Geraldo F. Busatto
University of São Paulo
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews | 2013
Luiz Kobuti Ferreira; Geraldo F. Busatto
The world is aging and, as the elderly population increases, age-related cognitive decline emerges as a major concern. Neuroimaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), allow the investigation of the neural bases of age-related cognitive changes in vivo. Typically, fMRI studies map brain activity while subjects perform cognitive tasks, but such paradigms are often difficult to implement on a wider basis. Resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) has emerged as an important alternative modality of fMRI data acquisition, during which no specific task is required. Due to such simplicity and the reliability of rs-fMRI data, this modality presents increased feasibility and potential for clinical application in the future. With rs-fMRI, fluctuations in regional brain activity can be detected across separate brain regions and the patterns of intercorrelation between the functioning of these regions are measured, affording quantitative indices of resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC). This review article summarizes the results of recent rs-fMRI studies that have documented a variety of aging-related RSFC changes in the human brain, discusses the neurophysiological hypotheses proposed to interpret such findings, and provides an overview of the future, highly promising perspectives in this field.
Biological Psychiatry | 2005
Antonio Augusto Valente; Euripedes C. Miguel; Cláudio Campi de Castro; Edson Amaro; Fábio L.S. Duran; Carlos Alberto Buchpiguel; Xavier Chitnis; Philip McGuire; Geraldo F. Busatto
BACKGROUND Several structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have investigated the presence of brain abnormalities in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) but have not produced consistent findings. This might be partly related to their use of a regions-of-interest approach. We assessed gray matter volumes in 19 OCD subjects and 15 healthy volunteers, using voxel-based morphometry (VBM). METHODS Images were acquired with a 1.5-T MRI scanner, spatially normalized, and segmented with optimized VBM. Statistical comparisons were performed with the general linear model. RESULTS Significant findings were detected in regions predicted a priori to be implicated in OCD, including increased gray matter in OCD subjects relative to control subjects in posterior orbitofrontal and parahippocampal regions; decreased gray matter in OCD patients in the left anterior cingulate cortex; and inverse correlations between obsessive-compulsive symptom severity and gray matter in the medial thalamus (p < .001, uncorrected for multiple comparisons). Also, an unpredicted site of gray matter reduction in OCD patients in the right parietal associative cortex approached significance (p = .052, corrected for multiple comparisons). CONCLUSIONS Our findings are consistent with previous studies implicating dysfunction of orbitofrontal, cingulate, thalamic, and temporolimbic regions in OCD and suggest that the involvement of the parietal cortex in the pathophysiology of OCD warrants further investigation.
Psychiatry Research-neuroimaging | 2000
Geraldo F. Busatto; Denis Roberto Zamignani; Carlos Alberto Buchpiguel; Griselda J. Garrido; Michael F. Glabus; Euclides Timóteo da Rocha; Alex F. Maia; Maria C. Rosario-Campos; Cláudio Campi de Castro; Sergio Shiguemi Furuie; Marco Antonio Gutierrez; Philip McGuire; Euripedes C. Miguel
Several functional imaging studies have reported abnormalities of the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortices, striatum and thalamus in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These studies have often been limited by small patient samples and image analysis methods that rely on region-of-interest (ROI) approaches. We have assessed resting regional cerebral blood flow with 99mTc-ECD SPECT in 26 unmedicated OCD patients and 22 healthy control subjects using the voxel-based Statistical Parametric Mapping method for data analysis. We found a significantly reduced ECD uptake in OCD patients relative to the control subjects in the right lateral orbitofrontal cortex, and in the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (P<0.001 two-tailed, uncorrected for multiple comparisons). There were significant positive correlations in the OCD group between the ECD uptake in the left lateral orbitofrontal cortex and ratings for obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS), and between the ECD uptake in the right medial orbitofrontal cortex and the ratings for both OCS and depressive symptoms. There were also unpredicted significant ECD uptake increases in the cerebellum in OCD patients, as well as a negative correlation between posterior cingulate ECD uptake and OCS severity (P<0.05, corrected for multiple testing). These results implicate specific subregions of the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortices in the pathophysiology of OCD, as well as suggesting the involvement of other areas not usually included in ROI-based imaging studies. With the incorporation of voxel-based methods and the use of large patient samples, rCBF-SPECT studies may continue to provide valuable information about the functional anatomy of OCD.
Psychological Medicine | 2010
Rocío Martín-Santos; Ana B. Fagundo; José Alexandre S. Crippa; Zerrin Atakan; Sagnik Bhattacharyya; Paul Allen; Paolo Fusar-Poli; Stefan Borgwardt; Marc L. Seal; Geraldo F. Busatto; Philip McGuire
BACKGROUND We conducted a systematic review to assess the evidence for specific effects of cannabis on brain structure and function. The review focuses on the cognitive changes associated with acute and chronic use of the drug. METHOD We reviewed literature reporting neuroimaging studies of chronic or acute cannabis use published up until January 2009. The search was conducted using Medline, EMBASE, LILACS and PsycLIT indexing services using the following key words: cannabis, marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, cannabidiol, CBD, neuroimaging, brain imaging, computerized tomography, CT, magnetic resonance, MRI, single photon emission tomography, SPECT, functional magnetic resonance, fMRI, positron emission tomography, PET, diffusion tensor MRI, DTI-MRI, MRS and spectroscopy. RESULTS Sixty-six studies were identified, of which 41 met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-three were functional (SPECT/PET/fMRI) and eight structural (volumetric/DTI) imaging studies. The high degree of heterogeneity across studies precluded a meta-analysis. The functional studies suggest that resting global and prefrontal blood flow are lower in cannabis users than in controls. The results from the activation studies using a cognitive task are inconsistent because of the heterogeneity of the methods used. Studies of acute administration of THC or marijuana report increased resting activity and activation of the frontal and anterior cingulate cortex during cognitive tasks. Only three of the structural imaging studies found differences between users and controls. CONCLUSIONS Functional neuroimaging studies suggest a modulation of global and prefrontal metabolism both during the resting state and after the administration of THC/marijuana cigarettes. Minimal evidence of major effects of cannabis on brain structure has been reported.
Neuropsychopharmacology | 2004
José Alexandre S. Crippa; Antonio Waldo Zuardi; Griselda J. Garrido; Lauro Wichert-Ana; Ricardo Guarnieri; Lucas Ferrari; Paulo M. Azevedo-Marques; Jaime Eduardo Cecílio Hallak; Philip McGuire; Geraldo F. Busatto
Animal and human studies have suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) may possess anxiolytic properties, but how these effects are mediated centrally is unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate this using functional neuroimaging. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured at rest using 99mTc-ECD SPECT in 10 healthy male volunteers, randomly divided into two groups of five subjects. Each subject was studied on two occasions, 1 week apart. In the first session, subjects were given an oral dose of CBD (400 mg) or placebo, in a double-blind procedure. SPECT images were acquired 90 min after drug ingestion. The Visual Analogue Mood Scale was applied to assess subjective states. In the second session, the same procedure was performed using the drug that had not been administered in the previous session. Within-subject between-condition rCBF comparisons were performed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM). CBD significantly decreased subjective anxiety and increased mental sedation, while placebo did not induce significant changes. Assessment of brain regions where anxiolytic effects of CBD were predicted a priori revealed two voxel clusters of significantly decreased ECD uptake in the CBD relative to the placebo condition (p<0.001, uncorrected for multiple comparisons). These included a medial temporal cluster encompassing the left amygdala–hippocampal complex, extending into the hypothalamus, and a second cluster in the left posterior cingulate gyrus. There was also a cluster of greater activity with CBD than placebo in the left parahippocampal gyrus (p<0.001). These results suggest that CBD has anxiolytic properties, and that these effects are mediated by an action on limbic and paralimbic brain areas.
Journal of Psychopharmacology | 2011
José Alexandre S. Crippa; Guilherme Nogueira Derenusson; Thiago Borduqui Ferrari; Lauro Wichert-Ana; Fábio L.S. Duran; R. Martin-Santos; Marcus Vinicius Simões; Sagnik Bhattacharyya; Paolo Fusar-Poli; Zerrin Atakan; Alaor Santos Filho; Maria Cecília Freitas-Ferrari; Philip McGuire; Antonio Waldo Zuardi; Geraldo F. Busatto; Jaime Eduardo Cecílio Hallak
Animal and human studies indicate that cannabidiol (CBD), a major constituent of cannabis, has anxiolytic properties. However, no study to date has investigated the effects of this compound on human pathological anxiety and its underlying brain mechanisms. The aim of the present study was to investigate this in patients with generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD) using functional neuroimaging. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) at rest was measured twice using (99m)Tc-ECD SPECT in 10 treatment-naïve patients with SAD. In the first session, subjects were given an oral dose of CBD (400 mg) or placebo, in a double-blind procedure. In the second session, the same procedure was performed using the drug that had not been administered in the previous session. Within-subject between-condition rCBF comparisons were performed using statistical parametric mapping. Relative to placebo, CBD was associated with significantly decreased subjective anxiety (p < 0.001), reduced ECD uptake in the left parahippocampal gyrus, hippocampus, and inferior temporal gyrus (p < 0.001, uncorrected), and increased ECD uptake in the right posterior cingulate gyrus (p < 0.001, uncorrected). These results suggest that CBD reduces anxiety in SAD and that this is related to its effects on activity in limbic and paralimbic brain areas.
Psychiatry Research-neuroimaging | 2008
Ricardo R. Uchida; Cristina Marta Del-Ben; Geraldo F. Busatto; Fábio L.S. Duran; Francisco S. Guimarães; José Alexandre S. Crippa; David Araújo; Antonio C. Santos; Frederico G. Graeff
Although abnormalities in brain structures involved in the neurobiology of fear and anxiety have been implicated in the pathophysiology of panic disorder (PD), relatively few studies have made use of voxel-based morphometry (VBM) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine structural brain abnormalities in PD. We have assessed gray matter volume in 19 PD patients and 20 healthy volunteers using VBM. Images were acquired using a 1.5 T MRI scanner, and were spatially normalized and segmented using optimized VBM. Statistical comparisons were performed using the general linear model. A relative increase in gray matter volume was found in the left insula of PD patients compared with controls. Additional structures showing differential increases were the left superior temporal gyrus, the midbrain, and the pons. A relative gray matter deficit was found in the right anterior cingulate cortex. The insula and anterior cingulate abnormalities may be relevant to the pathophysiology of PD, since these structures participate in the evaluation process that ascribes negative emotional meaning to potentially distressing cognitive and interoceptive sensory information. The abnormal brain stem structures may be involved in the generation of panic attacks.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 2001
Geraldo F. Busatto; Carlos Alberto Buchpiguel; Denis Roberto Zamignani; Griselda J. Garrido; Michael F. Glabus; Maria Conceição do Rosario-Campos; Cláudio Campi de Castro; Alex F. Maia; Euclides Timóteo da Rocha; Philip McGuire; Euripedes C. Miguel
OBJECTIVE Recent epidemiological and clinical data suggest that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may be subtyped according the age of onset of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) technique was used to investigate whether the pathophysiology of OCD differs between early- and late-onset OCD subjects. METHOD Resting rCBF was measured in 13 early-onset (<10 years) and 13 late-onset (>12 years) adult OCD subjects and in 22 healthy controls. Voxel-based rCBF comparisons were performed with statistical parametric mapping. RESULTS Early-onset OCD cases showed decreased rCBF in the right thalamus, left anterior cingulate cortex, and bilateral inferior prefrontal cortex relative to late-onset subjects (p < .0005, uncorrected for multiple comparisons). Relative to controls, early-onset cases had decreased left anterior cingulate and right orbitofrontal rCBF, and increased rCBF in the right cerebellum, whereas late-onset subjects showed reduced right orbitofrontal rCBF and increased rCBF in the left precuneus. In early-onset subjects only, severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms correlated positively with left orbitofrontal rCBF. CONCLUSIONS rCBF differences in frontal-subcortical circuits between early-onset and late-onset OCD subjects were found, both in location and direction of changes. These results provide preliminary evidence that brain mechanisms in OCD may differ depending on the age at which symptoms are first expressed.
American Journal of Psychiatry | 2014
Stella J. de Wit; Pino Alonso; Lizanne Schweren; David Mataix-Cols; Christine Lochner; José M. Menchón; Dan J. Stein; Jean Paul Fouche; Carles Soriano-Mas; João Ricardo Sato; Marcelo Q. Hoexter; Damiaan Denys; Takashi Nakamae; Seiji Nishida; Jun Soo Kwon; Joon Hwan Jang; Geraldo F. Busatto; Narcís Cardoner; Danielle C. Cath; Kenji Fukui; Wi Hoon Jung; Sung Nyun Kim; Euripides C. Miguel; Jin Narumoto; Mary L. Phillips; Jesús Pujol; Peter L. Remijnse; Yuki Sakai; Na Young Shin; Kei Yamada
OBJECTIVE Results from structural neuroimaging studies of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have been only partially consistent. The authors sought to assess regional gray and white matter volume differences between large samples of OCD patients and healthy comparison subjects and their relation with demographic and clinical variables. METHOD A multicenter voxel-based morphometry mega-analysis was performed on 1.5-T structural T1-weighted MRI scans derived from the International OCD Brain Imaging Consortium. Regional gray and white matter brain volumes were compared between 412 adult OCD patients and 368 healthy subjects. RESULTS Relative to healthy comparison subjects, OCD patients had significantly smaller volumes of frontal gray and white matter bilaterally, including the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the inferior frontal gyrus extending to the anterior insula. Patients also showed greater cerebellar gray matter volume bilaterally compared with healthy subjects. Group differences in frontal gray and white matter volume were significant after correction for multiple comparisons. Additionally, group-by-age interactions were observed in the putamen, insula, and orbitofrontal cortex (indicating relative preservation of volume in patients compared with healthy subjects with increasing age) and in the temporal cortex bilaterally (indicating a relative loss of volume in patients compared with healthy subjects with increasing age). CONCLUSIONS These findings partially support the prevailing fronto-striatal models of OCD and offer additional insights into the neuroanatomy of the disorder that were not apparent from previous smaller studies. The group-by-age interaction effects in orbitofrontal-striatal and (para)limbic brain regions may be the result of altered neuroplasticity associated with chronic compulsive behaviors, anxiety, or compensatory processes related to cognitive dysfunction.
Journal of Neuroimaging | 2005
Tânia Corrêa de Toledo Ferraz Alves; Jairo Rays; Renerio Fraguas; Mauricio Wajngarten; José Cláudio Meneghetti; Silvana Prando; Geraldo F. Busatto
Background and Purpose. Reduced resting global cerebral blood flow has been previously detected in association with heart failure (HF), but it is not clear whether there are brain regions that could be specifically affected by those brain perfusion deficits. The authors used a fully automated, voxel‐based image analysis method to investigate, across the entire cerebral volume, the presence of resting regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) abnormalities in HF patients compared to healthy controls. Methods. rCBF was evaluated with 99m Tc‐single‐photon emission computed tomography in 17 HF patients (New York Heart Association functional class II or III) and 18 elderly healthy volunteers. Voxel‐based analyses of rCBF data were conducted using the statistical parametric mapping software. Results. Significant rCBF reductions in HF patients relative to controls (P < .05, corrected for multiple comparisons) were detected in 2 foci, encompassing, respectively, the left and right precuneus and cuneus and the right lateral temporoparietal cortex and posterior cingulated gyrus. In the HF group, there was also a significant direct correlation between the degree of cognitive impairment as assessed using the Cambridge Mental Disorders of the Elderly Examination and rCBF on a voxel cluster involving the right posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus, located closely to the site where between‐group rCBF differences had been identified. Conclusions. These preliminary findings indicate that posterior cortical areas of the brain may be particularly vulnerable to brain perfusion reductions associated with HF and sug est that functional deficits in these regions might be relevant to the pathophysiology of the cognitive impairments presented by HF patients.