, who report that it offers several significant advantages over other analysis methods for the same type of data, especially when used in an immersive visualization environment such as a CAVE.

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2006

Surface Fault Slip Associated with the 2004 Parkfield, California, Earthquake

M. J. Rymer; John C. Tinsley; Jerome A. Treiman; J. Ramon Arrowsmith; Kevin B. Clahan; Anne Rosinski; William A. Bryant; H. Andrew Snyder; Gary S. Fuis; Nathan A. Toké; Gerald W. Bawden

Surface fracturing occurred along the San Andreas fault, the subparallel Southwest Fracture Zone, and six secondary faults in association with the 28 September 2004 ( M 6.0) Parkfield earthquake. Fractures formed discontinuous breaks along a 32-km-long stretch of the San Andreas fault. Sense of slip was right lateral; only locally was there a minor (1–11 mm) vertical component of slip. Right-lateral slip in the first few weeks after the event, early in its afterslip period, ranged from 1 to 44 mm. Our observations in the weeks following the earthquake indicated that the highest slip values are in the Middle Mountain area, northwest of the mainshock epicenter (creepmeter measurements indicate a similar distribution of slip). Surface slip along the San Andreas fault developed soon after the mainshock; field checks in the area near Parkfield and about 5 km to the southeast indicated that surface slip developed more than 1 hr but generally less than 1 day after the event. Slip along the Southwest Fracture Zone developed coseismically and extended about 8 km. Sense of slip was right lateral; locally there was a minor to moderate (1–29 mm) vertical component of slip. Right-lateral slip ranged from 1 to 41 mm. Surface slip along secondary faults was right lateral; the right-lateral component of slip ranged from 3 to 5 mm. Surface slip in the 1966 and 2004 events occurred along both the San Andreas fault and the Southwest Fracture Zone. In 1966 the length of ground breakage along the San Andreas fault extended 5 km longer than that mapped in 2004. In contrast, the length of ground breakage along the Southwest Fracture Zone was the same in both events, yet the surface fractures were more continuous in 2004. Surface slip on secondary faults in 2004 indicated previously unmapped structural connections between the San Andreas fault and the Southwest Fracture Zone, further revealing aspects of the structural setting and fault interactions in the Parkfield area.

international conference on virtual reality | 2006

Enabling scientific workflows in virtual reality

Oliver Kreylos; Gerald W. Bawden; Tony Bernardin; Magali I. Billen; Eric Cowgill; Ryan D. Gold; Bernd Hamann; Margarete A. Jadamec; Louise H. Kellogg; Oliver G. Staadt; Dawn Y. Sumner

To advance research and improve the scientific return on data collection and interpretation efforts in the geosciences, we have developed methods of interactive visualization, with a special focus on immersive virtual reality (VR) environments. Earth sciences employ a strongly visual approach to the measurement and analysis of geologic data due to the spatial and temporal scales over which such data ranges. As observations and simulations increase in size and complexity, the Earth sciences are challenged to manage and interpret increasing amounts of data. Reaping the full intellectual benefits of immersive VR requires us to tailor exploratory approaches to scientific problems. These applications build on the visualization methods strengths, using both 3D perception and interaction with data and models, to take advantage of the skills and training of the geological scientists exploring their data in the VR environment. This interactive approach has enabled us to develop a suite of tools that are adaptable to a range of problems in the geosciences and beyond.

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2011

LiDAR-Assisted Identification of an Active Fault near Truckee, California

Lewis E. Hunter; James F. Howle; Ronn S. Rose; Gerald W. Bawden

Abstract We use high-resolution (1.5–2.4 points/m 2 ) bare-earth airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) imagery to identify, map, constrain, and visualize fault-related geomorphology in densely vegetated terrain surrounding Martis Creek Dam near Truckee, California. Bare-earth LiDAR imagery reveals a previously unrecognized and apparently youthful right-lateral strike-slip fault that exhibits laterally continuous tectonic geomorphic features over a 35-km-long zone. If these interpretations are correct, the fault, herein named the Polaris fault, may represent a significant seismic hazard to the greater Truckee–Lake Tahoe and Reno–Carson City regions. Three-dimensional modeling of an offset late Quaternary terrace riser indicates a minimum tectonic slip rate of 0.4±0.1 mm/yr. Mapped fault patterns are fairly typical of regional patterns elsewhere in the northern Walker Lane and are in strong coherence with moderate magnitude historical seismicity of the immediate area, as well as the current regional stress regime. Based on a range of surface-rupture lengths and depths to the base of the seismogenic zone, we estimate a maximum earthquake magnitude ( M ) for the Polaris fault to be between 6.4 and 6.9.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2001

Source parameters for the 1952 Kern County earthquake, California: A joint inversion of leveling and triangulation observations

Gerald W. Bawden

Coseismic leveling and triangulation observations are used to determine the faulting geometry and slip distribution of the July 21, 1952, Mw 7.3 Kern County earthquake on the White Wolf fault. A singular value decomposition inversion is used to assess the ability of the geodetic network to resolve slip along a multisegment fault and shows that the network is sufficient to resolve slip along the surface rupture to a depth of 10 km. Below 10 km, the network can only resolve dip slip near the fault ends. The preferred source model is a two-segment right-stepping fault with a strike of 51° and a dip of 75° SW. The epicentral patch has deep (6–27 km) left-lateral oblique slip, while the northeastern patch has shallow (1–12.5 km) reverse slip. There is nearly uniform reverse slip (epicentral, 1.6 m; northeast, 1.9 m), with 3.6 m of left-lateral strike slip limited to the epicentral patch. The seismic moment is M0 = 9.2 ± 0.5 × 1019 N m (Mw = 7.2). The signal-to-noise ratio of the leveling and triangulation data is reduced by 96% and 49%, respectively. The slip distribution from the preferred model matches regional geomorphic features and may provide a driving mechanism for regional shortening across the Comanche thrust and structural continuity with the Scodie seismic lineament to the northeast.

Geosphere | 2011

High-resolution three-dimensional imaging and analysis of rock falls in Yosemite Valley, California

Greg M. Stock; Gerald W. Bawden; Jimmy K. Green; Eric Hanson; Greg Downing; Brian D. Collins; Sandra Bond; Michael Leslar

We present quantitative analyses of recent large rock falls in Yosemite Valley, California, using integrated high-resolution imaging techniques. Rock falls commonly occur from the glacially sculpted granitic walls of Yosemite Valley, modifying this iconic landscape but also posing signifi cant potential hazards and risks. Two large rock falls occurred from the cliff beneath Glacier Point in eastern Yosemite Valley on 7 and 8 October 2008, causing minor injuries and damaging structures in a developed area. We used a combination of gigapixel photography, airborne laser scanning (ALS) data, and ground-based terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data to characterize the rock-fall detachment surface and adjacent cliff area, quantify the rock-fall volume, evaluate the geologic structure that contributed to failure, and assess the likely failure mode. We merged the ALS and TLS data to resolve the complex, vertical to overhanging topography of the Glacier Point area in three dimensions, and integrated these data with gigapixel photographs to fully image the cliff face in high resolution. Three-dimensional analysis of repeat TLS data reveals that the cumulative failure consisted of a near-planar rock slab with a maximum length of 69.0 m, a mean thickness of 2.1 m, a detachment surface area of 2750 m 2 , and a volume of 5663 ± 36 m 3 . Failure occurred along a surfaceparallel , vertically oriented sheeting joint in a clear example of granitic exfoliation. Stress concentration at crack tips likely propagated fractures through the partially attached slab, leading to failure. Our results demonstrate the utility of high-resolution imaging techniques for quantifying far-range (>1 km) rock falls occurring from the largely inaccessible, vertical rock faces of Yosemite Valley, and for providing highly accurate and precise data needed for rock-fall hazard assessment.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997

Geodetic measurements of horizontal strain near the White Wolf fault, Kern County, California, 1926–1993

Gerald W. Bawden; Andrea Donnellan; Louise H. Kellogg; Danan Dong; John B. Rundle

The White Wolf fault, located north of the Big Bend segment of the San Andreas fault, is the NE-SW trending, left lateral-oblique reverse fault responsible for the Ms=7.8 1952 Kern County earthquake. We combined Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements with historical triangulation and trilateration data to determine changes in the strain rate over 7 decades (1926–1993). We reanalyzed the historical geodetic data and calculated an elevated preseismic (1926–1952) maximum shear strain rate of 0.62±0.16 μstrain/yr across the White Wolf fault. The maximum shear strain rate decreased with distance toward the Garlock fault to 0.09±0.08 μstrain/yr. In the decade following the earthquake (1952–1963), the near fault was high (0.85±0.23μstrain/yr), and decreased to 0.23±0.13 μstrain/yr across the Garlock fault. In 1993, we resurveyed many of the same monuments with GPS receivers to estimate fault-crossing and off-fault strain rates for the preceding 30 years. Across the White Wolf fault, the maximum shear strain rate dropped to 0.19±0.07 μstrain/yr. The azimuths of the maximum principal strain rates (ϕ) for the 1963–1993 epoch rotate from a fault normal orientation (−57°±15°) across the White Wolf fault to 11°±3°E across the Garlock fault.

Geosphere | 2012

Interactive terrain visualization enables virtual field work during rapid scientific response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake

Eric Cowgill; Tony Bernardin; Michael Oskin; Christopher Bowles; M. Burak Yikilmaz; Oliver Kreylos; Austin J. Elliott; Scott Bishop; Ryan D. Gold; Alexander E. Morelan; Gerald W. Bawden; Bernd Hamann; Louise H. Kellogg

The moment magnitude (Mw) 7.0 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake is the fi rst major earthquake for which a large-footprint LiDAR (light detection and ranging) survey was acquired within several weeks of the event. Here, we describe the use of virtual reality data visualization to analyze massive amounts (67 GB on disk) of multiresolution terrain data during the rapid scientifi c response to a major natural disaster. In particular, we describe a method for conducting virtual fi eld work using both desktop computers and a 4-sided, 22 m 3 CAVE immersive virtual reality environment, along with KeckCAVES (Keck Center for Active Visualization in the Earth Sciences) software tools LiDAR Viewer, to analyze LiDAR pointcloud data, and Crusta, for 2.5 dimensional surfi cial geologic mapping on a bare-earth digital elevation model. This system enabled virtual fi eld work that yielded remote observations of the topographic expression of active faulting within an ~75-km-long section of the eastern Enriquillo‐Plantain Garden fault spanning the 2010 epicenter. Virtual fi eld observations indicated that the geomorphic evidence of active faulting and ancient surface rupture varies along strike. Landform offsets of 6‐50 m along the Enriquillo‐ Plantain Garden fault east of the 2010 epicenter and closest to Port-au-Prince attest to repeated recent surface-rupturing earthquakes there. In the west, the fault trace is well defi ned by displaced landforms, but it is not as clear as in the east. The 2010 epi center is within a transition zone between these sections that extends from Grand Goâve in the west to Fayette in the east. Within this transition, between L’Acul (lat 72°40′W) and the Rouillone River (lat 72°35′W), the Enriquillo‐Plantain Garden fault is un defi ned along an embayed low-relief range front, with little evidence of recent surface rupture. Based on the geometry of the eastern and western faults that show evidence of recent surface rupture, we propose that the 2010 event occurred within a stepover that appears to have served as a long-lived boundary between rupture segments, explaining the lack of 2010 surface rupture. This study demonstrates how virtual reality‐based data visualization has the potential to transform rapid scientifi c response by enabling virtual fi eld studies and real-time interactive analysis of massive terrain data sets.

Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2012

Airborne LiDAR analysis and geochronology of faulted glacial moraines in the Tahoe-Sierra frontal fault zone reveal substantial seismic hazards in the Lake Tahoe region, California-Nevada, USA

James F. Howle; Gerald W. Bawden; Richard A. Schweickert; Robert C. Finkel; Lewis E. Hunter; Ronn S. Rose; Brent von Twistern

We integrated high-resolution bare-earth airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) imagery with field observations and modern geochronology to characterize the Tahoe-Sierra frontal fault zone, which forms the neotectonic boundary between the Sierra Nevada and the Basin and Range Province west of Lake Tahoe. The LiDAR imagery clearly delineates active normal faults that have displaced late Pleistocene glacial moraines and Holocene alluvium along 30 km of linear, right-stepping range front of the Tahoe-Sierra frontal fault zone. Herein, we illustrate and describe the tectonic geomorphology of faulted lateral moraines. We have developed new, three-dimensional modeling techniques that utilize the high-resolution LiDAR data to determine tectonic displacements of moraine crests and alluvium. The statistically robust displacement models combined with new ages of the displaced Tioga (20.8 ± 1.4 ka) and Tahoe (69.2 ± 4.8 ka; 73.2 ± 8.7 ka) moraines are used to estimate the minimum vertical separation rate at 17 sites along the Tahoe-Sierra frontal fault zone. Near the northern end of the study area, the minimum vertical separation rate is 1.5 ± 0.4 mm/yr, which represents a two- to threefold increase in estimates of seismic moment for the Lake Tahoe basin. From this study, we conclude that potential earthquake moment magnitudes (M w ) range from 6.3 ± 0.25 to 6.9 ± 0.25. A close spatial association of landslides and active faults suggests that landslides have been seismically triggered. Our study underscores that the Tahoe-Sierra frontal fault zone poses substantial seismic and landslide hazards.

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